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The Return of the Kosher Pig
by Itzhak Shapira
The Return of the Kosher Pig
"...Why is His name called Hazir (pig)?"
"He is called pig because HaShem (God) in the future will
return Him (Yeshua/Jesus) to Israel..."
Incredible research by a Messianic Jewish Rabbi (Itzhak Shapira)
about Yeshua/Jesus's imminent return. His own Jewish people will
fulfill the prophecy when they finally say about their own Jewish
Messiah: 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord"
Tzahi (Itzhak) Shapira was born and raised in a traditional
Sephardic Jewish home in Israel. After years of studying Rabbinic
Jewish texts, he found the Messiah within the Hebrew writings. Far
from a study of kosher dietary laws, The Return of the Kosher Pig is
an unprecedented journey toward the true identity of the Divine
Messiah - the one previously considered "unkosher" and
"unacceptable" by Jewish people. This encyclopedic volume
will surprise and challenge you with the compelling words of Jewish
sages and rabbis over the last 2,000 years, many in English for the
first time. Rabbi Shapira serves as the as the founding rabbi of
Ahavat Ammi, an international Jewish organization that is focused on
reconciliation between Jews and Yeshua.
The Rabbi Who Found Messiah
by Carl Gallups |
Recommended: The Rabbi Who Found Messiah
Two Messiah’s: Mashiach (Messiah) ben David Ben Joseph and Mashiach Ben David
are one in the same - Yeshua a/k/a Jesus Christ the Christ. According to Jewish
tradition, Messiah ben Joseph will appear prior to the coming of Messiah ben
David; he will gather the children of Israel around him, march to Jerusalem, and
there, after overcoming the hostile powers, reestablish the Temple-worship and
set up his own dominion.
He was the famous rabbi who announced he would reveal the name of the
Messiah. Before his death, Kaduri had said that he expected the Jewish Messiah
to arrive soon, and that he had met him a year earlier.
Most venerated rabbi in Israel found Jewish Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus)
He was, without doubt, the most venerated rabbi in Israel at the age of 108.
Some 250,000 marched in his funeral procession after his death in 2007.
But when Yitzhak Kaduri’s much-anticipated letter announcing the name of the
Messiah he claimed to have encountered was unsealed a year after his death, the
Israeli press and world media that found him so quotable in life ignored it.
Now a brand-new book and documentary, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,” about his
life, death and the secrets he took to the grave, tells the whole mysterious
story for the first time.
And what was the name of the Messiah whom Kaduri met after years of praying and
fasting? It was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus in the Greek.
by Joel Richardson |
'Mideast Beast' surges on Amazon
"I am firmly convinced that Islam is the single greatest
challenge that the Church will face before the return of Jesus, yet most are
still either asleep or in denial." - Joel Richardson
In his his bestselling 2009 book “The Islamic Antichrist,”
Richardson’ stunning research and analysis suggested that the
biblical Antichrist and Islam’s primary messiah figure (the Mahdi)
could be the same person. Now, taking a hard look at the most
significant biblical end-time texts,
“Mideast Beast” argues persuasively that the Antichrist, his
empire and his religion will come from the Middle East and not
Europe as has been widely taught by many modern prophecy teachers.
Published by WND Books July 5, “Mideast Beast” completes and
establishes the revolutionary argument introduced in Richardson’s
“The Islamic Antichrist,” namely that the Antichrist will be a
Muslim whose empire will arise out of the Middle East. Above by
Michael Thompson. FINISH READING Michael Thompson's review at:
World Net Daily (WND)
I can see. We already know that one cannot understand the Bible in a
western context. It is written relative to Israel, the Jews and
Jerusalem. That having been said, Jesus will arrive one day as the
King of Kings and deal with Satan's 'Beast', the Beast's military
forces, and judge all those Mideast Muslim nations for their hatred
and mistreatment of Israel and the Jews. The writer Joel Richardson has done some
stunning research, and he backs it up with records/writings from
reliable 1st century historians such has Tacitus and Josephus.
Christendom has so long falsely believed that the Antichrist (Beast)
of Revelation & the Prophet Daniel would come from the revived Roman
Empire. Mr. Richardson shows that the Antichrist would come from the
line of Esau (Arab), and the prophecy in Daniel 9:26 has been a
stumbling block for the Church for centuries. But not any longer.
Referring to Daniel 9:26 and the 2nd Jewish Temple which was
destroyed by Roman Soldiers in 70 AD - it briefly says:
'and the
people of the
prince that shall
come shall
destroy the
city and the
sanctuary'. Christian thinkers
throughout history have taken this together with other parts of
Scripture to make the wrong assumption that 'the people of the
prince' had to have meant Romans - an argument that launched into
the false assumption that the coming Antichrist would be a European
- and even the false assumption therefore that the Antichrist's
empire would be some revived Roman Empire.
Actually, Josephus
& Tacitus tell us that in 70 AD nearly all the 'Roman soldiers' who
surrounded Jerusalem, tore down the 2nd Temple and slaughtered over a million Jews were
Arabs, likely of Syrian, Egyptian and other Mideast descent. They
did it out of hatred for the Jews. Titus used Syrian legends (mostly
Arab conscripts Vs. Italians), and other Arab countries sent
soldiers. It is well document that the
'Roman Prince', Roman General Titus did his best from stopping his
soldiers from hurting or burning the Jewish Temple. But his Arab
soldiers were inflamed with hatred of the Jews and wouldn't follow
his orders. So, 'the people of the Prince' in Daniel 9:26 were
Arabs, who worshipped the rising sun. These people were Muslim
ancestors. It will therefore be the Muslims who will follow the
Antichrist (Beast) via his rule in the coming unholy Muslim
And who is the Harlot? Long time Catholic
Church bigots won't want to hear this, but I agree with the writer
Walid Shoebat who is an ex-Muslim Mideast terrorist and now a Christian. How can
anyone look any further than Saudi Arabia as being the Harlot who is drunk with
oil (wine) and with the blood of the Saints (as all Islam is)? But it is Saudi
Arabia which bankrolls the spread of this Satanically inspired religion which
lies that Jesus never died for us on that cross - and it further says that if
you believe Jesus is the Son of God you will go to Hell. Saudi Arabia has used its oil money to make war against the Christian
Church and spread the pagan Islamic religion worldwide. According to Islamic tradition,
the long awaited Muslim Mahdi (Antichrist) will crawl up from a well. Not
descend from Heaven - but crawl up from deep down in the earth. We should
probably then be looking for a charismatic Muslim who was first sighted in
Pergamon (Pergamos) in Turkey - which very well may be where Satan resides on earth.
Pergamon inherited the ancient system of sun worship from
Babylon. According to Revelation 2:13, Pergamon was Satan's seat.
Many Christian traditions believe Saint Antipas to be the Antipas
referred to in the Book of Revelation (Revelation
2:13) as the "faithful martyr" of Pergamon, "where Satan
In this fabulous book, Joel Richardson clearly shows that Rome
isn't one of the horns/Empires Daniel spoke of. Rome does not fit
the criteria of the prophecy. The Empires Daniel spoke of actually
were: (1) Babylon, (2) Medo-Persia, (3) Greece, (4) the Islamic
Caliphate (4th Beast) that ruled the entire Mideast & Islamic world
with an 'iron fist' for centuries. It stretched from Romania &
Greece to Kazakhstan + NW India, to Yemen and Tunisia in North
Africa. The TEN HORNS refers to the 'Revived Islamic Caliphate'
which the Muslim Antichrist will rule over. /s/ Steve @
thing. It (Body & Blood of Christ) belongs to ALL
Christians. It is a mystical, Spiritual, and Supernatural Gift, like
Manna from Heaven. It was The Lord's request and the Lord's Gift. In
this way, He is with us until the end of time - as He promised. Many
denominations need to get 'on board' with this - just like the 1st
generation of Christians were 'on board' with it. Study the truth
about the Eucharist yourself. Make your own decision after reading
this amazing book.
Early Church teachings, apostolic tradition and early church history
belong to Catholics & Protestants alike.
If non-Catholics took some time to understand
the Catholic Mass and the supernatural miracle contained in the
Eucharist they would understand that Jesus followed through on his
promise to be with us always, until the end of time. In the
Eucharist He is present with us. He told us on more than one
occasion, that when we partake of the bread and wine of Communion,
we are partaking of His body and blood. It was a hard saying indeed
for both the apostles and other followers of Jesus to grasp. But we
have no record of Jesus feeling sorry for all those early Jewish
followers who
thought He was the Messiah - yet left Him because of that teaching.
You may disagree with the Catholic Pope
Benedict and even Catholicism. But Pope Benedict is right on the
mark when he said; "to the extent that you separate the words of
Jesus from the faith and hope of the Jewish people, you risk
'completely misunderstanding' him." To understand Jesus one must
first understand His mission. It was to the lost sheep of Israel.
The earliest Christians taught directly by the apostles - and those
who followed them all the way up to the Protestant Reformation in
the 1500's understood and esteemed the Mass - and especially the
partaking of the Holy Eucharist & Wine - which Jesus Himself said
for us to "DO IT in remembrance of Him." Scripture shows us that the
Apostle Paul totally grasped this act of obedience & love for
16 The
cup of
which we
bless , is
not the
communion of the
blood of
Christ? The
which we
break , is
not the
communion of the
body of
Christ? 1 Corinthians
10:16 (KJV)
The earliest Christian Mass was then as it is
today, a liturgical reenactment performed by a priest or bishop. The
Center of the Mass is the obedience to Jesus and His promise that
the bread of communion (Eucharist) really is His body, and the
consecrated wine - really is His blood.
