You may be curious about Scientology because
some of its members are famous celebrities; including John Travolta,
Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Mimi Rogers, and Anne Archer, Jenna Elfman, Isaac Hayes, and others. Before you really
get interested --begin looking at Scientology as a cult with many
wacky ideas. Scientology is itself a money-making Church that will
ultimately lead you into believing satan's garden of Eden lie that
you are a God yourself. This same lie is found in both New Age and
Masonic dogmas. Also a root Scientology dogma about religion sounds
much like it could have been written by Karl Marx. According to
Scientology's secret cosmology, it must first free man from the
aberration of religion to undo the political control implant.
Like most cults--reports of Scientology members attempting to
silence those who speak out against them are legendary and alarming.
Many who disagree with Scientology have been reported to have been
murdered by the cult. Many others are believed to have been driven to suicide
by this cult. Scientology reportedly thinks that anyone who
discloses information to the authorities, speaks openly and
truthfully about the cult to the media, family, or friends is some
how a criminal. "...The other is to dispose of them quietly
and without sorrow." -- L. Ron Hubbard, Science of Survival,
Chapter 27
Islam, Scientology, and Mormonism have similar beginnings.
All are based on the rantings and ravings of a single individual.
There is quite a bit of evidence that L. Ron Hubbard was a
megalomaniac, driven by greed, who was incapable of telling the
Scientology is comprised exclusively of the teachings of one man:
Lafayette Ron Hubbard (aka: L. Ron Hubbard). Hubbard's theories,
assumptions, and techniques for practical applications that make up
the rituals of Scientology, are sometimes called the “Spiritual
Technology,” or simply “the Tech.” L. Ron Hubbard lived between 1911
and 1986. He was a very successful author, having published hundreds
of novels, novelettes and short stories; most dealt with science
fiction. Scientology was built by this one man (Hubbard). L. Ron
Hubbard had a great gift of boasting about his life. L. Ron Junior
wrote this about his father's boasts: "I would say that 99 per
cent of what my father has written about his own life is false."
--- L. Ron Hubbard Jr. L. Ron Hubbard was a devout racist who wrote
in praise of South African Apartheid. He was a crazed misogynist
(woman hater) who insisted women were inferior intellectually.
It is very wrong for Scientologists to deceive Christians into
thinking that scientology is in some way compatible with Christianity!
Scientology is not connected to Christianity! In fact, Scientology
teaches that Jesus Christ did not exist (RE: Hubbard's CL VIII
tape). Hubbard ridiculed other religions, but the Church of
Scientology had no qualms about adopting Christian trappings and
traditions to establish its bona fides as a “real church.” The
Scientology symbol is a modified Christian cross which has an
obvious resemblance to the masonic Golden Dawn's Rose Cross. To a
Scientologist the man on the Christian Cross is not Christ! There was no
Christ to L. Ron Hubbard. But the man on the Scientology cross is
shown as "Everyman" to them. For many years, Scientology staff wore clerical
collars; in the spring of 2000 the Church of Scientology also began
promoting regular Sunday services.
It is a well documented fact that the religion of Hubbard was
Satanism. Hubbard's mentor was, in fact, the infamous English black
magician Aleister Crowley. Hubbard reportedly discovered Crowley's
works as a teenager on a trip to the Library of Congress with his
Thereafter, Hunnard was fascinated by Crowley's "Magick," and Crowley
became Hubbard's mentor, a relationship that would last until
Crowley's death in 1947. In one of his later lectures, Hubbard would
refer to Crowley as "my good friend." [Miller, p. 135]
L. Ron Hubbard established the Church of Scientology (CoS) in 1954
against the following backdrop:
He had dropped out of college with failing grades. Although he would
later claim a distinguished wartime naval career, Hubbard in fact
never saw combat and left the US Navy petitioning the Veterans
Administration for psychiatric care. Two bigamous marriages
failed. He found success writing pulp/science fiction, but Hubbard
declared in the late 1940s: “Writing for a penny a word is
ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be
to start his own religion.”
