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The 7 Signs of Christ's Return | Like the 7 candles of the
Menorah, which light the 7 signs of the return of Jesus Christ 1. Has already happened. This was the greatest return to a homeland in human history. The return of the Jewish people to the Holy land. 2. This has happened/is happening now. A superpower emerges in western Europe. The European Union. 3. The rise of a dictator whose monstrous acts may even dwarf those of Adolf Hitler. This could be a European dictator who rules with an evil iron fist over the European Union, promising to end terrorist, crime and all of Europe's woes. He could be among us now. He may rise to power much the same way Hitler did. He will be "fatally" wounded. Then, as if by a "miracle" he is healed. It is a satanic mockery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It will astound the whole world, however -- gaining him followers all over the world. Then like Hitler who tried to edge God of His thrown, the Antichrist will proclaim himself God. Remember how quickly "Heil Hitler" replaced the traditional German greeting of "God be with you" and "Greet the Lord"? 4. Worldwide dominance of a new religion. This new religion's "godhead" will be Satan + Antichrist + False Prophet. It could very well emerge from Islam. It's the unholy trinity. 5. Building of the 3rd Temple on the holy mount in Jerusalem. 6. Invasion of Israel by ruthless armies from the north. Possibly from the European Union. They will not be defeated by a military force, but by the catastrophic forces of nature of a magnitude unheard of. 7. Armageddon - The bloodiest and most destructive battle ever fought by human beings. See at Amazon.com:
here | ||
The Bells of St Mary's |
Bing Crosby Ingrid Bergman |
Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman star in this warm comedy that
won the hearts of millions and an Academy Award. Ringing with heartfelt
joy and wonderful songs, it shows how the new parish priest, Father
O’Malley, and its no-nonsense principal, Sister Benedict, team up to save
St. Mary’s from closing. This is a complete, digitally remastered version
of the black and white film from the original negative. Also see the
beautiful sequel to "Going My Way", which is also now in DVD. 2 hr 6 min (1945) B&W Full
Screen. BibleProbe.com: Highly
Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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The Beautiful Country |
Damien Nguyen |
The liars say America lost
the War in Vietnam, when actually America just lost the will to sustain the
fighting there. Over 50,000 Americans died there. Forgotten,
however are the over 2 million Vietnamese refugees who have risked their
lives to come here, and most have proven to be excellent citizens. Damien
Nguyen was extraordinary in this film. The film opens with the statement: 'Bui Doi' meaning: "less than dust." The phase is used to describe the children of a Vietnamese mother and an American father.. One of the consequences of America's involvement in the Vietnam war, was the children of GI's by their Vietnamese wives and lovers. For years those women who were involved with Americans were social outcasts, treated as collaborators while their children, even when living with grandparents, endured taunts and abuse. This is the story of one such love child, Binh (Damien Nguyen), being forced from his village at 17, going to Saigon to find his mother, then trying to escape to America with his much younger half brother, Tam (Dang Quoc Thinh Tran), in 1990. The film lingers on the rigors of the voyage: the sampan, the Malaysian detention camps, the illegal refugee ship, and the underground economy with near slavery in New York City. It finally opens up when Binh leaves New York for Houston to find his father. 2005. Letterbox. 125 minutes. | |
The Cardinal |
Tom Tryon John Huston Burgess Meredith Ossie Davis Romy Schneider |
Youthful pride. Yearnings of flesh. Moments of doubt. The courage of conviction. All enter into a dedicated American's decades-long rise from priesthood to the leadership elite of the College of Cardinals. It's a religious epic unlike any other of its time: thoughtful and serious, with a magnificent yet austere sense of composition and a graceful elegance. At once sprawling and intimate, Otto Preminger's coolly observed story of the education of a Catholic cardinal (Tom Tryon) spans 25 years of 20th-century social history, hops from Rome to Boston to Vienna, and confronts abortion, celibacy, the war years and racism along the way. Tryon is rather stolid and stiff, but the supporting cast helps liven scenes: Romy Schneider as a tempting Fräulein, Ossie Davis as an American priest who requests the Vatican take a stand against racism, John Huston's Oscar®-nominated performance as an irascible archbishop. (1963) Widescreen. 176 min. 4 1/2 stars
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The Chosen |
Maximilian Schell |
Two Jewish teenagers in 1940s New York meet as
playground rivals. After injuring Reuven, Danny calls on him at home to
