attacks on the Christian faith?
Could this turn out to be
the awaited "Great Delusion"?
Documentary claim - tomb of
Jesus and the entire (postulated) Holy
Family found in Jerusalem cave
one of the ossuaries went missing. The
human remains inside
were destroyed or buried
before any DNA testing could be carried out
by Steve Keohane,
The discovery of such
ossuaries is common in
Talpiot, with over 900 such
ossuaries discovered within
a 2-mile radius of Talpiot.
Brace yourself. James Cameron, the
director of 'The Titanic' is back
with another blockbuster. This time, the
good "ship" he and
the Jewish film
maker Simcha
Jacobovici are
trying to sink
is Christianity. Their documentary
which they are hoping will make them rich, suggests Jesus
did not ascend into heaven as the Gospels say; instead he
married Mary Magdalene, had a son named Judas, and his bones lie
somewhere decomposed in the earth.
Just in case you missed it – this is the same basic garbage
spewed out by the Da Vinci Code.
More proof Christianity is the way,
and the devil's time is short,
is that it seems that
every godless atheist and
disciple of Satan is out there trying
to disprove Christianity
and make a buck on it
right now. Why is it,
nobody seems to have any interest in
doing the same thing to
Judaism, Hinduism
or Buddhism?
First get over this...
"Five hundred people saw the risen Jesus
Christ on one occasion and up to 3,000
people on several occasions."
The fact remains,
Jesus Christ's tomb was empty, he
physically appeared to thousands of
people and ate with and spoke to them,
the Romans and Jews who opposed Jesus
and His followers at the time could not
find his bones, and cowards like Peter,
skeptics like Thomas, and vicious
persecutors like Paul became
extraordinarily brave men who underwent
painful torture and death rather than
deny that they had witnessed the
resurrected Jesus Christ.
After having done an extensive
investigated into the Resurrection of
Jesus, the former atheist and award
winning reporter for the Chicago
Tribune, Lee Strobel says; "People
need to understand that the Resurrection
isn't the product of wishful thinking
but is an actual historical event for
which there is compelling and convincing
It was the historical evidence that
brought Strobel to a turning point in
his life. Strobel explained: "They
(people) need to understand that apart
from the truth of the Resurrection,
there's no hope for humankind because it
was Jesus' atoning work on the cross and
His triumphant return from the dead that
enables us to receive the free gift of
forgiveness and eternal life that we
could never merit or earn on our own."
The Apostle
Paul explained it best in I Corinthians
15:12-22. Verses 12 & 17 sum it
up: "Now if Christ is proclaimed as
raised from the dead, how can some of
you say there is no resurrection of the
dead? ... And if Christ has not been
raised, your faith is futile and you are
still in your sins."
In other words both the Apostle Paul and
Lee Strobel are telling us is, if the
Resurrection is false then we have no
hope. But since it is true, the
door to heaven is unlocked for all those
who put their trust in Jesus the Christ.
The Israeli-born,
Canadian-based film maker Simcha
Jacobovici is reigniting claims, first
made over a decade ago, and long
debunked, that a burial
cave uncovered 27 years ago in Talpiot,
Jerusalem, is the tomb of Jesus of
Nazareth and his family.

The Tomb
in Question - Talpiot, Jerusalem
East Talpiot, just south of Jerusalem’s
Old City
in a Mt of Olives neighborhood
The story starts in March 1980, in Jerusalem’s
neighborhood, with the
discovery by the late
Yosef Gat (Joseph
of a 2,000 year old cave
containing ten coffins.
The tomb
had been initially uncovered
when TNT was detonated by a
construction crew putting up
a new apartment complex.
Israeli Antiquities
Authority (IAA)
archaeologist Gath excavated it
quickly, so the construction
could proceed.The
Talpiot tomb contained ten
ossuaries, three with no
inscriptions, but six with
an interesting, but not a so
amazing cluster of names. Six of the ten
coffins were carved with inscriptions
reading the names: Jesua son of Joseph,
Mary, Mary, Matthew, Jofa (Joseph,
film makers identified as Jesus’ brother), Judah son
of Jesua (Jesus’ son - the film makers
claim). The inscription
"Jesus son of Joseph" is not
very remarkable for the
period. Of the
thousand or more ossuaries
stored and catalogued in
various Israeli collections,
six bore the name “Jesus” (Yeshu,
Yeshua, or Yehoshua in
Hebrew), and of those six,
two were inscribed with the
designation “Jesus son of
Joseph.” Mary was the most
common female name in the
period and the name Joseph
the second most common male
name, after Simon.
