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(Bible Probe
makes not 1 cent from this or any referral)
Differences of Adoption and Abortion
"Abortion is not just a simple medical
procedure. For many women, it is a
life-changing event with significant
physical, emotional and spiritual
consequences. Most women who struggle
with past abortions say that they wish
they had been told all of the facts
about abortion and its risks."
Adoption |
Abortion |
Your pregnancy ends with giving life
You may feel good and positive about your
You will remember giving birth
You will have plenty of time to plan your
and your baby's future
You can hold, name, and love your baby
You can have continued contact with your
Your pregnancy ends with death
You may feel guilt and shame about your
You will remember taking a life
Abortion is final; you can’t reverse your
You will never know or treasure your baby
You will miss the opportunity to see your
child develop
Abortion Linked to Premature
Births |
7 June 2005: Such findings are based on data collected and
analyzed by Dr. Caroline Moreau of Hospital de
Bicetre and her colleagues. As reported by
LifeSite.net, the researchers concluded
"that women with a history of abortion were 1.5
times more likely to give birth very prematurely
(under 33 weeks gestation), and 1.7 times more
likely to have a baby born extremely (under 28
weeks gestation) preterm."
Also, statistics show that
teenage girls who have
abortions are twice as likely to commit suicide and are much
more likely to suffer other mental-health problems. |
the Ku Klux Klan Could Only Dream About The
Abortion Industry is Accomplishing
- American blacks should be made aware what is happening to
them. More black babies have been aborted than have
ever died in the U.S. In 1996, the most recent year for which
abortion statistics are available from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, there were approximately
1,221,585 abortions performed in the United States.
Since 1973, approx 13 million black babies have been killed
by abortion. Also since Since 1973, abortion has
reduced the black population by over 25 percent. Twice
as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have
died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart
disease combined. Planned Parenthood operates the nation's
largest chain (nearly nearly 850 death centers) of abortion clinics and
almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority
About 13 percent of American women are black, but they
submit to over 35 percent of the abortions. These
quotes are from
Liberal Democrats smile in your face and court
Black votes; while managing to kill you |
Without abortion, America's African-American population of
42 million people would be about 35% larger today.
Who is responsible for this? The same political party
who always courts African-American votes, which blacks have
always voted for. The Democratic party is without a
doubt the force behind this murder of America's babies, and
especially African-American babies. Yet blacks seem
blind to this. John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and nearly all
Democrats admit they are for abortion. Who can doubt
the Democrat resolve to sustain and advance abortion after
watching any Supreme Court nomination proceeding?
Then, why do African-American continue to vote Democrat,
which means their demise?
Kerry argues that an unborn child is not a person, so this
unborn baby is therefore not protected by the law.
Blacks should remember that the Supreme Court used this same
basic flawed argument in 1857 during their "Dred Scott"
decision. The outcome, was that this court declared
that blacks simply weren't persons because they were
inferior; so the law didn't protect them.
the Supreme Court always right? |
- The Dred
Scott decision of 1857 upheld slavery as legal. It decreed
that black people are the private property of the slave
owners. This was a grave error of the Supreme Court, denying
African Americans one of their most fundamental human rights
— the right to liberty. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court
erred again by denying a whole class of human beings (preborn
babies) the most fundamental right — the right to life.
- Did you know
that Margaret Sanger, the 1921 founder of the American Birth
Control League, the forerunner of the Planned Parenthood
(1942) worked closely with W.E.B. Du Bois on his "Negro
Project," an effort to expose Southern black women to birth
control. Margaret Sanger also wrote many articles
sympathetic to eugenics, some in Socialist papers.
about Breast Cancer:
- If
you have had an abortion while you were in a non-life
threatening (yours) situation - and you later developed
breast cancer - you may want to look into suing your
abortion doctor.
Breast cancer
kills more women in the 40 - 59 year age group than just
about anything else. Breast cancer in woman has
dramatically increased right alongside abortion since 1972.
In 1962 there were 63,000 cases. In 1972 that jumped
to 90,000 cases of breast cancer detected. And in 2002
there were an estimated 203,500 cases.
- A link
between much higher numbers of breast cancer in those women
who have also had abortions has been well known and studied
since the early 1990's. The earliest abortion/breast
cancer correlation we know of was reported in a 1957 study.