apologize. Their wariness turns to fascination and close friendship as
each discovers and admires the other's differences. Reuven is
experienced, practical, and worldly-wise; while Danny is brilliant and
mystical, incredibly erudite in some matters, but incredibly naive in
others. To humble him, his father, an immigrant rabbi, has followed the
stern tradition of raising him in silence. He thirsts for the wider
knowledge represented by Reuven's environment; while Reuven is
enraptured by Danny's close-knit family and synagogue community. But can
their friendship survive the sharp differences between Danny's ultra
Orthodoxy and Reuven's Modern Orthodox Judaism? Danny's people oppose
the State of Israel as fanatically as Reuven and his father are working
to create it. The issue threatens to make them enemies once again. 1982, PG, 102 min, Full Screen See at Amazon here BibleProbe.com: Highly Recommended for
Christians & Jews. | |
The Cross and the Switchblade |
Pat Boone Eric Estrada |
Although the original events depicted in this classic from the drug
infested, gang dominated streets happened over thirty years ago, the
life-changing solution that Pastor David Wilkerson brought to desperate
lives was just beginning. The beat goes on. The change in the life of
notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz, as shown in the film, proved to be
wonderfully lasting and real. Nicky continues today to reach young people
around the world with the same life-changing message of the gospel of
Jesus Christ that delivered him from violence and despair. And what about
the skinny preacher, David Wilkerson, who braved the meanest streets of
New York to tell desperate and drug crazed youth that there was a better
way? Now, three decades later, he is still at it with a ministry based in
Times Square that is still changing lives and offering genuine hope to
countless souls who had given up on life. (1972) 105 minutes
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The Crusades |
Of all the wars waged in the name of God,
none has ever matched the arrogance and conceit of the Christian Crusades.
For nearly two centuries (1095-1291), this medieval "holy war" variously
raged, sometimes so spiritually misshapen by rapaciousness, murder (sadly:
of a great many of innocent Jews also), and political greed that to think
it all had to do with Christian faith is absurd.
That having been said, The Crusades just may have been what was needed to give the western world 1000 years of freedom from Islam to evangelize the world in the name of Jesus/Yeshua the true Son of God. Hosted by Terry Jones, host of The Discovery Channel's Ancient Inventions and an accomplished medievalist. Jones wields an uncanny ability to explain the methodologies and madness of the Crusades while not failing us his sense of humor. Full screen. BibleProbe.com: Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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The Devil's Arithmetic |
Kirsten Dunst |
Jewish-American teen Hannah
Stern (Kirsten Dunst) isn't much interested in her family's religious
tradition. But her blasé attitude changes radically when she's suddenly
transported back to a 1941 Nazi death camp, where Hannah learns firsthand
the horrors of the holocaust and the price her family and other Jews paid
because of their heritage. Brittany Murphy, Louise Fletcher and Mimi Rogers
costar in director Donna Deitch's compelling film.
(1999) (95 minutes) (Full Screen) (about $10.49 at
Amazon. See
here) | |
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The Five People You Meet in Heaven |
Jon Voight |
On his 83rd birthday, Eddie (Voight), a war vet and
a maintenance worker at the Ruby Pier amusement park, dies while trying
to save a girl who is sitting under a falling ride. When he awakens in
the afterlife, he encounters five people with ties to his corporeal
existence who help him understand the meaning of his life.
The only problem we see with this movie, is Hollywood's never ending preference/requirement for the main actor's to always have blue eyes. Let's see some brown eyed, hazel or green eyed main characters Hollywood. Full screen, 133 min. See at Amazon HERE BibleProbe.com:
Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. | |
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The Final Inquiry |
Max von Sydow |
In The Final Inquiry, a crisis of faith leads
the Roman emperor Tiberius to send a special envoy to Jerusalem to find
out the truth: Did Jesus of Nazareth truly rise from the dead? Of
course, the truth proves dangerous, as wily Pontius Pilate (Hristo
Shopov, who played the same role in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the
Christ) wants to keep anything to do with Jesus under wraps. The
envoy (hunky Italian actor Daniele Liotti) doubts that the followers of
Jesus are anything but frauds until he falls in love with a beautiful
young woman named Tabitha (Monica Cruz, Penelope's just as lovely little
sister) who opens his eyes to another world.
