Heart Surgeon tells
of Resurrection from the Dead |
At World Doctor's Conference, Heart Surgeon
Relates Astounding Account of a Resurrection from the Dead
Chauncey W. Crandall IV |
"We quickly rushed the gentleman down to the intensive care unit,
and the hospital was by now buzzing about the fact that a dead man
had been brought back to life. After a couple of days he woke up.
He had an amazing story to tell after I had asked him, 'Where have
you been and where were you on that day that you had that massive
heart attack? You were gone and we prayed you back to life in
Jesus name.'"
Dan Wooding/TN (July 18, 2007)
(MIAMI, FL)—The audience of 120 doctors from 50 countries sat in
stunned silence as a renowned heart doctor produced evidence of how,
after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being
prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer.
Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV, who serves at the Palm Beach
Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, made his
dramatic presentation on Friday, July 13th at the 4th Annual World
Christian Doctors Network Conference in Miami, Florida.
He produced dramatic evidence that was shown on the screen and then,
afterwards, agreed to tell the story to Assist News Service in an
interview with Dan Wooding.
Read this entire Article
Hearts changed, and a
10-foot tall radiant Angel really appears. |
From the
"Jesus" Film Project
Jan Schlebusch, a
wonderful man of God from South Africa, is one of the tens of
thousands of volunteers who have shown "JESUS," using either 16 mm
or on video.
Jan had taken a most risky step. He was
about to show "JESUS" to a small group of hardened criminals in a
maximum security prison in South Africa. He was alone in a
room with the "toughest of the tough" - robbers, rapists and
murderers. Several of them were "lifers." Jan knew that
any one of the prisoners could easily slit his throat with a knife
when he dimmed the lights to show "JESUS."
However, despite the pressure he felt, Jan was
obedient. As the story unfolded many of the prisoners mocked
and swore at the screen. Their language was foul and
offensive. Gradually, they quieted down and became more
interested in the story. Then an astounding thing happened.
During the crucifixion, several began to weep.
By the time the prayer of invitation was completed, hardened
criminals - EVERY ONE OF THEM - were on their knees, sobbing, asking
God to forgive them, praying to invite Christ into their lives.
Shocked and amazed, Jan wasn't sure what has
just happened. He turned his head to the corner of the
room...startled by the sight. Standing before him was an
awesome being, 10-feet tall, robed in brilliant white...an angel.
Jan said the angel's face was obscured. He could see nothing
above the angel's shoulders. This messenger of God lifted up
his hand and pointed a finger directly toward Jan: "You
see, Jan, all you must do is be available and do the work."
Instantly, the angel vanished --but not the
sense of awe that was engulfing Jan. He had seen the Living
God at work, pouring out His love upon those for whom He died to
save. And he had witnessed the greatest miracle of all.
He had seen the vilest of sinners being born from above, becoming
righteous in Jesus.
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
and his greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3
If you haven't yet seen this film which is
bringing millions of people to the King, see the "Jesus" film
In the Ukraine - a mighty
resurrection from the dead |
Ukrainian policeman Boris Pilipchuk, from the Khemlnitskij District of the Ukraine was
clinically dead for over 2.5 hours after a massive brain hemorrhage
with internal bleeding in 95% of his brain.
Click the below link and read Boris' description of his trip to
Heaven, meeting God, and his powerful resurrection from the dead.
Read this
amazing true story:
Scott's Angel |

HERE to enlarge |
On 21 OCT 07 Scott wrote BibleProbe.com:
I was reading your web site, and wanted to share this
photo of a ANGEL WITH MY SON. This picture was taken the
afternoon before my son was to have surgery, at the time of
the picture being taken, prayers were being said for his
safe recovery, the photo has been tested for 2 years by
photograph professionals, and churches, and has been found
to be 100% real. my son is healthy and strong now thanks to
this powerful servant of GOD. THANKS
'This is from God'
-1967 Miracle -War 40th
Anniversary |
On the modern calendar, June 7, 2007 is the 40th
anniversary of the miracle Six-Day War and Israel recapturing
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount after being in Gentile hands for
1,870 years (since AD 70). The war's swift outcome was truly a
miracle as shown by unexplained enemy blunders.
As the war began, Israel found itself outnumbered and out-gunned on
three fronts, Egypt to the south, Jordan to the west and Syria to
the north. The Soviet Union had poured $2 billion worth of arms into
the Arab nations. Israel's enemies brought twice as many soldiers,
three times as many tanks and four times as many airplanes to the
But just before the war, Egypt, Israel's main enemy suffered a
series of major mistakes and mishaps.
"There was this miscommunication between Nasser and his top
generals," Channel 2 Military Correspondent Ehud Yaari said. "And
everything didn't work to what they thought. And when the war broke,
you could see and hear, which we did. We heard them. You could see
and hear that the Egyptian high command was not in control.