Evidence for this abortion/breast cancer link began mounting
in the 1970's - 1980's. Yet abortion doctors usually chose
to either ignore this, or "hide it under the
There have been at least 37 studies on this breast cancer /
abortion link. More than 75% of these studies (28)
show that abortion is a risk factor.
- This increase
risk in breast cancer may have something to do with the
body's normal release of increased estrogen during pregnancy
suddenly being interfered with in abortion.
August 2, 2005:
Using 1990-2003 data, a Pfizer/National Medical Association
study has found. that the breast-cancer death rate for black
women was 14 percent higher than for white women in 1990,
yet 36 percent higher in 2002.
See this real story about a woman dying of Breast Cancer:
LINK to Breast Cancer
- If you have had an abortion while
you were in a non-life threatening (yours) situation - and
you later
developed breast cancer - you may want to look
into suing your abortion doctor.
- Breast cancer kills
more women in the 40 - 59 year age group than just about
anything else. Breast cancer in woman has dramatically
increased right alongside abortion since 1972. In 1962
there were 63,000 cases, in 1972 that jumped to 90,000
cases of breast cancer detected, and in 2002 there were an estimated 203,500 cases.
A link between much higher numbers of breast cancer in those
women who have also had abortions has been known and studied since the
early 1990's. Evidence for this abortion-breast cancer
link began mounting in the 1970's - 1980's. Yet
abortion doctors usually chose to discount this.
- There have been 37 studies on the breast
cancer link (which may have something to do with the body's
normal release of estrogen in women being interfered with in
abortion). More than 75% of these studies (28) show
that abortion is a risk factor.
Angela Lanfranchi, M.D. is a breast surgeon in New Jersey.
Angela came across the abortion/breast-cancer link in the early
1990's when she noticed that larger numbers of young women were
coming into her office with breast cancer - who also had a
history with abortion, often in their teens.
She wasn't the first to notice this correlation. Angela
also noticed that studies showing this correlation were not getting
into clinicians' literature. She says it made her mad.
She couldn't stand seeing those 30-year olds in the office, with
breast cancer with little toddlers. "These children weren't
going to have their mothers" she said.
Angela said that in 1996 she read a meta-analysis of the relevant
studies by a Joel Brind, Ph.D. who was a biology professor at Baruch
College in New York, who helped put the pieces together.
According to Joel's article the first study that showed a link
between breast cancer and abortion was published in 1957 in the
prominent English-language Japanese Journal of Cancer Research.
In those days, abortion was legal in Japan.
At the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute in Seattle,
cancer researcher Janet Daling and a team of scholars found "[a]mong
women who had been pregnant at least once, the breast cancer rate in
those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50 percent higher
than among other women. Highest risks were observed when the
abortion was done at ages younger than 18 years...or at least 30
years of age or older." |
Abortions linked to breast cancer again
aren't being given this information'
October 4, 2007
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
A new study shows
that abortions can be classified as carcinogens,
because the number of breast cancer cases can be
predicted reasonably accurately based on the number
of abortions in a given population.
The study, "The
Breast Cancer Epidemic: Modeling and Forecasts Based
on Abortion and Other Risk Factors," was done by
Patrick S. Carroll of London-based research
institute PAPRI and the results were published in
the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons this
It shows, that
among risk factors, abortion is the "best predictor
of breast cancer." The results show that countries
with higher abortions rates, such as England and
Wales, higher breast cancer incidence is reported.
"Where abortion rates are low (i.e. Northern Ireland
and the Irish Republic) a smaller increase is
expected," the study said.
Karen Malec, of the
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, works to
publicize such links in the group's battle against
breast cancers.
"Actually women have the right to be told this
particular research and the biology supports what we
know about female biology during pregnancy," she
said. "Women should be told – especially before the
birth of a first child – abortions are highly,
highly, carcinogenic."
Read this entire article at WND:
If you were born after 1972, we
challenge you to consider yourself a Survivor of
the Abortion Holocaust. 1/3 of your generation
has been killed by abortion
in America!
Visit Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust |
Unborn Child
Pain Awareness Act tells it all
As of
November 6th, 2006
Note that only 7 Democrats in
the entire nation even stand
behind legislation that would
notify women, that when a doctor
reaches in and crushes the skull
of her baby with cold metal
forcipes - the tiny baby DOES
feel unbelievable pain, as this
real, feeling, human being is
being murdered...