In a round about way, the young Roman Tribune finally gets to the truth of Jesus of Nazareth in his investigation for the Roman emperor.
See at Amazon here 2007. 111 min. Widescreen. PG-13
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The Gospel of John |
Christopher Plummer Henry Ian Cusick Stuart Bunce Daniel Kash Stephen Russell |
From Walt Disney. The story of Jesus' life as
told by the apostle John, narrated by Christopher Plummer.
John presents a uniquely human portrait of courage
and passion encompassing Jesus' entire three-year ministry, the final
years of his life. Intimate and reflective, THE GOSPEL OF JOHN offers an
unparalleled opportunity to experience the incomparable life and times
of Jesus Christ. Finally you may understand why those early followers of
Jesus said: "We are not as those who have no hope." The message
and purpose of Jesus's life on earth is explained thoroughly in this
film, and the acting is superb. 2003, PG-13, 181 min, Widescreen BibleProbe.com:
Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. | |
The Hiding Place |
Jeannette Clift Julie Harris Eileen Heckart Arthur O'Connell |
The true story of the Dutch family Ten Boom who fought the Nazai madness with the only weapon they had - love. This is a beautifully restored inspiring story of the Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom. With the World War II Nazi invasion of Holland, the Ten Boom family joins the underground resistance to help save persecuted Jewish families. But when they are arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps themselves, they're left with nothing to cling to but their faith in Christ. 4 1/2 Stars, (1975) 145 minutes, Widescreen, PG BibleProbe.com: Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. See this Title at: ChristianCinema.com
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The Hope |
This is an excellent Evangelistic "tool". It is totally non-denominational inspirational DVD, which explains the basic story of the age old hope for the Lord and Savior from Adam to Pentacost. Professionally done, it draws on film clips from many awsome Hollywood movies. It ends with telling the viewer how easy it is to be saved - by sincerely asking Jesus to save you now. The only drawback BibleProbe can detect is it is only in English. NEW! The amazing story of God's miraculous plan of Salvation! The Bible is a source of hope and help for all who place their faith in its Author. Like the Bible, The Hope transcends age and culture to communicate the love, and the story of Jesus -- from Creation to cruxificion, and beyond! Designed as 4 "sections" with a total of 12 "chapters," The Hope can be viewed all at once, or viewed and discussed in content-rich segments over a period of days, weeks or months. Full Screen, 80 minutes, English only. BibleProbe.com: MOST Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. You can order a single DVD of this here You can order a special 5-pack of this excellent DVD here Order in VHS format here
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The Inn of the SIXTH Happiness |
Ingrid Bergman Curt Jurgens Robert Donat
An epic and extraordinary
true story-- (based on the novel Alan Burgess's The Small Woman). Gladys
Aylward is played by the mesmerizing Ingrid Bergman who is a British
would-be Christian missionary with an obsession about China. As she has no
experience, the Missionary Society won't let her go, but she goes anyway,
alone, to a remote northern province. She is hated, then loved; finally she
becomes both a significant political figure and the heroine of a miraculous
escape in which she shepherds 100 children to safety across the mountains
just ahead of a Japanese invasion. Curt Jurgens is suitably stony as Lin
Nan, the half-Dutch, half-Chinese military officer who falls in love with
her, and a visibly ailing Robert Donat (who died before this, his final
film, was released) is the wily local mandarin who sees and makes use of her
extraordinary abilities. The Inn of the Sixth Happiness is a sweeping,
stirring tearjerker, a big tale told in a big landscape with acres of
orchestrated strings by Malcolm Arnold. Nominated for an Academy Award in
1958. BibleProbe.com: Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. 158 minutes. Widescreen. PG.
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The Lazarus Phenomenon A Glimpse of Eternity |
Is there really life after
death? An investigation.
