Welcome to our web page entitled: "Demons are real! Jesus (Yeshua) said so"...
We do not know for sure if any of these pictures are for real, except for the three on the left side, marked "Fake". One of those is a real fake, another is a camera flash that misfired, and another happened when a hot flash banged up against the cold in a winter room (10 degree F) with no heat. Pictures could have always been faked --more so now with digital photography. Remember, that a double-exposure of pictures, and a misfire of a flash, particles of dust, or cold air layers in the air bouncing the flash back, is often times not even realized by the picture taker. These could result in orb looking objects, etc. Christians and Jews should note that there are many references in Scripture telling us that ghost, spirits, and any entities contacted from beyond the grave - are in reality only demons deceiving us. Yet, interesting enough this on-going demonic deceiving process - itself also lends credibility to life after death. However, as Christians we always knew this anyways. A Christian knows they will go from Life to Life in a twinkling of an eye. The 5 books below are True Stories that will Convince you Demons are real! And they seek to enslave you... Highly recommended: Retired priest and teacher (now deceased) Malachi Martin's true book about 5 American Exorcisms, "Hostage to the Devil" will give the Christian and Jew a good look at the way demons go about deceiving us. Put on your "Christian Armor", before reading this book. At Amazon here. You may be able to get it cheaper elsewhere.
The Devil Called Collect: The Exorcism of Jessica Leek, by J. Stephen Conn
This is one of those rare gems of literature that actually increase your faith in our awesome Lord Jesus Christ. By retired Protestant Pastor J. Stephen Conn, who is ordained in the Church of God, Assemblies of God, and Southern Baptist denominations.
At two o'clock in the
morning on Tuesday, March 11, 1980, Pastor J. Stephen Conn received
a long distance, collect telephone call from a young woman
desperately pleading for help. Afraid, alone, and deeply involved in
witchcraft, all Jessica Leek knew about the man she was calling was
that his number had been given to her by a stranger while she was
hitch-hiking. As Jessica spoke, numerous demonic voices unexpectedly
came from her lips-blaspheming, threatening, and identifying
themselves by name.
See this book at:
Amazon.com Also read; "An Exorcist Tells His Story" by Gabriele Amorth. This one is very good also, but many readers may find it distinctly Catholic.
Read about a real Exorcism in Iowa HERE
Read: Levitating woman 'a
clear-cut case of demonic possession'
Read Reverend Dr T. L. Lowery's
testimony on Demon Possession HERE
Article from the Baptist
Get one thing straight. Satan is real, and demons are real!
To deny Satan and Demons are real is to deny Holy Scripture Jesus gave all his apostles, their deacons, and everyone who truly believes in Him the power to dispel demons. It is significant in Scripture that the 72 disciples returned to Jesus to sum up the results of their ministry, after Jesus sent them out in pairs to teach - these disciples mentioned one thing only when they returned to Jesus. They said to Jesus; "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!" In Mark 9, we read that John told Jesus; "We saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him because he was not following us". The Lord rebuked the apostles. Remember also, the Apostle Paul calls attention to the fact that the very air is filled with evil spirits. And Jesus dispelled demons himself; and Jesus testified in Luke 10: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (as he was cast out to abide on the earth). The world was made for Jesus. And Jesus cleansed the world and defeated Satan at Calvary. However, Satan remains the "Prince of this World", until the time the Lord sees fit. Fighting against evil is one way we are tried to be found deserving. Good spirits have appeared also: In addition to angel appearances we have:
There are "Gifts of the Holy Spirit", and there are "Gifts of Satan". Clairvoyance may be a gift of Satan to deceive us - because its practice is forbidden in Scripture. If you believe we are in the "End Days", it is not very hard to believe that these sorcerers, mediums and authors are all part of Satan's end time plan to fool the very elect. The increase in this activity of late is noteworthy. In Acts of the Apostles, (16:16-18) we read about how when the Apostle Paul was at Thayatira, he was constantly followed by a slave woman who had the gift of clairvoyance. She earned much money for her masters by giving "readings" and such. This gift immediately disappeared after the Apostle Paul expelled this evil spirit. Satan has become real good at hiding himself, his works, and his methods. He seeks to only enslave people to follow his lead and to rebel against God. He has