It all comes down to Jesus fulfilling the New
Covenant which the Jewish prophets predicted. The old covenant with
the Jews had to do with things such as the yearly Passover. For this
feast, the body and the blood - of an innocent, unblemished lamb was
needed. Most Christians don't know that in this Jewish Temple, the
sacrificial lamb was first 'crucified' (hung on wood stakes) in the
Jerusalem Temple before having its neck cut and then having its
blood poured out only on the Jerusalem Temple alter.
The new covenant which Jesus initiated during the Passover meal at
the Last Supper, which is reenacted at each and every Mass has the
Savior fulfilling Jewish Scripture to the iota. He is the 'prophet'
that Moses said would follow. He (Jesus/Yeshua) led His people out
of the slavery of the old covenant (Old Testament Law) to the new
covenant. There were 3 parts to the Jewish Passover sacrificial lamb
liturgy/sacrifice that had to followed precisely. One of those parts
that Protestants forget when they argue against transubstantiation
is the fact that after the lamb was slaughtered, it had to be
roasted and it 'had to be eaten'. Regardless, if you were a Jew, who
didn't like the taste of lamb - at Passover - you had to eat its
Another thing I particularly liked about this
book is the discussion of 'manna' that came down from heaven each
morning to feed the Hebrews as they wandered 40 years in the desert
(Sinai). Many Protestants and Catholics both have a tendency to
write this off as something such as some milky secretion from a
local plant. But God's Word promised to send those Hebrews who
followed Him meat at night and bread in the morning, because of the
complete lack of food available then and now in the Sinai.
Let's say there were 603,550 thousand Hebrews as Numbers 1:46 tells
us - all wandering in the desert for 40 years - a very inhospitable
place - a place which could not then or now sustain so many people
for even a few days.
Each night the Lord provided enough quail for
meat, and each morning there was enough (manna) bread from heaven -
lying on the ground to sustain them.
Think about that for a moment. Both were truly
miracles, without which there is no way they could have survived.
When manna first appeared we see the Hebrews asking one another,
"what is this?" If it were a local plant they would have known. So
where today do we see in the Sinai over 600,000 liters of bread on
the ground each and every morning? It suddenly stopped when Joshua
and the Hebrews entered the promised land. But it was a miracle
important enough that the Hebrews placed some of it, along with
Aaron's staff, and the 10 Commandment stone(s) inside the Ark of the
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except
ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no
life in you.
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life;
and I will raise him up at the last day.
58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your
fathers did eat manna, and are dead : he that eateth of this bread
shall live for ever.
59 These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
John 6:53 - 6:54 & 6:58 - 6:59 (KJV)
I've always taught that it is of paramount
importance that Christians understand what the 1st generation of
Christians were taught by the Apostles, who were directly taught by
Jesus to build His church. You may disagree with the Catholic Pope
Benedict. But he is right on the mark when he said; "to the extent
that you separate the words of Jesus from the faith and hope of the
Jewish people, you risk 'completely misunderstanding' him." To
understand Jesus one must first understand His mission. It was to
the lost sheep of Israel. Everything He said and did was in the
context that of what 1st century Jews would believe, and what they
had been taught - and what they expected of the Messiah. He hit
every expectation right on the mark. But they misunderstood it all.
He was the 'manna from heaven' they were waiting for, who would lead
them to a new promised land and a new covenant.
/s/ Steve @ BibleProbe.com
PROPHECIES for the era of Muslim
Terrorism -
A Torah perspective on
world events
Rabbi Menachem Kohen |
See where & how Torah prophesied:
- The attack on the Twin Towers (date & number of buildings)
- The unrelenting efforts to dismantle Jewish Israel
- The invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq by Coalition forces
- Saddam Hussein's fall from power and its year
- Operation Desert Storm (the code-name & combatants)
Dozens of actualized prophecies are discussed in this unusual book.
In a comprehensive manner, this book treats the real issues behind:
the long-standing Arab-Israeli quagmire & the increasing number of
Muslim terror wars worldwide. Many authors have analyzed the
volatile situation in the Middle East, but Rabbi Menachem Kohen's
book is unique because startling documentation is presented from
sources that are usually overlooked from Torah, as well as from
participants and eyewitnesses.
(under review)
The Battle for One Elect
Dr. Simon Hezekiah
Kohein at Amazon:
here |
The creature Satan has declared War on Almighty God. We are the
prize. The evil one honors no convention; he wants you in Hell. Dr.
Kohein intimately demonstrates how God allows, even ordains, the
enemy's severe assaults as those most precious are ripped away
through death, birth, betrayal, spiritual wickedness, demon inspired
false teachings.... Dr. Kohein is humbled into knowing that he is
unable to recover from these wrongs. How should he respond?
Herein is hope. These are words to remember – you'll be moved
throughout the entire letter. This story will haunt you. Stay awake.
The Holy One is even now gathering us to himself.
Loved ones ...
Jesus is the only Light. He is the Truth, the guardian of our souls,
and the way home. We are like sparkling flowers, a short time here,
as if in a flame, and we'll all be home in time for dinner. —Simon
212 Pages
Shocked By The Bible
The Most Astonishing Facts You've
Never Been Told,
by Joe Kovacs
"I you think you really know the Bible, better think again. Joe
Kovacs takes a close look at the greatest story ever told and
separates myth from reality." Bill O'Reilly -anchor, Fox News
See example pages about: Who really
is Jesus?
Shocked by the Bible sets the record straight
with well-researched, controversial, myth-breaking
assertions about what the Bible really does-and
doesn't-say.Myths and misconceptions about the
Bible's content abound, and churchgoing Christians are
often as confused as everyone else. Fed up with this
lack of public knowledge, author Joe Kovacs has compiled
some of the most crucial information for correcting
people's faulty education on what the Bible really says.
If readers have ever wondered about God, the Bible, or
the meaning of life, and are just not satisfied with the
answers they've received-or if they want to learn what
the Bible really says on troubling questions-Shocked
by the Bible is an essential resource for helping
both Christians and non-Christians alike.
Kovacs says, "If people actually knew what is in
their Bible-the nonstop sex and violence, the hilarious
comedy, and the astounding facts their pastors never
told them-they'd rush to crack it open and get the
surprise of their lives."
Temple At The Center Of Time:
Newton's Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the Year 2012
by David Flynn (Author)
order at Amazon:
here |
Was the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem more than a place of worship?
Was it, indeed, a roadmap to future events – a kind of prophetic
landmark whose significance is only now revealed through the
development of satellite imagery?
That is the contention of an explosive new book, "Temple at the
Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012,"
by David Flynn.
The book asserts it has "deciphered Isaac Newton’s greatest paradox:
None other than 'the unified field theory' of Bible prophecy."
Sir Isaac Newton was not only a great thinker in physics, the book
explains, but had extensive knowledge of the Scriptures with a
special interest in prophecy. Newton believed there was a hidden
code, a type of time-encrypted language. He believed the key to
deciphering this code was the Temple of Solomon. He wrote
extensively on the length measurements of the Temple and suggested
it intersected time and dimension, serving as a prophetic and
supernatural structure.
According to Flynn, although Newton never cracked this code, he was
on the right track and was limited only by the lack of sophisticated
satellite technology.
"The description of Jerusalem as a terrestrial center point,
situated in the center of the world, is found in Philo's Legatio and
Gaium," Flynn notes. "The world is like a human eyeball. The white
of the eye is the ocean surrounding the world, the iris is this
continent, the pupil is Jerusalem, and the image in the pupil is the
Holy Temple."
To make his case, David starts by illustrating what the reader soon
learns is the first of numerous extraordinary time-distance
The prisca sapentia framework of Newton suggests that the distance
between the temple of Jerusalem and the capital city of any nation
historically effecting the chronicles of Jerusalem would be
supernaturally connected. This relationship would be significant
with respect to units of time, expressing meaning in line with God's
divine plan as recorded in the word of his prophets.Babylon fell
to the Medes and Persians on the 16th day of Tishri of the Jewish
calendar, which correlates to Oct. 12, 539 B.C. Curiously, the
number 539 is also the distance in statute miles between the temple
of Jerusalem's foundation stone to the palace of Balthazar, as
confirmed by modern satellite measurement.
Does this give insight to the handwriting on the wall or the dating
and measuring of Babylon's affairs in the history of Israel? Does
this imply that Babylon's influence over Israel was supernaturally
predated and measured, or foreknown? Or was this just a fascinating
coincidence? As the first of such discoveries made by Flynn, he
wondered the same thing.
The Romans established
Londinium in about A.D. 47. It was a civilian
settlement built where the Thames became narrow
enough for a bridge to be built across it but was
still deep enough to admit large ocean vessels. In
the 16th century, William Camden believed that the
"London Stone" was a Roman milestone from which all
distances were measured in the province. In the 17th
century, Christopher Wren was able to observe the
foundations of the London Stone underneath Cannon
Street during the rebuilding of London after the
Great Fire. With this information, it is possible to
extend a measuring line from the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem to the exact center of ancient London, and
by fixing a point on the site of the temple mount, a
measuring line extended over Jerusalem to the center
of London produces 1,948.40 nautical miles.
Therefore, incredibly, recorded
in the earth between the Temple Mount of Jerusalem
and the historic center of London is what Flynn sees
as the fulfillment of Newton's own prediction:
Israel became a nation again May 14th, 1948,
corresponding perfectly to a distance between the
temple and London of 1948 nautical miles.
Why We
Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out (Hardcover)
by Susan Crimp (Editor), Joel Richardson (Editor) |
Daniel Pipes, Founder and Director, Middle East Forum
"The right of Muslims freely to leave Islam is emerging as an
international human rights issue of the first order. Why We left
Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out both documents and humanizes the
tragedy of those born-Muslims who wish to pursue their conscience.
