(from the Lord Jesus to John
Wesley and now)
| Pontius
Pilate: Roman Prefect of Iudaea (Samaria, Judea, and
Idumea) |
| John the
Baptist begins ministry (Luke 3,1-2) (15th year of
Tiberius) |
| Jesus
baptized by John the Baptist (Mk1:4-11) |
| John the
Baptist arrested and killed by Herod Antipas (Luke
3,19-20) |
| Jesus'
ministry |
32? - 34?
| Jesus
crucified, Friday, Nisan 14th, March 30th, [Ref:
John, Unauthorized |
| |
| |
A.D. Jesus Christ dies on the cross-fulfills over 300
and Deacons Evangelize here-
| Period
Peter leads the new
Christian Church, moves
the church headquarters from
Jerusalem to Rome.
James heads church in
Jerusalem. |
| Paul
of Tarsus has Stephen
martyred and the
Jerusalem church
destroyed |
| Paul
of Tarsus is converted
(Acts 9) |
| Gaius
Caligula emperor of
Rome, declared himself
god |
| Marullus:
Roman Prefect of Iudaea
(Samaria, Judea, and
Idumea) |
| Paul
goes to Jerusalem to
consult with Peter (Gal
1, 18-20) |
| Claudius
emperor of Rome, killed
by poisoning by his
wife Agrippina |
| James,
brother of John,
executed by Herod
Agrippa I (Acts 12,
1-3) |
| Paul
and Barnabas on Cyprus
(Acts 13, 4-12) |
| Council
of Jerusalem, 1st
Christian Council,
doctrine regarding
circumcision and
dietary law is agreed
to by apostles and
presbyters, written in
a letter addressed
to "the brothers
of Gentile origin in
Antioch, Syria, and
Cilicia" (Acts
15) |
| Paul
writes Galations |
| Paul
in Corinth (Acts 18) |
| Peshitta
translation begun,
Hebrew OT->Syriac
Aramaic, (Greek NT in
400) |
| Ascension
of Isaiah, original
written in Hebrew (Ethiopic
Bible) |
| Paul
writes 1 Thes |
| Paul
writes 2 Thes |
| Paul
writes Phil |
| Nero
emperor of Rome |
| Paul
writes 1 Corin |
| Paul
writes Romans |
| Paul
writes 2 Corin |
| Paul's
last visit to Jerusalem
[Acts21] |
| Paul
arrested, imprisoned in
Caesarea [Acts25:4] |
| Nero
kills his mother,
Agrippina |
| Paul
imprisoned in Rome
(Acts 28,16) |
| Paul?
writes Ephesians |
| Paul
writes Philemon |
| Paul
writes Colossians |
| Paul?
writes 1,2 Timothy,
Titus, known as
epistles" |
| James
written by leader of
Jerusalem community?
(Gal 2,9?),
"catholic" |
| epistle |
| Paul
martyred for treason in
Rome |
| {Being
therefore this kind of
person [i.e., a
heartless Sadducee],
Ananus, thinking
that he had a favorable
opportunity because
Festus had died and Albinus
was still on his way,
called a meeting
[literally, "sanhedrin"]
of judges and brought
into it the brother of
Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah, James
by name, and some
others. He made the
accusation that they
had transgressed
the law, and he handed
them over to be
stoned.} [JA20.9.1,Marginal
Jew,p.57] |
| Nero
kills his wife Octavia
and marries Poppaea
Sabina |
| Great
fire of Rome, started
by Nero and blamed on
Christians, {Therefore
to squelch
the rumor
, Nero created
scapegoats and
subjected to the most
refined tortures those
common people called
[a group] hated for
their abominable crimes.
Their name comes from
Christ, who, during the
reign of Tiberius, had been
executed by the
procurator Pontius
Pilate. Suppressed for
the moment, the
deadly superstition
broke out again, not
only in Judea, the land
which originated
this evil, but also in
the city of Rome, where
all sorts of horrendous
and shameful practices
from every part of the
world converge and
are fervently
cultivated.} [Tacitus
Annals 15.44;Marginal Jew;Meier;p.89-90] |
| 1
Peter written in Rome,
by Peter the apostle,
or a disciple of Peter?,
epistle |
| Period
in which 4 Gospels,
Acts, Revelations, and
remaining epistles
written |
| Didache:
Instructions of the
Apostles written |
| Dialogue
of the Savior, Gospel
of Peter |
| Papyrus
Oxyrhynchus 1224
fragments: pub. 1914 |
| Gospel
of Thomas written,
based on Q?, pub. 1959,
Greek originals:
Papyrus Ox.
1,654-5 |
| Papyrus
Oxyrhynchus 840
fragments: pub. 1908 |
| Papyrus
Egerton 2 (Unknown
Gospel) fragments: pub.
1935/87, in Greek from
Palestine, one of the
oldest extant Christian
texts (~175) |
| Papyrus
Fayum (P. Vindob. G.
2325) fragments: pub.
1887 |
| "Jewish-Christian
Gospels": 7
fragments of Gospel of
the Ebionites and 7 fragments
of Gospel of the
Hebrews in Greek; 36
fragments of Gospel of
the Nazarenes
in Aramaic; [Ref: NT
Apocrypha, W.
Schneemelcher, vol. 1] |
| Roman-Jewish
War: final destruction
of Second Temple
(Herod's Temple) |
| Peter
martyred, crucified
upside down in Rome |
| Pope
Linus, 2nd Pope,
succeeds Peter (Linus
mentioned in 2 Tm 4,21).
Tertullian names Saint
Clement to have been the
first successor to Saint
Peter, but all other
accounts unanimously
have Linus as the first
bishop of Rome following
St Peter. The
Vatican's "Annuario
Pontificio" (2003) cites
the year 68. The
discrepancy may be
explained by Linus
already being Saint
Peter's adjutor during
his lifetime.
Dorotheus, Bishop of
Tyre, writing in the 3rd
century writes about
Linus: "whom the
apostle mentions in his
epistle to the Romans,
was bishop of Rome after
the holy apostle Peter."
Linus is
by St.
Paul in
his 2
iii, 3)
the Holy
and set
in order
over the
of the
to Linus.
The same
Linus is
by St.
Paul in
it was
on the
Hill. In
the 7th
near the
of St
the name
| General
Vespasian of Rome
conquers Galilee |
| Nero
commits suicide,
resurrects as
"Nero redivivus",
Rev's 666? (see 81) |
| Galba
emperor of Rome
(6/68-1/69) |
| Qumran
(Essenes?) community
destroyed by Rome, site
of Dead Sea Scrolls |
| found
in 1949 |
| Otho
emperor of Rome
(1/69-4/69) |
| Vitellius
emperor of Rome
(6/69-12/69) |
| Flavian
Dynasty of Rome (Vespian,
Titus, Domitian) |
| Vespian
emperor of Rome, quells
unrest in Rome and
Jerusalem |
| Collapse
of Jewish
self-government in
Judea and destruction
of the Temple in |
| Jerusalem |
| Gospel
according to Mark
written in Rome, by
Peter's interpreter? (1
Peter |
| 5,13),
original ending
apparently lost,
endings added c 400 |
| "Signs
Gospel" written,
hypothetical Greek text
used in Gospel of John
to prove
Jesus is the Messiah |
| Sanhedrin
(High Court) period of
Judaism, rise of house
of Hillel |
| Gospel
according to Luke
written. Based on Mark
and Q? |
| Acts
of the Apostles
written, same author as
Gospel according to
Luke? |
| Titus
emperor of Rome, eldest
son of Vespasian |
| Pope
Anacletus, 3rd Pope,
known as
(as in Titus 1,7?) |
| Mt
Vesuvius, volcano
overlooking Naples Bay,
erupts, engulfs Pompeii |
| Gospel
according to Matthew
written. Based on Mark
and Q? Most popular in early
Church. |
| Domitian
emperor of Rome, son of
Vespasian, "Nero
redivivus?" (see
68) |
| Revelations
written, by John (son
of Zebedee) and/or a
disciple of his |
| 1
John written, by
author(s) of 4th
epistle |
| 2,3
John written, by
disciple of John (son
of Zebedee)?,
"catholic" epistle |
| Gospel
according to John
written, by John (son
of Zebedee) and others,
only eyewitness
to Jesus?, disciple
Jesus loved?, Gnostic? |
| Josephus
claims exactly 22
Jewish (OT) books: 5
Law, 13 History, 4
Hymns |
| Pope
Clement I, 4th Pope,
(mentioned in Phil
4,3), wrote letter to
Corinth in 95
called "1
Clement" |
| "Jewish
Antiquities", by
Josephus in Aramaic,
trans. to Grk.,
Testimonium |
| Flavianum:
{At this time there
appeared Jesus, a wise
man. For he was a |
| doer
of startling deeds, a
teacher of people who
receive the truth with |
| pleasure.
And he gained a
following both among
many Jews and among
many |
| of
Greek origin. And when
Pilate, because of an
accusation made by the |
| leading
men among us, condemned
him to the cross, those
who had loved him |
| previously
did not cease to do so.
And up until this very
day the tribe of |
| Christians
(named after him) has
not died out.}
[JA18.3.3 Meier
redaction, |
| Marginal
Jew, p.61] |
| Hebrews
written, by ? |
| Nerva
emperor of Rome |
| Trajan
emperor of Rome, Roman
empire reaches maximum
size |
- -Age
of Martyrs/early Catholic Church-
- see a
poignant true Martyr Story & early letters here

Where the name
"Catholic" originated
and Body and Blood of Christ
Christ left the
adoption of a name for His Church to those
whom he commissioned to teach all nations.
Christ called the spiritual society He
established, "My Church".
In order to
have a distinction between the Church and
the Synagogue and to have a distinguishing
name from those embracing Judaic and Gnostic
errors we find St. Ignatius (50-107 A.D.)
using the Greek word "Katholicos"
(universal) to describe the universality of
the Church established by Christ. St.
Ignatius was appointed Bishop of Antioch by
St.Peter, the Bishop of Rome. It is in his
writings that we find the word Catholic used
for the first time. St. Augustine, when
speaking about the Church of Christ, calls
it the Catholic Church 240 times in his
St. Ignatius
of Antioch, disciple of the Apostle John,
concerning the heretics of his day wrote:
"They have abstained from the Eucharist
and prayer, because they do not confess that
the Eucharist is the flesh of Our Savior
Jesus Christ."
St. Justin
Martyr, another Church Father of the second
century wrote: "This food is known
among us as the Eucharist... We do not
receive these things as common bread and
common drink; but as Jesus Christ our
Savior, being made flesh by the Word of
amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh
of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you
shall not have life in you. He who eats my
flesh and drinks my blood has life
everlasting and I will raise Him up on the
last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and
my blood is drink indeed" (John
6:54-56) "How can this man give us his
flesh to eat?" they argued. (John 6:53)
"And whilst they were at supper, Jesus
took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave
to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and
eat. THIS IS MY BODY. And taking the
chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them,
saying: Drink ye all of this. FOR THIS IS MY
BLOOD." (cf. Matt. 26:26-28; Mark
14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20).
In the most
unequivocal language the Apostles affirmed
that the bread and wine duly consecrated on
the altar did in fact become the actual
Substance of the Savior. Declared the
Apostle Paul: "The chalice of
benediction which we bless, is it not the
communion of the blood of Christ? And the
bread which we break, is it not the
partaking of the body of the Lord?" (1
Cor. 10:16)
| Odes
of Solomon, written
in Greek or Syriac,
ref by John?
