Augustine, On heresies 27 also speaks of the Pepuzians mentioned by Epiphanius. "They give such principality to women that they even honor them with priesthood."
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by Steve Keohane,
Apostasy in the Churches - Women Priestesses
The Greek word apostasia
is used here for the “falling away.” It is from this
word that we derive the English word “apostasy.”
Apostasy is defined as “a defection from the truth,” or
“a departing from that which was given at first.”
There is now in the Churches
a gradual erosion of biblical truth. We see
bishops who deny the fundamentals of faith, and who are
ordaining woman priestesses. Bishops are also lax
in morale teaching, and many are even gradually
promoting homosexual practices. A great many Christians
no longer accept the Bible's teachings. All of
these are signs
that our guard is down, and Satan has infiltrated the
Lord's churches. Perhaps it is no accident that
the apostasy of woman priestesses and homosexual clergy
arrive at the Lord's Church around the same time.
Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that
in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,
giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their
conscience seared with a hot iron.” |
2 Timothy 4:3-4 Paul says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” |
What it comes down to is in
the spiritual world, is a someone married—-if a woman
priestess performed the marriage? Will someone who thinks they are married before God by a
woman priestess find out they are living in sin? How certain can one be that a God
who created all by His Word only--will be amused when we deliberately disregard
His Word regarding His priests? No matter what you think about the Catholic Church, all the early Church Fathers were Catholic (or universally united as one). And we know that the early Church bishops walked with, listened to, and were taught by the Apostles. From this we get our "Apostolic Tradition"). And also from this we know that all the early church fathers were against woman priestesses... Often, an issue versus interpretation of Scripture can be solved by just looking at what the early bishops (who were taught by the Apostles) taught on a subject. One early church father was
Irenaeus. Irenaeus was born sometime between 130 and 140 AD in Smyrna.
Irenaeus learned the key components of the Christian faith under Polycarp (a
Bishop), who had been taught by the apostle John and others who had seen Christ.
Irenaeus believed there was an unbroken line of tradition from the apostles, to
those they mentored, and eventually down to himself and other Christian leaders.
It is clear from scripture what God's plan is vis-à-vis men and women, and husbands and wives. It is good that women are able to get educations, live on their own, and are thinking for themselves. But in the end, will we find that it was best not to ignore God's stated plan. For instance, God told us not to kill. Do we know with any certainty that a woman's "legal" act of murdering her own baby for reasons such as better home, or a better car, a better education, or a better job/career will not be an unrepentant woman's one-way ticket to Hell? "Liberal church elites, presiding over dwindling congregations are making decisions without regard for historic Christian teaching or a wider consensus among the church's membership – Christianity rejects the suggestion that sexual identity is merely a state of mind, or a preference. Gender and physicality in Christians and Jewish teaching are intrinsically linked to God's order of creation. … Gender is not a choice but a reality." What if we as a society had stuck to God's plan as outlined in Scripture? What if women did not have sex before marriage, and they had long courtships, and waited till they found the right man they could respect and honor? Perhaps things may have turned out differently. Instead of doing an unnatural act such as killing her baby, that same woman may instead be living in a happy marriage now. Much what is wrong with society today has to do with women falling for the lies that the feminists, abortionists and New Agers had brought on society in the 1970's. It was always God's plan for the single head of the family to be the man; and also for his priests to be men. God has His own reasons, and He does not always state His reasons. If you accept Scripture as God's Word to us, then you need to admit that God has made it quite clear that woman priestesses are not acceptable. You can't pick and choose here. Woman who become priestesses, and women who kill their babies, are basically rebelling against God. God foretold of this "end time" rebellion, when He inspired Paul to write: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;.." It is impossible for someone who is in rebellion against God and His Word, including homosexuals, to truly serve God. Does this preclude good Christian women from witnessing and teaching, including theology? Certainly not! I think the Scripture below (Let your women keep silence in the churches) is directly related to teaching inside a Church or within a Church or Worship service itself. The Lord Jesus Christ is using countless women today via prophecies, visions, book writing and instruction. Jesus uses all kinds of people to do His work. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3:16 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves
unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the
wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the
body. Ephesians 5:22-23 We must first recognize “that in human beings the
difference of sex exercises an important influence, much deeper than, for
example, ethnic differences: The latter do not affect the human person as
intimately as the difference of sex, which is directly ordained for the
communion of persons and for the generation of human beings. In biblical
Revelation this difference is the effect of God’s will from the beginning: ‘male
and female he created them’” (Genesis 1:27).