Read this entire Article
Faith to Raise the
- raising
the dead in Mexico |
Missionary Joseph "Jody" Hogan
was in a small village in Mexico. A little Indian fellow ran up to
me and tapped me on the shoulder and said “Brother David, my son is
about to die.”
When I walked in their house is made up of sticks wrapped up with
vines out of the jungle. I get inside and there are two or three
candles burning. The first thing I see is a woman in the middle of
the floor, rocking back and forth and just screaming. There’s a
little body stretched out – her son, nine years old. He’d been dead
for four hours. I look to her right and there are two black
magic warlocks standing there. Standing beside them are two spiritist healers. You have
two elders from the town that are anti-Christ. They are against Jesus. You’ve
got the warlocks and the spiritists - plenty of demons there. The sister was
born again. When she looked up and saw me… I don’t have to tell you how
concerned I looked. You have this dead boy there, you have these warlocks, you
have these anti-Christs, you’ve got the spiritist healers there. It’s time to be
serious. So what do you do? Pray, believe, receive “all things
I picked up this boy who had been dead for over 4 ½ hours.
Read this entire excerpt
Angels Singing |
News: February 2007
Angels singing 'caught on tape'
'It happened supernaturally. There's no other
Read this angel visit
(true story of a little
boy saved by angels) |
On July 22nd, 1993 Lloyd Glenn was informed that his three year old
son had been trapped at home underneath his family's automatic garage door for
several minutes, and that when his wife had found him he was dead.
The garage door had completely closed on his little sternum right
over his heart. Brian was miraculously revived/resurrected by CPR and hospital
personnel. But full story of this miracle didn't end there.
Almost a month later to the day of the accident, Brian awoke from
his afternoon nap and said, "Sit down mommy. I have something to
tell you."
"Do you remember when I got stuck under the garage door? Well, it
was so heavy and it hurt really bad. I called to you, but you
couldn't hear me. I started to cry, but then it hurt too bad. And
then the 'birdies' came."
"The birdies made a whooshing sound and flew into the garage.
They took care of me." "They did?" "Yes," he said. "One of the
birdies came and got you. She came to tell you I got stuck under the
door." A sweet reverent feeling filled the room.
Read this angel visit
Miracle at the August 07
I-35 Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis, MN |
Park, Minnesota)—Wednesday, August 1st, seemed to be a day like any
other in the St. Paul, Minneapolis area. But at 6:05 pm—in the midst
of rush hour traffic—the busy Interstate Bridge that joined I-35
with the city of Minneapolis suddenly broke apart and fell into the
Mississippi River.
have been many accounts already, which have pointed to the grace and
protection of God in the midst of such tragedy.... Due to the
construction on the bridge, the traffic was not at the normally full
flow, or speed. There was a train riding underneath the bridge at
the time, which may have stopped some of the collapse. And then the
school bus, filled with 50 children that rode the concrete on the
way down during the collapse, and didn't tip over—all the children
were saved. (Photo: AP)
And then there is Matthew's testimony of God's protection. What
happened to Matthew (last name withheld) on the day of the bridge
collapse is nothing short of miraculous and amazing!
After being contacted by one of Matthew's family members, to inform
me of his story, I later spoke with Matthew directly. First I asked
him go back to that moment, before the bridge collapsed, and explain
everything that happened next.
"I was coming home to take a shower, and then pick up my friend
across the I 35 W. bridge," Matthew recalled. "I was headed into the
city [of Minneapolis], it was bumper-to-bumper."
"I was praying and talking to the Lord, and the next minute the Lord
gave me this vision. In the vision [the bridge was] shaking—it
started to snap and broke through. I saw two cars go off the edge
into the Mississippi. Then, [after the vision] I said, 'What is that
all about Lord? You need to talk to me.'"
"God told me to 'STOP!'" (I was 100 feet away from the bridge)
"He said, 'You need to stop right there.' I said, 'Lord, there are
cars behind me,' (There were about 100 people in the line of traffic
behind him, and many had begun honking their horns at him). But God
said, 'That's okay, you need to stop.' So I stopped. And then the
Lord said, 'Look.'"
"People were going around me—about 20 feet away from the bridge.
That's when it snapped—[the bridge] broke down and crashed. I saw 2
cars go off the bridge, and I was like...'wow!'" (Photo: MyFOX9.com–KMSP)
"At first I was sitting in the car waiting, thanking the Lord,
because it could've been me on that bridge. Then people came up to
me and said, 'Thank you.'"
"I got out and looked from the side [at the collapse]...it was
traumatic seeing what happened. And then the police told me to go
back in my car and turn around."
I asked Matthew what he was thinking at the moment he saw the bridge
begin to break...
"I was realizing that the Lord is awakening [His people] and saying,
'Listen to Me, you need to listen to Me.' I realized that if I
[hadn't] listened to Him, I would've gotten on that bridge and took
a ride."
