Spur der Risse
mich bemühte, war, daß der gleiche Buchstabe im
Buch meiner Mammas auch im Qur'an war. Und ich
erinnerte mich, im confession Peters zu lesen,
daß Jesus der Sohn des Gottes ist, während das
Qur'an es ableugnete. So wollte ich wissen,
warum es unterschiedlich war. Ein Tag, ohne zu
verwirklichen was geschehen würde, nahm ich
beide Bücher (Injil und Qur'an) und zeigte sie
meinem Onkel und fragte ihn, warum sie
widersprachen. Er verlangte, ", wo Sie erhielten
dieses Buch?", Ich besagt meine Mamma versteckte
es. Er nahm es aus meiner Hand heraus und setzte
es in eine hölzerne Heizung ein, die wir hatten.
Das Buch wurde zur Asche gebrannt. Das einzige
Geschenk, das ich von meiner Mamma hatte, wurde
LESEN Sie Sinurs gesamte Geschichte
Eine LiebecGeschichte Untold |
Ich war in der landwirtschaftlichen Türkei, in
einem Dorf geboren. Im Allgemeinen türkische
Frauen genießen viele freedoms, die unser
arabisches Schwestercant sogar an denken. Die
landwirtschaftliche Türkei ist eine andere
Sie schreibt über ihre Schwester, die aus Trauung heraus
schwanger erhielt. "Alas, meine Schwester
miscalculated meine fathersliebe für sie und
sein Obsession mit seiner Religion. Er wurde
furious. Anstatt zu lassen, verbinden die zwei
jungen Geliebten und errichten ihr Nest der
Liebe, nahm er sie zu den frommen Ältesten und
sie ordneten an, daß sie Ehebruch festgelegt
hatte. Sie wurde zum Tod verurteilt, indem man
entsteinte. Sie zeigten keine Gnade sogar für
ihr unbornkind. Sie hatte das honour von die
Familie und die einzige Weise zu entfernen
befleckt, daß Fleck ihr Leben in der Knospe
klemmen sollte.",
Lesen Sie dieses
gesamte Zeugnis
hier |
Gerade aus Gefängnis im Iran heraus
Zana trifft einen Engel
Auf dem Bus saß ich nahe bei einem Mann. Er
öffnete seinen Beutel und nahm ein Sandwich
heraus, das in der Zeitung aufgewickelt wurde.
Ich war sehr hungrig, da ich nicht regelmäßige
Nahrung in fast sechs Monaten gegessen hatte.
Ich wollte nicht seine Nahrung betrachten, aber
ich könnte nicht den Geruch der kabobs gerade
stehen. Er drehte sich herum und fragte mich, ob
ich ein möchte. Ohne zu zögern, wie wir
normalerweise in der iranischen Kultur tun, bat
ich um eine. Anstelle von einem gab er mir zwei
aus den drei heraus, die er mit ihm hatte. Ich
bat um seinen Namen und er sagte, daß sein Name
Yacub war. Ich hatte nie diesen Namen vorher
gehört. So bat ich, ", was Art des Namens ist
diese?", Er sagte "Hebräer". "Ahh, also Sie sind
ein Jude?", Ich bat zurück. "Nr., bin ich ein
Christ", sagte er. Ich hatte eine Menge negative
Sachen über Christen im Quran gehört, also
wollte ich nicht in ein Gespräch über
Christentum erhalten. Aber etwas innerhalb ich
bildete mich Wunder, warum er an es glaubte
(Christentum)? Ich fragte, ob er glaubte, daß
Jesus der Sohn des Gottes war. Die Antwort war
Yes. Wie könnte Gott eine Frau haben? Wie könnte
Gott Geschlecht haben? Er fing an, den zu
erklären, um zu sagen, daß Gott Geschlecht mit
Mary ist der größte Sin hatte. Aber eher ist
Jesus der Sohn des Gottes in einer geistigen
Weise und nicht wie der Weise, die wir geboren
sind. Und wir sagen nie, daß Gott überhaupt eine
Frau hatte, wir glauben an einen heiligen Gott.