RE: Catholic Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) Nowhere in the Gospel do we find
evidence of Jesus giving "orders" to women to baptize, to anoint the sick, to
confect the holy Eucharist, or to forgive sins as He did to the Apostles.
Remember, during the time of Jesus' earthly ministry most of the other religions of that time had priestesses
themselves. At all times, the Lord Jesus acted in a way that was
independent and sovereign. It is therefore not credible to believe that Christ didn't
call women to be his apostles only because of the social conventions of the
time. In fact, Jesus was very quick to break social conventions. For
instance, he healed a woman on the Sabbath. He spoke with the Samaritan woman,
which was forbidden to Jews. He dined with tax collectors. He welcomed a
prostitute (Mary Magdalene) as one of his best followers and revealed his risen
body to her first, He freed the woman caught in adultery from being stoned, He
said the Roman soldier (a gentile) was more faithful than anyone among the
people of Judea, and so on. So Jesus was clearly not afraid to break the
conventions of his time. In fact, he was crucified because of that.
At no time in Jewish history were women involved in Jewish liturgical practices except at the time of the ‘Abomination of Desolation’; and then they were all over the altar. (commentary on 2 Mac. 6:4). “…And women thrust themselves of their own accord into the holy places, and brought in things that were not lawful. The altar was also filled with unlawful things, which were forbidden by the laws. And neither were…the solemn days of the fathers observed…” (2 Mac 6:4) In 215AD Hippolytus wrote; "When a widow is to be appointed, she is not to be ordained, but is designated by being named a widow. Hands are not to be imposed on her, because she does not offer the oblation and she does not conduct the liturgy.² Similarly the Council of Laodicea in 360 A.D. clearly stated that: "The so called *presbyteresses are not to be ordained." Pope Gelasius (492-496
A.D.) in his Epistle 14: 26, March 11, 494 AD
Pope Gelasius addresses a very specific area, Lucania, Bruttium, and Sicilia,
which clearly demonstrates the limited nature of this abuse at that time.
In his Epistle, Gelasius condemned the evil practice which had been
introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass. Galasius
even cites earlier magisterial declarations against
women at the altar. This
Pope condemns very harshly the conduct of bishops who went against certain
church canons by conferring priestly ordination on some women. He is
probably referring to canons from four councils which took place within a
100 year span starting in the second half of the 4th century; the councils
of Nicaea, Laodicea, Nimes and the first council of Orange (441). These
church councils prohibited women from participating in the liturgical
service in any way, or from being members of the clergy. In Pope
Gelasius' own words he says; ""Nevertheless we have heard to our annoyance
that divine Also, since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent IV strictly forbade it in his letter to the bishop of Tusculum: "Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry." We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft-repeated constitution Etsi Pastoralis, sect. 6, no. 21 In 1994 Pope John Paul II in Ordinatio Sacredotalis restated that this teaching is not just a matter of discipline, neither is it a matter open to debate, when he stated "I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful." This has been the teaching of the Church for 2000 years. Firmilian, in Epistle 75. 1-5 to Cyprian, tells of a woman who went into an ecstasy and came out a prophetess. "That woman who first through marvels or deceptions of the demons did many things to deceive the faithful, among other things... she dared to do this, namely that by an impressive invocation she feigned she was sanctifying bread, and offering a sacrifice to the Lord."