(Apocrypha) |
| Epistle
of Barnabas,
Christian exegesis
of LXX (AF =
Apostolic Fathers) |
| 2
Clement, an old
sermon but not by
Clement (AF =
Apostolic Fathers) |
| 2
Esdras (Vg:4 Esdras),
Hebrew?, claims 24
OT books (Vulgate
& Peshitta) |
| Apocalypse
of Baruch (2
Baruch:Syriac, 3
Baruch:Greek) (Peshitta) |
| Paralipomena
of Jeremiah (4
Baruch), written in
Hebrew (Ethiopic
Bible) |
| Testaments
of the Twelve
Patriarchs, Aramaic
and Hebrew fragments
found |
| at
Qumran Caves 1,4
(Armenian Bible) |
| Jude
written, probably by
doubting relative of
Jesus (Mark 6,3),
rejected by |
| some
early Christians due
to its reference to
apocryphal Book of
Enoch |
| (v14),
epistle |
| 2
Peter written, by ?,
not accepted into
canon until early
400s, drew upon Epistle
of Jude,
epistle |
| Secret
Book (Apocryphon) of
James, Gospel of
Mary Magdalene,
Infancy Gospels
of Thomas and James,
Secret Gospel (of
Mark) (Complete
Gospels) |
| Pope
Evaristus, 5th Pope |
| Pope
Alexander, 6th Pope |
| Letter
of Polycarp to the
Philippians, written
by Polycarp (160)
(AF) |
| "Letters
of Ignatius",
bishop of Antioch,
martyred in Rome,
his letters were subjected
to heavy Christian
forgery esp. 4th
cent. (Apostolic
Fathers) |
| Pope
Sixtus I, 7th Pope. |
| Hadrian
emperor of Rome,
builds wall across
Britain |
| Period
of Christianity
during which the
first Bible was
assembled -
Christians are
fiercely persecuted
and then finally
tolerated by the
Roman Empire, Great Plague
in Rome |
| Pope
Telesphorus, 8th
Pope, martyred |
| Papyrus
52: oldest extant NT
fragment, p.1935,
parts of
Jn18:31-33,37-38 |
| Shepherd
of Hermas, written
in Rome (AF =
Apostolic Fathers) |
| "Christian
writings against
Roman Paganism by:
Justin Martyr (165),
Athenagoras (180?),
Aristides (145?),
Theophilus of
Antioch (185?), Tatian
(170), Quadratus
(130?), Melito of
Sardis (180?),
Apollinaris of Hierapolis
(180?), also Epistle
to Diognetus in
Apostolic Fathers |
| "Gospel
of Basilides",
a 24 book
commentary?, lost |
| Papias,
bishop of Hierapolis
in Asia Minor,
"Expositions of
the Sayings |
| of
the Lord",
lost, widely quoted,
see Eusebius (340)
(AF) |
| Aquila
of Pontus, Roman
convert to
Christianity then to
Judaism, student of |
| Rabban
Gamaliel, compiled
literal Greek OT
translation in
Jabneh (Jamnia) |
| Bar
Kokhba Revolt: final
Jewish revolt, Judea
and Jerusalem erased
from |
| maps,
all of southern
Syria renamed
Palestine (coined by
Herodotus) |
| Antoninus
Pius emperor of Rome |
| Pope
Hyginus, 9th Pope |
| Letters
of Marcion, produces
his own canon
without OT and using
only a |
| heavily
edited Luke + 10
Pauline Epistles,
Gospel text-type |
| Apocalypse
of Peter, written in
Greek [NT
Apocrypha,Schneemelcher,v.2] |
| Pope
Pius I, 10th Pope |
| Gospel
of the Egyptians,
Coptic translation
of orig. Greek (Nag
Hammadi) |
| "Western
adds/subtracts from
original Acts to
"Western" |
| version
which is 10% larger
and found in Papyrus
P29,38,48 and Codex |
| Bezae
(D) |
| Papyrus
Chester Beatty 6:
R963, Greek Num
5:12-36:13, Deut
1:20-34:12 |
| Pope
Anicetus, 11th Pope |
| Polycarp,
bishop of Smyrna,
martyred at age 86:
"Let. to
Philip." (110) |
| Martyrdom
of Polycarp, in
Greek (Apostolic
ISBN:0-8010-5676-4) |
| Marcus
Aurelius emperor of
Rome |
| Great
Plague in Roman
Empire |
| Pope
Soter, 12th Pope,
moved Easter from
Nisan 14 to
following Sunday |
| Letters
of Irenaeus, bishop
of Lyons, cites
Gospel text-type |
| Christian
council on Montanist
sect in Asia Minor |
| Letters
of Dionysius, bishop
of Corinth, claims
Christians were
changing and |
| faking
his own letters just
as [he knew] they
had changed the
Gospels |
| Tatian
produces "Diatessaron"
(Harmony) by
blending 4
text-type |
| Gospels
into 1 |
| Symmachus,
an Ebionite, writes
an entirely new
Greek OT translation |
| Pope
Eleutherius, 13th
Pope |
| Acts
of Paul (inc. 3 Cor.),
in Greek [NT
Apocrypha,Schneemelcher,v.2] |
| Commodus
emperor of Rome |
| Canon
Muratorian, 1st
extant for NT?,
written in Rome by
Hippolytus?, |
| excludes
Hebrews, James, 1-2
Peter, 3 John;
includes Wisdom of
Solomon, |
| Apocalypse
of Peter |
| Pope
Victor I, 1st Latin
Pope, 14th Pope,
Eastern churches |
| that
continued to observe
Easter on Nisan 14
(see 166, |
190) |
| Christian
council to determine
date of Easter |
| Septimius
Severus emperor of
Rome |
| Writings
of Apollonius, uses
the term
in reference to 1
John |
| Pope
Zephyrinus, 15th
Pope |
| Bishop
of Antioch notes
Gospel of Peter (see
65?) being used in
Cilicia |
| Papyrus
66: 2nd Bodmer,
John, 1956,
text-types: Jn
1:1-6:11,35-7:52;8:12-14:26,29-30;15:2-26;16:2-4,6-7,10-20:20,22-23,25-21:9 |
| Papyrus
75: Bodmer 14-15,
Luke & John,
earliest extant
Luke, ~Vaticanus; Lk3:18-22,33-4:2,34-5:10,37-6:4,10-7:32,35-39,41-43,46-9:2,4-17:15,19-18:18;
Jn1:1-7:52;8:12-11:45,48-57;12:3-13:1,8-9;14:8-30;15:7-8 |
| Papyrus
46: 2nd Chester
Rm5:17-6:3,5-14;8:15-25,27-35,37-9:32;10:1-11:22,24-33,35-15:9,11-16:27;Hb1:1-9:16,18-10:20,22-30,32-13:25;1Cr1:1-9:2,4-14:14,16-15:15,17-16:22;2Cr1:1-11:10,12-21,23-13:13;Ep1:1-2:7,10-5:6,8-6:6,8,20-24;Gl1:1-8,10-2:9,12-21;3:2-29;4:2-18,20-5:17,20-6:8,10-18;Ph1:1,5-15,17-28,30-2:12,14-27,29-3:8,10-21;4:2-12,14-23;Cl1:1-2,5-13,16-24,27-2:19,23-3:11,13-24;4:3-12,16-18;1Th1:1,9-2:3;5:5-9,23-28 |
| Papyrus
32: J. Rylands
Library: Titus
1:11-15;2:3-8 |
| Papyrus
64 (+67):
Mt3:9,15;5:20-22,25-28;26:7-8,10,14-15,22-23,31- |
| 33 |
| Old
Syriac (Aramaic)
Gospels, Syr(s)
& Syr(c), of
text-type |
| Latin
Bible translations
begun in Carthage?,
originals no longer
extant |
| Sahidic
Coptic cop(sa) Bible
translations written
in Alexendria |
| Geta
then Caracalla
emperors of Rome |
| Anti-Pope
Hippolytus, bishop
of Rome,
sect, 1st Anti-Pope (illegitimate
claimants of or
pretenders to the
papal throne) |
| Pope
Callistus I, 16th
Pope |
| Heliogabalus
emperor of Rome |
| Goths
invade Asia Minor
and Balkans |
| Clement
of Alexandria,
b.150?, bishop,
NT text-type & Secret
Gospel of Mark &
Gospel of the
Egyptians; wrote:
to the Greeks";"Rich
the Newly
Baptized"; (Loeb
Classics) |
| Pope
Urban I, 17th Pope |
| Alexandar
Severus emperor of
Rome |
| Tertullian,
wr: "de
(Latin): v30.6 cites
rumor Jesus son of prostitute,
coined "New
Gospel text-type (Loeb) |
| Papyrus
45: 1st Chester
Beatty, Gospels
(Caesarean), Acts
(Alexandrian): Mt20:24-32;21:13-19;25:41-26:39;
Ac4:27-36;5:10-21,30-39;6:7-7:2,10-21,32-41,52-8:1,14-25,34-9:6,16-27,35-10:2,10-23,31-41;11:2-14,24-12:5,13-22;13:6-16,25-36,46-14:3,15-23;15:2-7,19-27,38-16:4,15-21,32-40;17:9-17 |
| Papyrus
967: Chester Beatty
9, Greek Ezekiel
11:25-end, ~Codex
Vaticanus |
| Pope
Pontian, 18th Pope |
| Christian
council of Rome,
Demetrius bishop of
Alexandria condemns
Origen who in 248
cited a rumor
recorded by Celsus
that "Jesus
fabricated the
account of his
birth from a virgin.
In reality, Jesus'
mother was driven
out by the carpenter
husband to whom she
was betrothed
because she had
committed adultery
with a [Roman]
soldier named
Panthera [thus the
ben Pantere of Jewish
sources]. Left poor
and homeless, she
gave birth to Jesus
in secret. Jesus
later spent time in
Egypt, where he
hired himself out as
a laborer, learned
magic, and so came
to claim the title
of God."