Ich wollte das Gespräch stoppen und ein anderes
Thema anfangen. Ich könnte nicht an irgendein
anderes Thema denken, also fragte ich ihn, warum
er zu Kurdistan ging. Er sagte, daß ein Freund
etwas Hilfe bei etwas benötigte. Ich bat um
seinen Namen, den er Zana sagte. Der war mein
Name. Aber ich dachte, daß es eine andere Person
war. Er öffnete seinen Beutel und gab mir eine
Bibel sehr ruhig. Er setzte sie in meinen Beutel
ein. Er wußte den, wenn jemand ihn mit diesem
Buch sah, das es ihm sein Leben kosten könnte.
Ich fragte, was es war. Er erklärte mir, daß ich
später herausfinden würde.
Wir gelangten an Mahabad und ich ging von dem
Bus weg, bevor er. Ich erhielt meinen Beutel und
wartete draußen auf Yacub (Jacob) um abzukommen,
aber der Bus war leer und er noch war nicht
herausgekommen. Ich ging zum Treiber und fragte
ihn, wohin der Mann, der nahe bei mir sitzt,
gegangen war? Zu meinem Erstaunen und zu
Durcheinander sagte er, "es gab keinen Mann, der
sitzt nahe bei Ihnen.", War ich verrückt, oder
was? Ich sagte, daß möglicherweise ich träumte.
Aber ich hatte noch den Geschmack des Sandwiches
in meiner Öffnung. Ich hatte noch das Buch in
meinem Beutel. Was war Yacub? Wer war er? Warum
nicht ging er zum Haus seines Freunds? Dann
erinnerte ich daran, daß der Name des Freunds
Zana war und nur dann verwirklicht er mich
Zanas gesamte Geschichte
Anmerkung von ein altes apostate
Ich schreibe Ihnen, um meinen tiefen Respekt für
Ihre Arbeit zu zeigen. Ich bin jetzt fast 65
Jahre alt. Wenn Sie können, einige Zeit einem
alten Mann bitte einweihen.
Ich bin selbst ein apostate (obwohl
ich nicht dieses Wort mag, da es zu pompous
ist). Vor ich ließ Islam 40 Jahren, nachdem ich
mein Mutterland verlassen hatte, das Oman ist-
(heutzutage verlasse ich in den USA). So
zurückkommend zu meinem Punkt, ließ ich Islam
vor langer Zeit und zu dieser Zeit gab es
nichts, das für es gefährlich oder interessiert
worden sein würde. Meine amerikanischen Freunde
verstanden nicht meinen Brief, da niemand am
Islam oder an den Moslems interessiert war. Und
moslemische Gemeinschaften in den US waren klein
und ich fürchtete mich nicht, von den Fanatikern
getötet zu werden. Heutzutage werde ich
zurückgezogen und da ich einige freie Zeit habe,
entschied ich, eine wenig Forschung in den
aktuellen Stand des Islams und der Moslems zu
Ich schaute durch unterschiedliche
Aufstellungsorte, aber ich könnte keine
kritischen Aufstellungsorte über Islam finden.
Ich fand nur Aufstellungsorte der devout
Moslems, die nicht sich vorstellen können, daß
einige Leute trauen, Islam zu fragen oder sogar
ihn zu lassen. Und vor einigen Monaten fand ich
Ihren Aufstellungsort. Ich bin sehr glücklich,
daß es ExMoslems wie Sie gibt und einige von
ihnen große Gelehrte wie Sie sind. Meine Tochter
arbeitet in Amnestieinternationalem und ich
informierte sie über Ihren Aufstellungsort.
Lassen Sie uns hoffen, daß Organisationen der
menschlichen Rechte nicht gerade Moslems helfen,
aber wird auch ihre faule Ideologie kämpfen.