"After that I called my friend and told him I couldn't pick him up
because the bridge broke through. Then I went to the Holy Spirit
conference [that was happening nearby] and worshipped the Lord!"
I then asked Matthew, "As you look back at what God spared you from
that day, and at what happened with the bridge, what immediately
comes to mind?"
"When I look back," said Matthew, "I realize the Lord has a calling
[for me], and He's preparing me to be obedient and ready, and to
know it is 'time to roll'...and to know who Jesus is."
A real Resurrection
of an African Christian Pastor |
This is about a real resurrection of an African
Christian Pastor
were completely white, including the pupils of their eyes. The
angels were so large that Daniel
One was as big as the ambulance.
world. |
Satanists stopped cold
by huge Angels
Below true story in her book
"He Came to Set the
Captives Free"
by Rebecca Brown, MD
Ex-high priestess of The Brotherhood, a
satanist cult writes: It was during that last visit to California that of of the incidents
happened that started me on the road to accepting Christ, started me
questioning Satan's claim to being more powerful than God. The high
priest gathered a number of us together and told us that there was a
family nearby who had been interfering with Satan. They had been
converting a number of the cult members to the enemy, Jesus Christ,
and were making a nuisance of themselves. Satan had given the order
for them all to be killed. The high priest told us that we were all
to go together in our spirit bodies (astral project), and kill them.
Much to our surprise, as we arrived at the edge of this family's
property, we could go no further. The whole area was surrounded by
huge angels. The angels stood side by side holding hands. They were
dressed in long white robes and stood so close together that their
shoulders touched. They had no armor or weapons. Nobody could get
through them, no matter how we tried.
This cult, "The Brotherhood" is
extremely secretive. These satanists infest every level of society -
the poor and the rich. The very well educated, the police force,
government officials, business men and women, and even some
so-called Christian ministers. Most of all of them attend local
Christian churches and are considered "good citizens" because of
their involvement in local civil activities. This is all done as a
cover-up. They lead double lives and are expert at it; masters of
deception. They are rigidly disciplined by Satan and his
demons. They practice human sacrifice several times a year and
animal sacrifice on a monthly basis. The human sacrifices are most
often babies--born our of wedlock to various cult members, cared for
by the doctors and nurses within the cult so that the mother is
never seen in a hospital. |
Read more about this:
News Report:
in Iran
Jesus appears to an old Muslim man in Iran
See at Amazon:
here |
The salvation of an Islamic theologian
in Iran
This deals with the Lord
Jesus' miraculous radiant appearance to an elderly Muslim theologian
in Iran in recent years; and about Jesus telling this man he is not Allah!
(The indication is, Jesus is God also, and there is no
Allah...) Jesus then tells this man that He is "the Bread of Life", and words
similar to 'His (Jesus') blood washes sins away'. Realizing whom
he is dealing with, the man asks Jesus to accept him.
A True testimony. |
Read this any many more
miracles in Nina Nevisa's book, "Miracle of Miracles". See
out of Prison in Iran
Zana meets
an Angel
the bus, I was sitting next to a man. He opened
his bag and took out a sandwich which was
wrapped in newspaper. I was very hungry since I
had not eaten regular food in almost six months.
I did not want to look at his food but I just
couldn't stand the smell of the kabobs. He
turned around and asked me if I would like one.
Without hesitating as we usually do in Iranian
culture, I asked for one. Instead of one, he
gave me two out of the three that he had with
him. I asked for his name and he said that his
name was Yacub. I had never heard that name
before. So I asked, "What kind of name is this?"
He said "Hebrew". "Ahh, so you are a Jew?" I
asked back. "No, I am a Christian", he said. I
had heard a lot of negative things about
Christians in the Quran so I did not want to get
into a conversation about Christianity. But
something inside me made me wonder why he
believed in it (Christianity)? I asked if he
believed that Jesus was the son of God. The
answer was yes. How could God have a wife? How
could God have sex? He started explaining that
to say that God had sex with Mary is the
greatest sin. But rather Jesus is the son of God
in a spiritual way and not like the way we are
born. And we never say that God ever had a wife,
we believe in a holy God.
Who was he? Why didn't he
go to his friend's house? Then I remembered that
the friend's name was Zana and only then
realized he meant me.
READ Zana's
entire true Story HERE |
Celestial Canopy (Angels)
Three year. old Elizabeth
finished her prayers and crawled into bed.....I started picking up
dolls and toys and just then I heard a loud crash above me. The
whole house trembled.
Read this heart warming story at:
Celestial Canopy |
God is still doing
miracles in Muslim countries |
As in the first days of the Church, God still intervenes
today...Supernaturally. He is changing lives for eternity!
In the Middle East, a deacon in a large church had a vivid dream.
Before him he saw a familiar street of his large city, and a house
address (which for this post I'll refer to as "269"). The following
night he had the same dream. Again and again he saw the address
--269. When he awoke this strong believer felt he should
investigate, believing his dream could be from the Lord.