Congressional Legislation
Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act
Bill # H.R.4420
Original Sponsor:
Christopher Smith (R-NJ 4th)
Cosponsor Total: 110
(last sponsor added 10/08/2004)
7 Democrats
103 Republicans
About This Legislation:
To ensure that women seeking an
abortion are fully informed
regarding the pain experienced
by their unborn child.
Unborn children can experience
pain, and they can certainly
respond to touch from outside
the womb. Any woman who has been
blessed with carrying a baby in
the second trimester can tell
you this.
To address this issue, U.S.
Christopher H. Smith [NJ] has
introduced--with 63
cosponsors--the Unborn Child
Pain Awareness Act (H.R.4420),
which would require those who
perform abortions on unborn
children 20 weeks after
fertilization to inform the
woman seeking an abortion of the
medical evidence that the unborn
child feels pain--
a. through a verbal statement
given by the abortion provider,
and also
b. by providing a
brochure--developed by the
Department of Health and Human
Services--that goes into more
detail than the verbal statement
on the medical evidence of pain
experienced by an unborn child
20 weeks after fertilization
The bill would also ensure that
the woman, if she chooses to
continue with the abortion
procedure after being given the
medical information, has the
option of choosing anesthesia
for the child, so that the
unborn child's pain is less
Pregnant? Need Help?
You have Options!
Learn more
or call them at:
did not either place or approve of this ad. There
are no paid ads here!)
Technology: Evidence of Murder
By Kelly Hollowell, J.D., Ph.D.
Science Ministries - On the dawn of a new era in genetic
technology, most people are focusing on the potential benefits
of drugs tailor-made for individuals, gene therapy, and
predictive testing. Others fear the possible abuses of science
and technology, and the creation of a "brave new world."
So, as scientists, politicians, and ethicists argue about the
technology, where should our focus as Christians lie? First,
Christians have the opportunity and obligation to take the lead
on the social and legal policies that keep pace with technology.
Currently, there are few such policies in place. Getting
involved on the ground floor will be key to future decisions
that will affect our worldview. Second, if we put our minds to
it, understanding the technology might be used to our advantage
to undo some current policies not in agreement with Biblical
Here is the prime example: Thanks to our understanding of the
human genome and cloning technology, Christians can now state
with scientific conviction that life begins at conception. Even
the secular community agrees.
The first page of the New York Times article about the new "gene
map" is quoted as saying that, "the human genome is a pearl, a
model of high performance and reliability. Millions of times a
year, egg genome meets sperm genome and the result is a human
baby, its parts all in place, its brains a universe of love and
meaning."(1) Combine this understanding with what we know from
cloning experiments.
Scientific studies have shown that a cloned life cannot become
anything but a genetic duplicate of the original, even at its
earliest stages. It is set on a predetermined pathway of life
from the moment of conception. It cannot have a different eye
color. It cannot have a different hair color. It is a carbon
copy in every physiological respect. We have only to read
between the genetic lines to understand that this means life
begins at conception.
Now apply this understanding to current abortion policy. In
1973, Justice Harry Blackmun is quoted from Roe v. Wade as
saying, "We need not resolve the difficult question of when life
begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of
medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any
consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of
man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate."(2)
Clearly, today, that is no longer the case. We can now say with
scientific certainty when life begins. It only requires getting
this information into the hands of committed Christians who will
tolerate the abomination of abortion no longer. Proponents of
abortion must be made to listen to themselves. At a minimum,
they must be forced to acknowledge that if they persist in their
policies regarding abortion, then they must own up to murder.
No more sugarcoated terms like "viability" and "preembryo"
should be permitted. If a child's life has no value as compared
to the mother, at least force proponents of abortion to say so.
Let's force them to have the intellectual integrity to stand
behind their "choice" to kill the child. Let's no longer allow
them to hide behind the veil of ignorance and technical
terminology. If they must kill, let them be branded as
murderers and nothing less.
Forcing their hand on this issue will not be easy. It is no
small irony that, on the dawn of this new era, the Supreme Court
upheld the constitutionality of partial birth abortion. Our
work is cut out for us, but God and science are on our side.
Let's embrace this cutting edge technology and use it, for
once, the way our opponents always do, to our advantage.