Hubbard took up ritual magic, the occult and hypnosis, giving
demonstrations of hypnosis in 1948 and writing to his literary agent
about a therapy system he was working on that had tremendous
promotional and sales potential. Piecing together hypnotic
techniques, Freudian theories, Buddhist concepts and elements of
other philosophies and practices, Hubbard came up with Dianetics. He
published the very dull and hard to read book; "Dianetics: The
Modern Science of Mental Health" in 1950. In this book, Hubbard
claims that his "modern science of mental health" will cure
everything from schizophrenia to arthritis; claims for which he
presents no credible evidence.A
false prophet always preaches false nonsensical things...
Hubbard suggests in his "History of Man" that many of our
problems may be traced to former lives. Smoking tobacco
results from smokers dramatizing volcanoes they saw in previous
lives he says. Psoriasis is an engram received from when an
animal ate you; the psoriasis resembles the digestive fluids of the
animal that ate you. Vegetarians got tired of being eaten by
animals in former lives. Fear of falling can be traced to
being a sloth and falling out of trees.
Hubbard's "History of Man" also teaches us
that the Piltdown Man was part of the evolutionary chain for man.
Hubbard called it man's first real manhood. Hubbard had
already published his statements about the Piltdown man prior to the
Piltdown skull having been declared a hoax in 1953. Rather
than retract the statements for this new religion of Scientology,
since the History of Man forms a part of its scripture, Hubbard
simply ignored it and never spoke of the evolution of the Piltdown
Man again.
Note: Christian Scripture is adamant that there is no
reincarnation... We die once.
Every Solution except Eternal
Scientology appeals to people by offering them a grand game; a
unique and comprehensive self-improvement system; a solution for
almost every problem (many people come to Scientology when their
lives are in crisis); and a welcoming group focused on major
societal issues such as drug abuse, mental health, education,
spirituality and morality.
The fact of the matter is this. Like the Jehovah Witness
"cult", Scientology is a pyramid scheme.
Those at the top make a lot of money and would defend at all costs
what they are doing. And, both make huge amounts of money via
selling printed materials, and recordings. It gets even more
lucrative when deceived gullible adherents give them huge grants.
A Former member says:
WHAT YOU have to remember
is that while these people may be good people, they will lie to you
about everything," says one former Scientologist,
who was involved in the organization for four years in the early
1980s. "It is okay to lie in Scientology, in fact these people
really believe what they are saying is true. That is the nature of a
cult." "Scientology is based on lies, you can never
trust what they are saying," he reiterates.
After joining the Church of Scientology,
one meets with increasing demands for money, time and recruiting
others. Those who resist these demands bolt, usually quickly. Those
who remain go step-by-step into agreement with indoctrination, all
the while believing that they are becoming more aware and self
Scientology proposes that in its “native state” the spirit/thetan is
immortal and god-like and possesses the potentiality of knowing
everything, but that in present time its true capabilities have been
lost and forgotten. As an immortal entity, the spirit/thetan lives
on after body death and is born into a new physical body, again and
again, lifetime after lifetime, in an endless cycle of birth and
death. As a result of traumatic incidents extending back from the
present life through a long series of “past lifetimes” hidden from
conscious memory, the spirit/thetan has become trapped in the
physical body and the physical/MEST universe.
Islam, Scientology, Mormonisn and Jehovah Witnesses all reject the
Gospel of Jesus -- and therefore these push their members away from
the true road to salvation. Jews also reject this. But as Paul
says--Jews have been supernaturally blinded.
think Adam is God, and have corrupted and changed the Gospel (and history) of
Jesus in defiance of Paul's warning. Jehovah Witnesses and Islam
reject Jesus and the redemption He offers completely. Masonry not
only rejects Jesus as the way to salvation --Masons mistakenly or
purposely treat all religions as equal-- and are aligned with
"Lucifer their light bearer".
According to The Washington
Post, Scientology recruiters
have been offering
stress exams and a Scientology
pitch on a DC sidewalk:
The sign advertising "Free
Stress Test" beckoned Marian
Prescott as she crossed Farragut
Square, and she found herself
settling into a chair beneath a
yellow tent and taking hold of
two metal poles hooked up to a
device that the tester said
could detect psychic strain.
Then Turrisi handed Prescott a
paperback book, "Dianetics" by
Church of Scientology founder L.
Ron Hubbard, the back of which
promised advice for living
without "insecurity, negative
thoughts, depression and
irrational behavior." All
Prescott needed to own this
trove of wisdom was to fork over
the "suggested" donation of $8.