Naturally, the film makers would never
bring up this question. instead of
Mary Magdalene. Might Jesus of had
a sister named Mary? What an interesting
name for Jesus’ son – Judah (Judas). The
name of the man that betrayed Him to
Jewish authorities.

above picture - the James
The mysterious 10th Coffin:
Shimon Gibson assisted
Joseph Gath in the original
excavations. As the
surveyor, Gibson also did
all the official drawings.
Gibson's original drawing of
the excavation of the
Talpiot tomb clearly shows a
total of ten ossuaries. In
the official publication of
the excavation in 1996,
written 16 years after the
excavation, Israeli
archeologist Amos Kloner
also confirms that ten
ossuaries were recovered and
retained by the IAA. Kloner carefully goes
through them one by one in
his report and describes
them in detail as to size,
decoration, and
inscriptions. When he comes
to the last, the tenth, he
offers a single-word
description: plain. Nothing
more. Apparently he had
nothing in his files
regarding this tenth ossuary
other than its dimensions:
60 by 26 by 30 centimeters.
That's roughly 24 x 10 x 12
inches. With each
description he includes a
photo of the ossuary under
discussion — all except
the tenth.
James Ossuary Connection?
But the official catalogue
of ossuaries in the State of
Israel collection, published
by Rahmani in 1994, also
includes just nine ossuaries
from this tomb. And yet we
know that the tenth was
definitely given a catalogue
number by the IAA: 80.509.
The IAA are usually very
thorough in documenting and
protecting objects.
Yet surprise. This is
gone. What is even more
amazing, is that the
dimensions of the missing
10th ossuary are exactly the
same (to
the centimeter)
as the controversial James
The Apostle Paul
explained it best in I Corinthians 15:12-22. Verses 12
& 17 sum it up: "Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised
from the dead, how can some of you say there is no
resurrection of the dead? ... And if Christ has not been
raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins."
believe that Jesus ascended into heaven in front of a large
group of witnesses. The event is mentioned briefly by the
Evangelist Mark (16:19) and Luke (24:50-53). A more detailed
account is given by Luke in the Acts of the Apostles
(1:1-12). In Christianity there are 4 complete
separate Gospels. There are over 80,000 quotations in
the works of early Christian writers. There are
thousands of letters written from the 1st century still in
existence. No mention has ever been made of Jesus if
Nazareth either ever having been married, or having a son.
Acts 1 9-11: while they beheld, he was taken up;
and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And while they looked stedfastly
toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men
stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which
also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye
gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is
taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in
like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
how the Jewish authorities were desperately trying to
stamp out Christianity. What's the likelihood they
would allow a neat little shrine/family plot of Jesus'
family, right there in their "backyard"?
Bar-Ilan University Prof. Amos
Kloner, is the Jerusalem District archeologist
wrote a detailed report on the Talpiot cave findings,
but he did not publish them until 1996, 16 years
after their discovery, and
the same year all the publicity broke.
The Talpiot tomb itself is lost, because an
apartment building was built over it in 1980.
Amos Kloner, "A Tomb with Inscribed
Ossuaries in the East Talpiot," Atiqot 29 (1996): 15?22.
Kloner writes, "The bones within these ossuaries were in an
advanced stage of disintegration" (page 16). He says nothing
about the human skulls that Gibson saw and put in his
drawing. In a final note in his article he says, "After the
completion of the excavation, the bones were reburied" (page
22). Amos Kloner apparently was not involved in the
excavation and writes his report based on the information
compiled by the excavator, the late Joseph Gath.
Kloner casts
serious doubt that this is the bones of Jesus and His
family. This senior Israeli archeologist said;
a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever,"
Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the
findings of his research in the IAA's in-house
magazine Atiquot in 1996, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa:
"The names that are found on the tombs are names
that are similar to the names of the family of
Jesus," he conceded. "But those were the most common
names found among Jews in the first centuries BCE
and CE," he added.