The deacon went to the street, found the address, knocked on the
door. A man with a white robe, beard and turban answered. He was a
religious leader/teacher. The leader invited the deacon in and shut
the door. He found himself in a room filled with more white robes
and turbans, all sitting in a circle...and women, covered
head-to-foot in their burkas.
To say the deacon was nervous would be an understatement. For to
talk about Christ in their presence (whom they knew as the Prophet
Isa) could cost him his life. His only option was to accept the
robed man's offer of tea, sit down and chat. Anxious to leave, he
set his cup, thanked him and walked to the door. On his way out the
leader interrupted, "But, why did you come?"
Hesitantly, the deacon replied, "I had a dream. I saw your street
and your house number. So I came, believing God was sending me
here." The leader replied, "We have been waiting for you! We
have all become followers of Isa and have been praying to God that
He would send someone to tell us more about Him. He has sent you to
us. We gather here secretly because we cannot talk about our faith
outside this room. It is too dangerous."
On leaving, the robed leader passed on this urgent request: "Please,
you must come again. There are many more groups like us in the
neighborhood, meeting secretly in houses. You must also tell them
more about Isa."
Reference: "Jesus Film Project"
August 28, 2008 Newsletter. |
Pastor Shu-fang Ho's personal experience
I slept about half an
hour and while my eyes were yet closed, I felt that a great light
was shining all around me. I thought it might be because my wife was
carrying a light into my bedroom, as she often did. But, as my eyes
opened, I saw a blinding light, much like a very bright Coleman
lamp, approaching close to me. Immediately, I called out to my wife
in the next room: "Very great light! Very great light!" Scarcely
had I uttered the words, when I beheld a handsome young man wearing
a white one-piece robe. His hands hung by his side and a smile was
upon his face. Again I called out: "Angel! Angel!"
Read this true story
here |
Muslim's Journey to God
- Kashif's Story |
felt then as if a laser beam were penetrating my soul, holding me
paralyzed all the while in its irrefutable grip.
Miracles became
almost commonplace thereafter. And more remarkable. Seeing as all
the signs were pointing specifically to a Christian God, i joined a
Bible study at the University of Alberta, Canada.
Read this true story
here |
Miracles for Desiree |
was then that Jesus answered my prayer! He said: "after the
service when the procession will leave, look behind the priest"!
Read Desiree's entire awesome testimony here:
for Desiree
Buys a Miracle
was a precocious eight year old when she heard her Mom and Dad
talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he
was very sick and they were completely out of money.
Read this true story
here |
Salomon saved by God's Angels |
on the ground wounded in the Golan Heights, Gershon Salomon could
see hundreds of Syrians soldiers advancing and loading their weapons to
finish him off. Suddenly the Syrians turned and fled.
Syrian reports to UN Observors say that that area Gershon laid in
was suddenly populated by countless angels. Hear Gershon's
telling of this, and see his work in ridding the Temple Mount of
pagan Islamic worship. A 10th
generation sabra¸
Salomon served in every war since 1948
when he was still a child. He was wounded during
a battle with the Syrians in 1958.
Salomon was
accidentally run over by an Israeli tank. It
folded him backward, breaking his spine. He
learned to walk again on crutches, and, during
the Six Days War, to fight on them.
It was on those crutches that
Salomon participated in the battle to capture
the Temple nine years later. And on those
crutches that he became one of the first Jews to
set foot on Temple Mount in nearly 2000 years.
Gershon Salomon's
story here.
Listen to him tell this true story
(.ram file) |
Back from the Dead; an ex-Buddhist Monk's
remarkable Testimony
Pyan Shinthaw Paulu is
from the country of Myanmar.
He has told this true story of what happened to
him fearlessly and boldly at great
personal cost, including imprisonment. He has
been scorned by his relatives, friends and
colleagues, and faced death threats for his
unwillingness to compromise his message.
contracting malaria and yellow fever together,
actually died for three days.
He says; My body
decayed and stunk of death, and my heart stopped
beating. My body was prepared for cremation and
was put through traditional Buddhist
purification rites.
Although I faded away in my body I remember my
mind and spirit were fully alert. I was in a
very, very powerful storm. A tremendous wind
flattened the whole landscape until there were
no trees or anything else standing, just a flat
plain. I walked very fast along this plain for
some time. There were no other people anywhere,
I was all alone. After some time I crossed a
river. On the other side of the river I saw a
terrible, terrible lake of fire. In Buddhism we
do not have a concept of a place like this. At
first I was confused and didn't know it was hell
until I saw Yama, the king of hell.