And so the bait and switch
The “free stress test” is the
hook to get them to purchase
(excuse me – it’s just a
“suggested” donation) the
Scientology book. The book will
suggest Scientology training
courses. These are free until it
is revealed you need more
advanced courses that have to be
paid for.
Read these Articles:
Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard declared in
the late 1940s: “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a
man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be
to start his own religion."
Scientology Trial in France: Can a Religion Be
By Bruce Crumley / Paris
Thursday, May. 28, 2009
As a fiercely secular nation, France has always
had an awkward relationship with religious
groups. Officials often find themselves
struggling to strike the delicate balance
between maintaining church-state separation and
honoring the right of citizens to express their
faith. But in the current case against the
U.S.-based Church of Scientology, authorities
have abandoned their usual attempts at
fine-tuning religion's standing in French
society — instead, they want to ban Scientology
from France altogether.
In a long-awaited trial that opened this
week, French prosecutors are charging
Scientology's French affiliate with organized
fraud. Six of Scientology's top French officials
are defendants in the case that began May 25.
When investigating magistrate Jean-Christophe
Hullin filed the findings of a nine-year inquiry
with prosecutors, he described Scientology as
"first and foremost a commercial business"
whose interactions with followers are defined
by "a real obsession for financial remuneration."
The church's bookstores and celebrity center
were described by Hullin's investigation as
instrumental in ensnaring psychologically
fragile people "with the goal of seizing their
fortune by exerting a psychological hold."
Finish reading this at:
Time Magazine
Row over Scientology video
By John Sweeney
BBC News
Footage of John Sweeney has been posted on YouTube
Panorama's editor
The battleground is YouTube and Scientology's weapon is a clip of me
losing it in the "Mind Control" section of a gruesome exhibition.
Scientology has fought many battles to keep its secrets off the web,
now they are using it to attack my investigation into them.
Scientology has prepared an attack video, and they have shown the
Scientology v Sweeney shouting match to anyone who would watch it.
There is talk of 100,000 copies being released.
Family 'disconnects'
Scientology works. That is the message from celebs like John
Travolta and Tom Cruise - who is, some say, keen on recruiting new
Hollywood arrivals David and Victoria Beckham to what he calls his
Others back the Church in various ways: Chief Superintendent Kevin
Hurley of the City of London police helped open a new £20 million
Scientology centre in London, and the authorities in the City of
London have granted it cut-price rates.
If you are interested in becoming a TV journalist, it is a fine
example of how not to do it. I look like an exploding tomato and
shout like a jet engine ... it makes me cringe
But start asking questions and you see a different face of
While making our BBC Panorama film "Scientology and Me" I have been
shouted at, spied on, had my hotel invaded at midnight, denounced as
a "bigot" by star Scientologists and been chased round the streets
of Los Angeles by sinister strangers.
Back in Britain strangers have called on my neighbors, my
mother-in-law's house and someone spied on my wedding and fled the
moment he was challenged.
I have met mothers who say they have suffered Scientology
"disconnects" - meaning that their children have cut them completely
out of their life so that they can spend more time with an
organization which a judge in 1984 characterized as "corrupt,
sinister and dangerous".
Psychiatry battle
Scientology has two faces - nice and smiley, and sinister and dark.
If you do not believe me, go and see their exhibition in Los
Angeles, Psychiatry: Industry of Death. You enter through a door
that is a mock-up of a torture chamber.
Scientologists want "the global obliteration" of psychiatrists, who
they say were to blame for the rise of Nazi Germany.
To prove their point, they showed me hideous images of people having
needles stuffed in their eyeballs, of patients undergoing electric
shocks and having their brains operated on.
Sickening, nasty and wholly unconvincing - modern psychiatry, for
all its faults, is not Nazi and to press the point in the way that
Scientology does devalues the horror of the Holocaust.
Ironically or not, it was in the "Mind Control" section of the
exhibition that I lost it.
'Exploding tomato'
As often in life, I snapped over something completely different and
quite trivial.
Top Scientologist Tommy "Don't mention the word cult" Davis had been
goading me all week, and on the seventh day I fell into his elephant
trap. He shouted at me and I shouted back, louder.