to do this diabolical work with a certain amount of secrecy. But he is not adverse to using "sensationalism" such as clairvoyant medium writers John Edwards and Sylvia Browne. Sadly, he may have these people entirely hoodwinked themselves... Is it any surprise that the most "gifted" mediums can work with police and find dead bodies and murder victims? God knows for sure. But, just think for a moment; of course the the demon world knows exactly where these victims of foul play are buried. Remember the story of the Witch of Endor in the Bible? Saul had this witch conjure up the spirit of the Prophet Samuel. When Saul asked the witch what she saw, she said she saw; "gods ascending out of the earth", and also that she saw an old man with a mantle.. Gods coming from out of the earth? Makes one wonder - doesn't it? I Samuel (interpreted by us): This conjured up entity who Saul perceived was Samuel was apparently angry at being disturbed. This entity told Saul that tomorrow both he and his sons would "be with me" (die). Subsequently, the Philistines slew Saul's 3 sons during battle. Wounded by archers, Saul "fell down on his own sword" (took his own life) after his armor-bearer refused Saul's order for him to slay him. Even though Saul was then estranged from the Lord, we are sure that Saul would have been better off trusting in God only. We are left to wonder whether if Saul (and perhaps his sons also) would not have lived after the battle - and if he would have had time to make amends to the Lord - if he would have never visited this witch.... The Witch of Endor story also says to us that ghosts/spirits (or deceiving entities) can be contacted. But the Bible tells us that we should not try to do this, via mediums or any other means. Quite a bit of evidence in addition to Scripture suggests that there is another "dimension" beyond our own. All of it may not be good, however. Scripture is adamant that there is life after death. That should be enough to convince you. For additional reading on the supernatural, read our true Near Death experiences here , and real Miracles and Angel visits here. Prayer needed for anyone near the occult: As Christians, we all need to pray for the millions of poor souls who are caught in the occult web of deceit. These people think that the occult is a harmless, fascinating lifestyle. These people do not realize the true grave "state" of sin they are in before God.
Be Cautious of New Ager Sylvia Browne, John Edwards, and other Mediums: Sylvia Browne is
apparently a loving person who teaches spiritualism and Gnosticism
and claims to be in contact with ghosts and spirits who have passed
over. Sylvia Browne says she does have a strong belief
in God (but so does satan), and angels. She defines a Gnostic as a seeker of
truth; one who looks to all of the great prophets (such as Christ,
Buddha, and Mohammed) for wisdom and truth. She quotes from
the Jewish-Christian Bible, and refers to Jesus as "Our Lord".
At one time or another, Sylvia has practiced Catholicism, and she
has also been an Episcopalian, Lutheran, and practiced Judaism.
To her credit she insists to be called a Psychic (someone with a
gift) vs. a Seer. Sylvia thinks that it is Seers who Scripture
speaks out against and not a Psychic. The Reincarnation Lie: Like most mediums, Sylvia has a spirit "guide" (Sylvia's guide is named Francine) who says that good people go straight to Heaven, and some who do not want to go to Heaven for various reasons wander the earth until they are talked into going to Heaven by friendly spirits. She says bad people like Hitler just get automatically rerouted back to earth. This is a lie we have caught Sylvia in. Reincarnation is a Satanic lie that basically says, one doesn't have to trust in the Lord Jesus and accept the atonement He offers, because you will be reincarnated and will get another/or many chances for salvation. This lie, makes Sylvia entirely suspect. The Truth:
Another problem we have with
Sylvia's brand of religion is that her false teachings that all religions
are the same; including Wicca,
Masonry , Buddhism, Hinduism and
- which all deny Christ. This is a very dangerous
false teaching that you will also find in "New Age" theology.
This alone shouts out -- watch out for Sylvia.
Because these "spirit" guides and such are sounding so convincing to many lately, we are watching to see if it is not this brand of "all-encompassing" Gnosticism with its accompanying sensationalism that will emerge as the one-world religion, which the Anti-Christ will use. We need to pray for Sylvia Browne, John Edwards, and other mediums. Evidence is overwhelming that they truly are in touch with something. But it is this something that has deceived them, and is deceiving us. Getting people to deny Jesus, and entire religions such as Islam, to deny Jesus' sacrificial atonement -- and all the Half truths; as well as denying that Satan exists, are among Satan's best ploys...