Und konnten Sie einige Fragen bitte
beantworten? 1) wie ich erwähnt habe, komme
ich aus Oman. Das ist ein sehr interessantes
Land mit interessanter Kultur. Oman ist eine
Mischung der Araber-, afrikanischen und
indischentraditionen. Ich ließ Islam, aber ich
vergaß nicht meine Kultur. Ich werde noch an
Oman interessiert. Ich mag islamische künste und
calligraphy. Ich denke, daß Arabisch eine schöne
Sprache ist. So möchte ich fragen Sie: sind Sie
an Ihrer Kultur interessiert? Der Iran hat solch
eine interessante Geschichte. Islam ist
gefährliche aber islamische Kultur, sowie
Geschichte der moslemischen Länder faszinierend
2) werde ich sehr von der wachsenden
moslemischen Bevölkerung in Europa und hier in
Amerika gestört. Ist es in Ihrer Meinung
gefährlich? Sie züchten wie Kaninchen und früher
oder später stehen sie der Majorität. Sie
erlegen Sharia auf. Sie töten non-believers. Sie
veil unsere Frauen. Denken Sie es geschehen? Es
gibt viele apostates, aber 1,3 Milliarde Moslems
glauben noch an Allah. Danke während Ihrer
Zeit Bester Respekt, Ali
Lesen Sie dieses und anderes Testimonials
hier |
Wecken schließlich Lieber Ali Sina,
Im entsetzt, verwirrt und erstaunt. Als
Im, das dieses schreibt, geht mein
vollständiges Leben zu den Stücken. Ich war in
Pakistan geboren und aufwuchs in einer sehr
frommen Familie. Jetzt Im, das in den USA aber
in mir noch lebt, gehen zum mosque, beten und
führen ein sehr frommes Leben. Meine Frau trägt
hijab; shes sehr fromm auch. Ich sollte
Vergangenheit hier verwendet haben.
Mein vollständiges Leben wurde Allah und
Mohammed eingeweiht. Ich dachte nie, daß es
möglich war, Islam zu lassen. Selbstverständlich
berücksichtigte ich apostates, aber ich hielt
sie für ein Bündel miserable Leute, die in der
Hölle für Ewigkeit brennen würden. Vor und
einigen Wochen fand meine Frau Ihren
Aufstellungsort und fing an, Ihre Artikel zu
lesen. Sie wurde entsetzt. Ich entschied, durch
Ihren Aufstellungsort auch zu schauen, während
mein wifesverhalten zu mir wirklich merkwürdig
Sehr geehrter Herr Sina, habe ich keine
Wörter. Cant I drücken meine Gefühle aus, weil
es mehr als gerade ein Schlag war. Ich denke,
daß Sie wissen müssen, was Gefühl Im. Ich
betete fünf mal einen Tag, besuchte ich mosque,
i-didnt-Nehmenfotos meiner Tochter und ich
wuchs einen Bart. Aber heute sehe ich den
Stupidity aller dieser Tätigkeiten.
Zweifellos dachte ich nie an die Ermordung
von apostates oder von non-believers. Ich wußte,
daß es einige suras über non-believers gab, aber
i-didnt denken, daß sie so heftig waren. Ich
war unwissend.
Gestern ging meine Frau, (shes ein
Buchhalter) ohne ihr hijab zu arbeiten. Sie
sagte, daß sie in der LageWAR, die Welt von
einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen. Sie sagt,
daß hijab mehr als gerade ein Schleier war; es
war eine Art Wand, die sie vor dieser schönen
Welt und gebildet ihr unwissendes und
schmal-gekümmert schützte. Wir didnt gehen zum
mosque letzter Freitag und i-dont wissen, was
unser Imam denkt.
Well müssen auf eine andere Stadt oder
sogar angeben aber uns bewegen dontverstand.
Sehr geehrter Herr Sina, änderten Sie mein
vollständiges Leben. Verstehen noch entsetztes
Im und cant, was geht auf, aber ich hoffe, daß
dieser erste Schlag überschreitet. Danke für das
Öffnen meiner Augen.
Ich habe gerade eine Frage. Ich hoffe, daß
Busch mit dem Iran genau tut, was er mit dem
Irak getan hat. Its die einzige Weise, der
unschuldigen Leute zu entsteinen zu stoppen und
Hängen. Was denken Sie?
Lieber M.L. |
Lesen Sie dieses und anderes Testimonials
hier |
Geschichte Sabrinas |
Fragen mögen das folgende über Islam,
plötzlich aufgetreten zu Sabrina, daß Mohammed,
ein Mann, den ihre Eltern a vollkommenes man
nannten, das Koran gebildet haben könnte!