Kloner dismissed the combination of names found in
the cave as a "coincidence." Doctor Kloner is
a Bar Ilan University – archaeologist, expert on
burials and burial customs during Second Temple
period Jerusalem.
said that "Jesus son of Joseph" inscriptions had
been found on several other ossuaries over the
years" and "At least three other ossuaries
have been found inscribed with the name Jesus and
countless others with Joseph and Mary".
"There is no likelihood that Jesus and his relatives
had a family tomb," Kloner said. "They were a
Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The
Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle-class family from
the 1st century CE."
"At the time,
one of Israel's most prominent archaeologists (Professor
Amos Kloner) didn't associate the crypt with Jesus. He
rightly argued that the father of Jesus was a humble
carpenter who couldn't afford a luxury crypt for his family.
Moreover, the names on the crypt were common Jewish names,"
Anderson said.
He noted that Joseph probably had died earlier in Galilee
and his family would not have had funds for such a tomb.
Also, if this was the tomb of Jesus' family, "why do we have
the name of Matthew listed?" And this name from out of the
blue -
On Saturday, 24 Feb 2007,
Doctor Kloner dismissed the claims. "It makes a
great story for a TV film," he told The
Jerusalem Post. "But it's
impossible. It's nonsense."
Yet, these atheists, book and
film makers will all "run" with this. Some because
of greed. Many, just doing Satan's bidding -by
trying to hurt Christianity. Like Dan Brown's lies
in the Da Vinci Code, this too will manage to cause
the weakest among us to lose their faith.
I wonder why we don't have the same discussions of
patina and forged engravings that we had in the
James Ossuary, by Jewish archeologists? Because the
James Ossuary just tended to help the case for the
historical Jesus - that's why.
AND, why hasn't the Israeli Antiquities authority
not even bothered to do any research on this ossuary
found over 25 years ago, when they rushed to
disprove the James Ossuary within months? Did the IAA destroy
or bury the contents of the ossuaries?
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), which is
keeping the caskets in its archive in the town of
Beit Shemesh near Jerusalem, declined to comment on
the documentary, saying it had not researched the
caskets and that its duty was only to safeguard
The IAA nevertheless sent two of the caskets to the
news conference in New York.

picture to enlarge |
Tomb nearby on Mt of
Olives' Dominus Flevit, Jerusalem |
Several of the ossuaries found here
from the 1st half of the 1st century
bear inscriptions such as, "Jesus,
have mercy," and "Jesus, remember me
in the resurrection," indicating the
presence in Jerusalem from a fairly
early date of a community that
believed in resurrection and in the
power of Jesus to see the believer
safely through death and beyond. |
Let's look
further into these ossuary finds. Regarding the numerous
bone-boxes found in the Tombs at Dominus Flevit (situated on
the upper western slope of the Mount of Olives), which
contained "122 ossuaries of the usual type [square]," common
names included Jeshua or Yeshua (Jesus) and Maria (Mary). (EAEHL,
II, 636.) In one of the surviving family tombs in Jerusalem
are 18 ossuaries with Greek inscriptions, one of which
contains the names "Joseph" (twice) and "Maria." (EAEHL, II,
635.) By the typical media and religious standards this tomb
should have also been exalted as that of Jesus's family. But
this would not make for a great Canadian film maker's
Matthew 13:55, wherein the people listening to Jesus ask:
"Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called
Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon
and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?" This is
repeated in Mark 6:3.
The Apostle Paul specifically refers to his meeting in
Jerusalem with "James, the Lord's brother" (Galatians 1:19).
We know that James was in Jerusalem presiding over the
famous Circumcision Debate (Galatians 2:1-10 and Acts
15:4-34). He was then serving as the head of his brother's new
Church at that time. Also, the writings of the 1st-century
historian, and Jewish traitor Flavius Josephus relates to
"the brother of Jesus - who was called Christ - whose name
was James" (Antiquities of the Jews 20:9:1).
Matthew 13:56 and Mark 6:3 both indicate that Jesus also had
sisters, who are named in the Panarion and Ancoratus
(treatises on heresies) by Epiphanius of Salamis (375 A.D.)