Early Church Fathers were Unanimously against Abortion
June 15, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com)
- This article presents the Christian attitude
toward abortion before the first ecumenical
council, that is, until A.D. 325. Because the
New Testament does not comment on the morality
of abortion, this article considers the writings
of the first generations of Christians after the
apostles, for they indicate that opposition to
abortion (1) was shared at a time when the
writers — or Christians not many generations
earlier — personally knew the apostles or their
first disciples and thus benefited from their
unwritten teachings and interpretations of
Scripture, (2) comes from a date so early that
there was no likelihood for the original gospel
to have been corrupted, and (3) is not based on
only one interpretation of the Bible among many
but was the interpretation of Christians who
were personally familiar with the New Testament
writers or their early followers.
With the
exception of one author who wrote at length on
the subject, early Christian writings do not
discuss abortion in depth but merely state in a
few words or phrases that it was forbidden to
Christians. Most of the authors of the period do
not touch on the subject but those who did
considered it among the worst of sins.
The earliest
source is an anonymous church manual of the late
first century called The Didache. It
commands “thou shall not murder a child by
abortion nor kill that which is begotten.” (at
Epistle of Barnabas contains a similar
guide to Christian morality. It was composed
sometime between A.D. 70 and 132 and was
included in some early versions of the New
Testament. In the midst of several chapters of
instructions on ethics, it states: “Thou shall
not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor,
again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born.”
(19.5) The latter phrase refers to the ancient
Greek and Roman practice of abandoning newborns
to die in unpopulated areas if the baby was the
“wrong” sex or suspected of health problems. To
the author of Barnabas, this practice
and abortion were equal in sinfulness.
Dating from
just before A.D. 150, the Revelation of
Peter was still read in church services in
fifth-century Palestine. It describes in detail
the various punishments in hell according to
different types of sin. The punishment for women
who induced miscarriage was to sit up to their
necks in blood and dirt while the aborted
children shot sparks of fire into their eyes
(Chapter 25). Clement of Alexandria, the
principal of Christendom's foremost Christian
educational institution at the end of the second
century, accepted these statements as an
accurate exposition of the Faith (Extracts
from the Prophets 41; 48; 49).
Paedagogus 2.10.96 Clement spoke negatively
of women who “apply lethal drugs which directly
lead to death, destroying all humane feeling
simultaneously with the fetus.”
Clement and
other early Christian writers often quoted from
the Sibylline Oracles as the work of a
pagan prophet who had predicted the coming
Christ like the Jewish ones. Later, the
Sibyllines were rewritten to increase the
proportion of Christian ethical teaching. Oracle
2 describes abortion as contrary to God's law,
while Oracle 3 commands people to raise their
children instead of angering God by killing
A Plea
for the Christians
was written around A.D. 177 by “Athenagoras the
Athenian, Philosopher and Christian”, partly to
convince the Roman Emperor that there was no
truth in the rumor that Christians ritually
murdered and ate babies. In declaring that such
a practice was contrary to Christian ethics,
Athenagoras emphasized the sacredness of unborn
And when we say
that those women who use drugs to bring on
abortion commit murder, and will have to give an
account to God for the abortion, on what
principle should we commit murder? For it does
not belong to the same person to regard the very
foetus in the womb as a created being, and
therefore an object of God's care, and when it
has passed into life, to kill it; and not to
expose an infant, because those who expose them
are chargeable with child-murder. (Chapter 35)
reading this at: LifeSiteNews.com |
Call or
Care Net |
Care Net's
strategy is simple. They hope and pray women are led to
their local pro-life pregnancy center before they are
deceived into choosing death at an abortion clinic.
Care Net also seeks to exalt Jesus Christ and to bring new hope
to those who have been led astray. Many women who visit
Care Net pregnancy Centers are trapped in destructive
lifestyles. Many find themselves pressured by partners,
parents and peers to end their pregnancies. And many more have
simply fallen for the lie that abortion is their only feasible
pregnancy option.
The ministry of Care
Net is about presenting the Gospel of Jesus and presenting the
Gospel of Life.
Read the story of
Lori.... A young mother who chose life after visiting Care Net's
site for women.
Single and
pregnant, Lori thought that ending her pregnancy was the only
way out. She made an appointment for an abortion.
But still having questions, Lori logged onto her computer and
typed in the word "abortion". That is how Lori found the
Care Net website.
When Lori called
the Care Net Option line 1-800 number, she reached one of their
caring consultants and was encouraged to consider positive
pregnancy options. Then Lori was connected to her local
Care Net pregnancy center. After visiting her local Care
Net center and receiving counseling from Christians, Lori chose
life for her baby.
Lori said; "I am
so thankful for my beautiful brown-eyed Emily, and am grateful
that I found the website".... |
Visit the Care Net website