Wie könnte ein Prophet ein Mädchen
9-year-old heiraten? Wie könnte ein Prophet mehr
als 20 Frauen und concubines haben aber
gleichzeitig seine Nachfolger befehlen, nur 4
Frauen zu haben? Isnt es merkwürdig, daß Gott
Mohammed ermöglichte, mehr als 4 Frauen zu
haben? Entscheiden Sie für selbst. Bilden Sie
Ihre eigene Untersuchung.
Lesen Sie dieses gesamte
hier |
Miraculous Salvation
eines der zweiten Generation iranischen islamischen Theologian
Jesus erscheint zu einem alten moslemischen Mann
im Iran
Die dunkle Seite - die islamische Furcht vor
Christentum. Gerade als satan Jammern an einem
crucifix an einem exorcism - das islamische
Cultmitglied jammert normalerweise an der
Erwähnung der christlichen Bibel. Wir sagen
Cultmitglied, weil die Furcht, die
Einschüchterung und "das Gehirnwaschen"
fortwährend im Islam ähnlich sind, wie Cults
Gesamtsteuerung einer Person nehmen und sie auf
Sklaven verringern.
Die dröhnende Stimme wieder geklungen. Sie
sagte; "
wissen Sie, wem ich bin? Ich bin das Brot des
Die Anwesenheit zu
denken war Allah, das amiable alte MA
n besagt,
ist Allaho
Akbar, das Gott bedeutet, groß.
Nr., werden Sie"
die Stimme verwechselt
ich bin nicht Allah,
", das
es sagte.
Sofort knite der
alte Mann unten, und dann erschien eine leuchtende Abbildung (Jesus)
vor ihm.
Lesen Sie dieses
gesamte zutreffende Testimony/book:
hier |
Ein islamisches Imam weist den Islam zurück -, der
am Al-Azhar ernüchtert wird |
Alle Widersprüche im Qu'ran verursachten
wirklich ein Problem für meinen Glauben
Das Qur'an sagt, daß Allah wünscht, die
abweichenden Leute zu führen (Surah 6:39, 126).
Er hilft nicht denen, die von ihm irregeleitet
werden (Surah 30:29) und Wünsche, sie zu
verwenden, um Hölle (Surah 32:13) zu bevölkern.
A Night in the Dark
One evening I was taken outside behind the
building. I saw what looked like a small,
concrete room with no windows or doors. The only
opening was a skylight on the roof. They made me
climb a ladder to the top and demanded, “Get
in.” When I sat on the edge and put my feet down
in the opening, I felt water. I could also see
there was something swimming on the top of the
water. This is my grave, I thought. They are
going to kill me today. I slid down into the
opening and felt the water rise up over my body,
but then to my surprise I felt solid ground
under my feet. The water only came up to my
shoulders. Then rats, which were what I saw
swimming in the water, started crawling all over
my head and face. These rats had not been fed
for a very long time. My interrogators were
being clever. “This guy is a Muslim thinker,”
they said, “so we will have the rats eat his
head.” I was very scared for the first minute
after they closed the skylight. They left me
there all night and then came back the next
morning to see if I were alive. When the
skylight opened and I saw the sunlight, it was
hope for me that I had survived and was still
All that night not one rat bit me. They climbed
all over my head and in my hair and played with
my ears. One rat stood on my shoulders. I felt
their mouths against my face, but it almost felt
like kisses. I never felt a tooth. The rats were
utterly faithful to me. Even today when I see a
rat, I have a feeling of respect. I cannot
explain why the rats behaved this way. Meeting
with a Dear Friend The interrogation was not
over. Later the officers took me to the door of
a small room and said, “There is someone who
loves you very much who wants to meet with you.”
I asked, “Who is this?” I was hoping it was one
of my family members or a friend to visit me or
get me out of prison. They said, “You don’t know
him, but he knows you.” They opened the door to
the room, and inside I saw a big dog. There was
nothing else in the room. Two people took me
inside and then left me and shut the door. This
was the first time my heart cried out. In my
heart I cried to my Creator, You are my father,
my God. You are to look after me. How can you
leave me in these evil hands? I don’t know what
these people are trying to do to me, but I know
you will be with me and one day I will see you
and meet you.