L Ron Hubbard wrote the founding texts of Scientology
If you are interested in becoming a TV journalist, it is a fine
example of how not to do it. I look like an exploding tomato and
shout like a jet engine and every time I see it makes me cringe.
I apologized almost immediately, Tommy carried on as if nothing had
happened but meanwhile Scientology had rushed off copies of me
losing it to my boss, my boss's boss and my boss's boss's boss, the
Director-General of the BBC.
I lost my voice, but not my mind.
This is the context Scientology will not tell you about. I have met
too many good people who say Scientology was founded by a liar, L
Ron Hubbard; that it attacks its critics without mercy; and the
celebrities who endorse it have not the foggiest idea what it is
really like.
Take "Rosemary", who is an ordinary mum and lives in England. She
had two children and one died. Her surviving daughter was also her
best friend. Then her daughter joined Scientology and her mother saw
less and less of her.
Almost two years ago she received a "disconnect" - a letter cutting
her mother out of her life totally.
Rosemary received no Christmas cards, no birthday cards, no Mother's
Day cards.
Rosemary said Scientology was a cult. It was one of the most moving
and shocking interviews I have ever done.
Out of the blue, three hours after we left, her daughter came round
for the first time in almost two years seeking a reconciliation. The
next day she begged her mum not to use the interview. So we won't.
Pay as you go
In Florida I met Mike Henderson, who with his wife Donna Shannon,
spent $1m over three decades on Scientology's path to superhuman
powers. When the couple left, they were disconnected from 20-odd
family members left inside Scientology.
Mike's father - also disconnected - is dying, but five out of his
six children will not speak to him because they are still inside
John Sweeney spent many weeks investigating Scientology
After a long day with Mike and Donna we went back to our hotel at
midnight, only to find Tommy Davis waiting in the lobby with his own
black-clad Scientology cameraman.
He harangued me for talking to the heretics. I told him that
Scientology had been spying on the BBC and that was creepy.
Read the entire above Article
Psychopaths and
What Judges and
Others say
Scientologys' Crime
splinter groups
Scientology News
Germany imposes
ban on Tom Cruise
Stauffenberg's son has objected to
Cruise playing his father
Germany has banned the makers of Tom Cruise's new
movie from filming at military sites in the country
because the actor is a Scientologist.
The German defence ministry
said Cruise has "publicly professed to being a
member of the Scientology cult".
Scientology masquerades as a
religion to make money, Germany said, but leaders of
the church reject this.
Cruise's producing partner
Paula Wagner said the star's own convictions had no
relation to the film's content.
"Personal beliefs have
absolutely no bearing on the movie's plot or
themes," she said.
'Heroic and principled'
Scientology has been monitored
in Germany in the belief that its activities are
"directed against the free democratic order" in the
Its status there as a
commercial enterprise has prompted repeated protests
from the organisation.
Cruise will play Colonel Claus
von Stauffenberg in Valkyrie, leader of the 1944
plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler using a bomb hidden
in a briefcase, scheduled for release next year.
German defence ministry spokesman Harald Kammerbauer
said that Germany's military "has a special interest
in the serious and authentic portrayal of the events
of July 20, 1944 and Stauffenberg's person".
Stauffenberg's son Berthold told the Sueddeutsche
Zeitung newspaper earlier this week that he objected
to Cruise taking the role because of his involvement
with Scientology.
"He should keep his hands off my father," Mr von
Stauffenberg said.
Mr Kammerbauer, meanwhile, said that official
requests for filming in the country had yet to be
Reference: BBC |
One Must
be a Christian to be Saved!
References for this is found in John 14:6; Acts 4:12,
and 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16. One cannot be a Christian
without verbally confessing the deity of Jesus the
Christ. One cannot even pray to God, let alone have sins
remitted by Him, without approaching Him through Jesus
(John 14:6 and 13, 15:16; 16:23-24; Romans 5:2, and
Ephesians 2:18).
I know Muslims and Mormons, Christian Scientists,
Jehovah Witnesses, Unitarians, Scientologists, Jews,
Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Seventh Day Adventists -and
many others - will not want to hear this, but the Bible
declares that Jesus was the FINAL revelation of God to
man (Hebrews 1:1-3). There have been no others. |