[CC1.28-32, Marginal Jew,
Meier, p. 223] |
| Maximus
emperor of Rome,
ends Christian
schism in Rome by
deporting Pope Pontian
and anti-Pope
Hippolytus to
Sardinia where they
soon die |
| Pope
Anterus, 19th Pope |
| Pope
Fabian, 20th Pope |
| Gordian
I, II, Balbinus,
Pupienus, Gordian
III emperors of Rome |
| Christian
council of Carthage |
| Philip
the Arabian emperor
of Rome |
| Decius
emperor of Rome |
| Rome
celebrates 1000th
anniversary |
| Rome
steps up persecution
of Christians,
martyrs revered as
saints |
| Letters
of Methodius, Pistis
Sophia, Porphyry
Tyrius; church
fathers |
| Mandeans
(followers of John
the Baptist) begin
compilation of
"Ginza" |
| Papyrus
72: Bodmer 5-11+,
pub. 1959,
text-type: Nativity
of Mary;
3Cor; Odes of
Solomon 11; Jude
1-25; Melito's
Homily on Passover; Hymn
fragment; Apology of
Phileas; Ps33,34;
2Pt1:1-3:18; |
| Papyrus
Chester Beatty:
Gn8:13-9:2,24:13-46:33,Enoch91-105; #7:
#8: Jr4:30-5:24;
#10: Dn1-12:13(+Add),Bel4-39,Sus5-end,Esther1:1a-8:6(+Add) |
| Gallus
emperor of Rome |
| Pope
Cornelius, 21st Pope |
| Anti-Pope
Novatian, decreed no
forgiveness for sins
after baptism |
| Valerian
emperor of Rome,
executes all
Bishops, Priests,
and Deacons |
| Pope
Lucius I, 22nd Pope |
| Letters
of Origen, Jesus and
God one substance,
adopted at Council
of Nicaea in
325, compiled "Hexapla":
6 versions of LXX
side by side:
Hebrew, Hebrew transliterated
in Greek, Aquila's
Greek trans.,
Symmachus' Greek
trans., Origen's
revised LXX Greek
trans., Theodotion's
revised LXX; also Quinta/Sexta/Septima
Tetragrammaton in
square Hebrew
script; cites
NT text-types;
Eusebius claimed
Origen castrated
himself for Christ
due to Mt19:12
[EH6.8.1-3] |
| Pope
Steven I, 23rd Pope,
major schism over
rebaptizing heretics
and apostates |
| Pope
Sixtus II, 24th
Pope, martyred |
| Visigoths
and Ostrogoths
invade Black Sea
area, Franks invade
Spain |
| Letters
of Cyprian, Bishop
of Carthage, cites
NT text-type, claims Christians
are freely forging
his letters to
discredit him |
| Gallienus
emperor of Rome,
reverses Valerian,
restores Roman
Church |
| Pope
Dionysius, 25th
Pope, rebuilds Roman
Church after
Valerian's massacre |
| Christian
council on Paul of
Samosata, Bishop of
Antioch, founder of Adoptionism
(Jesus was human
until Holy Spirit
descended at his
baptism) |
| Letters
of Dionysius, bishop
of Alexandria,
b.190? |
| Goths
sack Athens, Sparta,
Corinth |
| Claudius
II emperor of Rome |
| Pope
Felix I, 26th Pope |
| Aurelian
emperor of Rome |
| Pope
Eutychian, 27th
Pope, decreed that
only beans and
grapes be blessed at Mass |
| Papyrus
47: 3rd Chester
Beatty, ~Sinaiticus,
Rv9:10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2 |
| Marcus
Aurelius Probus
emperor of Rome |
| Mani,
b.215, crucified,
founder of
Manichaean Christian
sect in Persia |
| Pope
Gaius, 28th Pope |
| Diocletian
emperor of Rome,
notorius persecuter
of Christians |
| Roman
empire partitioned
into Western and
Eastern empires |
| St
establishes 1st
monastery in Egypt |
| Pope
Marcellinus, 29th
Pope, apostate,
offered pagan
sacrifices for Diocletian |
| Bohairic
Coptic cop(bo) Bible
translations written
in Alexandria |
| Hesychius
of Alex., martyr,
translates Hebrew OT
to Greek, lost
[Jerome] |
| Papyrus
Berlin Codex of
Greek Genesis;
Papyrus Bodmer 24 of
Greek Psalms; |
| Codex
Freer of Greek Minor
Prophets; all
published in 1927 |
| other
3rd century NT
P4:Lk1:58-59,62- |
| 2:1,
P5:Jn1:23-31,33- |
| 40;16:14-30;20:11-17,
P12:Hb1:1 |
| P15:1Cr7:18-8:4
P22:Jn15:25-16:2,21-32 |
| P23:Jm1:10-12,15-18
P28:Jn6:8- |
| 12,17-22
P30:1Th4:12-13,16-17;5:3,8-10,12-18,25- |
| 28;2Th1:1-2
P40:Rm1:24- |
| 27,31-2:3;3:21-4:8;6:4-5:16;9:16-17:27
P48:Ac23:11-17,23-29 |
| P49:Ep4:16-29,31-5:13
P65:1Th1:3- |
| 2:1,6-13
P70:Mt2:13-16,22-3:1;11:26- |
| 27;12:4-5;24:3-6,12-15
P87:Pm13-15,24-25 |
| #0171:Mt10:17-23,25-32;Lk22:44-56,61-64
#0189:Ac5:3-21 |
| #0220:Rm4:23-5:3,8-13
#0212(Diatessaron):Mt27:56-57;Mk15:40- |
| 42;Lk23:49-51,54;Jn19:38 |
| Last
persecution of
Christians in Rome |
| Letters
of Victor, bishop of
Pettau |
| Emperor
Constantine the
Great, convert to
Christianity |
| Maxentius
emperor of Western
Roman Empire |
| Pope
Marcellus I, 30th
Pope, tried removing
prior Pope
Marcellinus from official
records for
apostasy, exiled
from Rome by
Maxentius for
disturbing the
peace |
| Pope
Eusebius, 31st Pope,
deported to Sicily
with anti-Pope
Heraclius by Maxentius |
| Pope
Miltiades, 32nd
Pope, Constantine
gives Fausta's
palace as papal residence |
312 Constantine is
said to have a vision of a burning cross before a
crucial battle and afterwards converts to Christianity.
313 Constantine
issues the Edict of Milan which establishes the
toleration of Christianity throughout the Roman empire.
354 - 430 The
great inspired Catholic teacher Augustine of
Hippo. Augustine, an ex-sinner who once prayed to
God; "Give me chastity, but not yet" clarified
how Christians would think on several crucial issues
such as the mystery of the Trinity and
predestination. He debated some of the great
thinkers of his day, and did so in front of great
crowds. He told us about the great intimate
struggles in his own life in the great spiritual
classic, the Confessions.
| Lucian,
founded Exegetical School of
Antioch, martyred |
| Constantine
defeats Maxentius at Milvian
Bridge, reunites Roman Empire |
| Edict
of Milan, Constantine
establishes toleration of
Christianity |
| Miltiades
excommunicates Donatus for
requiring rebaptism of apostates |
| Pope
Silvester I, 33rd Pope |
| Council
of Arles, called by Constantine
against Donatist (Donatus)
schism |
| Letters
of Lactantius, early Christian
church father |
| Constantine
decrees Sunday as offical
Roman-Christian day of rest |
| Council
of Nicaea, called by Constantine
against Arianism (336), called
1st |
| great
Christian council by Jerome, 1st
ecumenical, 318 bishops attend, |
| Nicaean
Creed |
| Fayyumic
Coptic cop(mf) translation
fragment of John 6:11-15:11 |
| Old
Saint Peter's Basilica dedicated
by Constantine, located over the |
| traditional
burial site of Saint Peter the
Apostle in Rome on Vatican Hill |
| Seat
of Roman Empire moved to
Constantinople (formally
Byzantium) |
| Pope
Mark, 34th Pope |
| Arius,
Greek theologian - Arianism
(Jesus was a created being) |
| Roman
empire splits again, Constans
emperor of West until 350 |
| Roman
empire splits again, Constantius
emperor of East until 361 |
| Pope
Julius I, 35th Pope |
| Jewish
calendar modified with different
year lengths to correct to Solar |
| Eusebius
of Caesarea (260-340),
theologian & church
historian, cites "Caesarean"
NT text-type, wrote:
History" (EH); Loeb Classics:
2 volumes {Papias, bishop of
Hierapolis (130?), claims that
John the
Elder, a disciple of Jesus, told
him that Mark "was the
interpreter of Peter
and wrote down carefully what he
remembered of what had been said or
done by the Lord, but not in the
right order." Also claims
that "Matthew composed
the sayings in Hebrew [more
likely Aramaic] and each one translated
them as he could."} [Ref:
EH3.39.15, Unauthorized Version,
Fox, p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 p.126-127]
Eusebius' NT Canon: Recognized
Books: 4 Holy Gospels, Acts, 14 Pauline
Epistles, 1Jn, 1Pt; Disputed
Books: Rev, James, Jude, 2Pt,
2-3Jn, Acts
of Paul, Hermas, Apocalypse of
Peter, Barnabas, Didache, Gospel
of the Hebrews;
Rejected Books: Gospels of
Peter, Thomas, Matthias, Acts of Andrew,
John ... [EH3.25], used the term
"catholic" to refer to
all seven epistles
- James; 1,2,3 John; 1,2 Peter;
Jude |
| Period
of time between the 1st
Christian Bible and the 1st
Western Christian |
| Bible,
during which the books contained
in Bibles varied |
| |
| Letters
of Adamantius, Firmicus Maternus;
early Christian church fathers |
| Codex
Sinaiticus (S or
): earliest Christian Bible, (LXX
- 2-3Maccabees
- Psalms of Solomon - Ps151 +
27NT + Barnabas + Hermas),
Hermas31.7-end; of
text-type: most accurate text-type |
| Codex
Vaticanus (B): earliest
Christian Bible (LXX -
1-4Maccabees - Psalms of
Solomon - Ps151 + 27NT), missing
Gn1-46:28, Ps105:27-137:6, 1Tm-Phm,
Heb9:14-end; of
text-type: most accurate
text-type |
| Papyrus
Antinoopolis of Book of Proverbs
in Greek, published in 1950 |
| Papyrus
Chester Beatty: #4:R961: Greek
Gn9:1-44:22; #11: Greek Sir36:28-
37:22,46:6-47:2; #12: Greek
Enoch93:12-13,94:7-8,97:6-104:13,106:1-107:3 |
| Papyrus
Bodmer 45-46: Greek Susanna,
Daniel 1:1-20 (Theodotion's LXX) |
| Canon
Cheltenham: 24NT books (excludes
James, Jude, Hebrews) |
| Akhmimic
cop(ac) & Sub-Akhmimic
cop(ac2) Coptic translations of
John |
| Ulfilas,
apostle to the Goths (Germans),
translates Greek NT to Gothic |
| Pope
Liberius, 36th Pope |
| St.
Augustine, Latin Bishop
considered the founder of
formalized Christian theology,
church father |
| Anti-Pope
Felix II, Arianism (336),
supported by Constantius II |
| Huns
invade Europe, scrolls begin to
be replaced by books (Codex) |
| Julian
the Apostate emperor of East,
attempts to revive Paganism |
| Council
of Laodicea names 26 NT books
(excludes Revelations) |
| Letters
of Marius Victorinus, Acacius of
Caesarea; early church fathers |
| Council
of Laodicea decrees death for
Christians who keep 7th day
Sabbath |
| Pope
Damasus I, 37th Pope, hired
thugs to massacre rival
Ursinians |
| (Liberians) |
| Anti-Pope
Ursinus, leader of supporters of
former Pope Liberius |
| Athanasias,
bishop of Alexandria, first
citing of modern 27 NT canon |
| Letters
of Hilary of Poitiers, Lucifer
of Calaris; early church fathers |
| Athanasius,
d.373, bishop of Alexandria,
first cite of modern 27NT canon |
| Epiphanius,
bishop of Salamis, Cyprus; cites
27NT + Wisdom of Solomon |
| Doctrine
of Addai at Edessa proclaims 17
book NT canon using Diatessaron |
| (instead
of the 4 Gospels) + Acts + 15
Pauline Epistles (inc. 3
Corinthians) |
| Letters
of Ephraem Syrus, cites
"Western" Acts
text-type |
| Letters
of Titus of Bostra, Ambrosiaster,
Priscillian; church fathers |
| Theodosius
the Great, last emperor of the
united empire |
| Feb
27, Christianity declared
official state religion by
Theodosius |
| Council
of Theodosius at Constantinople,
2nd ecumenical, Jesus had true |
| human
soul |
| Pope
Damasus I has Jerome revise and
unify Latin Bibles |
| Roman
legions begin to evacuate
Britain |
| Jerome
presents Pope Damasus I with new
Latin Gospels, originals lost |
| Pope
Siricius, 38th Pope, criticized
Jerome |
| Apollinaris
of Laodicea, Jesus had human
body but divine spirit |
| Letters
of Tyconius, Gregory of Nyssa,
Didymus of Alex.; church fathers |
| Ammianus
Marcellinus, b.330, Christian
historian, wrote: "Res
gestae" |
| Augustine's
Councils, cites exactly 27 NT
books (see 354) |
| Theodosius
prohibits practice of Pagan
rituals including Olympic Games |
| Ausonius,
b.310?, Christian governor of
Gaul; Loeb Classics 2v (Latin) |
| Alaric,
king of the Visigoths, plunders
Athens |
| Ambrose,
b.333?, bishop & governor of
Milan, wrote: "de
Fide" ... |
| Pope
Anastasius I, 39th Pope |
| Era
between 1st Western Christian
Bible and the Great Schism -
Christian |
| doctrine
is formed, Roman empire ends |
| Vulgate
Bible, by Jerome?, (340?-420)
originals lost, Vulgate Latin
text |
| becomes
standard Western Christian Bible |
| Jerome
cites "expanded"
ending in Mark after Mark 16,14 |
| Jerome
adds Pericope of the Adultress
(John 7,53-8,11) |
| Codex
Vercellensis it(a): Latin
Gospels, of "European"
text-type |
| Peshitta
Bible, Syriac (Aramaic) Vulgate,
Syr(p), OT + 22 NT, excludes: |
| 2Pt,
2-3Jn, Jude, Rev; Peshitta
becomes standard Syrian
Christian Bible |
| Codex
Bobiensis it(k): ~half of Mt/Mk
in Latin, "African"
(Carthage) text- |
| type,
has "shorter" ending
of Mark after Mk16:8 |
| Pope
Innocent I, 40th Pope, decreed
Roman custom the norm for
Christianity |
| Visigoths
invade Italy |
| Letters
of Epiphanius of Constantia,
John Chrysostom; church fathers |
| Visigoths
sack Rome under king Alaric |
| Letters
of Nicetas of Remesiana, Orosius;
early Christian church fathers |
| Bishop
Cyril of Alex. (444) expels
Jews, kills Hypatia with oyster
shells |
| Visigoths
take Spain |
| Pope
Zosimus, 41st Pope |
| Pope
Boniface I, 42nd Pope |
| Anti-Pope
Eulalius |
| Franks
take Gaul |
| St.