I walked to the middle of the empty room and
slowly sat down cross-legged on the floor. The
dog came and sat down in front of me. Minutes
went by as this dog looked me over. I watched
his eyes move from top to bottom over and over
again. I went in my heart to prayer to the God I
did not yet know. The dog got up and started
walking in circles around me, liken animal about
to eat something. Then he came to my right side
and licked year with his tongue. He sat down by
my right side and just stayed there. I was so
exhausted. After he just sat there for a while,
I fell asleep. When I woke up, the dog was in
the corner of the room. He ran to me, as if to
say good morning. Then he licked my right ear
again and sat down again at my right side.
When the officers opened the door they saw me
praying with the dog sitting next to me. I heard
one say, “I can’t believe this man is a human
being. This man is a devil—he’s Satan.” The
other replied, “I don’t believe that. There is
unseen power standing behind this man and
protecting him.” “Which power? This man is an
infidel. It’s got to be Satan because this man
is against Allah.”
Read this entire
here |
A Sudanese Apostate
I am a 35 year old Ex-Muslim from Sudan
belief changed about 3 years ago, when I was
asked about contradictions in the Quran by a
non-Muslim. I answered one question then he
threw me another, after that another and another
and another and so on. Because I was never
taught about the negative points, I was blind to
them all.
After that day, I decided to learn about my
religion, ALL of it, not what people said about
Islam, but what is authenticated in the Quran
and Hadiths. Wow, was I in tears or what. My
whole life was torn apart, twisted around, all
my life I was thinking that I was a good man and
done exactly what Allah has demanded from me and
it had just turned out to be a big pack of lies.
I studied Islam, inside out; as much as you, I
would like to say and for what I found out - I
left in a hurry.
Over the last 3 years, I exposed the truth about
Islam to firstly my brothers and sisters and
they exposed it to their wives and husbands and
children. I am proud to say that all 57 of us
are now apostates - but we still have firm
belief about the existence of Allah (swt).
Islam is a sick cult that instills terror into
people, murder, pedophiliac relationships,
insect, rape, slander, etc, etc. Islam is not a
religion - it is a cult, It is a political army
out to destroy the world. Mohammed was a sick
man who suffers from a mental disease and all
his followers are the same. The Quran, (so
called Word of God) is full of contradictions,
mathematical errors, scientific errors, moral
errors and so on.
Read this entire
here |
European Agnostic Thought Islam was for Him
- gets out in a hurry |
english is not my mother toungue please don't
pick on me for poor writing/spelling
I started cruising the
internet for Islamic information, and there's a
lot of it out there! Now, they all present
themself in a nice way. So:
-Islam must surely be
misunderstood, I thought when I read those nice
quotes from the Quoran.
I kept this up for a while but
naturally I had to know more
about my new religion. Went to
the library, found a thick book
with green covers. Ahh; THE
QURAN! Started reading. The
foreword was written by the
translator wich was quit harch
on the prophet. -Ignorant man! I
-He must have misunderstood!
So after reading Sura number
one: -Yeah, I can accept that,
After reading sura number two:
-This is just as stupid as the
Bible... Is there something
wrong with the translation?
Muslims always talk about poor
Skimming the pages...sura number
nine: What da..? Isn't that a
little hard? Killing like mad
men. Wasn't the word islam
derived from the word Salam? It
was supposed two be about peace,
was it not?
Read this entire Testimony
here |
Free at Last -
Success in Leaving Islam |
Free At Last
Apostate Success
I was born in an Islamic country to Muslim
parents, but I was raised in the United States.
Throughout my life, I considered myself to be a
Muslim, and I maintained a large arsenal of
uninformed apologies, explanations, and blind
denials to promote and defend Islam. Of course,
I had never once read the Qur'an, and I had
relied exclusively on what I heard from my
parents, my relatives, my Muslim friends, and
the Islamic media.
Then one day, at the age of 26, I decided to
read the Qur'an so that I could become a "better
Muslim." The first three pages alone shocked me
with their illogic and obvious contradictions
with the constant claim that Allah was the "most
merciful" and "most compassionate," but I closed
my eyes, gritted my teeth, held on tightly, and
pushed ahead with absolute certainty that it
would all be explained and would get better.