This thought provoking film features moving interviews with experts from the scientific, medical and religious fields as well as graphic and compelling testimonies of people who say they actually experienced the afterlife and returned shaken and changed forever! If you are one of the millions worldwide who has ever wondered what lies beyond, then this film is a must see! The first testimonial is of the African preacher, Daniel Ekechukwu, who died in a car accident. He was pronounced dead (he still possess his Death Certificate) and sent to a mortuary, where is body laid for three days. Strangely, the preacher's wife "knew" that he would come back to her, and asked that his body be moved from the mortuary and taken to the preacher's church. We next see his parishioners surrounding the body all in deep prayer. Viewed from an amateur video, we see the man start to breath and awaken with an expression of shock and confusion. The man had indeed returned from the dead. But what did he experience over that seventy-two hour period? The preacher admits to seeing two angels, who take him to a land of extraordinary color a limitless space. Both walk over a hill and the preacher sees a vast crowd of people who seem to resemble the angel. At first he believes these beings to be angels, but he's told they are saints, singing the praises of the Lord. The other testimonial is from a New Zealander,
Ian McCormack, who had been stung by a poisonous
jellyfish in South East Asia. As this man tells his story, one can perceive
great emotion and the fact that this experience changed his life in a
profound way. While watching this man, I was reminded of the philosopher,
William James and his book, The Varieties of Religious Experience, where
James concludes that a "real" experience is followed by a profound change in
the person's values and behavior. This was certainly true of the New
Zealander, because he was truly "reborn" as his values changed considerably
to a life of Christian devotion and good works.
2005, Full Screen, 50 minutes See DVD at
ChristianCinema.com: here | ||
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The Milagro Beanfield War |
Directed by: Robert Redford Chick Vennera
Rubén Blades, Richard Bradford |
If you think the problem of
Mexican + Latino Illegal's is so simple -- You won't after watching this
brilliant heart warming movie... These "Christian" Mexicans are a HUGE
plus... Compare these hard working people who came here with a dream of
making a decent life -- and then consider the "bad legally admitted
Americans"; like the millions of pagan Muslims now causing all sorts of
problems in Michigan. Then decide which is a "time bomb" just waiting to
explode. Keep your eye on the sweet poor old man in this film who talks to
"angels" and gives food offerings to Saint Jude. At least admire his faith,
humility and sense of justice. Robert Redford's underrated directorial follow-up to his Academy Award-winning Ordinary People, The Milagro Beanfield War is a loose and whimsical fable about community pride and social activism in the face of modern progress. Sonia Braga (Kiss of the Spider Woman) plays a local mechanic in a small New Mexico town who takes up the challenge of rallying support for a local farmer who uses water owned by a real estate developer to grow beans in his field. Everything escalates to a showdown between the townspeople and the developers, with unexpected results. The strongest aspect of the film is the way it doesn't take itself too seriously, with Redford adopting a leisurely tone and allowing his fine cast (including Ruben Blades as the pragmatic town sheriff and Christopher Walken as a nasty state police officer) to deliver finely nuanced performances that touch on themes of faith and perseverance without seeming heavy-handed. The Milagro Beanfield War is an overlooked gem. --Robert Lan. Milagro, New Mexico. Elev. 8400. A small and close knit town of families and friends of mostly Mexican descent, living and working together in hopes that someday they may actually pay off the balance on that washing machine (that doesn't work anyway). Jose (Chick Vennera) tries desperately to get work with the new land development company that has just moved in on the town. There's going to be a golf course and beautiful homes built soon. No luck though, they will not hire the locals for these new jobs. Angered and frustrated, Jose takes a kick at the fixture that now blocks any water flow onto his land..oops...must of kicked something loose, water is now flowing (illegally) into his dried up beanfield, his once livelihood. He should really turn it off, shouldn't he? But he doesn't.. and so it begins..."The Milagro Beanfield War". The poor townspeople must decide whether to take a stand together against the rich and powerful land developers. "Milagro" means miracle...just what this town will need! 1988. Full Screen. Rated "R". 1 Hr 58 min. See at Amazon.com: here
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The Miracle of the Cards |
Catherine Oxenberg Richard Thomas Thomas Sangster Hirh Cameron
Craig Shergold (Thomas Sangster) is an eight year old cancer patient who, during the course of his treatment, manages to shock the world by breaking The Guinness World Record for receiving get-well cards, amassing an astounding 1.3 million cards from around the globe. It's become apparent to me that the Christian Movie
Genre has gone unnoticed by a great many Christians. This true story of this
8 year old boy should be seen by anyone who is looking for faith and hope.