Jerome, (S.E. Hieronymus),
b.340?, Latin scholar; (Loeb
Classics) |
| Pope
Celestine I, 43rd Pope |
| Theodoret,
bishop of Cyrrhus, notes
Tatian's Harmony (170) in heavy
use |
| Council
of Ephesus, 3rd ecumenical,
decreed Mary the Mother of God |
| Picts
and Scots expelled from southern
England by Anglo-Saxon-Jutes |
| St.
Augustine, b.354, origin of
"Original Sin," church
father & philosopher, |
| wrote:
"The City of God",
"Confessions"; Loeb
Classics 10 v. (Latin) |
| Letters
of Marcus Eremita, Nilus of
Ancyra; Christian church fathers |
| Syrian
Christianity splits into East
(Nestorian-disagreed with
Council of |
| Ephesus)
and West (Jacobites) |
| St
Patrick begins mission in
Ireland |
| Pope
Sixtus III, 44th Pope |
| Attila
the Hun, "Scourge of the
Gods" |
| Pope
Leo I, 45th Pope |
| Letters
of Cyril of Alexandria, Arnobius
the Younger; church fathers |
| Mark's
Resurrection of Jesus added to
Bible (Mark 16, 9-20) |
| Codex
Alexandrinus (A): (LXX -
1-2Maccabees + 14_Church_Odes +
27NT + |
| 1-2Clement),
missing 1K12:17-14:9,
Ps49:20-79:11, Psalms of
Solomon, |
| Mt1-25:6,
Jn6:50-8:52, 2Cr4:13-12:6,
1Clement57.7-63.4, |
| 2Clement12.5b-end;
of "Alexandrian"
text-type: most accurate
text-type |
| Codex
Bezae (D): Greek/Latin Gospels +
Acts; Codex Washingtonianus (W): |
| Greek
Gospels; both of
"Western" text-type:
"fondness for
paraphrase" |
| Codex
Ephraemi Syri rescriptus (C):
Greek LXX + 27NT, many gaps |
| Codex
Marchalianus (Q): Greek LXX +
Luke + John, many gaps |
| Codex
Ambrosianus (F): Greek Genesis
to Joshua |
| Codex
Freer: Greek Deuteronomy and
Joshua |
| Codex
Colberto-Sarravianus: Origen's
Greek Hexapla LXX of Gen-Judg |
| Codex
Palatinus it(e): Latin Gospels,
"African" (Carthage)
text-type |
| Codex
Veronensis it(b): Latin Gospels,
text-type |
| Syr(pal),
Palestinian Syriac (Aramaic)
Gospels, of
"Caesarean" text-type |
| std.
Aramaic Targums, T. Onkelos of
Torah, T. Jonathan of Prophets |
| Council
of Chalcedon, 4th ecumenical,
declared Jesus is 2 natures,
both |
| human
and divine in one, a compromise
solution of Jesus god/man
schisms |
| Nestorius
of Constantinople, Nestorians:
Mary was *not* "Mother of
God" |
| Letters
of Hesychius, Quodvultdeus;
early Christian church fathers |
| Eutyches
of Constantinople, Monophysites:
Jesus was divine but not human |
| Vandals
sack Rome |
| Pope
Leo I, 46th Pope, becomes
emperor of remaining (eastern)
Roman |
| empire |
| Pope
Hilarus, 47th Pope |
| Letters
of Prosper of Aquitaine, early
Christian church father |
| Letters
of Shenute of Atripe, Theodoret
of Cyrrhus; early church fathers |
| Pope
Simplicius, 48th Pope |
| Zeno,
eastern Roman emperor |
| Official
end of western Roman empire,
last emperor Romulus Augustulus |
| St.
Benedict, founded the
Benedictines |
| Pope
Felix III (II), 49th Pope |
| Period
between Great Schism and the
destruction of the Library of
Alexendria |
| -
After the end of the Roman
Empire, the Catholic Church sees
a period of |
| turmoil
and division, Europe's
population "halved" by
plague, great |
| earthquakes
occur |
| Acacian
schism, over "Henoticon"
divides Eastern (Greek) and
Western |
| (Roman)
churches. Photinus, deacon of
Thessalonica, was of the Greek |
| church
and held to the Acacian heresy,
which denied the divine
paternity of |
| Christ.
Photinus persuaded emperor
Anastasius I to accept the
Acacian |
| heresy. |
| Letters
of Vigilius of Thapsus, early
Christian church father |
| Zeno
destroys Nestorian (451) school
at Edessa, erects Church of St
Simeon |
| Armenian
Church seceds from East
(Byzantium) and West (Rome)
churches |
| Anastasius
I eastern Roman emperor |
| Pope
Gelasius I, 50th Pope,
"Vicar of Christ" is
first used as another title |
| Pope
Anastasius II |
| Nestorians
(451) settle in Nisibis, Persia |
| Pope
Symmachus |
| Pope
Hormisdas |
| Pope
John I, martyr |
| Anti-Pope
Lawrence, Lawrencian schism |
| Incense
introduced in Christian church
service, first plans of Vatican |
| Codex
Sangallensis vg
: earliest extant Latin Vulgate,
Gospels |
| Codex
Argenteus (got): earliest nearly
complete Gothic (German),
Gospels |
| Codex
Cottonianus: Greek Genesis |
| Narsai
of Mealletha, Syrian poet, heads
Nestorian school in Nisibis(498) |
| Justin
I: emperor of Byzantine (former
eastern Roman) empire |
| Boethius,
b.480?, Roman Christian
philosopher, wrote:
"Theological |
| Tractates",
"Consolation of
Philosophy"; (Loeb
Classics) (Latin) |
| Dionysius
Exiguus sets Christian calendar
(a.d.) & Jesus' birth @ 23
Dec 1AD |
| Earthquake
in Antioch kills 250,000 |
| Pope
Felix IV (III) |
| Justinian
the Great, Byzantine emperor |
| Letters
of Fulgentius, early Christian
church father |
| Justinian
closes 1000yr Athen's School of
Philosophy, declared Paganistic |
| Pope
Boniface II |
| Anti-Pope
Dioscorus |
| Pope
John II |
| N.
Africa captured by Belisarius
from Vandals, becomes Byzantine
province |
| Malta
becomes Byzantine province |
| Pope
Agapitus I |
| Pope
Silverius, martyr |
| Pope
Vigilius, involved in death of
Pope Silverius, conspired with
Justinian |
| and
Theodora, excommunicated by N.
African bishops in 550 |
| War
between Byzantine empire and
Persia |
| Plague
in Constantinople from Egyptian
and Syrian rats, spreads to
Europe |
| Justinian
condemns Origen (254),
disastrous earthquakes hit the
world |
| Codex
Fuldensis vg(F): Latin Vulgate,
27NT + Epistle to Laodiceans |
| Justinian
condemns the "3
Chapters" of Theodore of
Mopsuestia (d.428) and |
| other
writings of
Christology of Council of
Chalcedon (451) |
| Pope
Vigilius issues "Iudicatum"
supporting Justinian's
anti-"2-natures" |
| Plague
reaches Britain |
| Letters
of Apringius Pacensis, early
Christian church father |
| Medieval
Greek of Constantinople
(Byzantium) becomes standard
Greek |
| Byzantine
Greek Text, standard Eastern
Bible, much smoothing &
conflation |
| St.
David converts Wales to
Christianity, crucifix becomes
Christian icon |
| Codex
Claromontanus (Dp): Greek/Latin
Pauline Epistles + Canon of
~250AD |
| lists
27NT+Barnabas+Hermas+Acts_of_Paul+Apocalypse_of_Peter; |
| "Western"
type |
| Codex
Mediolanensis vg(M): Latin
Vulgate Gospels |
| Codex
Veronensis: Greek & Old
Latin Psalms |
| 2nd
Council of Constantinople, 5th
ecumenical, called by Justinian |
| Pope
Pelagius I, selected by
Justinian, endorsed "Iudicatum"
(547) |
| Pope
John III, authorized by
Justinian |
| Justin
II, Byzantine emperor |
| Letters
of Primasius, Cassiodorus; early
Christian church fathers |
| War
between Byzantine empire and
Persia |
| Pope
Benedict I, authorized by Justin
II, |
| Tiberius
II, Byzantine emperor |
| Pope
Pelagius II, died of plague |
| Maurice,
Byzantine emperor |
| Visigoths
of Spain converted to
Christianity |
| Lombards
of Italy converted to
Christianity |
| Plague
in Rome |
| Pope
Gregory I, commanded that a way
be found to collect and preserve
the |
| singing
of the Benedictine monks of
Santo Domingo de Silos (now
known as |
| Gregorian
Chant) |
| End
of plague which began in 542 and
"halved" the
population of Europe! |
| St.
Augustine of Canterbury sent to
convert Britain to Christianity |
| Codex
Harleianus vg(Z): Latin Vulgate
Gospels |
| Codex
Philoxenian/Harclean Syr(ph/h):
Syriac 27NT, "Western"
text-type |
| Phocas,
Byzantine emperor after killing
Maurice |
| Pope
Sabinian, authorized by Phocas |
| Pope
Boniface III, authorized by
Phocas |
| Pope
Boniface IV, authorized by
Phocas |
| Roman
Pantheon (a Pagan Temple)
renamed Church of Santa Maria
Rotonda |
| Heraclius,
Byzantine emperor after killing
Phocas |
| Mohammed's
reported vision of Allahon Mount
Hira |
| Persians
take Damascas and Jerusalem and
"Holy Cross of Christ" |
| earliest
records of some of Mohammed's
teachings |
| Pope
Deusdedit |
| Pope
Boniface V, authorized by
Heraclius |
| Monothelite
controversy: condemned at 6th
Ecum. Council of Constantinople |
| first
year in Muslim calendar, The
Hegira, 1a.h., (a.h. = anno
hegirae) |
| Mohammed
marries Aisha, daughter of Abu
Bekr |
| Paulinus
of Rome comes to convert
Northumbria to Christianity |
| Pope
Honorius I |
| Mohammed
begins dictation of Qur'an
(Koran) to his scribe |
| King
Edwin of Northumbria founds
Edinburgh and begins
Christianization |
| Byzantines
defeat Persians at Nineveh |
| Emperor
Heraclius wins back "Cross
of Christ" from Persians |
| Mohammed
captures Mecca & writes to
rulers of the world explaining
Islam |
| Heraclius
recovers Jerusalem from Persians |
| Pope
Honorius I sides with Emperor
Heraclius and Monothelites (622) |
| Mohammed,
b. 570?, Arab and founder of
Islam |
| East
Anglia Christianized |
| Abu
Bekr, first Islamic Caliph, seat
at Medina |
| Omar
I, 2d Caliph, takes
Heraclius in Holy War |
| Christianization
of Wessex |
| Damascus
becomes capital of Islamic
Caliphs |
| Southern
Irish Church submits to Roman
Catholicism |
| Jerusalem
captured by Islam |
| Emp.