However, it only got worse -- much worse. After
reading the Qur'an, I realized that I couldn't
possibly endorse Islam as a religion, as a
philosophy, as a moral standard, as an ethical
code, or even as useful fiction. I determined
that these philosophies and this image of Allah
could only come from an extremely warped and
disturbed person who suffered from an
aggregation of the most severe and profound
human weaknesses.
Since 1996, I've read and re-read the Qur'an and
the Hadiths (which are even worse than the
Qur'an), and I've always reached the same
conclusion -- Islam is an absolute disaster for
the entire world, for Christians, for Jews, for
pagans, for atheists, for women, for children,
and, most of all, for Muslims themselves.
I've discussed Islam's fundamental weaknesses
endlessly with many relatives and friends, and
nobody has ever been able to respond in any
meaningful way. Nobody has ever been able to
manufacture any legitimate story that indicates
that Islam is a useful or positive force on this
earth. From the Islamic apologists, I hear that
somehow the Jews are responsible for my
betrayal. I hear that I've been "brainwashed" by
the media, which, according to them, is Jewish.
I hear that I need to understand Islamic
"history" to understand that the unlimited
illogic, cruelty, internal inconsistency, and
injustice. I hear that somebody, somewhere in
some distant Islamic country could validly
answer my questions, but the people I speak with
can say only that there is some good
explanation, but that they don't know enough to
tell me. Of course, when those allegedly wise
Muslims appear, they themselves can't possibly
answer the questions and they play the same game
-- it's the Jews, it's the media, I don't know
enough Islamic history to understand, and they
know somebody 8,000 miles away who could explain
it all to me. Ultimately, nobody can
sufficiently explain how the Qur'an is anything
other than arbitrary, cruel, unjust, evil, and
riddled with evidence that it is based on the
most profound human weaknesses. I don't use
those terms lightly or imprecisely or
emotionally. As a matter of dispassionate fact,
Islam -- as written in the Qur'an -- is
arbitrary, cruel, unjust, and evil, and it
contains endless conclusive evidence that the
founder of this "religion" suffered from the
most intense form of the worst human weaknesses
on earth.
Of course, my life has improved drastically
since I actually read the Qur'an and realized
the obvious human weaknesses from which it
originated. I sincerely hope that all Muslims
will read the Qur'an and simply think about
whether this religion comes from a good person
or a bad person, from an intelligent person or
from a fool, from good or from evil, from
compassion or from cruelty, from justice or
injustice, from decency or from depravity --
however anyone wants to define those terms.
I just found this site today, and I'm thrilled
to say that I've found here precisely what I've
been telling people for many years -- Islam is,
in fact, the problem for the entire world, but
the biggest problem on earth for Muslims
themselves. Unfortunately, in addition to
destroying themselves with Islam, the rest of
the world is likely to meet its end as soon as
true Muslims assemble the weaponry required to
destroy the earth.
It's absolutely imperative that the people who I
call "pretend Muslims" -- who are the vast
majority of people who call themselves Muslims
-- disassociate themselves from this bizarre
superstition called Islam and from the few
true-believers, who rely on the pretend Muslims
for their strength and legitimacy. President
Bush and others are dead wrong when they say
that Islam is a great and peaceful faith that
has been hijacked by a few extremists. In fact,
Islam is a vile and violent faith that
establishes extremism and that has been hijacked
by the pretend Muslims who, by their own human
decency, have given this barbaric superstition
the appearance of legitimacy to the uninformed.
Best wishes to all,
Apostate Success |
Boyfriend Leaves Islam
- in Australia |
Boyfriend Left Islam
My name is Hanna and I am from Australia. I am
dating a Muslim guy and a few months ago I
brought up the question of marriage. He said
that since I am a Buddhist he couldn’t marry me.
I asked him about getting married, having
children etc. He said we couldn't get
married because I was a pagan and his religion
strictly prohibits marriages with pagans.
Muslims replied that indeed Muslims could only
marry Jews and Christians. They immediately
decided to convert me and threatened me with
Hell via private messages. Of course I was put
off by this type of behavior but still thought
it would be right to learn more about Islam.