Like Sylvia Browne, another actually "gifted" psychic is John Edwards. If you listen to him - one also gets the same impression (one gets about Sylvia Browne) that he somehow may be being led ("spoon fed") by deceiving spirits. I say "gifted" because both Sylvia and John have been tested by academia and the media, and both appear to be really in contact with something (but what?).... Christians and Jews should always remember this important Bible instruction. Scripture very decisively forbids the practices of mediums, witches, divination, sorcerers, necromancers and wizards. Don't fall for the "good witch" ploy either. There are holy "mystics" endowed with spiritual "gifts", and people who can prophesize in the world. We need to be aware of that. You won't find these people showing off these "gifts" for money. And they will attribute their gifts to the Holy Spirit.
Leviticus 19 Read This Chapter | ||||
Quite plainly Christians and Jews have been warned not to seek out spirit channelers and mediums; and not to play around with the occult, Ouija Boards, and other such things. Instead seek out a priest or minister of the Christian Church; or a Rabbi if you are Jewish. If you are suffering from something you believe is caused by evil - a minister of Satan (medium, sorcerer, white and black magic practitioner) will only make it worse. It is important to always remember that our loving God often permits evil and illness for our own good and the growth of our souls; to obtain great spiritual fruits for the salvation of our souls. He permits evil for the expiation of the victim's sins - to encourage the sinner to begin a life of grace and to return to His Church. Demonic Influence in Lives of People Some illnesses, "bad luck", and other bad things can be due to the demonic. Only fervent prayer, fasting, and return to a Christian life can cure you of this influence. Below is one prayer we suggest - should you believe your problem(s) may be due to the demonic. This prayer below is from Catholic tradition.
However, you can eliminate references to Mary and say the
prayer on the left if you are non-Catholic and object to
this.... References to Archangels are the good
"Principalities" and "Powers" that Jesus told us about.
Remember that Satan is actually a fallen angel, with all the
powers of an angel. Satan took with him numerous
angels when he rebelled against God - so that there are
actually good "powers and principalities" on the side of God
in Heaven, and evil "powers and principalities" on the side
of Satan.
Anima Christi Prayer: Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; within your wounds, hide me; let me never be separated from you; from the evil one, protect me; at the hour of my death, call me; and bid me come to you; that with your saints, I may praise you forever and ever. Amen.
Deuteronomy 18: Read This Chapter |
10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: |
According to the psychic Sylvia Browne: SPIRITS: GHOSTS: (1) they don't know they are dead, (2) They may have committed crimes and such and are afraid they will be sent to hell--so they do not embrace the light and roam the earth instead? Much like in the movies "the Others" these can't understand what mortals are doing in their "space" and find it hard to understand why mortals don't normally communicate with them... Ghosts can communicate with those who are psychically sensitive to them? IMPRINTS:
Astrology, Ouija Boards, Séances |
We know He lives! / Jesus in the clouds? |
The question was asked if there was any mirror on that wall. The
answer was "no". Dave Scanlan at the
Ghost Club says this is probably a fake. We
possibly interrelated stories: The above photo was sent to us by a lady in Feb 06. She wrote: I was a missionary in Northern California between 1988-91 and during one of my visits to an old woman I was given this photograph. She left it to me because we'd spoken about ghosts and she had no one to pass the photo on to. I've had it in my photo album for years now. The original guy that sent us this (far inferior quality) some years ago wrote: "something happened one day as my mother was taking pictures of airplanes departing the Dallas airport. As she took pictures of planes disappearing into the clouds her mind drifted to God and how he would appear one glorious day". The next day she dropped the film off to be developed and soon received a call from the frantic clerk. He said, "Something strange has occurred. All the pictures developed perfect, except for one." (That is the picture you see here, taken in 1962.) Days later she heard from God. His message was: Go to Honduras, feed my children and I will provide all your needs. My mother has been a missionary in Honduras, Central America for over 35 years and she is still searching the clouds anticipating the Lord's return. Love, Her Son Rodney Of note: The disgusting and blatant anti-Christ, homosexual and satan worshipping performer Marilyn Manson says his grandmother took this... The Jury is still out on anything this guy says. Dave at the Hampshire Ghost Club says this may be real. We agree.
is how this story goes: Supposedly, the guy in the photo
reportedly went out with his friends and he asked 1 of his friends to
take his picture. While his friend was taking the picture he screamed
and fainted, 2 days later he died in a medical college.