The stories are vivid and the political implications profound."
It is filled with first-person stories of former radicals who
began to question the Quran and ultimately changed their lives.
Khaled Waleed, for instance, said he was
indoctrinated with the same type of teaching as
fellow Saudi Arabian Osama bin Laden.
teacher and other Islamic scholars told us that as
Muslims, we are the best people in the world," he
writes. "I listened to my imams and was disturbed
when they used abusive language to describe
non-Muslims as the grandsons of monkeys and pigs ...
[they] told me that it was my duty to revile and
ridicule non-Muslims."
Waleed says the attack on the World Trade Center
changed him: "On Sept. 11, 2001, I saw the real face
of Islam. I saw the happiness on the faces of our
people because so many infidels were slaughtered so
easily. I saw many people who started thanking Allah
for this massacre."
Another former Muslim wrote in "Why I Left Islam":
"The Quran is full of verses that teach killing of
unbelievers and how Allah would torture them after
they die. There are no lessons on morality, justice,
honesty, or love. The only message of the Quran is
to believe in Allah and his messenger."
Still another added: "I don’t exactly remember what
wrote doubt in my mind. Maybe it is Lord Buddha and
his teachings or a glance at
and his sufferings…then quite shockingly I realized
my beloved prophet is a misfit."
Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch and NY Times bestselling
author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the
Crusades)" and "The Truth About Muhammad."
"Powerfully written and deeply compelling, these accounts of people
of conscience who left Islam are rendered all the more poignant by
the realization that each one of them, no matter their status or
situation, lives under the death sentence mandated by the Prophet
Muhammad for apostates from Islam. Why We Left Islam should
be required reading for human rights activists and all those who
value the dignity of the human person, so that they will see why
this horrific denial of the freedom of conscience within Islam must
be resisted by all people of goodwill."
The Devil
Called Collect: The Exorcism of Jessica Leek
By J. Stephen Conn |
At two o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, March 11, 1980, Pastor J.
Stephen Conn received a long distance, collect telephone call from a
young woman desperately pleading for help. Afraid, alone, and deeply
involved in witchcraft, all Jessica Leek knew about the man she was
calling was that his number had been given to her by a stranger
while she was hitch-hiking. As Jessica spoke, numerous demonic
voices unexpectedly came from her lips-blaspheming, threatening, and
identifying themselves by name.
The unsuspecting pastor had little practical knowledge of demons and
no experience in casting them out. Yet, overwhelmed by compassion,
he seized this as an opportunity to help a tormented young woman
find deliverance and, at the same time, put the reality of God's
power to the test.
The story of Jessica's liberation from multiple evil spirits is
unlike any other account of an exorcism ever written. The accounts
of the hellish manifestations of malevolent spirits through their
tortured victim are chilling. Yet, the spiritual warfare ends in
victory and leaves the reader with a triumphant affirmation of faith
and hope.
About the Author
J. Stephen Conn, a Protestant minister for more than 45 years, has
been ordained by three major denominations: Church of God,
Assemblies of God, and Southern Baptist. He is an award-winning
author of six books, has written more than 300 magazine articles,
and was a syndicated newspaper columnist. Website:
This is one of those rare gems of
literature that actually increase your faith in our awesome Lord
Jesus Christ. I'd put it in the same class as truly credible and
well documented testimonies to the power of even just the Lord's
holy name as was the case of the
1928 Iowa Exorcism. For an awful long time now, only exorcisms
by Catholic priests (like the Iowa Exorcism, "Hostage to the Devil"
by now deceased Malachi Martin, and "An Exorcist Tells His Story" by
Father Gabriele Amorth) were reported. Now, finally, the ministers
from the rest of the Lord's Church are telling about their struggles
with the demonic. Pastor J. Stephen Conn's well documented and well
written encounter is guaranteed to leave you with a stronger faith
and a lasting belief in the supernatural (God) and preternatural
(demons and fallen angels). I could not put this excellent book
down. /s/ Steve Keohane, BibleProbe.com
What Every American Needs to Know
About the Qur'an
By William J. Federer
You will be fascinated by this fast-paced, objective history of the
world from a perspective you have never imagined. Current events
will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of
inconceivable yet true events and conflicts. Thousands of books,
documents and articles have been researched over several years in
preparation for this book.
In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United
States Congress. He swore in on a Qur'an. Most Americans know little
about the Qur'an, who wrote it and how it spread. Mohammed, who had
15 wives, fought in scores of raids and battles, even cutting off
the heads of 700 Jews. Within one hundred years of his death, his
followers conquered North Africa, the Holy Land, Persia, Spain -
from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Read how Sultan Mehmet
II conquered the 1000 year old Byzantine capital of Constantinople -
How Jefferson sent Marines to capture the Muslim Barbary pirate port
of Tripoli - Woodrow Wilson tried to save millions of Armenian
Christians killed in Turkey. You will not be the same after you have
learned what every American needs to know about the Qur'an.
Muslim Rep. Keith
Ellison's effort to borrow credibility by swearing into Congress on
the pagan Muslim Qur'an borrowed from Thomas Jefferson's
library is disingenuous, given that Jefferson owned the Qur'an to
understand his Muslim enemies, the Barbary Pirates of Tripoli.
What the Rabbis Know About the Messiah
by Rachmiel Frydland |
What the Rabbis Know About the Messiah presents a revised third
edition, building upon the theme of a study in genealogy and
prophecy. It cites biblical, rabbinic and medieval Jewish sources to
weave a pattern that leads to Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. It is a
friendly read, and is an excellent source of messianic apologetics.
Speaking about the One from Kingly roots who fulfilled the role of
suffering servant, this book speaks to the lay person and the
initiated alike. A study of genealogy and prophecy from the 'seed of
the woman' to the Messiah and proof texts along the way, What the
Rabbis Know about the Messiah is ideal for group Bible studies and
for introducing Messiah to Jewish friends. By Rachmiel Frydland.
Rachmiel Frydland was a Talmudic scholar who was versed in no fewer
than ten languages, and who studied in the Yeshivot in Poland. He
was a Holocaust survivor who recognized Jesus as the Messiah and
went on to teach, and write and present the claims of Jesus from a
Jewish perspective.
Baruch Ha Shem Ha Meshiach Yeshua!
Shema Yisrael. Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem kevod malchuto le-olam vaed.
Yeshua Ha Meshiach. Hu Adonai.
[Proverbs 30:3-6
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered
the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who
hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and
what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? Every word of God is
pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou
not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. |
The Deadly Deception:
Freemasonry Exposed by
One of Its Top Leaders
by Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney
Freemasonry Exposed by one of its top leaders.How can
Christians remain tethered to this blasphemous religion of Masonry?
On page 84 Jim Shaw writes; " Albert Mackey wrote (in the
Masonic Ritualist), "Thus the trestleboard (blueprint for life) of
the Jew is the Old Testament, of the Mohammedan the Koran; the Veda
Scriptures of Hinduism and the writings of Baha-ullah are just as
good as the Word of the Christians' God, for the fact is that all
religions are never as good as the pure teachings of Freemasonry."
Masonry teaches that Jesus is no greater than the other
"exemplars" of history (such as Mohammed, Buddah, Aristotle, or
Joseph Smith). Page 94
33-degree Jim Shaw walked away from Freemasonry one day, after
participating in a a Mason Maudy Thursday "black communion" ceremony
in his Scottish Rites Temple in Florida. Participants of
this ceremony are required to refer to Jesus as an "apostle of
mankind who was neither inspired or divine". They then proceed to
mock Jesus further by enacting a strange "black communion" ceremony.
Pages 105-107
During this
ceremony, Masons continue by mocking Jesus' teachings at His
Last Supper and the bread and wine (Body and Blood) - by
"Take, eat, and give to the hungry." "Take, drink, and
give to the thirsty."
of the Conductors then handed the "candidate" a
human skull, upside down, with wine in it. "May
this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to
me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates,
should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the
same" (the oath).
As I had done so many times before,
I said, "We meet this day to
commemorate the death of our 'Most
Wise and Perfect Master,' not as
inspired or divine, for this is not
for us to decide, but as at least
the greatest of the apostles of
As I spoke these words
that I had spoken so
many times before, I had
a strange and powerful
experience. It was as if
I were standing apart,
listening to myself as I
spoke, and the words
echoed deep within me,
shouting their
significance. They were
the same words I had
spoken so many times
before, but had meaning
for me now. They made me
sick, literally ill, and
I stopped.
The realization of what
I had just said grew
within me like the
rising of a crescendo. I
had just called Jesus an
"apostle of mankind" who
was neither inspired nor
divine! There was a
silent pause that seemed
to last a very long time
as I struggled with a
sick smothering within.
Later, when he came down
the wide steps of a
large Scottish Rite
Temple, 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw
turned and looked at the
words carved in stone
above the entrance:
"Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry", Jim remembered thinking:
"It isn't ancient
(goes back to 17th century), it
isn't Scottish
(Scottish rite was begun in
France), it isn't free
(no females, blacks or
and it isn't right (no
mention of Jesus
allowed)! This 33
degree Mason, never went
Jim found that the
bowing to some "Great
Architect of the
Universe" and calling
all Religions equal is
pure blasphemy.
He thought of the great
Masonic lie that all
religions are equal,
including Islam and
If all these religions
within Masonry are
"correct" or of equal
"validity", and each
claims to be the valid
and correct one.
It therefore becomes
obvious that they cannot
all be "right" or
of equal
Satanists mock and
blaspheme God on a daily
basis; and Muslims deny
Jesus ever even died on
a cross.