- as being Mary, Salome and Anna (Joanna). The
sisters of Jesus are also mentioned in the Protevangelion of
James (aka: Gospel of James), in the Gospel of Philip, and in the Church's
Apostolic Constitutions. In the New Testament Gospels, they
appear at the cross and the tomb of Jesus, along with Mary
Magdalene. Three Marys stood watching Jesus suffer and die
at the crucifixion. Mary and Salome appear, for example, in
Mark 15:47, while Joanna and Mary appear in Luke 24:10, and
Mary features again in Matthew 28:1. The
Protevangelion of James, dating to about 150 A.D., may be
the earliest surviving document attesting the veneration of
Mary and claiming her continuing virginity. There is a
question about the authenticity of this non-canonical Gospel
of James. Most scholars think someone other than James
the Just wrote this document. Scholars are reluctant
to attribute it to James, because they question the writer's
awareness (or lack of it) of Jewish customs in Jerusalem
during the mid 1st century. Biblical scholars also question
the documents language style. Of interest to this
discussion, the text of the Gospel of James claims this James is a son of
Joseph from a prior marriage, and thus a step-brother of
What if this tomb does have some significance? What
if it held the prepuce of Jesus? Jesus and His family
were devout Jews. Jesus would have had his ritual
circumcision on the 8th day after his birth. Maybe his
family buried Jesus' prepuce in a ritual box.
Christians were warned about these end time attacks on
our faith, and the resulting End Time 'Apostasy'.
Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in
the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving
heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking
lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot
Also consider
how the film's producers misused scholars in a deceitful way
in this film. Simcha did it in this film, just the
same way he did it in his TV special "The Exodus Decoded".
The two very prominent Egyptologists, Manfred Bietak and
Donald Redford claimed that they were quoted out of context
by Simcha in his "The Exodus Decoded".
In this
latest Simcha ploy, he got the distinguished epigrapher
Frank Moore Cross to read the script of the ossuary
inscribed "Jesus son of Joseph". The film leaves the
impression that Cross supported the view that this was
Jesus' tomb. Cross has since spoken out saying he was
"upset" at his appearance in Simcha's latest film.
Simcha knew that Cross felt that this was not Jesus' tomb.
But he only used the reading of the inscription by Cross in
the film, and not his view that this is not the tomb of
Jesus. Israeli scholar Tal Ilan expressed similar
outrage at the use of her interview in Simcha's film.
The highly
respected chairman of the symposium, James Charlesworth,
professor of New Testament language and literature at
Seminary, rejected the idea that Jesus had been buried at
the tomb, but said, "We have to be open to the possibility
that [the tomb] is related to the Jesus clan."
Among his
objections to the notion that an ossuary from the Talpiot
tomb bearing the apparent inscription "Yeshua son of Yehosef"
was that of the founder of Christianity, Charlesworth said,
was that the inscription was "graffiti, just scratching,"
and that the ossuary was "lousy." He found it unthinkable
that the followers of Jesus would have put "the remains of
'the messiah' in such a horrible ossuary."
Gat died
soon after excavating the Talpiot tomb in 1980, and left
only minimal notes of what had been found there. The
findings were only written up 16 years later by the former
Jerusalem District archeologist Amos Kloner, who has
consistently ridiculed the notion that the First-Century
tomb was related to Jesus in any way. Kloner restated that
position to the Post after Mrs. Gat spoke, and said the idea
that Gat had believed he had found Jesus's tomb was
"absolutely not the case."
Kloner, who called Jacobovici
"a liar" at an earlier session of the symposium, last year
branded the documentary "brain confusion" that mixed fact
with fiction and "dressed up facts" in a Hollywood-like
manner that could easily lead laymen astray.
Kloner also told the
Jerusalem Post in 2007 that when the ossuaries were
found nearly three decades ago, most of the bones inside had
been badly decomposed. Due to haredi pressures put on the
Israeli government, no anthropological tests were ever
carried out on the remains, he said, and the bones were
transferred to the Religious Affairs Ministry for immediate
reburial along with assorted other remains found in various
construction projects and digs. The location of the bones,
which were then interred by the
Jewish burial
society, is not known.