Doctors are said to have said he died because of heart attack. When the photos were exposed, in the last photo there was a lady standing right beside him though friends claim that he was standing alone. Dave Scanlan at the Hampshire Ghost Club says this is probably a fake. We agree. |
Ghost standing top left/rear. |
Click picture to see a animated scene of this |
A Toys 'R Us store located in Sunnyvale, California was the scene a séance following strange happenings in the store. This séance was initiated by the television series "That's Incredible" with Fran Tarkenton, Kathy Lee Crosby and John Davidson. Local California psychic, Sylvia Brown and professional photographers also participated. An Alpha Labs photographer took this picture with infrared film. Nothing showed up on high speed film. According to Sylvia Brown, this is a picture of a young man named Johnny Johnston who bled to death after a farm accident, when a farm was on the present store site.
Dave at the
Ghost Club says this is probably real. We
agree. |
The 16th Century Hampton Court palace in south-west London is well known
for alleged supernatural activity, but nothing suspicious has been
caught on film before. Henry VIII lived here. However, in October 2003, this curious image was caught on the palace's video-security system. On several occasions security guards were alerted to an open fire door in an exhibition area of the palace. After securing the door each time, they returned to their office to view the footage to see who had opened them. On the first occasion the footage showed the doors flying wide open, but no evidence of why they had. On the second, the guards were stunned when a ghostly figure in period dress suddenly appeared on the screen and closed the doors. The same thing happened on a third day, but again no figure appeared.
Ghost Club says this is probably staged. We
agree. |
We don't know where this was taken. |
We don't know where this was taken. |
![]() |
This portrait of "The
Brown Lady" ghost is arguably the most famous and well-regarded ghost
photograph ever taken. The ghost is thought to be that of Lady Dorothy
Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount of Raynham, residents
of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 1700s. Records show she
was buried in 1726.
intriguing photo, taken in 1919, was first published in 1975 by Sir
Victor Goddard, a retired R.A.F. officer. The photo is a group portrait
of Goddard's squadron, which had served in World War I aboard the HMS
Daedalus. An extra ghostly face appears in the photo.
In back of the airman positioned on the top row, fourth from the left, can clearly be seen the face of another man. It is blown up here for you. It is said to be the face of Freddy Jackson, an air mechanic who had been accidentally killed by an airplane propeller two days earlier. His funeral had taken place on the day this photograph was snapped. Members of the squadron easily recognized the face as Jackson's. It has been suggested that Jackson, unaware of his death, decided to show up for the group photo. Dave at the Hampshire Ghost Club says this is probably real. We agree.
You've seen this around the internet. It's not real. Click the below pictures.
![]() Fake Keep in mind that all "ghostly" pictures are not what they appear to be. We took the above picture on 18 Jan 04. We watched as the flash misfired in a darkened room. That's what made this. Made with a Canon digital camera and sharpened with Paint Shop Pro software.
It is the 26th day of Ramadan in the year 610 A.D., a handsome man named Muhammad is meditating in a cave on Mount Hira while under stress - as he was hiding from his enemies. Fear grips him as he tries to sort out the visions and voices washing over him; and terrified that he is possessed, he leaves the cave to return to Mecca. The day that will transform Muhammad's life--and change the world and countless souls forever. Entrance to this cave here:
Marian Appearance Bayside, New York on November 26, 1978 |
![]() Too good to be true?
picture above is a real picture taken on 911 |
Jesus in Smoke? Or, fake?