Islam, for instance
rejects that Jesus died
a korben (sacrificial
atonement) death for us.
Islam gives its greatest
regard to a man who did
no miracles to prove
divinity and in no way
measured up to the
sinless and loving Jesus. Muhammad
also made no real prophecies,
had everyone killed who
disagreed with him, and
was fond of splitting up
booty from military
raids against innocent
See more in: "Muhammad,
Terrorist or Prophet?"
These are the Scriptures
that Jim, could not
reconcile with Masonry:
Jesus said:
"I am the
bread of
life; he
that cometh
to me shall
hunger; and
he that
believeth on
me shall
that cometh
to me I will
in no wise
this is the
will of him
that sent
me, that
every one
which seeth
the Son, and
believeth on
him, may
life: and I
will raise
him up at
the last
day." John
6:47-54 |
SHAW'S BOOK, Page 76
In a well-ordered
lodge, Jesus is
never mentioned
except in vague,
philosophical terms.
Prayers are never in
His name, and when
scriptures are
quoted in the
ritual, all
references to Him
are simply omitted.
For example, II
Thessalonians 3:6 is
used in the ritual,
but not the way it
is in your Bible;
the words "in the
name of our Lord
Jesus Christ" are
entirely omitted.
Likewise, the ritual
includes 1 Peter
2:5, but with the
words "by Jesus
Christ" omitted.
Albert Mackey, after
Albert Pike the
highest Masonic
authority, calls
this changing of the
scriptures "a slight
but necessary
(Masonic Ritualist,
page 272)
ISLAM in the End Times
by Ellis Skolfield
Bibleprobe.com: 4 (plus) Stars We at BibleProbe cannot say enough
about this book by Ellis Skolfield. We
could not put this book down. It makes the times we are
in amazingly clear in light of Bible revelations.
Is the Dome of the Rock what Daniel's 1290 day prophecy was about
-vis-à-vis the "abomination of desolation"?
The "abomination of
desolation" already happened exactly on
schedule (Daniel's 1290 day prophecy).
When the pagan Islamic Dome of the Rock and the
al-Aksa Mosque were built on the temple mount,
it made the temple mount "desolated" or
contaminated. This was built during the 685 to
705 AD period. During Daniel's day, we
know that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First
Temple in 586 BC. We also know from
Jeremiah that sacrifices occurred on the temple
mount for some years after it was destroyed. Formula for
changing 1290 old testament 360 day years into our 365.24 day solar
years is: 1290 x .9857. Amazingly
enough the 2nd figure (1335) the prophet Daniel
gave serves much like a double check (CheckSum).
Subtract this figure from 1948 when Israel was
reborn and you get another significant year for
the Jews and all of western civilization.
That's exactly the year 632 AD, when Muhammad of
Islam (the False Prophet) died.
It fits exactly. But, what do we make of
Matthew 24:14-16?
I note that It is believed that the apostle
Thomas evangelized as far as China, and while in
India, he suffered martyrdom; being killed with
a lance. He was buried in Mylapore, India,
which is now a suburb of Madras. Nestorian
Christians arrived in China in the 600's AD.
There is a stele (Hsi-an Monument) still in
China erected in 781 AD "Stele [Recording]
the Spread of the Religion of Light
[Christianity] from Rome to China.
See Ellis Skolfield's very good answer. Follow this message board thread:
Amazon editor description:
Since the beginning of modern history, experts have been trying to
predict when the end of the world will come. They have created terms
such as the antiChrist, the 666 Mark of the Beast, End Times, and
Rapture common in society, but they may have overlooked the most
important ancient prophecy that ties Islam, todays current events,
and the worlds response to the exact timing of the end times. In his
shocking and revealing book, Islam in the End Times, Islamic
relations expert and scholar Ellis Skolfield unlocks the key to
understanding all the end time prophecies and Islams role in
bringing them about. Ellis expertly maps ancient prophecies with
current events to demonstrate that the current Islamic aggression
against the world in general and Israel specifically relates to the
exact year of the beginning of the end. Skolfield reveals the most
shocking prophecy of all, the key to understanding all other end
time prophesies. It is a mathematical number that provides the exact
year of what is called the Abomination of Desolation -- a
cataclysmic event in the timeline of human history. In Islam in the
End Times, Skolfield statistically documents where the world is in
relationship to the end times, and what Islams role is now and in
the future. Skolfield uses mathematics and ancient prophecies to
demonstrate how Islam is involved in the prophecy called the
Abomination of Desolation, the key to unlocking end time prophecies.
The Quran Unveiled
Islam And New Testament Christianity
by Dave Miller, P.H.D. |
Bibleprobe.com: 4 (plus) Stars We at BibleProbe cannot say enough
about this book by Dave Miller. If we gave 5-stars this book
is one of the few that would get one. An amazingly thorough
research job.
as a
is -
unintelligible lies, murmurings
threats from
intolerant, belligerent, non-divine, non-prophet of a man. 1 in
every 55 versus in the Qur'an incites Muslims to make war on
unbelievers. This book literally drips with evil. The
word "love" is conspicuously missing from the Qur'an entirely.
It's like Dave Miller says in his book. Many religious
conmen in history have offered the same dodge (as Muhammad did in
Surah 6:110). The ability to confirm one's oral proclamation
with supernatural acts is what sets the genuine apart from the
counterfeit (page 216).
Jesus on the other hand makes it quite clear that miracles are
necessary to prove what one speaks is of divine origin. Jesus
said; "If I had not done among
them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but
now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father." (John
The Invisible Wall:
A Love Story That Broke Barriers
by Harry Bernstein
Bibleprobe.com: 4 Stars
Review from Amazon.com: The writer, Harry Bernstein is 95. This
memoir is his first book. And it is a groundbreaking story of family
secrets and forbidden love told in plain, beautiful prose through
the eyes of a young Jewish boy, Harry, growing up in an English
working-class neighborhood near Manchester on the eve of World War
I. On one side of the street are the Jews; on the other side are the
Christians. There is no violent hostility like the pogroms that
drove Harry's parents from Eastern Europe, but an invisible wall
keeps the two sides totally separate. "The one thing the two sides
have in common is poverty." And prejudice. Then Harry's gifted older
sister, Lily, falls in love with brilliant Arthur from the other
side. They meet in secret, trusting Harry not to tell. When they are
found out, the distraught family tries to send Lily to America: "A
child who marries a non-Jew is dead." Far from rambling oral
history, the chapters are tense with danger and with tenderness,
especially Harry's family life: his brutal, distant father ("I never
talked to him, nor he to me"); his loving mother; and Lily, who wins
a scholarship and the chance to become a teacher until her father
drags her to the tailor shop by her hair. Meanwhile, in the larger
world, the question lingers, Will the war in Europe really end all
wars? A great book for discussion groups--and not just for Jews.
Hazel Rochman
The Unpromised
Land: The Struggle of Messianic Jews in Israel
by Gary & Shirley
Beresford |
There has always been a remnant of Jews who "kept the
commandments of G-d and kept faith in Mashiach, Yeshua (Jesus)."
They are born Jewish, keep the Jewish traditions and holy days, read
the Jewish scriptures (including the ones written by first century
Jews), and believe in a Jewish Messiah who was prophesied about in
Jewish scriptures. So what's the problem?
The problem is that Israel rejects Jews born of Jewish parents,
simply because they (Messianic Jews) believe Jesus is the Messiah.
These Christ believers are not allowed to become citizens of Israel.
Yet, ironically, pagan Muslims can.
How long will Christian countries go on giving aid to Israel,
while Israel routinely rejects Christian believers (even those of Jewish
descent) from becoming citizens of Israel?
Gary and Shirley Beresford never wanted to be heroes. A
middle-aged Messianic Jewish couple from South Africa, they felt God
calling them to live in Israel, the Promised Land. Wanting nothing
more than to live quietly and grow old together in the country of
refuge for all Jewish people, little did they suspect what events
would follow to try their faith.
The fight to make aliyah, to claim their rightful inheritance in the
Promised Land, became a battle waged not only for themselves, but
for Messianic Jews all over the world who wish to return to the
Jewish homeland. Here is the true saga of the Beresford's journey to
the land of their forefathers.
Includes both a Foreword and a 25-page Appendix on the decades-old
struggle for Messianic Jewish aliyah by Dr. David Stern, translator
and the Jewish New Testament and
Complete Jewish Bible, and author of the Jewish New Testament
Commentary. 208 pages. ISBN:1-880226-56-1 |
All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible
Herbert Lockyer |
This compendium of all the prophecies in Scripture concerns the
promised Messiah. Dr. Lockyer's discussion is divided into two
sections, "Specific Messianic Prophecies" and "Symbolic Messianic
A Fascinating Look at How Biblical Prophecies Paved the Way for
Jesus Christ
In this remarkable volume, Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines all the
prophecies in Scripture concerning the promised Messiah, his
ministry, and his message. From the mundane to the mystifying,
you’ll get a close look at how different prophecies portrayed with
stunning accuracy the coming Christ: his ancestry, his birth, his
character, his death and resurrection, and more. Divided in two
sections, All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible helps you
understand not only "Specific Messianic Prophecies," but also
"Symbolic Messianic Prophecies." |
the Presses
by Joseph Farah
Democratic Party, bans 'democracy' searches in China
Google's 'evil' agenda exposed in new bookI have first
hand knowledge of what WND is speaking about vis-à-vis Google,
below. Way back when this Homosexual Marriage thing began, I tried
to pay just like normal to place Ads in the Google search engine
showing what God thinks about Homosexuality. Every ad that had any
mention of gay, homosexual or lesbian was not accepted (returned
Refused) by Google. At the same time, any ad a homosexual wanted to
place --which spoke favorably of homosexuality -was accepted by
Googles' live editors. This ban includes simple Scripture calling
homosexuality an abomination to God. This blackout still is going on.
