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Is this the holy face of Jesus Christ?
or, the face of Jacques de Molay (Knights Templar leader)?

The Shroud of Turin


The "Holy Face" of Christ photographed by a blast of divine light?
In Search for "Veronica's Veil" in Rome ...


One of the four principal relics of the Passion preserved in Saint Peter's in Rome is a cloth believed to be miraculously imprinted with the image of Christ's face.

Since the Middle Ages, the most venerated relic of Rome and St. Peter's Basilica is the so-called “Veil of Veronica”.
click here to enlarge

The Veil of Veronica

by Italian artist Domenico Fetti
1589 - 1623 A.D.
It is possible that Fetti saw the actual veil when it was installed in the crossing of Saint Peter's in 1606.


According to the legend, Veronica was a pious woman from Jerusalem who encountered Christ on His way to Calvary. Deeply moved by His suffering, looking into His face pouring with sweat and blood, she wiped it with her veil - and found His portrait imprinted on the cloth when she got it back. The white, almost transparent veil measures about 6.5 by 9.5 inches and bears dark red features of a bearded man with long hair and open eyes. The face on the veil is that of a young man who has suffered greatly. He looks tired. The marks of blows that have struck him are clear: bruises and other scars on the forehead, clotted blood on his nose, one pupil slightly dilated. Yet, in spite of the evident signs of suffering and pain, the look is that of a serene man enduring his suffering with patience.

The legend continues claiming that Veronica later traveled to Rome to present her “Holy Image” to the Roman Emperor Tiberius, healing him from some severe illness.  The story of Veronica and her veil does not, in fact, occur in the Bible, though the apocryphal "Acts of Pilate" gives this name to the woman with a blood flow who was cured by touching the hem of Jesus' cloak. Matthew 9:20-22 & Mark 5:25-34 also report of this.

Also, see how Jesus' fulfillment of this is a fulfillment of  the Prophet Malachi's awesome Prophecy of the Tzit-Tzit: here

Critics of the incidents historicity point to the very name of the saint: "Veronica" is a combination of Latin and Greek words meaning "true image." Nonetheless, the story has been a part of popular Christian culture for centuries.  As early as the 300s, there were documents, which spoke of the existence of the veil, but only in the Middle Ages was it strictly connected to the Passion of Jesus Christ. Catholics have honored this tradition in their 6th Station of the Cross.

It is startling to note that the similarities between the image on Veronica's Veil and that on the Shroud of Turin only became apparent after the Shroud was first photographed in 1898.

History records the existence of this relic from the fourth century, but only from the Middle Ages was it strongly linked to the Passion of Christ. From the 12th century until 1608, it was kept in the Vatican Basilica as a popular goal of pilgrims, mentioned in Canto XXXI of Dante's "Paradise." In 1297, by the order of Pope Boniface VIII, the image was brought to St. Peter’s. On the occasion of the first Holy Year in 1300, the Veil of Veronica was publicly displayed and became one of the "Mirabilia Urbis"' ("wonders of the City") for the pilgrims who visited Rome.  

When the part of the Basilica containing the relic was scheduled to be taken down for remodeling, the relic disappeared overnight.  In 1616, Pope Paul V prohibited copies of Veronica's veil not made by a canon of St. Peter's Basilica. Next, Urban VIII (Pope from 1623 to 1644) not only prohibited reproductions of Veronica's veil, but also ordered all existing copies to be destroyed. These actions suggest that the precious relic wasn't in the Vatican anymore.

In fact, all the copies made after this period showed the image of Christ with his eyes closed, though earlier images show Christ with his eyes open.

Almost four centuries after the mysterious disappearance from the Vatican of the legendary veil of Veronica - with which Jesus is said to have wiped his face on the road to Calvary - German Jesuit Fr Heinrich Pfeiffer claims to have rediscovered it. Fr Pfeiffer, a professor of Christian Art History at the Pontifical Gregorian University, says he found the relic in the Abbey of Monoppello, Italy, high in the Apennine Mountains.