Trembling, I asked him his name. He replied, "I
am the king of hell, the Destroyer."
was told to look at another person who was in
the fire. I saw a man with very long hair
wrapped on the left hand side of his head. He
was also wearing a robe. I asked the king of
hell, "Who is this man?" He replied, "This is
the one you worship: Gautama [Buddha]." I was
very disturbed to see Gautama in hell. I
protested, "Gautama had good ethnics and good
moral character, why is he suffering in this
lake of fire?" The king of hell answered me, "It
doesn't matter how good he was. He is in this
place because he did not believe in the Eternal
Read this true story
here |
Miracle in the Chinese water well" |
Miracles are commonplace in Chinese Christian
circles. And it appears the Holy Spirit is
working mightily there to bring up a new crop of
fervent and true believers, who will play a main
role in the Kingdom of God. Miraculous
miracles are seen all the time by Christians in
China. But there are also many out of the
ordinary miraculous occurrences.
Sister Chen Yurong tells the true story about
her younger brother, a Communist party member
who persecuted her fiercely for her Christian
faith. Her brother had two sons, ages nine
and five. One day as his sons were playing
near the village water well she heard the older
brother crying out in terror that his 5-year old
brother had fallen into the well. The boy
had not yet surfaced when Chen Yurong arrived at
the well. Chen cried out to God, "Lord,
save this boy! Let me die instead."
Suddenly, as the villagers were gathering around
the well, the young boy came to the surface of
the water. The villagers lowered ropes,
and the boy was pulled out of the well.
"Did you swallow a lot of water?" one of the
villagers asked the boy. "No," said the
5-year old boy. "There was a man in white
holding me up." After this Chen's brother
stopped persecuting his sister for her belief in
Amazing growth of
Christianity in China:
Officially, there are now about 21 million
Christians (Protestant and Catholic) in China.
However, this figure widely loses confidence, as
it doesn't take into account the vast network of
"house churches" all across China, that haven't
aligned themselves with the "state sanctioned
and controlled" Christian Church. This means it
is possible that there is now close to 80
million Christians in China, and this number may
be growing rapidly.
more about the amazing Chinese Christian churches
great luminous cross appeared in the heavens over Golgotha |
great sign appeared during the first year of St. Cyril's (315-386
A.D.) episcopate
in Jerusalem, in the year 351, at nine o'clock in the morning of May
7. This was in the era of the Adrian heresy, in
which the relationship of Christ to God the Father had been placed
in question. In a letter to the Roman Emperor Constantius, St.
Cyril wrote; "on the nones of May, about the third hour, a
great luminous cross appeared in the heavens, just over
Golgotha, reaching as far as the holy mount of Olivet, seen, not by
one or two persons, but clearly and evidently by the whole
city. This was not, as might be thought, a fancy-bred and
transient appearance: but it continued several hours together,
visible to our eyes and brighter than the sun. The whole city,
penetrated alike with awe and with joy at this portent, ran
immediately to the church, all with one voice giving praise to our
Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God." St. Cyrus
continued; "Everyone saw that the pious Christian faith
consisted not in the disputable words of human wisdom."
Church historians Socrates, Sozomen, and others also wrote of this
apparition. St. Cyril died in peace in 386, leaving behind his
Catechetical Lectures, which are a precious monument of Christian
antiquity. |
from freezing to death by an Angel in Alaska |
then, the door to her cottage opened and a tall young man walked
into the room carrying an armful of wood. He carefully placed the
wood in the wood bin and began to remake the fire. He also filled
the kettle with water and placed it on the stove to heat. Then he
went outside and soon returned with another armload of wood. While
performing this service he kept his face turned to one side so that
Mrs. Dubay could not see him. She wanted to ask him whether he was
an angel, but was reluctant to do that. Finally, she asked the
question inaudibly, and then the young man turned toward her, smiled
and nodded his head.
Read this true story
here |
The Heavenly Waiting Room
- Diane's Story |
could not see any walls, I could see what seem to be a
"cloud" barrier all around me. I sensed this was a holy
room. I could not see any benches, but yet softness of cloud shapes
seemed to indicate a place to be seated. I fealt sooo peaceful, but
uncertain what to do. I could hear music, softly playing, with harps
as the main instrument. It was unlike anything I had ever heard and
it was soothing to my very soul.
Read this true story
here |
Miracle of a Brothers Song |
on singing, Michael." Tears had now conquered the face of the
bossy head nurse. Karen glowed. "You are my sunshine, my only
sunshine. Please don't, take my sunshine away..." The next,
day...the very next day...the little girl was well enough to go
Read this true story
here |
Kathryn's Story |
In the Summer of 2001, Every
night before falling to sleep, I would close my
eyes and immediately would see a pin point of a
bright light. As I would continue to focus on
the light, I'd realize that the light was
pulsating and moving closer. In the center of
this amazingly bright light would form a face.
As the face would become clearer I would see the
faces of loved ones who had already passed on.
In Sept. of 2001 I was
diagnosed with fourth stage Ovarian cancer. The
doctors had estimated I would only have, three
to four months left to live.