Additionally, my paid ads about the evils of Abortion are also not
accepted by Google. Similar "blackouts" are placed by Google on
anything bad said about Islam, Freemasonry or the Democrats. This
has been so, for several years now. /s/ Steve @ BibleProbe.com
According to a new book, that's exactly what
Google, the world's largest Internet search engine is –
"Stop The Presses," the latest book by WND founder
Joseph Farah, the author makes what is, to date, the
most definitive moral case against Google, with the
following indictments:
- The company refuses to give the U.S.
government records of impersonal data regarding
searches that threaten no one, but happily provides
information about potential dissidents to the
tyrannical, repressive dictators in Beijing.
- The company disregards commemorations of
national American holidays such as Memorial Day, but
never forgets to remind users about Halloween and
Earth Day.
- The company has refused to link to some
news sources critical of radical Islam, but hosts
blogs containing homosexual pornography.
- The company hosts blogs promoting "boy
love" and sexual relationships between men and
adolescents, but refuses to run ads from a Christian
ministry to homosexuals.
- The company's top executive presides over
a business that makes it easy to find out nearly
anything about anyone, but protests when people use
his service to find out about him.
- The company has blocked ads attacking
Bill and Hillary Clinton, but welcomes ads attacking
President Bush and other Republican leaders.
- The company, apparently in its bid to
romance Beijing, wiped Taiwan, an independent and
free island nation, off the face of its Internet
- The company, one of the great free
enterprise success stories of the decade, gives
nearly all of its political donations to those who
seek to rein in and regulate capitalism.
"These are a few of the reasons I hate
Google," writes Farah. "I admit it. I despise it. I
resent it. I think it is immoral. I think it is evil.
"Protecting Your Home from
Spiritual Darkness"
by Chuck D. Pierce & Rebecca Wagner Sytsema
This is a small 106-page book I highly recommend you get. There is an awful lot of things most Christians need to learn about
demons. They can be present in a home due to things like graven
images, which can be Hindu items, Buddhist items,
Muslim, voodoo,
American Indian, occult, witchcraft,
freemasonry, pornography, etc. Masonry items
are occult. Freemasonry can also be a generational curse. Items, including ceramic statues that have been used in
pagan ceremonies can also carry evil with them. Some clothes can
also. These can invite demons into your home. You invite them in
along with these items. If you have any - get rid of them. They can
also inhabit a property due to some bad things that happened in the
past on the land or in the house. There are generational curses that
the Bible warns us about. These can be passed down to you from your
relatives. These can occur if someone in your family was a
Freemason, cheated anyone out of their land, or bowed down to a
graven image like a statue of Buddha, etc. Read: "Breaking
generational curses" here:
Learn how to rid your home of
destructive objects and spiritual darkness to create a fortress of
love and light for your family. Too many Christians are completely
unaware of how the enemy has gained access to their homes through
what they own. This practical, easy-to-read book shows you how to
pray through your home and property in order to lock out evil and
experience a richer spiritual life.
With Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness, you're just 10
steps away from bringing freedom and security in Christ to your
Now the Antichrist system has a face - Islam. And suddenly it makes
so much sense! Former missionary to Muslims, Robert Livingston
uncovers a credible connection between Islam, America, and the
Church in End-times Bible prophecy. He challenges the reader to
examine their priorities in view of the reality of Christ's return.
368 pages
Among the many strengths of this book is that it is not merely a
dry study of End Time events, but is instead a vibrant call to
respond with a life of holiness, sacrifice and urgency after the
example of the Apostles and the first century Christians. This book
will mess you up - in a good way!
Jewish New Testament
by David H. Stern (Translator) |
Why is this New Testament different from all other New Testaments?
Because the Jewish New Testament expresses its original and
essential Jewishness.
The New Testament is a Jewish book--by Jews, mostly about Jews,
and for Jews as well as Gentiles. Its central figure, the Messiah
Yeshua (Jesus), was and is a Jew. Vicarious atonement, salvation,
immersion (baptism), the new covenant and the very concept of a
Messiah are all Jewish. In sum, the New Testament is built upon and
completes the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Jewish New Testament brings out Jewishness in three ways:
- Cosmetically--by using neutral terms and Hebrew names:
"execution-stake," not "cross"; "Ya'akov," not "James."
- Culturally and Religiously--by highlighting Jewish features: "Chanukkah,"
not "the feast of dedication"; "tzitzit," not "fringe."
- Theologically--by correcting mistranslations resulting from
anti-Jewish theological bias; for example, at Romans 10:4 the
Messiah is "the goal at which the Torah aims," not "the end of the
Freshly rendered from the original Greek into enjoyable modern
English by a Messianic Jew (a Jew who honors Yeshua as the Messiah
of Israel), the "Jewish New Testament" challenges Jews to understand
that Yeshua is a friend to every Jewish heart and the New Testament
a Jewish book filled with truths to be accepted and acted upon. At
the same time, while reaffirming the equality of Gentiles and Jews
in the Messianic Community, it challenges Christians to acknowledge
the Jewishness of their faith and their oneness with the Jewish
He Came to Set the
Captives Free
Rebecca Brown, MD |
For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total
commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master,
Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine (not her real name), one of the top witches
in the U.S. clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In
the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly
lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than
anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her
life to Jesus Christ.
This is an honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today.
You'll see how to
- Recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate
destroy Christian churches.
- Recognize and combat satanic attacks
- Recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ
This cult, "The Brotherhood" is
extremely secretive. These satanists infest every level of society -
the poor and the rich. The very well educated, the police force,
government officials, business men and women, and even some
so-called Christian ministers. Most of all of them attend local
Christian churches and are considered "good citizens" because of
their involvement in local civil activities. This is all done as a
cover-up. They lead double lives and are expert at it; masters of
deception. They are rigidly disciplined by Satan and his
demons. They practice human sacrifice several times a year and
animal sacrifice on a monthly basis. The human sacrifices are most
often babies--born our of wedlock to various cult members, cared for
by the doctors and nurses within the cult so that the mother is
never seen in a hospital.
Ex-high priestess of The Brotherhood, a satanist cult writes:
It was during that last visit to California that one of the incidents
happened that started me on the road to accepting Christ, started me
questioning Satan's claim to being more powerful than God. The high
priest gathered a number of us together and told us that there was a
family nearby who had been interfering with Satan. They had been
converting a number of the cult members to the enemy, Jesus Christ,
and were making a nuisance of themselves. Satan had given the order
for them all to be killed. The high priest told us that we were all
to go together in our spirit bodies (astral project), and kill them.
Much to our surprise, as we arrived at the edge of this family's
property, we could go no further. The whole area was surrounded by
huge angels. The angels stood side by side holding hands. They were
dressed in long white robes and stood so close together that their
shoulders touched. They had no armor or weapons. Nobody could get
through them, no matter how we tried.
Read more about this book:
The Kingdom of the
by Walter Martin, Ravi Zacharias
(Editor) hardcover, 704 pages
The authoritative reference work on major cult systems for nearly
forty years. Working closely together, Ravi Zacharias and Managing
Editors Jill and Kevin Rische (daughter of Dr. Martin) have updated
and augmented the work with new material. This book will continue as
a crucial tool in countercult ministry and in evangelism for years
to come. Among cults and religions included are: Jehovah’s
Witnesses, Christian Science, Mormonism, New Age Cults, the
Unification Church, Baha’i Faith, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, New
Age, Spiritism, to Seventh-day Adventism, Unitarianism, and much
Martin provides a meaty analysis of all the major groups. He also
outlines primary lines of thought within Protestant perspectives,
and Roman Catholicism.
Beyond specific groups, there is plenty of coverage of the
general critical analysis on topics like mind control, apocalyptic
cults, the impact of cults on the mission field, Eastern religions,
and language and psychological issues.
Interview With an Exorcist: An Insider's Look at the Devil,
Demonic Possession, and the Path to Deliverance
Father José Antonio Fortea
"The abditi
(Latin for "hidden" or "secret") demons are those that hide in the
interior of the possessed person without showing themselves in any
way," writes Father Fortea, who successfully defended a thesis on
exorcism for a licentiate degree in theology in 1998. The foreword
for his book was written by Bishop Samuel J. Aquila of Fargo, North
Dakota, who strongly endorsed it.
According to the
exorcist, it's a complex scene out there. All demons are not the
"This can be
clearly seen during an exorcism, when the particular demons
possessing the person display sins of anger, self-worship,
desperation, and so forth," writes Father Fortea. "Each demon has
its own psychology and its own way of being. Some are talkative,
others are mocking, some are proud, others are hateful. Even though
they all turned away from God, some demons are more evil than
Read more about this
interview with Father Fortea, here
The Pilgrim's Progress
By John Bunyan |
ranks 2nd only to Bible
in all time greatest
book sales
He was arguably one of the most influential writers
in world history.
There is no argument he's the best-selling human
author of all time. First published in 1684,
The Pilgrim's Progress is an important Christian
His name was John Bunyan. He was a 17th century
thinker – a mender of pots and pans – and wrote his
greatest works while imprisoned for his Christian
His "Pilgrim's
Progress" is second only to the Bible in the
number of copies it has sold worldwide. It has even
been called "the second best book in all the world."