My name is Charity, and I am from Auburn, Alabama. A couple of buddies and I were bored one night and decided to go to a local, yet very old graveyard one evening. My friend, being a graphic design major, loves taking pictures and probably took over 100 that night. Well, when we got back, he put them on the computer, blew them up, and almost fainted. In two of the pictures, look behind the tombstone. In the other one where my friend is bowing look to the right of the tombstone. These are freaky! I could not sleep for a whole week! Notice that these figures look like a soldier. Well, the next day I went back to the graveyard and found a statue that was dedicated to the 98 confederate soldiers who were buried in that graveyard. I then googled confederate soldiers, and it matches the figure EXACTLY. It looks as if the figure is marching, and then in the other one saluting my friend who is bowing. It's crazy! Hope you can use these! If you have any questions, let me know. -Charity |
click picture to see original un-blown up picture
About above picture - Laura wrote:
This picture was taken by my son on holiday in
Thailand not long after the Tsunami he swears
there was nothing in front off him when the picture
was taken. Laura....
But is that the truth? Read:
Ghost(s) in
my room
Here's the story from
Angela: First, I'd like to explain that my name is Angela and I'm 18 years old. Since I was small, very strange things seem to follow me around. I could see things other people couldn't see, and my deja vous ended up becoming reality most of the time. Dabbling with the occult and psychic phenomena, I attracted more and more things to myself -- most unwanted. I remember laying on my bed, candles lit, and feeling a strange presence in my room. I casually asked, "so, who are you?" without expecting a response. "Thomas." ...there was no one home to answer. Needless to say, I ran up back to Jesus, pronto. Mom would always tell me not to play with fire, so to speak. She was an avid, zealous Christian. To her, it seemed like practically everything was the devil (and it's not far from being such). So, I tried to listen and I asked God that if this was a bad thing, to eliminate it from me at once, but if it would help him in some way, to let it stay. Though not as terrifying as it w as before, many of these "qualities" of me still remain. Who knows? Maybe I'll cast out demons some day. |
The mother of this little
boy wrote: Please tell me what you think I have many pictures inside and outside with this same thing in them I even have school pictures like this. My son is Autistic, he has little speech but speaks to this thing fluently in another language. He calls it friend love. Yes it's name is love. We have seen it since he was 2. he is now 12 I will not send resent pictures to protect him.I am sure that you understand. Kathy |
Kathy: Are you saying that this cloudy thing "follows" just your son inside, outside and even to school? And they carry on conversations together? Do you have any idea what the foreign language is that they speak. Or is it just gibberish? Is it acting like a "Familiar" spirit? A familiar spirit is an evil enticing spirit that sometimes "latches" on to people when they are young. Often it comes on very sweet, funny, and appears loving--but it is NOT! Later, once it fully possesses someone, it has been known to talk them into killing themselves. A familiar spirit will want absolutely nothing to with Christian religious objects. I suggest your son wear a crucifix outside his clothes, and that you analyze any reaction at all to this. I also suggest you read all 3 books that I have listed at our "Ghost Page", especially "Hostage to the Devil", which has several true cases of familiar spirits in different stages of possessing someone. Also read: "Glimpses of the Devil : A Psychiatrist's Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption" by M. Scott Peck, MD The "Familiar" spirit seems to get "points" in hell for successfully fooling someone to make the decision to kill themselves. They often work this over many, many years. Steve BibleProbe.com |
Paulding Light
4 OCT 08 - Red sent this in - an apparition "caught" through a mirror? |
Michelle "R" in Australia sent this picture below into us in February 2010. Below the picture is what Michelle wrote.
In July 2010, Stacie wrote:
January 2011, Mellisa wrote: | |||||||||||||||
BibleProbe note: We don't recommend Astrology or any form of the occult as a Christian activity. And, we don't recommend trying to communicate with whatever is beyond the "veil", including with tarot cards and Ouija boards. In fact, Scripture forbids attempts to communicate; probably because it is so easy for a lying demon who is intent on your destruction to deceive you. Trying to detect something as part of a scientific investigation of the world we live in is another matter.
Other Great Links at Bible Probe
Figure the Odds Breaking Generational Curses . Curses in the Bible. Real Miracles and Angel Visits
Angel Visit
to a Muslim in Iran The Exodus Happened
Please send us any
"paranormal" pictures
No pictures of just light "orbs"
We don't think Orbs are
God has promised He
will: |