Heraclius' "Ecthesis",
decrees Christ of one nature:
"Monothelites" |
| Pope
Severinus |
| Library
of Alexandria, "The Center
of Western Culture," with
300,000 |
| ancient
papyrus scrolls, is completely
distroyed. |
| Period
between destruction of Library
of Alexandria and the first
complete English translation of
the Bible |
| Pope
John IV |
| Pope
Theodore I |
| Pope
Martin I, martyr |
| Pope
Eugene I |
| Pope
Vitalian |
| Pope
Adeodatus II |
| Pope
Donus |
| Pope
Agatho |
| |
Catholic Church-
The Easter
Synod of 680 called by Pope Agatho was the first
ecclesiastical body that asserted the primacy of Rome over
the rest of the Church, but this was not an ecumenical
council of the entire Church, so its decision was not
generally accepted.
| Pope
Leo II |
| Pope
Benedict II |
| Pope
John V |
| Pope
Conon |
| Anti-Pope
Theodore |
| Anti-Pope
Paschal |
| Pope
Sergius I |
| Earliest
Bible translations into
England's vernacular, continued
work by Bede |
| and
others from this point forward |
| Pope
John VI |
| Pope
John VII |
| Pope
Sisinnius |
| Pope
Constantine |
| Pope
Gregory II |
| Pope
Gregory III |
| Pope
Zachary |
| Tower
added to St Peter's Basilica at
the front of the atrium |
| Pope
Stephen II (III) |
| Pope
Paul I |
| Anti-Pope
Constantine |
| Anti-Pope
Philip |
| Pope
Stephen III (IV) |
| Pope
Adrian I |
| Pope
Leo III |
| Pope
Stephen IV (V) |
| Pope
Paschal I |
| Pope
Eugene II |
| Pope
Valentine |
| Pope
Gregory IV |
| Anti-Pope
John |
| Pope
Sergius II |
| Pope
Leo IV |
| King
Alfred translation of several
Bible books into English
vernacular, also |
| done
by Aldhelm and Aelfric |
| Pope
Benedict III |
| Anti-Pope
Anastasius |
| Earthquake
in Corinth kills 45,000 |
| Pope
Nicholas I |
| Pope
Adrian II |
| Pope
John VII |
| Pope
Marinus I |
| Pope
Adrian III |
| Pope
Stephen V (VI) |
| Pope
Formosus |
| Pope
Boniface VI |
| Pope
Stephen VI (VII) |
| Pope
Romanus |
| Pope
Theodore II |
| Pope
John IX |
| Pope
Benedict IV |
| Pope
Leo V |
| Anti-Pope
Christopher |
| Pope
Sergius III |
| Pope
Anastasius III |
| Pope
Landus |
| Pope
John X |
| Pope
Leo VI |
| Pope
Stephen VII (VIII) |
| Pope
John XI |
| Pope
Leo VII |
| Pope
Stephen VIII (IX) |
| Pope
Marinus II |
| Pope
Agapitus II |
| Pope
John XII |
| Pope
Leo VIII |
| Pope
Benedict V |
| Pope
John XIII |
| Pope
Benedict VI |
| Anti-Pope
Boniface VII |
| Pope
Benedict VII |
| Pope
John XIV |
| Pope
John XV |
| Pope
Gregory V |
| Anti-Pope
John XVI |
| Pope
Sylvester II |
| Pope
John XVII |
| Pope
John XVIII |
| Pope
Sergius IV |
| Pope
Benedict VIII |
| Anti-Pope
Gregory |
| Pope
John XIX |
| Pope
Benedict IX |
| Pope
Sylvester III |
| Pope
Benedict IX |
| Pope
Gregory VI |
| Pope
Clement II |
| Pope
Benedict IX |
| Pope
Damasus II |
| Pope
Leo IX |
| Split
between Eastern and Western
churches formalized, Orthodox
Church |
| founded |
| Pope
Victor II |
| Pope
Stephen IX (X) |
| Earthquake
in Cilicia (Asia Minor) kills
60,000 |
| Anti-Pope
Benedict X |
| Pope
Nicholas II |
| Pope
Alexender II |
| Anti-Pope
Honorius II |
| Gregory
| Anti-Pope
Clement III |
| Pope
Victor III |
| Pope
Urban II |
with Catholic Church begins-
18 Year old
political appointed Pope. The younger Alberic, after
the downfall of his mother, Marozia (932), was absolute
ruler at Rome. Before his death he administered an oath
(954) to the Roman nobles in St. Peter's, that on the next
vacancy of the papal chair his only son, Octavius, should
be elected pope. After the death of the reigning pontiff,
Agapetus II, Octavius, then eighteen years of age, was
actually chosen his successor on 16 December, 955, and took
the name of John XII. According to Holy Roman Emperor
Otto I (Great), Christian pilgrim women were afraid to go to Saint
Peters because the Pope (John 12th) was known as a
womanizer. This Pope also had illegitimate children.
Holy Roman
Emperor German Otto III established his cousin Bruno in the
vacant papacy as Gregory V (996) and restored him (998)
after his expulsion by a Roman revolt. After Gregory's
death (999), Otto installed his tutor Gerbert of Aurillac
as pope (see Sylvester II).
Like an "omen"; a
nail, supposedly from the cross of Jesus, is inserted into
the blade of the Holy Lance during the reign of Otto III. A
fracture occurs and the two parts were fitted together with
an iron clamp.
1054 Schism
between Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity begins.
Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople
excommunicated each other.
A.D., Pope Urban II called
Western Christendom to take up arms to liberate the Holy
Land from the Moslems. Of all the wars waged
in the name of God, none has ever matched the arrogance
and conceit of the Christian Crusades. For nearly two
centuries until 1291, this medieval "holy war"
variously raged, sometimes so spiritually misshapen by
rapaciousness, murder, and political greed that to think
it all had to do with Christian faith is absurd. Begun
by Pope Urban, along their way the Crusaders killed
Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. Somehow the Pope
succeeded in convincing these Christian hordes of
historic battling barbarians from Western Europe to
switch from killing Christian soldiers in Europe to
Muslims in the Holyland. These crusaders were offered a
penance for their prior sins if they went off to
fight. The vicious unchristian-like slaughter was
highlighted by the way Richard the Lion Hearted (who was
French and spoke no English) and Philip of France
treated the Muslim defenders of Acre. After the
Muslims surrendered all 3,000 with their wives and
children were executed by "Christian"
crusaders. We must also remember that the
Crusaders sacked both the holy things of the Jewish Temple
that the Romans had not taken, and Constantinople (4th
crusade). See an excellent DVD about the here
The Inquisition formally began
in 1215 during the reign of Pope Innocent III, who issued
the following statement: "That they shall be seized
for trial and penalties, who engage in the translation of
the sacred volumes, or who hold secret conventicles, or who
assume the office of preaching without the authority of
their superiors; against whom process shall be commenced,
without any permission of appeal." Thomas M'Crie
records, "In the eleventh century, capital punishment,
even in its most dreadful form, that of burning alive, was
extended to all who obstinately adhered to opinions
differing from the received faith." The
principal accusation against those who are subject to this
tribunal is heresy, which comprises all that is spoken, or
written, against any of the articles of the creed, or the
traditions of the Roman Church. The inquisition likewise
takes cognisance of such as are accused of being magicians,
and of such who read the Bible in the common language, the
Talmud of the Jews, or the Alcoran of the Mahometans.
A Protestant has seldom any mercy shown him, and a Jew, who
turns Christian, is far from being secure.
A prisoner in
the Inquisition is never allowed to see the face of his
accuser, or of the witnesses against him, but every method
is taken by threats and tortures, to oblige him to accuse
himself, and by that means corroborate their evidence. If
the jurisdiction of the Inquisition is not fully allowed,
vengeance is denounced against such as call it in question
for if any of its officers are opposed, those who oppose
them are almost certain to be sufferers for the temerity ,
the maxim of the Inquisition being to strike terror, and
awe those who are the objects of its power into obedience.
After judgment,
a procession is performed to the place of execution, which
ceremony is called an auto da fé, or act of faith.
The following is an
account of an auto da fé, performed at Madrid in the year
The officers of the
Inquisition, preceded by trumpets, kettledrums, and their
banner marched on the thirtieth of May, in cavalcade, to
the palace of the great square, where they declared by
proclamation, that, on the thirtieth of June, the sentence
of the prisoners would be put in execution.
Of these prisoners, twenty
men and women, with one renegade Mahometan, were ordered to
be burned; fifty Jews and Jewesses, having never before
been imprisoned, and repenting of their crimes, were
sentenced to a long confinement, and to wear a yellow cap.
The whole court of Spain was present on this occasion. The
grand inquisitor's chair was placed in a sort of tribunal
far above that of the king.
Among those who were to
suffer, was a young Jewess of exquisite beauty, and but
seventeen years of age. Being on the same side of the
scaffold where the queen was seated, she addressed her, in
hope of obtaining a pardon, in the following pathetic
speech: "Great queen, will not your royal presence be
of some service to me in my miserable condition? Have
regard to my youth, and, oh! consider that I am about to
die for professing a religion imbibed from my earliest
infancy!" Her majesty seemed greatly to pity her
distress, but turned away her eyes, as she did not dare to
speak a word in behalf of a person who had been declared a
Now Mass began, in the midst
of which the priest came from the altar, placed himself
near the scaffold and seated himself in a chair prepared
for that purpose.
The chief inquisitor then
descended from the amphitheatre, dressed in his cope, and
having a mitre on his head. After having bowed to the
altar, he advanced towards the king's balcony, and went up
to it, attended by some of his officers, carrying a cross
and the Gospels, with a book containing the oath by which
the kings of Spain oblige themselves to protect the
Catholic faith, to extirpate heretics, and to support with
all their power and force the prosecutions and decrees of
the Inquisition: a like oath was administered to the
counsellors and whole assembly. The Mass was begun about
twelve at noon, and did not end until nine in the evening,
being protracted by a proclamation on of the sentences of
the several criminals, which were already separately
rehearsed aloud one after the other.
After this followed the
burnings of the twenty-one men and women, whose intrepidity
in suffering that horrid death was truly astonishing. The
king's near situation to the criminals rendered their dying
groans very audible to him; he could not, however, be
absent from this dreadful scene, as it is esteemed a
religious one; and his coronation oath obliged him to give
a sanction by his presence to all the acts of the tribunal.
A Spanish monk named Dominic Guzman spurred by hatred of
heresy creates the monastic order that bears his name - the
Dominicans. To play a huge part in the coming
Inquisitions. The most zealous of all the popish
monks, and those who most implicitly obeyed the Church of
Rome, were the Dominicans and Franciscans: these,
therefore, the pope thought proper to invest with an
exclusive right of presiding over the different courts of
Inquisition, and gave them the most unlimited powers, as
judges delegated by him, and immediately representing his
person: they were permitted to excommunicate, or sentence
to death whom they thought proper, upon the most slight
information of heresy.
By the fourteenth century, the great, ancient city of Rome
has dwindled to a miserable village. As few as 20,000
people cling to the ruins despite the ravages of disease
and robber barons. Popes and cardinals had fled to Avignon
in southern France. Rome was dwarfed in wealth and power by
the great commercial cities and territorial states farther
north, from Florence to Venice.
Under pressure from the
King of France, the seat of the Popes was move from Rome to
Avignon in France, where it remained for 70 years. |
The Christian Church and Celibacy:
For the first thousand years of the Christian church,
priests, bishops, and even popes could — and often did —
marry. At least 39 popes were married men, and two were
the sons of previous popes. The ideal of celibacy
existed, but as a teaching from the Apostle Paul, not a
church doctrine. In his first letter to the Corinthians,
Paul argued simply that single men had fewer
distractions from their godly work: "He that is without
a wife is solicitous for the things that belong to the
Lord, how he may please God. But he that is with a wife,
is solicitous for the things of the world, how he may
please his wife: and he is divided." Continue reading
this at: Time.com
Why the
Protestant Reformation Happened
- The Protestant
Reformation liberated two-thirds of Europe
- from the often cruel
domination of the Roman Church.
- In hindsight,
all Christianity including Catholicism has
- benefited from
this reformation. Just the amazing history
- of conversion and
evangelizing within a relatively short
- period by both Catholic
Priests and
Protestant Ministers
- which followed this
reformation must
show all Christians
- the work of the Lord
- In effect, it appears
God broke us into "Christian Teams"
- (or cells) to make us
stronger and to send us out throughout
- the entire world to
- Protestant,
Catholics and Messianic Jews
- are
- ALL now
the Body of Christ
John Hus (1369-1414
John Hus (Jan Hus) was
born in Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic) in about 1371. He
received a master's degree from Charles University in Prague in 1396,
became a professor of theology in 1398, was ordained to the priesthood
in 1400, was made rector of the University in 1402, and in 1404
received a bachelor's degree in theology (presumably a more advanced
degree than the term suggests today).