John Bunyan confronts the world head on in his
allegory The Pilgrim's Progress. Using the journey,
conversations, actions, and interactions of his main
character, Christian, Bunyan draws contrasts between
true Christianity and the vast array of opposing
philosophies and opinions offered by the rest of the
world. Each contrast demonstrates the superiority of
Christianity to the perspectives and beliefs of the
fallen world. It has at its heart the
impossibility of eternal Life if one bypasses the
Harsh Truth About Public Schools
By Bruce N. Shortt
Shortt especially wants to educate Christian parents, millions of
whom send their kids off to public school every day.
"The Harsh Truth about Public Schools," combines a sound biblical
basis, rigorous research, straightforward, easily read language, and
eminently sound reasoning. Whether one is a parent or parent-to-be,
pastor, church staff member, or educator, this book has much to
It is based, first of all, upon a clear understanding of God's
educational mandate to parents. Its second foundation is a
thoroughly documented description of the inescapably anti-Christian
thrust of any governmental school system and the inevitable results:
moral relativism (no fixed standards), academic dumbing down,
far-left programs, near absence of discipline, and the persistent
but pitiable rationalizations offered by government education
"Contrary to what many Christians have been led to believe, there is
no such thing as a 'neutral' education," Shortt writes. "All
education is religious and conveys a worldview, and there is no more
important decision that we make as parents than how we educate our
Continues Shortt: "Unfortunately, Christian parents allow an
aggressively anti-Christian institution to form the minds of their
children, and the fruit of that choice is bitter. The overwhelming
majority of children from evangelical families leave the church
within two years after they graduate from high school; only 9
percent of evangelical teens believe that there is any such thing as
absolute moral truth; and, our children are being forcibly
indoctrinated to believe that homosexual behavior is acceptable."
Jesus in Beijing:
How Christianity Is Transforming China and Changing the Global
Balance of Power
by David Aikman, PhD
read in Chinese here |
This book details the great unreported story of the Chinese giant
and its enormously rapid conversion to Christianity and what this
change means to the global balance of power. It begins with a
detailed background of both Protestant and Catholic missionaries to
China, back to the 600's A.D. when the first Christian Nestorians
from what they called the "Eastern Church", visited and established
themselves in China.
Officially, there are now "officially" about 21 million Christians
(Protestant and Catholic) in China. However, this figure
widely loses confidence, as it doesn't take into account the vast
network of "house churches" all across China. This means it is
possible that there is now close to 80 million Christians in China,
and growing rapidly. Chinese Christians believe that they will
play a major role in the circumnavigation of the teachings of Jesus
back to the Middle East. Along the way, an unbelievable (a few
years ago) byproduct, just may be the world being witness to Chinese
missionaries busting through the "Islamic Wall of Lies" surrounding
Islamic countries.In 2002, the Communist Party Leader and
President Jiang Zeming, was asked at a banquet; "Comrade Jeming.
If before leaving office, you could make one decree that you knew
would be obeyed in China, what would that be?" Jiang put on a
broad smile, looked around the room, and said; "I would make
Christianity the official religion of China." Read
about pastor Li Tianen's, amazing true Near
Death Experience here
Back to Jerusalem
Three Chinese House Church
Leaders Share Their Vision to Complete the Great Commission
by Brother Yun, Peter Xu Yongze, and Enoch
Wang; told in English by Paul Hattaway
God's fire has been kindled in China.
It is now beginning to blaze up there. Soon, Christianity will
be taken by Chinese Christian missionaries to the nearby strongholds
of paganism, to confront the Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim nations with
the Gospel of Jesus. Chinese Christian leaders have longed
believed that God saved China for now, to begin His "end run" spread
of the Gospel of Jesus, from China - all the way back to Jerusalem,
where it all began. When the Chinese say "Back to Jerusalem,"
they're talking first of all about a geographical advance of the
gospel throughout history. Some estimate that as many as
30,000 Chinese a day are becoming members of the Kingdom of God
through the Gospel of Jesus.
23 Minutes in Hell: One man's story about what he saw,
heard, and felt in that place of torment
by Bill Wiese
see Bill Wiese speak about his amazing
23 minutes in Hell on video here |
What is hell like, and how does
one avoid an eternity of torment? Bill Wiese shares his
unforgettable experience during which God allowed him to see and
feel the agony people endure in hell.
Wiese's visit to the devil's lair lasted just
twenty-three minutes, but he returned from this with vivid details
etched in his memory. He records an accurate account of his
experience in this book, presenting more than three hundred
scriptures that verify the horrors he endured and observed.
The Party of Death: The
Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life
by Ramesh Ponnuru |
They celebrate abortion on demand as a fundamental human right. They
advocate euthanasia, and work energetically for embryo-killing
research. They explicitly deny that all human beings are equal in
having a right to life, and unblushingly propose the creation of a
category of "human non-persons" who can be treated as expendable. In
line with that, some of them have already begun calling for the
killing of sick infants -- for their own good, of course. They are
the party of death, and they are becoming increasingly powerful in
America today, as well as in the world at large.
Now, in The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts,
and the Disregard for Human Life, National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru
provides an unflinching exposé of their past successes, present
activities, and future plans, showing why their principles are so
harmful - and how they can be defeated before they destroy our
society altogether.
Members of the party of death, Ponnuru notes here, are everywhere.
They have taken over the Democratic party lock, stock, and barrel --
although they can be found in both parties. He details how the
pernicious influence of this dedicated band has permeated every
aspect of our culture, corrupting law, politics, and even the
teaching of history. Legal abortion, Ponnuru reveals, has unlocked
the floodgates for numerous issues that have advanced the death
culture, leading directly to the current national debates on
euthanasia and embryo-killing for research purposes.
All this has happened, Ponnuru explains, with active help from the
media establishment: with collusion from leading media figures,
leading Democrats such as Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer,
and Mario Cuomo have cannily camouflaged the party of death's
extreme and outlandish views. But they haven't yet won a total
Islam and Terrorism:
What the Quran Really Teaches About Christianity, Violence and the
Goals of the Islamic Jihad
Mark A.Gabriel, Ph.D.
(Born a Muslim, Dr Gabriel changed his name from his Muslim birth
name, after finding the Lord Jesus. He is an ex-Professor of
Muslim history at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo.) |
Presented by an ex Professor of Islamic History at Al-Azhar
University, Cairo, this book provides the reader with an extremely
valuable insight into what the Islamic holy book, the Quran, teaches
about Christianity, violence & the goals of the Islamic jihad. We
are also imparted with an in depth analysis into the Islamic faith,
beliefs and traditions through a book which documents the
identification between modern terrorism and Islamic theology.
book begins with an autobiography detailing the writer's experience
and knowledge of Islam and how he came to question his Islamic
faith. This is followed by an account of his expulsion from his
family and his University, his arrest and then his detention and
interrogation by the Egyptian secret police. The story extends to
his conversion to Christianity and the main body of the book which
deals with Islam and associated terrorism.
Written in the wake of the September 11th attacks, the book outlines
how as a "Christian" society, we in the West have an extremely
limited comprehension of what Muslims actually believe and what, if
any, agenda the religion of Islam has.
and Muhammad: Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities
by Mark A.Gabriel, Ph.D.
(Born a Muslim, Dr Gabriel changed his name from his Muslim birth
name, after finding the Lord Jesus. He is an ex-Professor of
Muslim history at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo.) |
Born in Egypt, he grew up as a devout Muslim. He memorized the
Quran, earned a Ph.D. in Islamic studies at Al Azhar University, and
faithfully followed the laws of Islam. Yet the more he learned, the
more disillusioned he became. He abandoned Islam at the age of 34.
After a year of searching for God, he opened a Bible for the
first time one night. As he read the life of Jesus from the book of
Matthew, he mind automatically compared it to the life of Muhammad.
When morning came, he chose to follow Jesus. With the same zeal that
he used to follow Muhammad, he has followed Jesus for the past 12
years, earning a Ph.D. in Christian education.
His perspectives on Jesus and Muhammad will give you new insight
into these men. You will walk through their lives, discovering
amazing similarities between their childhoods, their public
ministry, and their teachings. At the same time, deep differences
become obvious-in their attitudes toward people, their missions, and
their views of God.
Struggling for Life
by Dr. Kelly Hollowell |

The most dangerous time in
any child's life is his or her first nine months. That's
because abortion takes one out of every four children
conceived in America, making the route from womb to tomb
very short for millions of unborn boys and girls.
"Struggling for Life" provides a shocking glimpse into how
your tax dollars and twisted biomedical research are
targeting the unborn. Written by Dr. Kelly Hollowell, WND
contributor and founder of Science Ministries, Inc., this
riveting, sometimes personal account details the gushing
flow of federal dollars into the coffers of America's
leading abortion performer. $9.00/paperback/111-pages
A Renegade's Guide
to God - Finding Life Outside Conventional Christianity
Pastor David Foster |
Jesus set us free! Learn from David Foster how really to be
"free". Growing up, David Foster resented the self-righteousness found at
churches whose missions centered on fear and guilt. He longed to be
free--away from force-fed religion--but still follow Jesus. He
considered himself a renegade, for God. A renegade resists being
told what to do and how to think. That's why this is a guidebook,
not a rulebook. Filled with firsthand discoveries that sometimes put
Foster at odds with his peers, this book exposes myths and
half-truths found in organized religion today. Foster boasts that
"God loves you as you are, not as you ought to be," and shows an
exciting Christian life does not have to be an oxymoron. He dares
Christians to be what they were made to be--renegades for God.
We can never please God by our good works. We can only
please the Father by pleasing the Son. Remember, Jesus also
"railed" against organized Religion.
Want to learn what "everything is all about"? Read this story that
David Foster tells in this book, about the "Father and the Son"
here. It's that simple...