At first glance one might think that the story of a kid receiving over a
million cards is nice, but not worth sitting through. Wrong on both counts!
I put off seeing it for these reasons, and when I finally saw it I now put
it up there among my favorite Christian movies. This is a well scripted,
professionally filmed movie. The acting is superb. The story moves right
along at a good clip and at the end - the hardest among us will probably
have teary eyes and a feeling of love and caring that we never had before.
Understanding this movie is sort of like flexing a muscle that has never
been flexed before. And its done by suddenly realizing that God is there. He
just doesn't flaunt it, and He is working in such a way that will benefit
the most. | |
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The Miraculous Mission | Where the riveting Saga of
The Passion ends, this Incredible Adventure of the Twelve Apostles Begins!
This exciting docudrama presents the story of the Twelve Apostles as you've
never seen it. Using 21st century technology, faith and science collide in
an investigation so compelling is dares to offer answers to questions that
have lingered for thousands of years. The Miraculous Mission features
interviews with leading scholars, exciting recreations, and authentic
footage that brings viewers closer than ever before to the amazing lives of
the men who knew Jesus best. What miraculous events did these 12 men predict
for our future?
2005. 120 min. Was only $14.99 at Amazon on 1/28/06
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The Nativity Story |
Keisha Castle-e Hughes Oscar Isaac Hiam Abbass Shaun Toub Alexander Sibb |
Want to learn about Christianity, even if you aren't a Christian? Start by watching the 2006 movie "The Nativity Story". Then watch the 1979 movie "Jesus", starring Brian Deacon. Take Harry Potter, and every other story and take a hike with it. The greatest story ever told has been with us for almost 2000 years, and it will never get any better than this. Only the angelic "ruckus" over Bethlehem that holy night, was missing from this film. I have 1150 DVD American and Foreign movies in my collection. I just watched "The Nativity Story" and was enthralled with its simple beauty. Like the 1979 movie "Jesus" (with Brian Deacon), I was very happy to see it was not shot on a Hollywood lot, and its principle cast looked the part. They looked Jewish. There was not one cockney or British accent detected. There was no more than a few out of place blue-eyes in the entire movie. The young girl (Keisha) who played the humble young Jewish girl Mary did an amazing job. Casting was superb all around. The movie did justice to Joseph, as a good, patient, honest, sincere, caring, God-loving man. Also, it did not merely toss aside the arduous 100+ mile trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem either. In this movie, I somehow felt I was an "eye-witness" to the privileged feeling even the struggling donkey who carried the holy mother and blessed Savior must have felt. I liked how the movie did not skip over the huge dilemma holy Mary must have faced when she had to present herself to her betrothed husband, her family and her village --already with child. And it gave us a good peek into Jewish village life during this period. Also, this excellent movie touched on the tumultuous times God had picked to arrive, in order to offer Himself as a korban (sacrificial lamb); for the lost sheep of Israel. Who will believe it? The greatest of kings; born in the humblest of places.... God, born in the flesh! For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is
given; and the government will be upon His shoulder: and his name will be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (written: 712 BC - Before Christ) Please keep those stupid coming attraction Ads off DVD's such as this. Especially an occult/paranormal type movie... 2006. Choice of Full Screen or Widescreen on same disc. 101 min PG-some violent content
See at Amazon.com: here | |
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The Ninth Day by Volker Schloendorff |
Ulrich Matthes August Diehl Bibiana Beglau Germain Wagner Hilmar Thate Jean-Paul Raths Ivan Jirik
This is a story of how the Catholic Church has been maligned and mistreated vis-à-vis its so-called collusion with Nazi Germany. When viewed in light of the political "numbers game", actually they (including Pius the Pope) may have been weighing the greater good vs the greater bad in decisions/non-decisions they made. Who are we (USA) over 2000 miles away to really understand a Vatican and Europe surrounded and intimidated by Nazi soldiers every day? Specifically, this is a movie about the real imprisonment of scores of Catholic priests in the infamous Dachau Concentration Camp. It centers on political intrigue. But, more so though, it is about faith and courage in the face of certain death. A very powerful movie. I am amazed that it was actually made by Germans, indicating a sincere sorrow for their country's past sins and a willingness now to confront these head on. One of the very best movies of the Nazi era genre I have ever seen. It's a fast moving thriller of a film. It is in German, with very good English subtitles. Bravo Zulu to all actors. Excellence. A hidden gem of a film! Thank you German friends! I wish we in America made such films with such depth. 2004, 93 min, Letterboxed. German with English Subtitles. BibleProbe.com:
MOST Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews. | |
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The Prince of Egypt |
Disney |
"SPECTACULAR!" Karen Butler, UPI "DAZZLING!" Janet Maslin, THE NEW YORK TIMES An epic adventure and milestone in cinematic achievement. The linear story of Moses is crisply told, and the look of the film is stunning; indeed, no animated film has looked so ready to be placed in the Louvre since Fantasia. Here is an Egypt alive with energetic bustle and pristine buildings. Born a slave and set adrift in the river, Moses (voiced by Val Kilmer) is raised as the son of Pharaoh Seti (Patrick Stewart) and is a fitting rival for his stepbrother Rameses (Ralph Fiennes). When he learns of his roots--in a knockout sequence in which hieroglyphics come alive--he flees to the desert, where he finds his roots and heeds God's calling to free the slaves from Egypt. This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers, one born of royal blood, one an orphan with a secret past. Growing up the best of friends, they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth will ultimately set them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, the other the chosen leader of his people. Their final confrontation will forever change their lives - and the world. Both spectacular entertainment and a celebration of the human spirit, The Prince Of Egypt stands as a classic for the ages, for audiences of every generation to enjoy and cherish. A Jewish man wrote about this film: Rarely have I felt tears at the BEGINNING of a movie...when Y'sheved (Moses' Mother) started to sing her lullaby IN HEBREW, I almost started crying. Since I always prefer animated films to the "real thing", I felt "finally, a perfect film..." Being Jewish and seeing this movie during the month of Pesach (Passover) was literally a religious experience. I was touched. Seeing the people sing Mi'Chamocha as they left Egypt pulled tears from my heart. I was so happy to see the way the film was executed. Don't get me wrong, this is a film for all peoples. But it seems to almost be aimed at the Jewish Community. (1998) Wide screen (4 1/2 - 5 stars) BibleProbe.com: MOST Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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The Scarlet and the Black |
Gregory Peck Christopher Plummer |
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The Second Chance |
Michael W. Smith |
One of the very best films of 2006. You can't miss
this one. It's pure "soul food" for the soul. BibleProbe.com Faith can move mountains--and change men's lives. The inspirational tale in The Second Chance weaves the foundation of faith subtly but deeply through the lives of its characters, the Rev. Ethan Jenkins and the Rev. Jake Sanders. Though the two have known each other since they were kids, but their worlds are, well, worlds apart. Ethan (gospel-singing phenom Michael W. Smith) is on staff at the Rock, a wealthy suburban mega-church, and sees a bright future for himself as the head pastor there someday. But his real journey of faith begins when he starts working alongside Jake (an incredibly charismatic Jeff Obafemi Carr) at the Rock's sister church in the poor part of town. The stellar, grounded performances of both Smith and Carr, as well as the brisk direction and soul-stirring music, keep The Second Chance from being too predictable--even though when Ethan first appears in the 'hood, he makes a few rich-guy gaffes, like accidentally ordering a barbecue platter (at the God Almighty chicken restaurant!) that's way too spicy for his white-bread palate. But the film's full-on embrace of faith as a normal part of life makes it bracingly refreshing, and if you can see the characters' redemption coming, it doesn't make it any less uplifting. The DVD is absolutely packed with extras, including interviews with director Steve Taylor as well as stars Smith and Carr; a music video, All in the Serve, by Smith; director's commentary; deleted scenes; and more. --A.T. Hurley 2006. 103 min. Widescreen. PG-13. See at Amazon.com:
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The Shoes of the Fisherman |
Anthony Quinn Laurence Olivier |
If you find during the 160-minute running time of The
Shoes of the Fisherman that you don't like the plot, wait 10 minutes. It
will surely change and there will be another story thread to entice you. The