Unknown to the lower levels in Masonry membership, Jacques de Molay, who according to the pope and French king, denied Christ, is probably thought of by Masons as the last of the royal line of King David.  In the 31st degree ritual, known as the Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander" the letters "JM" (in memory of Jacques de Molay) are hung above the pedestal of the principal presiding officer, who is known as the Thrice Illustrious Commander.  The new candidate for this degree is then told the "Royal Secret of Jacques de Molay".  This is speculation, but Molay was nailed to a door by the Kings torturers (but not killed), and perhaps to these Masons, in this "Secret" they equate this with Christ's suffering on the cross.  Molay met his death not too much later when King Phillip had him slowly roasted to death.  As a sidebar here.  Partly because the Shroud of Turin showed up during this period, many Masons believe it is actually a depiction of Jacques de Molay after he was nailed to a door, and not Jesus.  Carbon 14 analysis, although questionable, also dates the Shroud to the time of Jacques de Molay.  Read more about Freemasonry here


March 2013

 New research removes 'shroud' of doubt

Experiments prove sacred Christian relic in Turin dates back to Christ
by Garth Kant

A new book on a scientific analysis of the Shroud of Turin confirms what WND reported more than a year ago – the relic is not a medieval forgery. The latest tests date the shroud to between 300 BC and 400 AD.

The results of the tests are documented in the book “Il Mistero della Sindone” or The Mystery of the Shroud, written by Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at Italy’s Padua University, and Saverio Gaeta, a journalist.

Scientists measured radiation intensity using infra-red light and spectroscopy to analyze the shroud, which is kept in a climate-controlled case in Turin, Italy.

Fanti said the imprint was caused by a blast of “exceptional radiation.”

That is essentially what WND reported in December 2011, that the imprint on the shroud was likely caused by a burst of ultraviolet light that was beyond the technical capabilities of medieval forgers.


FINISH READING this at: World Net Daily


Sudarium of Oviedo

The Sudarium of Oviedo and what it Suggests about the Shroud of Turin?

In the northern Spanish city of Oviedo, in a small chapel attached to the city's cathedral, there is a small bloodstained dishcloth size piece of linen that some believe is one of the burial cloths mentioned in John's Gospel. Tradition has it that this cloth, commonly known as the Sudarium of Oviedo, was used to cover Jesus' bloodied face following his death on the cross.

Numerous historic documents tell us that the Sudarium has been in Oviedo since the 8th century and in Spain since the 7th century. It seems, too, to have arrived from Jerusalem. Documents from the late Roman period and the early Middle Ages are often sketchy and prone to chronological mistakes, and those pertaining to the Sudarium are no exception. But from a multiplicity of sources, scholars have extracted core elements of historical certainty and plausibility sufficient for a fair degree of historical reconstruction.

We can be quite sure that the Sudarium came to Oviedo from Jerusalem, and there is some evidence it dates back to the 1st century CE. Its journey to its present location began in 644 CE. when Persians under Chosroes II invaded Jerusalem. To protect the Sudarium, it was moved out of the city to safety. We are uncertain of its route to Spain. It may have been first taken to Alexandria along with numerous other relics (real or otherwise, and stored in a chest or "ark") and from there, in succeeding years, along the coast of North Africa ahead of advancing armies.

Such a cloth is known to have existed from the gospel of John, chapter 20, verses 6 and 7. These verses read as follows, "Simon Peter, following him, also came up, went into the tomb, saw the linen cloth lying on the ground, and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen cloth but rolled up in a place by itself." John clearly differentiates between this smaller face cloth, the sudarium, and the larger linen that had wrapped the body.


Finish reading about the Sudarium here:

Also read: The Sudarium of Oviedo: Its History and Relationship to the Shroud of Turin


November 2009 UPDATE

New mysteries of the Shroud unveiled
Body inside ancient linen 'levitated' while leaving image
Posted: November 15, 2009
7:39 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Fabric of Time

A new video documentary about the Shroud of Turin makes a startling new claim about what some believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus – the body was weightless or levitating when it left the remarkable image.

In the DVD video

"The Fabric of Time," scientific experts using the latest technology are able to produce a three-dimensional holographic image from photographs of the shroud. What they reveal is nothing short of spectacular.  

They show the image on the shroud is one produced not from a body laying on a stone slab, but rather an image of a weightless body, perhaps levitating above its resting place.

The documentary also calls into questions earlier findings about carbon dating tests that claimed the shroud dated back only to the Middle Ages.

Shroud of Turin

In addition, forensics experts testify bloodstains on the Sudarium of Oviedo, reputed to be the piece of linen that covered Jesus' face, perfectly match those on the shroud.

Finish reading this at: World Net Daily