John Chrysostom, in On the
Priesthood 2. 2 points out that Jesus said "Feed my sheep" only to
Peter. "Many of the subjects could easily do the things I have mentioned,
not only men, but also women. But when there is question of the headship of
the church... let the entire female sex retire." And in 3. 9 St. John wrote:
"Divine law has excluded women from the sanctuary, but they try to thrust
themselves into it."
Augustine, On heresies 27 also speaks of the Pepuzians mentioned by Epiphanius. "They give such principality to women that they even honor them with priesthood."
Epiphanius, Against Heresies
79. 304 wrote: "If women were ordained to be priests for God or to do anything
canonical in the church, it should rather have been given to Mary... . She was
not even entrusted with baptizing... Although there is an order of deaconesses
in the church, yet they are not appointed to function as priests, or for any
administration of this kind, but so that provision may be made for the propriety
of the female sex [at nude baptisms]. Whence comes the recent myth? Whence comes
the pride of women or rather, the woman's insanity?" In 49. 2-3 St. Epiphanius
tells of the Cataphrygians, a heretical sect related to the Montanists. The
Cataphrygians pretended that a woman named Quintillia or Priscilla had seen
Christ visiting her in a dream at Pepuza, and sharing her bed. He took the
appearance of a woman and was dressed in white."Among them women are bishops and
priests and they say nothing makes a difference' For in Christ Jesus there is
neither male nor female, '' [Gal. 3:"28]
The Christian priesthood is of a sacramental nature: the priest is a sign, the supernatural effectiveness of which comes from the ordination received; and gender is important here. A sign must be perceptible and which the faithful must be able to recognize with ease. '"Sacramental signs,"
says St Thomas, "represent what they signify by natural resemblance." The
same natural resemblance is required for persons as for things; when
Christ's role in the Eucharist is to be expressed sacra mentally, there would
not be this natural resemblance which must exist between Christ and his
minister if the role of Christ were not taken by a man: in such a case it
would be difficult to see in the minister the image of Christ. For Christ
himself was and remains a man'. Catholic women who become "ordained" are purposely breaking Canon Law #1024. That law says that only baptized men can be ordained as priests. Church leaders view the women as heretics or, perhaps worse, as mere impersonators. “For an analogy in the secular sphere you might imagine that I could get a friend to swear me in as governor of New York,” said Cardinal Avery Dulles, a professor at Fordham University in New York City. “Would that make me governor?” Women as Deacons (helpers) There is nothing in the nature of the office of deacon that precludes women from serving. And, there is ample evidence from the Scriptures and early church history that women actually did serve as deacons. But whether their function was that of a priest, abbess, or the pastoral care of women and the sick is unknown. The letters of Paul speak again and again of how Christian communities were led by women who were referred to by the title of diakonos, or, deacon. Paul himself had a deaconess names Phoebe or Phebe. Her role within the church was so important that the apostle Paul called for all of the Church in Rome to lend her assistance. It is clear that she had a mission and Saint Paul granted his authority to complete that mission.
One such deaconess was Athanasia who lived in Delphi during the fifth century AD. She was ordained by a Bishop Pantamianos. Athanasia's tomb stone carries a curse: "May anyone who disturbs the tomb in which this honored and blameless deaconess lies buried, receive the fate of Judas who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ." Another deaconess - Theodora of Gaul (now France) carries this Latin inscription on her tomb: "Here rests in peace and of good remembrance Theodora the deaconess who lived about 48 years and died on 22 July 539." In the Christian document called the Syrian Didascalia (from the late 3rd century) deaconesses are specifically mentioned as an office of the church. The functions of women deacons are summarized as: "assisting at the baptism of women, going into the houses of the heathen where there are believing women, and to visit those who are sick, and to minister to them in the area of their need, and to bathe those who have begun to recover from sickness." Read about this female Christian "Witch Doctor's" Ministry that God is mightily using: Confused, Lost, Ignorant, or what? Read below.... This is what it's coming to folks. Hello Ms Redding? Islam lies and says Jesus did not even die on a cross... Islam says God cannot have a Son. If so. Won't we die in our own sins? Read: 'Muhammad, Terrorist
or Prophet?'
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