Then one night, nothing no
light, no smiling faces of the dead loved ones,
nothing at all. Two weeks went by with no bright
light, when I was given the news that the
treatments were miraculously working and all the
tumors had shrunk considerably! I have been
blessedly cancer free for four and a half years,
and have never seen the light or the faces of
loved one since!
Read this true story
here |
about Saint Mark |
is often based on fact. While tradition is unreliable as to
small details, it very seldom contains outright inventions.
There is an early Christian tradition about St Mark that says;
"The pagans, not content with having killed the Saint, wanted
to destroy also his lifeless body, but they had scarcely lit the
bonfire that was to have consumed the body before there was a....."
Read this true story
here |
Miraculous darkness
during the crucifixion of Christ |
A pagan historian by the name of Thallus, who lived shortly
after the resurrection of Christ (about A.D. 52) wrote concerning a
miraculous darkness that covered the earth at the Passover of A.D.
32 and attempted to explain it as an eclipse of the sun. Julius
Africanus, a Christian teacher in North Africa in A.D. 215,
wrote concerning this historian's assertions, "Thallus, in
the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an
eclipse of the sun - unreasonably as it seems to me."
Julianus contends, and modern astronomers confirm, that the Paschal
full moon in which the Passover occurred (the Passover in which
Christ was crucified) could not have been eclipsed. Thus, no known
natural explanation can be presented to explain the darkness
referred to in the Bible as occurring during Christ's crucifixion.
The Jewish
Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) from the
Tannaitic Period recorded: "On the eve
of Passover Yeshu was hanged"....
"Attention, shoppers!"
True story... Related by Pastor
Che Ahn, of the Harvest Rock
Church in Pasadena, California.
A 22-year-old young man was
recently standing in line at the
cash register and noticed the
lady in front of him wearing
hearing aids. He boldly asked
her, "Would you like for me to
pray for you so that God will
heal your hearing?"
She said yes, assuming that he
meant to pray for her later.
Instead, he wanted to pray for
her right then and there, and
she agreed. He did, then asked
the lady to remove her hearing
aids. She did and with some
testing from the young man found
out that her hearing was
perfect! The lady was so
excited. The cashier was in
tears, knowing that she had just
experienced an act of God. We
need more audacious boldness for
Jesus. I know He likes it and
will meet us when we step out.
"Without faith, it is impossible
to please Him" (Hebrews 11:6).
Read this entire story
here |
Martyring of the entire Roman Theban Legion |
In the year of Christ 286 A.D. a most remarkable affair occurred; a Roman legion of soldiers, consisting of six thousand six hundred and sixty-six men, contained none but Christians. The entire legion chose to be martyred for Christ Jesus. The Roman Emperor Maximian had the
entire legion killed because they refused to bow to pagan gods and kill other
During their martyrdom, numerous miracles happened, which undoubtedly largely contributed to the massive conversion of the inhabitants of these regions to Christianity. In Zurich for instance, the three beheaded saints Felix, Regula and Exuperantius miraculously rose, carried their heads on their own hands, walked to the top of a hill, where they knelt, prayed and at last lay down. On the same spot, a large cathedral was later erected.
Saints Victor, Orsus and their comrades were barbarously tortured by Hirtacus, the roman governor of Solothurn. During this torture, several miracles occurred, e.g. the shackles suddenly broke open, the fire was instantaneously extinguished, etc. The lookers-on were thus filled with wonder and began to admire the Theban
legionnaires, upon which the furious Hirtacus ordered their immediate beheading. Without the slightest resistance they offered the executors their necks. The bodies of the beheaded Saints then shown in glaring brightness. The bodies of the Saints which were thrown in the river Aar, advanced the bank, stepped out, walked heads on hands, then knelt and prayed at the spot where the Basilica of St. Peter later arose.
Read this extraordinary true story
here |
of Jerusalem |
Around the year
300 A.D. Neanias of Jerusalem had a similar
experience as Saul of Tarsus had on the road to Damascus. He
too suffered a martyrs death.
Then a brilliant Cross, as of crystal, appeared in the sky and a voice came from the Cross, "I am Jesus, the crucified Son of God. By this sign that you have seen, overcome your enemies, and My peace will be with you."
Catholics know
Neanias as St. Procopius (Proconius)
Read this extraordinary story
Jesus cures a young
woman of Cancer |
Dying young mother cured of cancer by Jesus in
the Most Blessed Sacrament...
Fathey Aloysius Ellacuria, C.M.F., founder of
the Missionaries of Perpetual Adoration, had a
young mother come to him in the early 1970's,
eyes filled with tears, an aching body saturated
with cancer, and given little hope to live. He
took her into the chapel asking her, "Have you
ever asked Our Lord to cure you?" "No," she
replied. "Well" he said, "Let us kneel down
right here in front of the Most Blessed
Sacrament, and ask Him to cure you. You know Our
Lord is really present in the Most Blessed
Sacrament; do you believe that?" "Yes," she
promptly replied.