John Hus was a student of
John Wycliffe (also spelled: Wicliffe), who translated the Bible into
English in 1382. Wycliffe advocated the right of the common man to read
the Bible in his own language. Both Wycliffe and Hus believed scripture
to supercede the dogmas and ordinances of the church and both declared
the Papacy to be the AntiChrist foretold in scripture. John Hus was
burned alive* at the stake in 1414 for his "heresy" and
rebellion against Catholic authority.
As regards the function of
Christ as the one Mediator between God and man, Hus was at one with
Wycliffe. The English Reformer carried out his doctrine, with the
strength and joy of a full conviction, to its logical issue, in the
entire repudiation of the veneration and intercession of the saints.
Hus, on the other hand, grasping the glorious truth of Christ's sole
mediatorship more feebly, was never able to shake himself wholly free
from a dependence on the intercession and good offices of the
glorified. Nor were the views of Hus on the doctrine of the Sacraments
nearly so well defined or so accordant with Scripture as those of
Wycliffe; and, as has been already said, he believed in
transubstantiation to the end. On the question of the Pope's authority
he more nearly approximated Wycliffe's views; Hus denied the divine
right of the Bishop of Rome to the primacy of the Church, and wished to
restore the original equality which he held existed among the bishops
of the Church. Wycliffe would have gone farther; equality among the
priests and not merely among the bishops would alone have contented
It would seem that after a
time Wycliffe's opinions almost died out in England. But meanwhile they,
or opinions very like them, were eagerly taken up in Bohemia. Among
those who thus became acquainted with Wycliffe's opinions was a young man
named John Hus. He had been an admirer of Wycliffe's philosophical
works; but when he first met with his reforming books, he was so little
taken with them that he wished they were thrown into the Moldau, the
river which runs through Prague, the chief city of Bohemia. But Hus
soon came to think differently, and heartily took up almost all
Wycliffe's doctrines.
Hus made many enemies
among the clergy by attacking their faults from the pulpit of a chapel
called Bethlehem, where he was preacher. From time to time some
doctrines which were said to be Wycliffe's were condemned at Prague.
usually declared that Wycliffe had been wrongly understood, and that his
real meaning was true and innocent. Hus also openly denounced the
bulls of the antipope John XXIII against King Lancelot of Naples and
preached against indulgences. But at length a decree was passed that
all Wycliffe's books should be burnt (AD 1410), and thereupon a grand
bonfire was made in the courtyard of the archbishop's palace, while all
the church bells of the city were tolled as at a funeral. But as some
copies of the books escaped the flames, it was easy to make new copies
from these. Hus was excommunicated, but he still went on teaching.
During his two years of exile he wrote his chief works, including the De
ecclesia, which increasingly reflected Wycliffe's influence. He
denied the infallibility of an immoral pope, asserted the ultimate
authority of Scripture over the church, and accorded the state the
right and duty to supervise the church. Because of these ideas he is
generally considered a forerunner of the Protestant Reformation.
John Wycliffe died at Lutterworth
(near Leicester, England) December 31, 1384.. In 1428, John
Wycliffe's bones were exhumed and burned according to papal command.
The dust was then dumped in a river.
Both Wycliffe and Hus were
unfairly treated with contempt by the Church for denying indulgences
paid to the Church in any way remediated any sin. Both
rightfully taught that the Bible should be presented to the people
in the language of the people, that salvation comes only by faith in
Jesus Christ, and the Word of God (and no pope in Rome) is the final
authority. John Hus was summoned to the Council of Constance
and promised safety, but he was betrayed. In the end, Hus was
accused, imprisoned, and charged with heresy. John Hus was
then condemned and burned at the stake as a heretic. He died
singing on July 6, 1415.
In 1412, the Pope
proclaimed a crusade against Ladislaus, King of Naples, with whom he
had quarreled, and ordered that it should be preached, and that money
should be collected for it all through Latin Christendom. Hus and his
chief friend, whose name was Jerome, set themselves against this with
all their might. They declared it to be unchristian that a crusade
should be proclaimed against a Christian prince, and that the favors of
the Church should be held out as a reward for paying money or for
shedding of blood. One day, as a preacher was inviting people to buy
his indulgences (as they were called) for the forgiveness of sins, he
was interrupted by three young men, who told him that what he said was
untrue, and that Master Hus had taught them better. The three were
seized, and were condemned to die; and, although it would seem that a
promise was afterwards given that their lives should be spared, the
sentence of death was carried into effect. John Hus was burnt at the
stake. The people were greatly provoked by this, and when the
executioner, after having cut off the heads of the three, proclaimed
(as was usual), "Whosoever shall do the like, let him look for the
like!" a cry burst forth from the multitude around, "We are
ready to do and to suffer the like." Women dipped their
handkerchiefs in the blood of the victims, and treasured it up as a
precious relic. Some of the crowd even licked the blood. The bodies
were carried off by the people, and were buried in Bethlehem chapel;
and Hus and others spoke of the three as martyrs.
By this affair his enemies
were greatly provoked. Fresh orders were sent from Rome for the
destruction of Wycliffe's books, and for uttering all the heaviest
sentences of the Church against Hus himself. He therefore left Prague
for a time, and lived chiefly in the castles of Bohemian noblemen who
were friendly to him, writing busily as well as preaching against what
he supposed to be the errors of the Roman Church.
Three Popes
In the day of John Hus,
there was a crisis of authority in the Western Church. In 1305, under
pressure from the King of France, the seat of the Popes was move from
Rome to Avignon in France, where it remained for 70 years. (This period
is called the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy, suggesting the 70
years that Jerusalem lay desolate after when the Jews were deported to
Babylon.) In 1376, the then pope returned to Rome. When he died soon
after, the cardinals, mostly French, were disposed to elect a French
Pope, but the people of Rome objected, fearing that a French Pope would
move the Papacy back to France. The cardinals therefore elected an
Italian Pope, and then fled elsewhere, where they elected a French Pope
and said that the first election had been under duress, and was void.
Thus there were two (later three) claimants for the Papal Office.
Pope John XXIII, Pope
Gregory XII and Pope Benedict XIII were invited by the royals of Europe
to attend a council
In Constance, Switzerland.
This council was held on the 5th of November, 1414. The reason for this
council was
To take up the problem of 3
Popes in the Church and the church division it caused. Only Pope John
XXIII attended, as Popes Gregory and Benedict declined. Pope John XXIII
entered Constance with great pomp.
In the fourth and fifth
sessions it was solemnly decreed that a General Council is superior to
the Pope. "A Synod congregate in the Holy Ghost," so ran the
decree, "making a General Council, representing the whole Catholic
Church here militant, hath power of Christ immediately, to the which
power every person, of what state or dignity soever he be, yea, being
the Pope himself, ought to be obedient in all such things as concern
the general reformation of the Church, as well in the Head as in the
members." The Council in this decree asserted its absolute and
supreme authority, and affirmed the subjection of the Pope in matters
of faith as well as manners to its judgment.
Council also entered upon the weightier affair of Pope John XXIII.
Universally odious, the Pope's deposition had been resolved on
beforehand by the emperor and the great majority of the members. At a
secret sitting a terrible indictment was tabled against him. "It
contained," says his secretary, Thierry de Niem, "all the
mortal sins, and a multitude of others not fit to be named." The
indictment contained seventy accusations, but only fifty were read in
public Council; the rest were withheld from a regard to the honor of
the Pontificate – a superfluous care, one would think, after what had
already been permitted to see the light. Thirty-seven witnesses were
examined, and one of the points to which they bore testimony, but which
the Council left under a veil, was the poisoning by John of his
predecessor, Alexander V. He had hired Marcillus Permensis, a physician
to do this. The charges were held to be proven, and in the twelfth
session (May 29th, 1415) the Council passed sentence, stripping John
XXIII. of the Pontificate, and releasing all Christians from their oath
of obedience to him. Further, that he was a heretic, a simoniac, a
liar, a hypocrite, a murderer, an enchanter, a dice-player, and an
adulterer; and finally, what crime was it that he was not infected
with?" When the Pontiff heard of these accusations he was
overwhelmed with affright, and talked of resigning; but recovering from
his panic, he again grasped firmly the tiara which he had been on the
point of letting go, and began a struggle for it with the emperor and
the Council. Making himself acquainted with everything by his spies, he
held midnight meetings with his friends, bribed the cardinals, and
labored to sow division among the nations composing the Council. But
all was in vain.
The case of the other two
Popes was simpler, and more easily disposed of. They had already been
condemned by the Council of Pisa, which had put forth an earlier
assertion than the Council of Constance of the supremacy of a Council,
and its right to deal with heretical and simoniacal Popes. Angelus
Corario, Gregory XII., voluntarily sent in his resignation; and Peter
de Lune, Benedict XIII., was deposed; and Otta de Colonna, being
unanimously elected by the cardinals, ruled the Church under the title
of Martin V.
It was proposed at this
council that all the three popes should resign, and that a new pope
should be chosen. In answer to this, John said that he was ready to
resign if the others would do the same, but it soon became clear that
he did not mean to keep his promise honestly. He tried by all manner of
tricks to ward off the dangers which surrounded him; and, after he had
more than once tried in vain to get away from Constance, he was able to
escape one day when the members of the council were amusing themselves
at a tournament given by a prince whom John had persuaded to take on
their attention in this way. The council, however, in his absence went
on to examine the charges against him, many of which were so shocking
that they were kept secret, out of regard for his office. John, by
letters and messengers, asked for delay, and did all that he could for
that purpose; but, notwithstanding all his arts, he was sentenced to be
deposed from the papacy for simony (that is, for trafficking in holy
things-p 185) and for other offences. On being informed of this on May
31, 1415, he at once put off his papal robes, saying, that since he had
put them on he had never enjoyed a quiet day.
In striking contrast to the
ostentatious display of his arrival, was the mean disguise in which
Pope John XXII sought to conceal his departure. The plan of his escape
had been arranged beforehand between himself and his good friend and
staunch protector, the Duke of Austria. The duke, on a certain day, was
to give a tournament. The spectacle was to come off late in the
afternoon; and while the whole city should be engrossed with the fete,
the lords tilting in the arena and the citizens gazing at the mimic
war, and oblivious of all else, the deposed Pope would take leave of
Constance and of the Council.
When the deposed Pope's
flight became known, all was in commotion at Constance. The Council was
at an end, so every one thought; the flight of the Pope would be
followed by the departure of the princes and the emperor: the merchants
shut their shops and packed up their wares, only too happy if they
could escape pillage from the lawless mob into whose hands, as they
believed, the town had now been thrown. After the first moments of
consternation, however, the excitement calmed down. The emperor mounted
his horse and rode round the city, declaring openly that he would
protect the Council, and maintain order and quiet; and thus things in
Constance returned to their usual channel.
John Wycliffe is remembered
as the "Morning Star of the Reformation"
John Hus condemned to
The one point on which Hus
could be said to have a doctrinal difference with the Council was that
he taught that the office of the pope did not exist by Divine command,
but was established by the Church that things might be done in an
orderly fashion (a view that he shared with Thomas More). The Council,
having just narrowly succeeded in uniting Western Christendom under a
single pope after years of chaos, was not about to have its work
undone. It accordingly found him guilty of heresy.
With a promise of safe
passage to and from, John Hus was summoned to this council at
Constance, that he might give an account of himself. He was shut up in
a dark and filthy prison. Hus had no friends in the Council; for the
reforming part of the members could have nothing to do with him, lest
it should be thought that they agreed with him in all his notions. And
when he was at length brought out from prison, where his health had
suffered much, and when he was required to answer for himself, without
having been allowed the use of books to prepare himself, all the
parties in the council turned on him at once. His trial lasted three
days. The charges against him were mostly about Wycliffe's doctrines,
which had been often condemned by councils at Rome and elsewhere, but
which Hus was supposed to hold; and when he tried to explain that in
some things he did not agree with Wycliffe, nobody would believe him.
Some of his bitterest persecutors were men who had once been his
friends, and had gone with him in his reforming opinions.
