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Miracle of Miracles book
By Mina Nevisa

Order this book today. See below.  We give it our best -- 4-Stars

is a young upper class Iranian girl's stirring true testimony about how Jesus Christ found her and her husband in Tehran, and how and why they had to escape Iran to avoid execution by radical Muslims.  Their crime? They converted from Islam to Christianity.  Rejected by her family who she loves, and an utter outcast in her homeland, Mina and her husband made a harrowing journey across the mountains to Turkey, then to Europe, and lastly to America.

In Mina's book she tells of  the Lord Jesus' miraculous radiant appearance to an elderly Muslim theologian in Iran., and about Jesus telling this man he is not Allah!  Jesus then tells this man that He is "the Bread of Life", and words similar to His (Jesus') blood washes sins away.  Realizing whom he is dealing with, the man asks Jesus to accept him.

If you have any doubt that the Lord Jesus Himself is leading the way and is seeking out worthy believers in Muslim countries --you won't after reading this book of true miracles.

This is a MUST READ if you are a Muslim who has ever wondered why Allah insists that you pray, not in your native language; or why your prayers with Allah always seem to be empty, pointless and one-way. Come out to freedom, and leave all these meaningless rituals behind.  Stop misdirecting your sweet and worthy prayers to a deity who simply is not either alive, or there.  This is also a MUST READ for any Christian who doesn't believe in miracles, or who wants to meet Muslims face to face and learn about them.

YOU WON'T PUT THIS BOOK DOWN, because the honesty and sincerity of the writer oozes through every page.  And her love for the living Lord Jesus is real.



See this book at Amazon: here


Request a copy of this 224 page paperback book from Mina at:

Touch of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 223492
Chantilly, Virginia 20153

Tel: 703-888-8374


You Can Order the book "Miracle Of Miracles" by sending an Email To TOCMINISTRIES@GMAIL.COM , Or Send Your Check Or Money Order To The Ministry Address above. Credit Cards Are Accepted. Call above telephone number.


Mina uses all proceeds to evangelize the Gospel to Muslims. Mina uses all proceeds to evangelize the Gospel to Muslims.


John 6:30 begins a colloquy that took place in the synagogue at Capernaum. The Jews asked Jesus what sign he could perform so that they might believe in him. As a challenge, they noted that "our ancestors ate manna in the desert." Could Jesus top that? He told them the real bread from heaven comes from the Father. "Give us this bread always," they said. Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." At this point the Jews understood him to be speaking metaphorically.

Again and Again

Jesus first repeated what he said, then summarized: "'I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.’ The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’" (John 6:51–52).

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