Father Ellacuria continued, "Our Lord is the
same as He who walked on the earth 2,000 years
ago; and who blessed the sick and healed the
sick. Do you believe that He is the same Lord
that is living here in this Most Blessed
Sacrament?" "Yes, He is," was her pain filled
response. "Well, He cured them and He can cure
Together they prayed a series of Our Father's,
Hail Mary's, and Glory Be's. After three of each
the woman, startled, said: "Father, I don't
think it is necessary to continue to go on -- I
feel healed."
The next day X-rays were taken of the young
mother and the astonished doctor said" "all the
cells that were attacked by cancer are now like
the cells of a new-born baby."
This was but one of the many cures Father
Ellacuria witnessed while imploring assistance
from Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Reference: The Last Days News, April 06
http://www.tldm.org |
Encounter With Jesus |
of the rooms in our house had been known to have
an evil spirit occupant. Many including my
brothers and aunt had seen the spirit in the
dark form of an ugly man. I was not a true
believer of evil spirits and stuff that they
were talking about. I did, however, have a
rather strange experience when I spent the night
in that room. Initially, I felt something was
trying to overcome my mind and I managed to
struggle free from that strange encounter most
of the time. After all, it could be just my
imagination I thought, or I thought maybe it was
just because I felt exhausted that day. One
fateful night, it was quite different and that
thing got hold of me entirely. My whole body was
paralyzed and the only body parts that still
worked were my eye balls and my mind. I thought
then that I was in real trouble this time. The
feeling was awful and I was in the dark void
completely. In desperation, I called out bismillah imanirohim (from the Islamic religion) and then
tried to recite omitoufut (from the Buddhism religion), but none of
them worked. Finally, I cried out “Jesus, please help me!” and
instantly I was freed and I made a quick dash out of that room. My
parents sold that house a few years later.
The country that I grew up in has many different religions. I tried
praying in the Buddhist or Taoist temples but none satisfied me, and
I always felt empty at the end. However, I have a different feeling
when I pray to Jesus. I feel as though He is listening to me in
real-time. I have no doubt that He is the true God worthy of worship
and I would encourage all readers to pick up that courage in talking
to Him no matter who you are, where you come from and what previous
religion you had in the past. He does not care all about that, and
He only cares for your salvation and your love right now. Remember
what Jesus says: “Nobody comes to the Father but by Me”. That
powerful statement indicates that there is no other god but Jesus
Himself. He loves me as much as He loves you! Trust me.
Read this true story
here |
Beyond the Curtain of Time
by Rev William Branham
from his sermon "The Rejected King" |
This is Rev. William Branham's
Vision of being taken up to
Heaven, around: May,
And when I hit that little Place,
I never seen so many people come
running, screaming, "Oh, our
precious brother!"
And I looked. And young women,
maybe in their early twenties,
eighteen to twenty, they were
throwing their arms around me, and
screaming, "Our precious brother!"
Here come young men, in the
brilliance of young manhood. And
their eyes glistening and looking
like stars on a darkened night.
Their teeth as white as pearl. And
they were screaming, and grabbing
me, and screaming, "Oh, our precious
And I stopped, and I looked. And
I was young. I looked back at my old
body laying there, with my hands
behind my head. And I said, "I don't
understand this."
And these young women throwing
their arms around me. Now, I do
realize this is the mixed audience,
and I say this with the sweetness
and with the mellowness of the
Spirit. Men cannot put your arm
around women without a human
sensation; but it wasn't There.
There was no yesterday nor tomorrow.
They didn't get tired. They were . .
. I never seen such pretty women in
all my life. They had hair way down
to their waistline; long skirts to
their feet. And they were just a
hugging me. It wasn't a hug like
even my own sister, setting there,
would hug me. They were not kissing
me, and I was not kissing them. It
was something that I-- I have not
got the--the vocabulary, I haven't
got the words to say. "Perfection"
wouldn't touch it. "Superb" wouldn't
even touch it, nowhere. It was
something that I never . . . You
just have to be There.
I said, "Then I preached every
Word that they preached. I never
divvied from It, one side to the
other. Where they baptized in the
Name of Jesus Christ, I did too.
Where they taught the baptism of the
Holy Ghost, I did too. Whatever they
taught, I did too."
And them people screamed, and
said, "We know that. And we know
we're going with you, someday, back
to earth." Said, "Jesus will come,
and you'll be judged according to
the Word that you preached us. And
then if you are accepted at that
time, which you will be," and said,
"then you will present us to Him, as
your trophies of your ministry."
Said, "You will guide us to Him,
and, all together, we'll go back to
the earth, to live for ever."
Just then a Voice said, "All that
you ever loved, and all that ever
loved you, God has given you Here."