Hus was condemned to
death, and was degraded from his orders, as the custom was; that is to
say, they first put into his hands the vessels used at the consecration
of the Lord's Supper, which were the signs of his being a priest; and
by taking, away these from him, they reduced him from a priest to a
deacon. The seven bishops selected for the purpose now came round him,
and proceeded to remove the sacerdotal garments – the alb, the stole,
and other pieces of attire – in which in mockery they had arrayed
him. And as each bishop performed his office, he bestowed his curse
upon the martyr. Nothing now remained but to erase the marks of the
On this there arose a great dispute among the prelates whether they
should use a razor or scissors. "See," said Hus, turning to
the emperor, "they cannot agree among themselves how to insult
me." They resolved to use the scissors, which were instantly
brought, and his hair was cut cross-wise to obliterate the mark of the
crown. According to the canon law, the
priest so dealt with becomes again a layman, and although the operation
does not remove the character, which is indelible, it yet renders him
for ever incapable of exercising the functions of the priesthood.
There remained one other mark of ignominy. They put on his head a cap
or pyramidal-shaped miter of paper, on which were painted frightful
figures of demons, with the word Arch-Heretic conspicuous in front.
"Most joyfully," said Hus, "will I wear this crown of
shame for thy sake, O Jesus, who for me didst wear a crown of
When thus attired, the prelates said, "Now, we devote thy
soul to the devil." "And I," said John Hus, lifting up
his eyes toward heaven, "do commit my spirit into thy hands, O
Lord Jesus, for thou hast redeemed me."
Then they took away the
tokens of his being a deacon, and so they stripped him of his other
orders, one after another; and when at last they had turned him back
into a layman, they led him away to be burnt on July 6, 1415. He bore
his death with great patience and courage; and then his ashes and such
scorched bits of his dress as remained were thrown into the Rhine, lest
his followers should treasure them up as relics.
The procession was
now formed. The martyr walked between four town sergeants. The princes
and deputies, escorted by eight hundred men-at-arms, followed. In the
cavalcade, mounted on horseback, were many bishops and priests
delicately clad in robes of silk and velvet. The population of
Constance followed in mass to see the end.
As Hus passed the Episcopal Palace, his attention was attracted by a
great fire which blazed and crackled before the gates. He was informed
that on that pile his books were being consumed. He smiled at this
futile attempt to extinguish the light which he foresaw would one day,
and that not very distant, fill all Christendom.
The execution procession crossed the bridge and halted in a meadow,
between the gardens of the city and the gate of Gottlieben. Here the
execution was to take place. Being come to the spot where he was to
die, the martyr kneeled down, and began reciting the penitential
psalms. He offered up short and fervent supplications, and oftentimes
repeated, as the by-standers bore witness, the words, "Lord Jesus,
into thy hands I commend my spirit."
"We know not," said those who were near him, "what his
life has been, but verily he prays after a devout and godly
fashion." Turning his gaze upward in prayer, the paper crown fell
off. One of the soldiers rushed forward and replaced it, saying that
"he must be burned with the devils whom he had served". Again
the martyr smiled.
The stake was driven deep into the ground. Hus was tied to it with
ropes. He stood facing the east. "This," cried some, "is
not the right attitude for a heretic." He was again unbound,
turned to the west, and made fast to the beam by a chain that passed
round his neck. "It is thus," said he, "that you silence
the goose, but a hundred years hence there will arise a swan whose
singing you shall not be able to silence."
He stood with his feet on the faggots, which were mixed with
straw that they might the more readily ignite. Wood was piled all round
him up to the chin. Before applying the torch, Louis of Bavaria and the
Marshal of the Empire approached, and for the last time implored him to
have a care for his life, and renounce his errors. "What
errors," asked Hus, "shall I renounce? I know myself guilty
of none. I call God to witness that all that I have written and
preached has been with the view of rescuing souls from sin and
perdition; and, therefore, most joyfully will I confirm with my blood
that truth which I have written and preached." At the hearing of
these words they departed from him, and John Hus had now done talking
with men.
The fire was applied, the flames blazed upward. "John Hus,"
says Fox, "began to sing with a loud voice, 'Jesus, thou Son of
David, have mercy on me.' And when he began to say the same the third
time, the wind so blew the flame in his face that it choked him."
Poggius, who was secretary to the Council, and AEneas Sylvius, who
afterwards became Pope, and whose narratives are not liable to the
suspicion of being colored, bear even higher testimony to the heroic
demeanor of both Hus and Jerome at their execution. "Both,"
says the latter historian, "bore themselves with constant mind
when their last hour approached. They prepared for the fire as if they
were going to a marriage feast. They uttered no cry of pain. When the
flames rose they began to sing hymns; and scarce could the vehemency of
the fire stop their singing."
Hus had given up the ghost. When the flames had subsided, it
was found that only the lower parts of his body were consumed, and that
the upper parts, held fast by the chain, hung suspended on the stake.
The executioners kindled the fire anew, in order to consume what
remained of the martyr. When the flames had a second time subsided, the
heart was found still entire amid the ashes. A third time had the fire
to be kindled. At last all was burned. The ashes were carefully
collected, the very soil was dug up, and all was carted away and thrown
into the Rhine; so anxious were his persecutors that not the slightest
vestige of John Hus – not even a thread of his raiment, for that too
was burned along with his body – should be left upon the earth.
The news of Hus's death
naturally raised a general feeling of anger in Bohemia, where his
followers treated his memory as that of a saint, and kept a festival in
his honor. And when the emperor Sigismund succeeded his brother
Wenceslaus in the kingdom of Bohemia, in 1419, he found that he was
hated by his new subjects on account of his share in the death of Hus.
But, although most of the
Bohemians might now be called Husites, there were great divisions
among the Husites themselves. Some had lately begun to insist that in
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper both the bread and the wine should
be given to all the people, according to our Lord's own example,
instead of allowing no one but the priest to receive the wine,
according to the Roman practice. These people who insisted on the
sacramental cup were called Calixtines, from the Latin calix, which
means a cup or chalice. But among those who agreed in this opinion
there were serious differences as to some other points.
After the death of John
Hus, his followers continued to insist on the importance of
administering the Holy Communion in both kinds, and defeated several
armies sent against them. In 1436 a pact was signed, by which the
Church in Bohemia was authorized to administer Chalice as well as Host
to all communicants. The followers of John Hus and his fellow martyr
Jerome of Prague became known as the Czech Brethren and later as the
Moravians. The Moravian Church survives to this day, and has had a
considerable influence on the Lutheran movement. When Luther suddenly
became famous after the publication of his 95 Theses, cartoons and
graffiti began to appear implying that Luther was the spiritual heir of
John Hus. When Luther encountered the Pope's representative Johannes
Eck, in a crucial debate, Eck sidestepped the questions of indulgences
and of justification by faith, and instead asked Luther whether the
Church had been right to condemn Hus. When Luther, after thinking it
over, said that Hus had been unjustly condemned, the whole question of
the authority of Popes and Councils was raised.
In the summer of 1419, the
first public communion was celebrated at a place where the town of
Tabor was afterwards built. It was a very different kind of ceremony
from what had been usual. There were three hundred altars, but they
were without any covering; the chalices were of wood, the clergy wore
only their every-day dress; and a love-feast followed, at which the
rich shared with their poorer brethren. The wilder party among the
Husites were called Taborites, from Tabor, which became the chief
abode of this party. They now took to putting their opinions into
practice. They declared churches and their ornaments, pictures, images,
organs, and the like, to be abominable; and they went about in bands,
destroying everything that they thought superstitious. And thus
Bohemia, which had been famous for the size and beauty of its churches,
was so desolated that hardly a church was left in it; and those which
are now standing have almost all been built since the time when the
Husites destroyed the older churches.
New Pope Elected at
It was resolved to elect a
pope without further delay. The choice was to be made by the cardinals
and some others who were joined with them. On St. Martin's day, the
11th of November, 1417 these electors were all shut up in the Exchange
of Constance-a building which is still seen there. While the election
was going on, multitudes of all ranks, and even the emperor himself
among them, went from time to time in slow procession round the
Exchange chanting in a low tone Litanies, in which they prayed that the
choice of the electors might be guided for the good of the Church. And
when at last an opening was made in the wall from within, and through
it a voice proclaimed, "We have a pope: Lord Otho of
Colonna!" the news spread at once through all of Constance. The
new Pope styled himself Martin V. The people seemed to be wild with joy
that the division of the Church, which had lasted so long, was now
healed. All the bells of the town pealed forth joyfully, and it is said
that a crowd of not less than 80,000 people hurried at once to the
Exchange. The emperor in his delight threw himself at the new pope's
feet; and for hours together vast numbers thronged the cathedral, where
the pope was placed on the high altar, and gave them his blessing. But
the joy which had been shown at his election was more than the effect
warranted. The council had chosen a pope before taking up the reform of
the Church; and the new pope was no friend to reform. During the rest
of the time that the council was assembled, he did all that he could to
thwart attempts at reform; and when, at the end of it, he rode away
from Constance, with the emperor holding his bridle on one side and one
of the chief German princes on the other, while a crowd of princes,
nobles, clergy, and others, as many as 40,000, accompanied him, it
seemed as if the pope had got above all the sovereigns of the world.
A holy war was planned by
the Church, and vast armies, made up from all nations of Europe, were
gathered for the invasion of Bohemia. One of these crusades was led by
Cardinal Beaufort, bishop of Winchester, and great-uncle of King Henry
VI of England; another, by a famous Italian cardinal, Julian Cesarini.
But the courage and fury of the Bohemians, with their savage appearance
and their strange manner of fighting, drove back all assaults, with
immense loss, in one campaign after another, until Cesarini, the leader
in the last crusade, was convinced that there was no hope of putting
the Bohemians down by force, and that some other means must be tried.
Desiderus Erasmus is born. In 1516, Erasmus published his new New
Testament in Greek.
1480 April 18
Lucrezia Borgia, the illegitimate
daughter of Pope Alexander VI, is born in Italy. She will marry three
times by the age of 18 to further her father's political ambitions.
The Spanish Inquisition begins under the
joint direction of the Spanish state and the Catholic Church.
By order of Torquemada, the inquisititor-general,
Spanish Jews are given three months to accept Christianity or leave the
1493 May 4
Pope Alexander VI publishes bull
"Inter cetera divina" dividing the "New World"
between Spain and Portugal. It was later revised on June 28.
Squandering all of the church money on sumptuous living, Pope Leo X was
virtually broke by 1517. Cleverly he announced a special sale, a
"jubilee" of indulgences. Christians were granted the
opportunity to pay money to reduce the penalties of sin on behalf of
the dead, and even of those still alive, all to rebuild St. Peter's in
Martin Luther Disgusted
at Popes selling Indulgences
A little before the year
1500, one of the greatest works ever done was the vast church of St.
Peter, at Rome which was built atop the ancient church, which had stood
since the time of Constantine the Great. There were several architects
who carried on the building of this great church, one after another;
but the grand dome of St. Peter's, which rises into the air over the
whole city, was the work of Michael Angelo, who was not only a painter,
but an architect and a sculptor.
It was by offering
indulgences (or spiritual favors, forgiveness of sins, and the like) as
a reward for gifts towards the new St. Peter's, that "soldier
Pope" Julius II (pope from 1503 to 1513) raised the anger and
disgust of the German reformer, Martin Luther. And thus it was the
building of the most magnificent of Roman churches that led to the
revolt which took away from the popes a great part of their spiritual
In the course of all these
hundreds of years, Christian religion had been much corrupted from its
first purity. The power of the clergy over the ignorant people had
become far greater than it ought to have been; and too commonly it was
kept up by the encouragement of superstitions and abuses. The popes
claimed supreme power on earth. They claimed the right of setting up
and plucking down emperors and kings. They meddled with appointments to
sees, parishes, and all manner of offices in the Church, throughout all
Western Europe. They wished to make it appear as if bishops had no
authority except what they held through the grant of the pope. There
were general complaints against the faults of the clergy, and among the
mass of men religion had become in great part little better than an
affair of forms. From all quarters cries for reform were raised, and a
reform was speedily to come, by which, among other things, our own
country was set flee from the power of the popes, and the doctrine of
our Church was brought back to an agreement with Holy Scripture and
with the Christianity of early times.
Martin Luther, ordained in
1507, challenged the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and coined
the phrase Sola Scriptura, meaning the Bible only.