screenplay is literally all over the map: Siberia, where Archbishop Kiril
Lakota, played splendidly by Anthony Quinn, has been exiled to a work camp
in the oppressive Soviet regime; Moscow, where a genially scene-chewing
Laurence Olivier plays a Soviet ruler with history with Lakota; China, where
famine threatens to bring the world of the late '60s to the brink of World
War III; and Rome, where Lakota travels after being freed (and where
dissolute reporter David Janssen does his best to groove on the Swinging
Sixties). Yet despite its flaws, the movie's central drama is riveting: the
current Pope dies suddenly, and for a good bit of the film, viewers are
treated to the Vatican's inner workings on the election of a new Pope. The
events unfold at a leisurely pace, which allows you to drink in the
spectacle and wonder of the ancient traditions. The Alex North
Oscar-nominated score is lovely, and Quinn's performance is the
somber-with-a-humble-twinkle glue that holds the film together. Anyone
interested in the traditions and rituals of the Vatican will find plenty to
savor. --A.T. Hurley (1968). Widescreen. 162 minutes. BibleProbe.com: Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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The Spitfire Grill |
Ellen Burstyn |
Percy Talbot (Alison Elliott) has chosen Gilead, Maine as her new home. The
town’s Spitfire Grill has offered her a second chance. It’s not just the
burnt toast at the diner, owned by feisty Hannah Ferguson (Ellen Burstyn),
that has folks wondering about Percy. It’s that she’s been in prison the
past five years. This award-winning film shows us the dangers of pre-judging
and the power of forgiveness and healing. Viewer discretion advised
(language). Excellent performances by all the actors all around, especially
by Alison Elliott & Ellen Burstyn.
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The Song of Bernadette |
Jennifer Jones William Eythe Charles Bickford Vincent Price |
Jennifer Jones plays the legendary French
peasant who claimed to have dialogues with the Virgin Mary at a Lourdes
grotto in 1858. The script handles the visitations as an article of truth
(Linda Darnell plays the Virgin), which helps move the drama forward,
though much of the story concerns the conflicts that arise in the
community after Jones is told the grotto contains healing waters. Made by
Henry King (The Snows of Kilimanjaro), the film is gorgeous to look
at and sensitively directed; and Jones (who won an Oscar for Best Actress)
is radiant in the lead.
Whatever one's religious persuasion, this is a strikingly handsome Hollywood production to be enjoyed. The film also earned Academy Awards for cinematography and score. 4 Academy Awards in all. (1943) Full Screen. Black & White. 156 min
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The Star of Bethlehem |
Frederick A. Larson |
For millennia, believers,
scoffers and the curious have wondered at the Biblical account of the Star.
The Bible recounts unusual, or even impossible astronomical events at
Christ's birth. For many doubters, the account of the Star is easily
dismissed as myth. For many believers, it's a mystery accepted on faith. But
what happens if we combine current historical scholarship, astronomical fact
and an open mind? Was the Christ crucified for us on April 3, 33 AD.
Was there a blood moon that day? All the "Christmas is a pagan
holiday" scoffers won't want to see this, but the signs in the sky show
December 25th as the best choice for the day Christ was born. This DVD
presents startling revelations about what the constellations "say" regarding
the conception, birth, and death of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
2007, 65 min, Full screen, See at
Amazon.com | |
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The Ten Commandments | Charlton Heston | Legendary silent film director Cecil B. DeMille didn't much
alter the way he made movies after sound came in, and this 1956 biblical
drama is proof of that. While graced with such 1950s niceties as
VistaVision and Technicolor, The Ten Commandments (DeMille had
already filmed an earlier version in 1923) has an anachronistic,
impassioned style that finds lead actors Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner
expressively posing while hundreds of extras writhe either in the presence
of God's power or from orgiastic heat. DeMille, as always, plays both
sides of the fence as far as sin goes, surrounding Heston's Moses with
worshipful music and heavenly special effects while also making the sexy
action around the cult of the Golden Calf look like fun. You have to see
The Ten Commandments to understand its peculiar resonance as an
old-new movie, complete with several still-impressive effects such as the
parting of the Red Sea. (1956) Wide screen (4 1/2 stars) BibleProbe.com: MOST Highly Recommended
for Christians & Jews.