6 Big Big Big Angels
by Mary Jo Pennington |
Victoria, a 4 1/2 year
old child fell off of a pool slide. As she fell, an angel lifted her
into the air and gently set her on the ground. However, during this
moment in eternity, she was taken to the throne room of God. She was
sent back and tells about her experience from the perspective of a
During an accident by the pool, Mary
Jo's granddaughter, Victoria, saw heaven and then was supernaturally
protected from being hurt. She saw people in heaven and aborted
babies and knew details of how some of the people in heaven had
died. Very comforting for those who have lost loved ones. After the
first account, Victoria had many more accounts of seeing heaven and
one time seeing hell. She also sees into the spirit realm, seeing
angels and demons.
200 pages.
The Da Vinci
by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel
If author Dan Brown offered his Da Vinci Code arguments
in the form of a historical treatise, they would be
dismissed as sheer fantastic speculation. But he invites
the public to accept the book as history and then, if
challenged, retreats to saying "but it's just a story".
This book is
the real friend of those seeking the truth because it
gives you the real facts of Christianity's history, the
real beliefs of primitive Christians, the real facts
about the Gospels and the Gnostic gospels, Mary
Magdalene, and a lot of other things which appear in The
Da Vinci Code. Only unlike Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code,
this book is not fiction.
The Marketing
of Evil
by David Kupelian
"The Marketing of Evil is a serious wake-up call for all who
cherish traditional values, the innocence of children, and the very
existence of our great country." —Dr. Laura Schlessinger,
talk-show host and author
"It's often said that marketing is warfare, and in The Marketing
of Evil, David Kupelian clearly reveals the stunning strategies
and tactics of persuasion employed by those engaged in an all-out
war against America's Judeo-Christian culture." —David Limbaugh,
syndicated columnist and author
The battle of world views and many of today's most contentious
issues receive appropriate attention. Same sex marriages,
pedophilia and the legalization of homosexuality are among the many
issues discussed. Promiscuity is itself cited as being portrayed as
just another element of "freedom".
The study analyzes how abortion has allegedly been portrayed as a
"choice", a "personal decision" arrived at between a woman and her
Doctor, with little or no attention being given to the morality
surrounding the issue or the welfare of the unborn child. When a
woman arrives at a
Planned Parenthood "killing field", the woman becomes a "sale" there
to them; she is more often than not professionally "nudged" and
"led" into the decision to kill her baby, because "Doctors" there
see dollar ($$) signs. Typically these "doctors", demand
non-traceable cash from the mother--something IRS should question.
For starters. Why don't we demand that the Law changes --saying a
mother MUST first stop by an adoption agency before stepping foot in
a Planned Parenthood "Killing Field"?
Read how the Gay Agenda has managed to control America's media to
turn our thinking of
homosexuals as sinners and deviants to poor, poor gays that have
been so misunderstood for so long.
Read how the Homosexual Agenda has managed to control America's media to
turn our thinking of homosexuals as sinners and deviants to poor,
poor gays that have been so misunderstood for so long.
There was a time when Americans knew that homosexuals were not
born that way, but rather had their normal identity-gender
redirected and disturbed via early childhood experiences; typically,
an "attack" by a homosexual or other deviant, possibly a family
But homosexuals have managed to hoodwink the US media (and
Presidential candidates like Kerry) to buy into the lie that they
are born that way. Concomitantly, homosexual deviant behavior
is protected --so that they can now freely multiply. But God
is not amused.
Also, through a selective approach to this contentious subject, the
media is cited as portraying the Israelis as the "aggressor",
whereby the viewer/reader is subjected to what is cited herein as
the "Trojan Horse of the Arab world".
Another example, few of us realize that the widely revered father of
the "sexual revolution" has been irrefutably exposed as a
full-fledged sexual psychopath who encouraged pedophilia. Or that
giant corporations voraciously competing for America's $150 billion
teen market routinely infiltrate young people's social groups to
find out how better to lead children into ever more debauched forms
of "authentic self-expression."
Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
by Robert Spencer
This book should be required reading for all High School and College
students. It is unfortunate that not many more scholars are
willing to confront this topic with honestly and integrity. That's
because there is academic bias on campus. Muslim students will
protest violently and try to get teachers fired. Liberal professors
commit the crime of denial by ignoring how much violence and
destruction Islam has caused around the world. Islam has been
successful in completely wiping out many middle eastern cultures and
languages and replaced them with the pagan religion of Islam that
requires its made up, nonsense-filled, holy book (Koran/Qur'an) only
be read in a language most don't even understand --the language of
Muslims destroyed Jewish synagogues, Christian churches & Hindu
Temples all over the world, in their zeal to convert the entire
world to Islam.
Every Christian who
participated in the Crusades, did so, against the teachings of
Jesus. However, in
retrospect, the Crusades probably allowed
the western world a thousand years of freedom from the diabolical
Islamic religion. The Crusaders stopped
the expansion of the Islamic empire. This allowed Christianity to
prosper in Europe which preserved the gospel for the rest of the
world to receive.
Christians should never
apologize for the the Crusades, because these were a reaction to the
Muslim crusades against the entire world. In the 7th century the
Muslims took control of Jerusalem, and in the 11th century they
began to hassle, kill, molest Christian pilgrims in the Jerusalem
area. The Crusades were also in response to the cries of help from
the eastern Byzantine Empire, which was very worried about the
military threat to it from the Seljuk Turks. So if the Christians
did not respond, the Muslims would have conquered all of Europe and
wiped out Christianity from the planet. Today we would all be bowing
to Mecca instead of worshipping Jesus.
Miracle of Miracles
By Mina Nevisa
See this book at Amazon:
Request a copy of this 224 page paperback book from Mina at:
Touch of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 223492
Chantilly, Virginia 20153
Tel: 703-888-8374
You Can Order the book "Miracle Of Miracles" by sending an Email To
TOCMINISTRIES@GMAIL.COM , Or Send Your Check Or Money Order To The
Ministry Address above. Credit Cards Are Accepted. Call above
telephone number.
Mina uses all proceeds to evangelize the Gospel to Muslims. Mina uses all proceeds to evangelize the Gospel to Muslims.
You will truly learn what Jesus meant by:
If any man come to me, and hate not his
father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and
sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And
whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my
Luke 14:26-27 |
MIRACLE OF MIRACLES is a young upper class Iranian girl's stirring
true testimony about how Jesus Christ found her and her husband in
Tehran, and how and why they had to escape Iran to avoid execution
by radical Muslims. Their crime? They converted from Islam to
Christianity. Rejected by her family who she loves, and an utter outcast in
her homeland, Mina and her husband made a harrowing journey across
the mountains to Turkey, then to Europe, and lastly to America.
It's also about how Jesus actually appeared to a her father, a
devout Muslim Theology Teacher of great renown in the Muslim world.
Jesus converted this man to Christianity on the spot.
If you have any doubt that the Lord Jesus Himself is leading the
way and is seeking out worthy believers in Muslim countries --you
won't after reading this book of true miracles.
This is a MUST READ if you are a Muslim who has ever wondered why
Allah insists that you pray, not in your native language; or why
your prayers with Allah always seem to be empty, pointless and
one-way. Come out to freedom, and leave all these meaningless
rituals behind. Stop misdirecting your sweet and worthy
prayers to a deity who simply is not either alive, or there.
This is also a MUST READ for any Christian who doesn't believe in
miracles, or who wants to meet Muslims face to face and learn about
YOU WON'T PUT THIS BOOK DOWN, because the honesty and sincerity
of the writer oozes through every page. And her love for the
living Lord Jesus is real.
Inside Islam: A Guide for
by Robert Spencer and Daniel Ali |
Here’s a question-and-answer book on Islam written specifically for
Catholics. Inside Islam addresses Islam’s controversial teachings on
God, jihad, the role of women, and more.
Given Islam's rising popularity and rapid expansion into Western
society, we cannot afford to ignore Islam's claim to be God's final
revelation. Despite our best intentions of tolerance among all
religions, we cannot be closed-minded to the possibility that a
religion might proclaim untruth -- or even injustice. "Inside
Islam," which contrasts Islam's claims with those of Christianity,
is a must-read for all Christians, and Catholics in particular.
by Bruce Olson |
Bruce Olson was a 19 year old kid from Minnesota when he followed
God's will for him to bring the Gospel to South American natives.
Not knowing a word of Spanish, or any Indian languages, not having a
missionary board, or any other missionaries to welcome him, not
having a friend in all of South America (except for Jesus Christ),
he walked off an airplane in Venezuela, and eventually found himself
injured and left to die inside a hut of the Motilone tribe, a group
of natives so fierce that even the neighboring tribes refused to
approach their territory and guided Bruce only so far, disappearing
at the first sign of a Motilone.
How Bruce survives, and reaches these people and how Jesus
transforms them is an exciting and enthralling true story that is
miraculous, humbling, and glorious. You won't be able to put this
book down until you reach the end, and you'll wish for a sequel, as
Bruce is alive and well today and still touching folks with the
Gospel and transforming power of Jesus Christ.
End Time Delusions:
Rapture, the Antichrist, Israel, and the End of the World
by Steve Wohlberg |
The 70 weeks of the Daniel Prophecy have nothing to do with
tribulation and the antichrist. There is no text in the
Bible that teaches a 7-year tribulation. Daniel 9:27 speaks
of nothing to do with an antichrist, a rebuilt Jewish
Temple, or even tribulation. Nothing! These 70 weeks ended over 1970
yrs ago.
No area of Christianity has been subject to more misguided
interpretation than end time prophecy. Millions of Christians sense
we are nearing Jesus Christ’s return. Yet when it comes to what the
majority thinks will happen during Earth’s last days, and what the
Bible actually says will occur, the difference is seismic.