In 1512, seven convents of his order having a quarrel
with their vicar-general, Luther was chosen to go to Rome to maintain
their cause. At Rome he saw the pope and the court, and had an
opportunity of observing also the manners of the clergy, whose hasty,
superficial, and impious way of celebrating Mass, he has severely
noted. As soon as he had adjusted the dispute which was the business of
his journey, he returned to Wittenberg, and was created doctor of
divinity, at the expense of Frederic, elector of Saxony; who had often
heard him preach, was perfectly acquainted with his merit, and
reverenced him highly.
He continued in the University of Wittenberg, where, as professor of
divinity, he employed himself in the business of his calling. Here then
he began in the most earnest manner to read lectures upon the sacred
books: he explained the Epistle to the Romans, and the Psalms, which he
cleared up and illustrated in a manner so entirely new, and so
different from what had been pursued by former commentators, that
"there seemed, after a long and dark night, a new day to arise, in
the judgment of all pious and prudent men."
Luther diligently reduced the minds of men to the Son of God: as
John the Baptist demonstrated the Lamb of God that took away the sins
of the world, even so Luther, shining in the Church as the bright
daylight after a long and dark night, expressly showed that sins are
freely remitted for the love of the Son of God, and that we ought
faithfully to embrace this bountiful gift.
Upon the eve of All-saints in 1517 Luther
posted 95 thesis to the door of the church in Wittenburg, challenging
the authority of the Papacy and the sale of Indulgences. he
challenged any one to oppose it either by writing or disputation.
Luther's propositions about indulgences were no sooner published, than
Tetzel, the Dominican friar, and commissioner for selling them,
maintained and published at Frankfort, a thesis, containing a set of
propositions directly contrary to them. He did more; he stirred up the
clergy of his order against Luther; anathematized him from the pulpit,
as a most damnable heretic; and burnt his thesis publicly at Frankfort.
Tetzel's thesis was also burnt, in return, by the Lutherans at
Wittenberg; but Luther himself disowned having had any hand in that
procedure. Martin Luther
also declared the Papacy to be "nothing else than the kingdom of
Babylon and of very Anti Christ" in his book On the Babylonian
Captivity of the Church. Luther also translated the Bible into German,
so that the German people could read scripture for themselves, in their
own language.
In 1518, Luther, though dissuaded from it by his friends, yet, to
show obedience to authority, went to the monastery of St. Augustine, at
Heidelberg, while the chapter was held; and here maintained, April 26,
a dispute concerning "justification by faith"; which Bucer,
who was present at, took down in writing, and afterward communicated to
Beatus Rhenanus, not without the highest commendations.
In the meantime, the zeal of his adversaries grew every day more and
more active against him; and he was at length accused to Leo X as a
heretic. As soon as he returned therefore from Heidelberg, he wrote a
letter to that pope, in the most submissive terms; and sent him, at the
same time, an explication of his propositions about indulgences. This
letter is dated on Trinity Sunday, 1518, and was accompanied with a
protestation, wherein he declared, that he did not pretend to advance
or defend anything contrary to the Holy Scriptures, or to the doctrine
of the fathers, received and observed by the Church of Rome, or to the
canons and decretals of the popes: nevertheless, he thought he had the
liberty either to approve or disapprove the opinions of St. Thomas,
Bonaventure, and other schoolmen and canonists, which are not grounded
upon any text.
So John Wycliffe, John Hus and
Martin Luther championed the Bible over the Traditions and dogmas of
the Roman Catholic Church and declared the Papacy to be the AntiChrist
taught clearly by the Bible. So what book is the little angel tearing
pages out of? What book did the reformers look to as "the
authority" on matters of faith and doctrine, rather than decrees
of the church?
John Fisher, Thomas More
& Henry the VIII of England
Henry VIII |
It is
terrifying and sobering to realize that the English
"Reformation" was carried out by means which are
indistinguishable from those of the Russian Revolution of
1917, or the earlier French Revolution of 1789, both
undertaken by godless, bloodthirsty, power-hungry despots
anxious to displace the ancient faith beloved by the
people, by the most ruthless means. To this abominable
roster must be added the lustful despot Henry VIII,
Cromwell, the Duke of Norfolk and their ilk. May God have
mercy on their souls.
Switzerland, Germany, and England the Reformation rose in
the towns and was long resisted in the countryside . . . In
the northern shires of England the spoliation of the lesser
monasteries kindled a fire of resentment . . . This was the
most critical point in Henry's reign. Half the country was
in arms against his policies. Henri Daniel-Rops, The
Protestant Reformation, vol. 2
After the uprising was quashed by
virtue of Henry's betrayal of his promise of a general
pardon, he wrote to the Duke of Norfolk, his agent:
pleasure is that . . . you shall cause such dreadful
execution to be done upon a good number of the
inhabitants of every town, village, and hamlet that
have offended, as they may be a fearful spectacle to
all others hereafter that would practice any like
John Fisher was born in
1469, enrolled at Cambridge University in 1483, ordained in 1491, and
in 1502 became chaplain to Lady Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII.
With her money and his ideas, they greatly altered Cambridge, restoring
the teaching of Greek and Hebrew, bringing Erasmus over as a lecturer,
and endowing many chairs and scholarships. In 1504 Fisher was made
Chancellor of Cambridge and Bishop of Rochester. In 1527 he became
chaplain to the new king, Henry VIII, and confessor to the queen,
Catherine of Aragon. He stood high in the favor of Henry, who
proclaimed that no other realm had any bishop as learned and devout.
Thomas More was born in
1478, studied law and was called to the Bar in 1501. He spent four
years at the London Charterhouse (monastery of the Carthusian monks),
considering becoming a priest or monk or friar. In 1505 he married Jane
Colt, who eventually bore him three daughters and a son, but died in
1511. A few weeks after her death, More married a widow, Alice
Middleton, with a son and a daughter of her own. The second marriage
produced no offspring, but Alice made a good home for the six children
already there, plus others whom More took in as students or as foster
children. He was noted for giving his daughters far more education than
most women, even in the upper classes, received. His friends included
Erasmus and Colet, and other scholars who desired moderate reforms in
the Church but were set against any break with the Papacy. Henry VIII,
who became king in 1509, recognized More's learning and integrity, and
appointed him to numerous public offices, including finally that of
Lord Chancellor of England.
- Henry was
excommunicated by the Pope in 1533.
- Henry could not
get the Pope to grant an annulment, so those
- who flattered and
supported him and particularly his minister,
- Thomas Cromwell,
gradually moved for the break with Rome.
- This was achieved
at the end of 1534.
Trouble arose for both
Fisher and More when Henry determined to seek a declaration that his
marriage with Catherine was null on grounds of consanguinity. Fisher
and More disagreed with him, and would not yield, either on the
question of the annulment, nor later, when they were required to
acknowledge the King as the final authority on ecclesiastical questions
in England. Henry had them imprisoned, and finally beheaded, Fisher on
22 June 1535 and More on 6 July 1535. Thomas More was canonized
by the Catholic Church in 1935.
VIII was terrible and cruel King. He executed anyone who
disagreed with him (including two of his wives!). By
the time Henry died, everyone was completely terrified of him.
had a very spoilt childhood as you might expect of a Royal
Prince. So spoiled was he that he even had his own ‘whipping
boy’ who was punished every time Henry did something wrong!
older brother Arthur was first in line to be king but he died
age 16, shortly after marrying Catherine of Aragon.
afterwards Catherine aged 17, was engaged to Henry then aged
only 12! They married when Henry became King in 1509.
this time he was young, handsome and charming. He had a bright
head of red/gold hair and was over 6 foot tall.
he became King the country was Catholic and was controlled by
the Pope in Rome. When the Pope wouldn’t let Henry get
divorced from his first wife, Henry made himself head of the
church in England instead and gave himself the divorce he
Henry closed all the Monasteries and Nunneries in England and
took all the money from the Monks and Nuns. He literally threw
all of them out onto the streets to beg and gave their
Monasteries to his friends for fine houses.
time was called the Reformation in England |
1543 First Protestants burned at the stake by
Spanish Inquisition.
154? Lutherans raid and loot the Jewish
synagogue in Berlin.
154? Luther convinces the government to ban all
Jews and expel them for the entire country. Many Jews find new homes in
Poland, Lithuania, and the Ukraine.
1700's to
1727 - the GREAT
(worldwide Evangelism)
America is the largest
Christian Nation in the world, and sends her best around the
globe to Evangelize the World.
This is accomplished by both
Catholics and Non-Catholics. Both do it for the love of
Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior. |
- The Age of Philadelphia
- Christ "Opens the Door"
- (Revelation 3:7-13)
Some Key
William Carey
Hudson Taylor
Billy Graham
David Livingstone
William Tennent
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
10's of thousands
of missionaries |
John Wesley
Methodists believe there is a method to salvation
Wesley is viewed as the father of the Methodist movement. The devotion
to God and the Scriptures which formed him as a child stayed with him
throughout the whole of his life, eventually qualifying him for the
leadership of others in his adult life. He was raised by two parents
whose emphasis upon God strongly influenced Wesley. His father was the
rector in the town of Epson, while his mother was a strong spiritual
leader in the home. Wesley was closest to his mother, and his views
were largely shaped by the correspondence he carried with her during
his adult life.
Wesley's experiences as a student at Oxford were
formative to his spiritual development as well. He was dedicated to
reading the Scriptures and praying twice a day, though often grew
frustrated at the carnal weaknesses he continually saw patterned in his
life. At this time Wesley's understanding of inner holiness was
represented by the good works done by a person. For this reason he
methodically recorded his daily activities in his journal and made
resolutions as to how he could become more holy. While at Oxford, he
and a group of other students formed what became known as the Holy
Club. The young men committed their time to good works and the attempt
at inward holiness. John Wesley was viewed as the leader of this group.
After his schooling at Oxford, Wesley traveled to
the United States with the intention of bringing religion to the
Indians. His experience fell short of his expectations when he was
appointed as a preacher in Savannah rather than an evangelist to the
Native Americans. It was here, however, that Wesley became acquainted
with the Moravian sect, a group of believers whose emphasis was upon
inner faith and assurance. This was a new concept to Wesley, who had
hitherto stressed outer works as a manifestation of one's inner faith.
Upon returning to England, Wesley sought to
better understand the Moravian doctrine, eventually rejecting it for
its self-righteousness and lack of dependence upon Scripture. The
exposure to the idea of inner faith and assurance of grace that he
received with them was definitive, however, and led him toward his
famous Aldersgate experience. It was at Aldersgate that Wesley
recognized his need to know God with assurance, and understood that
before that moment he had not been acting under God's grace. He
realized he had yet to possess inner faith. He was to have other
experiences similar to this in the future, but Aldersgate is most
widely remembered because it was his first realization of a need for
change in his theology.
As Wesley began to preach about the foremost need
for faith above works, he became highly unpopular with the surrounding
churches. He was refused at their doors and was forced to preach
open-air sermons. These sermons attracted hundreds, sometimes
thousands, of followers and began the movement that would eventually
bring about the Methodist church. During his life, Wesley was opposed
to separation from the Church of England. He made every attempt to
remain loyal to her, even through their differing views, and concluded
that if there were to be a complete separation, it would not be his
fault. A separation did come about, however, when Wesley sent ministers
to the colonists in America, forming a church separate from the Church
of England.
"Christian Perfection" and "A
Plain Account of Genuine Christianity" shows Wesley as an advocate
of the individual's ability to attain perfection while on earth. Many
were divided on this view as well, but Wesley maintained it as a valid
perspective according to the Scriptures. Conversely, as much as he
believed in the Christian's ability to become perfect, he also believed
that the Christian was just as liable to fall into perdition if he was
not watchful of his actions. This ideology is also outlined in the
latter part of "The Struggle With the Calvinists."
Wesley identified the problem existing between
the Protestants and Catholics in his day, as well as the divisions
between particular sects of Protestantism. He was not desirous of a
further breach in the church with his formation of the Methodist sect,
and often wrote to reconcile brothers in the church, even though they
held opposing views on certain issues. Such topics are discussed in
"Catholic Spirit" and "An Olive Branch to the