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The Theory of Everything |
Doug Holloway Victor Lundin Frances Black
Does God exist? Does
science prove it or give us reason to doubt? Doug Holloway (David de Vos), a family man on the verge of financial and marital ruin, embarks on a journey to find his birth father, Dr. Eugene Holland (Victor Lundin). Dr. Holland is on a mission of his own - to prove the Holy Grail of physics - the Theory of Everything - that may prove the existence of God. His greatest challenge? Completing his quest before a degenerative brain disease (CJD) claims his ability to reason. Soon the two journeys become one as the men struggle together to rebuild their family and find new hope in God. A moving story of family, faith, and theoretical physics, The Theory of Everything will inspire you to "Envision the Possibilities." The film has a strong Christian theme, without being "preachy". 2006. 86 min. Widescreen. See at Christiancinema.com here BibleProbe.com: Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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The Third Miracle |
Ed Harris Anne Heche |
The only problem we found with this movie was attention to detail. The young saint nominee had brown eyes and the same older woman had blue eyes. Ed Harris and Anne Heche star in Agnieszka Holland's provocative mystery that explores the spiritual phenomenon behind miracles, and the doubts and desires of a priest who has lost his faith. Father Frank Shore is a church-appointed spiritual detective whose job it is to investigate claims of miracles. An investigation leads him to a woman who challenges his beliefs. (1999) Widescreen and full screen. 4-stars. Rated "R".
Recommended for
Christians & Jews. | |
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The Unsaid |
Andy Garcia |
The Unsaid is one of the most powerfully charged
"who dunit" psychological thrillers ever made. It is a wake up call to
parents about the problems of child molestation (and the lives it has
effects on) -- by so-called "authority figures", including homosexuals
and even parents. Andy Garcia is at his best in this excellent
movie. Learn more about the scourge of Homosexuality: here 2001. Widescreen. 110 minutes. Rated "R". See at Amazon.com BibleProbe.com: Recommended for Christians & Jews.
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Time Changer |
D. David Morin Gavin MacLeod Hal Linden Richard Riehle Jennifer O'Neill Paul Rodriquez |
Excellent adventure film.
The year is 1890, Bible Professor Russell Carlisle (D.David Morin) has written a new manuscript, "The Changing Times". His book is about to receive a unanimous endorsement from the board members of the Grace Bible Seminary... until Dr. Norris Anderson (Gavin MacLeod) raises an issue over a "difficulty" he has with something Carlisle has written. Dr. Anderson believes what Carlisle has written could seriously affect the future of coming generations. Using a secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle more than 100 years into the future; offering him a glimpse of where his writing will lead. 2002 Widescreen PG (4 1/2 Stars) BibleProbe.com: MOST Highly Recommended for Christians & Jews.Available at Christian Cinema.com here See much cheaper Used, here | |
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The Way Home |
Eul-Boon Kim Seung-Ho Yoo Kyung-Hoon Min Eun-Kyung Yim Hyo-Hee Dong |
Although not Christian or Jewish (it's Korean), "The Way Home" offers a timeless glimpse at patience, perseverance and love. The sweet old stooped over grandma didn't have to
say a word to her spoiled brat of a grandson Sang-Woo. She had his "number"
figured out the minute she laid eyes on him. Without ever saying a word to
her grandson the patient grandma gives him an education in just weeks that
most people never learn in a life time. 2002, widescreen, color, 88 min, English sub-titles
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The Visitation |
Martin Donovan (II) Edward Furlong Kelly Lynch Randy Travis Richard Tyson
As close to the horror genre as a Christian movie gets. It's a supernatural thriller based on Frank Peretti’s best-selling novel. Miracles are happening in the sleepy town of Antioch, and everyone is talking about the mysterious drifter with the incredible powers. But who is this charismatic stranger — the true messiah, a false prophet or something far more sinister? The townspeople are soon divided, and when happenings at the stranger’s revival tent take on a bizarre and frightening twist, it’s up to an ex-minister to confront his own inner demons and unlock the shocking secret of The Visitation. 2005. 103 min. PG-13 See at Amazon: here
Movie Ratings
G | General Audiences | Films contain nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children. |
PG | Parental Guidance Suggested | Some material may not be suitable for children. |
PG-13 | Parents Strongly Cautioned | Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. |
R | Restricted | Under 17 requires an accompanying parent or guardian. |
See Christian Book Reviews here