And I looked. And here come my old
dog, come walking up. Here come my
horse, and laid his head upon my
shoulder, and nickered. Said, "All
that you ever loved, and all that
ever loved you, God has given them
into your hand, through your
Read this true story
here |
Sound like that of a mighty rushing wind
Watch parishioners tell about
an amazing thing that happened
inside a church in Northern
Turn up your speakers..
See this video story
here |
The Garbage Dump people
The garbage dump people
July 28, 2000
The below story is one of the most fascinating I have ever heard. It comes from a reliable Christian friend. I first heard it last year but was able to document the details only a few days ago. It demonstrates the power of God's love to penetrate even the most closed cultures when His people are willing to lay down all for the Savior and take up His cross. It also demonstrates the outpouring of God's Spirit in these last days.
A missionary couple had been laboring in a certain Muslim country that I will not name for purposes of protection. They had become terribly discouraged in their attempts to share the gospel with the Muslims there, and they were about to quit and go home. However, they first decided to take a few days to fast and pray, asking the Lord for direction and guidance.
To their surprise, during this period of seeking, the Lord gave them this simple instruction, "Go to the garbage dump people." (In my humble experience, whenever God really speaks to us it is usually very succinct --short, to the point, with few words, very direct. I am always wary of long dissertations purportedly from God.)
The garbage dump people lived on the outskirts of this large Muslim city, the last people group anyone would normally ever want to visit. There are thousands of people there who literally live in the garbage dump. They have no other place to live. They actually comprise a city built on top of all the garbage. "Homes" are typically cardboard boxes. (My friend has photos.) People live off of what they find in the garbage. The stench is described as terrible.
The missionary couple hesitated, humanly not really wanting to go, but they decided that if the Lord was speaking to them they had better obey. (Good idea.)
They soon began an outreach to the garbage dump people. God's anointing was obviously on the effort because after only a short time they had 30-40 people gathering around them for a Bible study in the garbage dump. In less than a year, 800-900 people were gathering every time the missionaries went in to peach and teach, which was three times a week. They soon began to see God's wisdom in this unique ministry. The garbage dump was a totally protected place because no one, including the authorities, wanted to go in there to interfere with what they were doing. One day, their numbers having reached into the hundreds, they were talking with one of the oldest men of the garbage dump city. They told him that somehow they were going to have to find some shelter so that the assembled people would have some cover from the elements. The old man said, "When I was just a child, many years ago, some of the old people at that time said that there was a cave, and far down into the cave there is a meeting place. I remember being taken in there as a young boy. I think I could take you there again." They agreed to come back and go with the old man.
The missionaries soon returned with friends and flashlights. The old man led them to a back part of the garbage dump with a lot of rock formations. He then took them to the opening of a very large cave. They all entered the cave and walked and walked, for about 45 minutes. Finally, at the end, there was a turn, and then to their astonishment they saw an enormous, incredibly well-preserved theater! It was like one of those in the Roman times we have seen in pictures. It was in immaculate condition, obviously preserved from ancient times by the unusual climate. They discovered there was seating for about 5,000 people!
The missionaries began to use that underground theater as the meeting place and as the church. God began to fill the place with garbage dump people. It was not long before every seat in the whole theater was filled, and it was not unusual for lines of Muslims waiting to give testimonies of salvation to go down both sides of the theater, to the left and the right, all the way to the back. These were all Muslims who had come to faith in Jesus Christ, many of them after a supernatural experience, with Jesus appearing to them in dreams and visions, a phenomenon in Muslim countries we have heard about from other reliable sources. Servicessometimes go on for hours.
All this happened because the Father's love through the Holy Spirit stirred in the hearts of two people -- a committed missionary couple -- who said, "yes," and who were willing to lay down their lives, personal ambitions, ego and pride for Jesus, and preach in a filthy, stinking Muslim garbage dump.
I marvel at God's wisdom and how He loves and remembers the lowly.
To Him be all the glory, honor and praise!
Broadway Musician saved from hell and death |
God is Still Doing Miracles - Broadway Musician saved from hell and death. This is an amazing true story about how he was miraculously healed by the Lord. It's well worth taking a few minutes to read about how God is working. I believe it will encourage you. After the service had ended, I was talking to Pastor Henry and his staff, and I suddenly started to pass out. Actually, I was dying right there on the alter of the Lord. Dr. Terri, was taking my pulse. For two and half hours it had been faint and irregular, and was at this moment completely gone! All I recall was hearing Pastor Henry say," I know how to deal with this." Pastor Henry prayed at this time, apparently casting out a spirit of death. I recall Dr. Terri telling me how astonishing that was because she had her finger on my pulse, and it was non-existant. The instant Pastor Henry prayed, my pulse came back so strong and healthy that it pushed her finger off, which had never happened to her before in all her years of medical practice and ER duties. Read this true story
Angel caught on tape |
This little girl shown in the below YouTube video was dying in the hospital. Until one day an angel appeared at the door. She was immediately cured. See this video at YouTube