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Spooky Smoke Face on Twin Towers
- For Non-Christians it gets "spookier".  Read below
- For Jews - your Rabbi (Genius of Vilna) predicted the exact day
Did this have any significance to Osama bin Laden's sick mind?  The Muslim high point in trying to take over Europe ended when they were turned back from Vienna on September 11, 1683 A.D.


Click above picture for closeup

911 picture


911, wtc ablaze>

No sooner had US papers printed this picture than they received calls, asking if the photo had been faked to appear to show a face with horns. The answer from Associated Press was no.

New York Trade Center bombing 9/11/01 - "911" "Trouble Call"..Get it?

Others in Twin Towers that day:

Below Sent to us by "MJ".  MJ wrote -Just thought I would send you the attached photo.

When people told me of demons in the smoke, I went looking myself to make sure it wasn't someone's fake.

This is what I came up with.  I used a mild cleaning filter.  I did  not alter the image or add anything to it in any way.

In Christ,


In Bible Probe's opinion, New York City can probably be symbolized as the quintessential successor to the hedonistic, pagan Rome.

Like Rome, America has been dumping perversions (sex, abortions, masons, occult, satan worshippers, new agers, homosexuality, weapons) on the world for a long time - most convincingly since the early 1960's.  Perhaps it is no coincidence that one of the most "creditable" series of Marian appearances occurred in New York, at Bayside. What's next?

Remember, it was in New York where satan first insighted abortionists. The earliest Jewish sages spoke of this future Rome as a "branch" of Esau/Edon, and its "industriousness" was a key in recognizing this symbolic Rome (New York).

The Jewish Talmad's "Zohar" predicted that on a certain calendar date the future Rome will suffer the "tumbling" of three high buildings, or strongholds - and that this WILL BE the triggering process which will lead ultimately to the coming of the Messiah. IT SAID; that this "tumbling" will occur on the 25th day of the 6th Hebrew month, the month known as Elul. BUT in the year 2001, the 25th day of Elul was September 13th, and NOT September 11th....

On 11 September the twin towers fell.  On the same day - a 47-floor building which was part of the twin towers complex crashed to the ground on the same day also.

Writing in the 18th century (1700's), the “Genius of Vilna” stated that the Zohar text which described the devastation in "Rome" of the three buildings on the 25th of Elul was “off by two” (02) days - the Zohar was then corrected so that the most correct version (Sifra d'Tsniutha) reads the devastation will occur on the 23rd of Elul – which WAS September 11th.       

Genius of Vilna
The name of Vilna Gaon Elijah Ben Solomon Zalman (1720-1797), the greatest sage of the 18th century, the world-famous commentator of Torah and Talmud, made Vilnius famous as Lithuanian Jerusalem. His powerful intellect and erudition caused Vilnius to become a spiritual center of Jews thas was, known all over the world. As Jacob S. Reizin wrote in the beginning of the 20th century, “After completing the Talmud, almost no expert of Jewish literature was better than or at least equal to Elijah of Vilnius.”

The KEY here - is what every Christian who witnessed the Twin Towers fall knew in their heart - that some spiritual threshold had just been passed, and we best begin to take sides. This event, along with Israel becoming a nation again (parable of the Fig Tree) in 1948, did signify another stage in Messiah's upcoming return.

I personally placed a little more weight on that picture of a demon the fire created that was caught on camera - as a sign.

"Bible Codes" (See below) are just one facet of reading the Bible. We now see only two, bible codes and the surface written word. According to ancient Jewish tradition, the Bible has 70 facets. Many say that everything is in the Torah--encrypted in some way. Your birth date, your death date, when you will marry, etc.

Reference: "Genius of Vilna", etc.
Books: "The Other Bible Code: Ancient Hebrew Revelations about Events of Our Time" by H. M. Davidson

"Torah" is also known as the Christian "Old Testament"

Also interesting about the "Genius of Vilna" is his 18th century writings about what is probably now being revealed in the Bible Codes.  He said the following:

"The rule is that all that was, is, and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah, from the first word to the last word. And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details of every species and each one individually, and details of details of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end."

The words of the Genius of Vilna above seem to echo the words of a much earlier Jewish "genius" - the greatest Rabbi of all time;Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah. Jesus said; "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Torah) until everything is accomplished." Matthew 5:18 NIV


islam and 911


911 in BIBLE CODES in New Testament below
(see further explanation/examples of Bible Codes here)

bible codes about 911 wtc bombing

 New York World Trade Center Bombing

above is KJV New Testament Matrix Showing:

Manhattan  World  Trade  Centre
Blood and Fire and Vapour and Smoke
The Ninth Hour
They Shook off the Dust

Above discovered by Australian Kevin Acres with Codefinder Software

ATTA - Terrorist on plane that crashed into WTC - found by Michael Sweeney
*We find it significant that "Atta" is now believed to have been the leader of this strike on New York; and that he is believed to have been on the first plane to strike the WTC.
Some people who remember Atta describe him as "pure evil".

See another WTC Bible Code Matrix HERE

Eerie Elevens

The date of the attack:  9/11          9 + 1 + 1 = 11

September 11th is the 254th day of the year:     2 + 5 + 4 = 11

After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran.       1 + 1 + 9 = 11

Twin Towers - standing side by side,      looks like the number 11

The first plane to hit the towers was:       Flight 11

There's More.......

State of New York -       The 11th State added to the Union

New York City -             11 Letters

Afghanistan -                  11 Letters

The Pentagon -               11 Letters

Ramzi Yousef -               11 Letters 

(convicted or orchestrating the attack on he WTC in 1993)

Flight 11 - 92 on board                  - 9 + 2 = 11

Flight 77 - 65 on board                  - 6 + 5 = 11

Kay from Baytown, TX wrote Bible Probe; "also Bush had his arm around a fireman, his hat had 164    -1+6+4=11"


John 8     Read This Chapter
For you are the children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth. There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Ephesians 6     Read This Chapter
For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
Revelation 9     Read This Chapter
Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon – the Destroyer.
Rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea. For the Devil has come down to you in great anger, and he knows that he has little time."

yeshua also known as jesus is coming twin towers picture

Change of Allegiance

Now that the President has called us to prayer... 
Now that Congress has called us to prayer... 
Now that our Governor has called us to prayer... 
Now that the NYC Mayor has called us to prayer... 
Now that the media and most other branches of
our American Society have called us to prayer... 
And now that our churches are assembling in
special prayer... 
Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, I now
have only two questions........ 

Would it now be OK to pray in our schools???  
And, would it finally be time to stop the slaughter of
innocent babies?



Here SHE is, the USS New York, made from the World Trade Center!

USS New York LPD-21 picture

USS New York (LPD-21)
San Antonio class LPD

Scheduled for launch in mid-2007, the Navy warship USS New York is currently under construction in Avondale, Louisiana and will contain about 24 tons of scrap steel salvaged from the World Trade Center. According to Navy sources, the USS New York is the fifth in a new class of amphibious assault vessels, the San Antonio Class, "designed to support embarking, transporting, and landing elements of a Marine landing force in an assault by helicopters, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and by a combination of these methods to conduct primary amphibious warfare missions."

"This new class of ships will project American power to the far corners of the Earth and support the cause of freedom well into the 21st century," said Secretary of the Navy Gordon England when the project was announced in 2002. "From the war for independence through the war on terrorism, which we wage today, the courage and heroism of the people of New York has been an inspiration. USS New York will play an important role in our Navy's future and will be a fitting tribute to the people of the Empire State."




See War on Terror pictures: here


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