Revelation 11:2
another prophecy already fulfilled in 1967

1967 warrevelation 11:2

1967 Jews finally regain Jerusalem


But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. Revelation 11:2

Old Testament calculations:

42 x 30.44 = 1278.48 years

A solar year (which we are on) is 365.24 days.  Divide 365.24 by 12 months in the year = 30.44 days

In 688 AD the Dome of the Rock was largely built and the Muslims were in control of Jerusalem.  In 1967 the Israeli's finally regained control of Jerusalem after 2500 years.  So the Gentiles (Muslims) controlled Jerusalem and the Holy Mount for 1278.48 years as this prophecy predicted.

1967 - 1278.48 = 688.52

A side note: The Muslims probably thought they were building their monstrosity to their false prophet Muhammad and their false pagan god on the spot where the Holy of Holies was.  When actually they built it about 300 feet south of the House of The Lord.  God had already measured out a place for it (to keep it away from Him), which is called the Court of the Gentiles.


Because of our sins we were exiled from our country and banished from our land. We cannot go up as pilgrims to worship Thee, to perform our duties in Thy chosen house, the great and Holy Temple which was called by Thy name, on account of the hand that was let loose on Thy sanctuary. May it be Thy will, Lord our God and God of our fathers, merciful King, in Thy abundant love again to have mercy on us and on Thy sanctuary; rebuild it speedily and magnify its glory. (The Jewish Prayer Book)


Dome of the Rock is the "Abomination of Desolation"
another supernatural revelation of God

You won't put this book down!

Islam in the end times
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see this book: here
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1290 & 1335 days of Daniel
(Daniel 12:11-12)

Proof the true God of the Bible and prophecy (Yahweh/ Jehovah/I am/Jesus) considers Islam as an evil  pagan religion. He is disgusted with those monstrosity's on the Temple Mount.

Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."

The previous two versus tell us that we are in the "last days" before Jesus returns; because this prophecy was sealed till "the time of the end".  And that there will be scoffers about the importance of this prophecy:

Daniel 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Daniel 12 (KJV) online: here

The "abomination of desolation" already happened exactly on schedule (Daniel's 1290 day prophecy).  When the pagan Islamic Dome of the Rock and the al-Aksa Mosque were built on the temple mount, it made this holy place "desolated" or contaminated.  This was built during the 685 to 705 AD period.

The formula for changing old testament 360 day years into our 365.24 day solar years is: x .9857 

Daniel gave 2 numbers.  The 2nd number 1335 - is the "double check," or checkSUM number:  Subtract this figure from 1948 when Israel was reborn after 2500 years and then multiply it by .9857 and you get another significant year for the Jews, Christians and all of western civilization. This figure plops exactly onto the year the false prophet, Muhammad of Islam died, and was lowered into a grave in Medina.  

A little after midday of 8 June, 632, the 62 year old Muhammad died in the house of his wife A'isha who he married when she was 6 (or 7) years old.  Muslim historians back to the early 800's A.D. tell us that Muhammad consummated his marriage with A'isha when she was only 9  - when he was in his 50's. See the Muslim references for this: here

You may ask about the Lord's Olivet discourse on Daniels' prophecy in Matthew 24.  See Ellis Skolfield's excellent answer here

Read more: here

Read this free ebook by Ellis Skolfield about the above. It's called, "The False Prophet".  Read "Muhammad, Terrorist or Prophet?"