These cartoons are a good idea,
because Muslims have been hoodwinked so long, that finally having to
face the truth is the first step in their freedom from these
Gestapo-like mullahs and imams who have been brain-washing Muslims
for far too long (1374 yrs)...
Newspapers across Europe have
reprinted caricatures of Muhammad to show
support for a Danish paper whose cartoons have sparked Muslim
outrage. Examples of cartoons Muslims are so upset about follow: |
Seven publications
in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain all carried
some of the drawings. Their publication in Denmark led Arab nations to protest. Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet. The owner of one of the papers to reprint - France Soir - has now sacked its managing editor over the matter.
The cartoons have sparked diplomatic sanctions and death threats in
some Arab nations, while media watchdogs have defended publication
of the images in the name of press freedom. Reports have shown brief glimpses of the pictures in some of the European newspapers which have published them, but no close-ups. One English reader wrote: "You cannot report a news subject relating to a visual matter without showing that matter." 'Spineless' Other viewers said the BBC was being spineless, and Peter Arnold commented: "It appears that you are scared of the reaction from Muslims, while you were not concerned about offending Christians when you screened Jerry Springer - The Opera. This is a case of double standards."
EVIDENCE THAT ISLAMIC MULLAHS AND IMAMS FANNED THE FLAMES OVER THESE CARTOONS: The above cartoons appeared in Egyptian Newspapers way back on October 17, 2005. Below is from page 17 of Egypt's al-Fagr newspaper on that date. Muslims used these to fan riots that began in February 2006.
Arab Cartoons
about Jews
Muhammad did no
miracles. He did not heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons,
or rule the wind and the waves. He had no more power than any normal
man. Muhammad admitted twice himself in the Qur'an (Koran)
that he could do no miracles to show any divinity. For Muslims
to later make up miracle stories about Muhammad in their Hadiths is
merely an attempt by Islam to remove Muhammad from his actual place
in history; what we know today as a terrorist leader, who plundered
for personal gain. Muhammad was also an intolerant person who had everyone killed who
disagreed with him. Islamic and Arab historians have
adequately reported Muhammad's life in this regard (read: "Muhammad,
Terrorist or Prophet?" ). Muhammad's less than
stellar morality is something
the Islamic world remains in denial about. The famous Iranian scholar, Ali Dashti comments about Mohammed: Moslems, as well as others, have disregarded the historical facts. They have continually striven to turn this man [Mohammed] into an imaginary superhuman being, a sort of God in human clothes, and have generally ignored the ample evidence of his humanity. They have been ready… to present these fantasies as miracles. Reference: Ali Dashti, "Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad",
READ, what ex-Muslims say about Islam here: http://bibleprobe.com/islamapostates.htm |
Islam claims to be a religion of "the book" which would have one believe it is a continuance of that book God revealed to his Jewish Prophets
and Christian Apostles.
If it were, it would not deny what is in that "book", especially after confirming the authority of the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels. If it were true, it would know the name of the true God is not Allah, but Yahweh.... God is very "touchy" about His holy name. He is not happy about Muslims misdirecting their sweet prayers to a pagan deity (Allah) and rejecting His only begotten Son's suffering, death, resurrection, and atonement. He also is not happy with Mohammed making up Words (Qur'an) that He (God) did not say; thus leading billions of people astray - and misdirecting their sweet prayers to a non-existing deity. Below have been found in the Bible Codes: |
Red Diagonal: "Mohammed"
Words crossing diagonal above: "Blaspheming" Red crossing Diagonal below Blaspheming (left to right): "Demon" Blue diagonal right corner: "Satan" Green across: "The Unknown God" (as in Muslims pray to a God not there) The "O" in "Mohammed" is the "O" in "God" in "The Unknown God". This is saying that Allah of Islam is not the God of the Bible, who is the true God, but rather Muslims are worshipping a nonexistent deity.
Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam |
This book should
be required reading for all High School and College students.
It is unfortunate that not many more scholars are
willing to confront this topic with honestly and integrity. That's
because there is academic bias on campus. Muslim students will
protest violently and try to get teachers fired. Liberal professors
commit the crime of denial by ignoring how much violence and
destruction Islam has caused around the world. Islam has been
successful in completely wiping out many middle eastern cultures and
languages and replaced them with the pagan religion of Islam that
requires its made up, nonsense-filled, holy book (Koran/Qur'an) only
be read in a language most don't even understand --the language of
See other recommended books here |
Proverbs 30:4 (700 B.C.): "Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the Earth? What is His name, and what is His son's name, if thou canst tell?" |
(Psalm 2:11-12) Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. |
Learn more about Islam
Read: "Muhammad, Terrorist or Prophet?"