Will Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of
apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will one future Mr.
Diabolical—the antichrist—rise to control the world? Will he enter a
rebuilt Jewish temple, claiming to be God? Will Earth’s nations
attack Israel at Armageddon? Best-selling books like Left Behind and
popular apocalyptic movies predict such things. Are they correct?
With clarity and biblical accuracy, End Time Delusions exposes
massive errors now flooding through media and in much of today’s
sensational prophecy writing.
The Heavenly Man
the remarkable story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun
by Paul Hattaway |
This book is a Testament to the tens of thousands of Christian
martyrs --just in the past few decades who have given their lives
for Christ in places like China, India, the Middle east, Indonesia,
Thailand, Cambodia and North Korea. If you never believed in
miracles and the mystical--you will believe after reading how God is
moving within China's underground "house churches". It's a
modern-day classic that will, perhaps, challenge your faith and your
life as no other book you may ever read..
Christians in the Western and developed world are virtually
spiritual pygmies compared to our Christian brethren suffering under
and rising to the task of giving testimony to The Gospel with their
very lives and their all for Christ, and Christ alone.
This book is an awesome Testimony to our Christian brother Yun and
Jesus Our Lord.
Eye to Eye
Bill Koenig |
In hindsight, the past 10 years has produced more
natural disasters than any time in America’s history.
You can call this coincidence, or you can look at it
deeper, as if God is watching America very closely –and
grading her on how she treats the nation of Israel, and
the land he promised to the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob.
Can it be that God is not
amused, when U.S. Presidents like Carter, Reagen, George
Bush, Senior, Clinton, and now George W. Bush meet to
divide up Israel? A Palestinian State within Israel, the
“apple of God’s eye”? Land for peace? Jerusalem divided?
Are you skeptical? How
about 88 tornadoes in 48 hours, or 412 tornadoes in 10
days? The list of all the natural disasters is very
long, and quite bizarre. Never forget America: God
has promised to bless those that bless Israel, and to
curse those that curse Israel (Genesis 12:3). Do
we bless Israel by pressuring her to give up what she
cannot give up?
Just prior to 911 G. W. Bush
and Colin Powell were working on the most comprehensive
Middle east plan ever offered by an American president.
They completed this work on September 10, 2001.
In early 1993, Bill
Clinton, Yasser Arafat, and Yitzhak Rabin began intense
negotiations on creating a Palestinian state. Shortly
after, the World Trade Center was first bombed, then the
storm of the century (with tornadoes, hurricanes,
floods, heavy snows) arrived in America on March 12.
Remember, chimneys on homes could be seen just above the
water in St. Louis. The day before Yasser Arafat planned
to declare a Palestinian state in May 1999, the largest
tornado in Oklahoma history, and the highest speed in
U.S. history (318 m.p.h. winds) touched down in
"Glimpses of the
Devil : A Psychiatrist's Personal Accounts of Possession,
by M. Scott Peck, MD |
In this astonishing new book, Doctor Peck reveals his
work as an exorcist and attempts to establish a science
of exorcism for future research. It offers the first
complete account of exorcism and possession by a modern
psychiatrist. Peck knows that many readers will be
skeptical of or perplexed by his report, and thus he
emphasizes that he himself scoffed at the idea of
demonic possession before encountering Jersey Babcock.
Peck became involved in her case mostly to "prove the
devil's nonexistence as scientifically as possible." But
a comment by Jersey at their first meeting "blew the
thing wide open." "Glimpses of the Devil" is not
packed with supernatural tales of levitating beds or
head-spinning victims. Rather, the two 25-year-old cases
he chronicles involve women who hear voices and behave
in a manner that Peck says cannot be explained by
conventional science.
Spirit of the Rainforest: A
Yanomamo Shaman's Story
Mark Andrew Ritchie
Another fascinating book
that is "must" reading for every Christian is "Spirit of
the Rainforest" by Mark A. Ritchie. In the book Ritchie
tells the story of Chief Shoefoot, a shaman of the
Yanomamo tribe of the Amazon forest. Chief Shoefoot,
who was demonized at an early age and had numerous
"spirit-guides" was led to Christ through the efforts of
missionaries who came to live among the Yanomamo
people. Shoefoot goes into great detail about how he
became a Shaman, his life with his people, and the
dramatic deliverance he experienced alone in the
rainforest. Shoefoot at one point talks about the
"out-of-body" experiences that he and his fellow-shamans
had. When he was told about Christ for the first time,
he already knew who Jesus was from his "guides". They,
however, deceived him into believing that Christ was the
"enemy". Chief Shoefoot has toured and lectured in the
US about his experience, and was featured on a "Focus on
the Family" by Dr. Dobson. This book is essential
reading for all Christians.
Review by
Tom Richardson
Beware: This book contains
some disturbingly gruesome details of real wars the
Yanomamo tribes of the Amazon had with one another....
It is never-the-less an awesome look into the world of
evil deceiving spirits who fight for the souls of these
indians and who "quake" at even the thought of Jesus,
and who the Yanomamos shamans caught lying about Jesus.
The Indians know Jesus as "Yai Pada" and the Father, who
they call "Yai Wana Naba Laywa". They knew of Jesus
before the first white man came. The evil Spirits only
wanted to lead these Indians to a life of war and
revenge. Which reminds me about what Father Amorth a
Catholic Exorcist wrote about these demons: "I have
heard demons tell me many times that they suffer more
during exorcisms than in hell. When I ask "Why don't you
go to hell, then?" they answer, "Because we are only
interested in making this person suffer."
See: "An Exorcist Tells His Story" below.
Jungleman the Shaman wrote: "I wish I had known the
truth about Yai Wana Naba Laywa when I was a young
man--it would have saved me so much pain and misery. But
how could I? My spirits lied so much to me and tricked
me. They were so beautiful, so wonderful, so hard not to
want. They were the best at telling me split-truth. Now
I'm at the end of this life, and I'm ready to begin my
real life with Yai Pada." Review by Steve Keohane |
by Marvin L.

A Creationist Assessment of the Human Fossils
In this excellent book by Marvin Lubenow, read why
the science of paleoanthropology is not really a science,
but an "art" built on an awful lot of guess
work - especially regarding the evolution theory.
Under the guise of science, the evolutionary theory
has been thrust on us without a shread of direct valid
evidence. It's time people woke up to the fact that scientists
worldwide are fraudulently holding up on high their
bogus theory of evolution. Nothing in the fossil
records indicate man existed more than 7,000 - 8,000
years ago (approx time Genesis says Adam &
Eve were created). But there is an awful lot of
fraud such as Piltdown Man and Neandertal man in our
search for our beginnings. And carbon dating is
very suspect as most already know.
In this book Marvin Lubenow exposes the "Evolution"
scheme quit well. It shows why scientists outright
lie to maintain this theory even in light of much more
historical and observable evidence for creation. What
good is a scientist who has never been "published"?
And think how boring a created world would be
to a scientist. Answers to these may hint to why
the evolution theory does not just flop off the table
into cartoon history.
by Bible Probe
- ****
- The
Signature of God
- by Grant
R. Jeffrey
You can order this new expanded
version direct from the author by clicking

hardcover |
- This book is monumental in scope!
This book is awesome in explaining the hidden secrets God has just now
revealed - like the Bible Codes. I found that Mr. Grant's
biblical archeology information to be extremely direct and interesting.
His arguments as to both - why the Bible is the inspired work
of God; and as to why Jesus of Nazareth is who He said He was
(the Son of God) are simply "right on the money"! This
new expanded version covers the 9/11 terrorist attacks and has
updated Bible Code information. This book is easy to read. Bible Probe comment
- ****
- Hidden Messages from the Edge of
by Chuck
- Chuck Missler is truly a
Christian with one of the best
"handles" on cryptology of any writer I know
of. As Chuck points out, it is beginning to look like the
large amount of information "clustered" in pertinent
areas is showing even the non-believers that something awesome
is happening vis-a-vis these Bible Codes. Chuck does an
in depth analysis of Prophecies and ancient history.
Chuck goes in depth into many of the prophecies Jesus
fulfilled and leads one to have no doubt who Jesus is.
- After reading Chuck Missler's excellent book and digesting
just what is going on here--How can one still wonder that
Jesus controlled which books made it into the Bible--and that
all are woven together; that
Bible stories are not just bedtime stories; because the Lord
has authenticated it--as if His word is not enough.
In Matthew
5:18: Jesus states; "one jot or one tittle shall in no
wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled".
- This is an awesome book--Chuck
Missler goes into detail about the Jewish Holidays and many
Bible stories; and how they are types. Did you know that
tribes of 6 fingered Giants were living in Israel--Goliath was
just one? Did you know that Giants were probably the
result of the union between the fallen angels and earth
women--in yet more disobedience to God in ancient days?
This book may be too technical for some; I hope
- ****
by Yacov

paperback |
- We think that Yacov Rambsel is
the preeminent authority when seriously discussing the Bible
Codes; and in particular finding those hidden gems about Jesus. Yacov, A lifelong Hebrew scholar reports here the
absolute thrilling "bomb" that; within the "Suffering
Servant" (aka: Holy of Holies) passage of Isaiah 53 where
we read:
- "He was wounded for
our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes
we are healed"
- ---Every 12th Letter in Hebrew
via ELS (Bible Code) spells "JESUS IS MY NAME".
Letter Sequences
R. Church
paperback |
The story takes you back through the centuries to view an emerging
family dynasty who may soon attempt to establish a New World Order
and place one of their own at the head of world government.
318 pages. Note: this book is 1 of 5 free with a 1 year subscription
in the News Magazine.
One of those rare books filled with little known fascinating