After a week or so of studying I found your
site. My boyfriend and I have been reading your
site and he said he didn’t want to be a Muslim
any longer. He now visits a shrink because he
has lost his identity. But he is no longer in
denial. He swore he would never even think of
Islam. I want him to be a Buddhist (at least for
some time so that it will be easier for him to
overcome his fears).
And we are getting married! Islam will not
prevent us from being happy.
Thank you so much! You saved my life and my
P.S. He is going to mosque for the last time
this Friday and he wants to put secretly some of
your articles somewhere in the mosque. I know it
is dangerous but we are already leaving Sidney
so I hope Muslims won’t hurt us. He says there
are many potential apostates in the mosque + he
wants to free a few more people.
Dear Ali, I know you are extremely busy but my
boyfriend is so devastated.
He doesn't want to change his mind, not at all,
but I think he needs your support. Can you just
congratulate him? Please!!!!!
Best wishes,
Hanna |
Why I Became an Apostate
Rasheeda |
name is Rasheeda, I discovered this website a
few days ago and I have spent close 8 hours
everyday on it, I became a Christian in 1999, I
had a very hard time getting used to becoming
one of the people of the book but in the end I
realized that it is better than being a Muslim.
I was born into nominal Muslim family, I was
born in the UK but my parents moved back to
Nigeria when I was 3, in Nigeria I was sent to a
madrasa with my younger brothers, my experience
of madrasa was like any other glorifying
muhammed, chanting things we didn't understand
all day long and showing absolute disrespect to
Christians and the other animists it was the
thing to do.
Anyway one of my elder brothers went to
University and got involved in the Wahabism
thing and that was when our lives changed, we
were urged to become better Muslims and we were
told all the fantastic stories of how Islam is
the answer to all of the worlds' problems. I
read Sayyid Qutb's Milestones when I was
sixteen, I became deeply spiritual and I
promised myself that if I was ever going to
remain Muslim I was going to be the best around.
I started wearing the hijab when I was 17 and my
parents decided that I should return to the UK
for my university education. When I was coming
to the UK all my brothers and sisters in Islam
thought I should not come because they thought
I’d lose my faith, this attitude from them made
me more determined to find out more about my
faith and prove them all wrong.
Lo and behold I came to the UK in 1995 and
bought all kinds of books registered with the
Islamic Vision and whatnot, in the end Islam
shot itself in the foot for I have to admit I
never read the whole of Quran ( it can be rather
cumbersome to read as you know. A lot of times
it is very repetitive and doesn't make sense)
but I read loads of Ahadith, the first seed of
doubt was planted when I read the following in
"Riyadh-us-Saliheeh" The prophet was once said
to Umar bin Khattab would you give your daughter
to someone better that Abu-Bakr, Uthman and Ali
to which Umar replied yes, then the prophet said
O Umar give your daughter to me. I was not meant
to think this but I remember what crossed my
mind was what an egotist. Why didn't he just say
he fancied his daughter rather than trying to
sound all righteous?
The stage was set and I began to read the bible
I realised that the teachings of Jesus were much
better but I still thought of the bible as
corrupted, it was at this juncture that I
realised that Muhammed actually borrowed a lot
from this “corrupted book”, most of the good
things he said can be found in the New
Testament. I dropped my veil and became a xtian.
Three years later, I was considering becoming a
Muslim again as I could not get to grips with
all the contradictions of the bible. I wanted my
conversion to be absolute this time around so I
started researching Islam again and to my utter
surprise I found out about the raids the prophet
perpetrated, the whole mess that was to unfold
right after his death every single one of his
companions were greedy for power and control.
The apologists are ever so quick to tell us that
the place of women in Islam equals no other;
they affirm this theory by telling us that Aisha
led a battle, what they never tell us is that
that battle was against Ali her step son-in-law,
the gruesome murder of Hussein. I just thought
to myself if this was what Islam offered then I
want no part in it.
I suppose I find it hard to not believe in God
because I was raised in Nigeria and I have seen
juju (voodoo) in action so I know that there has
to be something higher and better. I take the
teachings of Jesus to heart and I learn from
that of Paul as well but I do not accept all of
his teachings, if there is such a thing as
heaven or paradise religion is not what will
take me to it. The denominator of my faith is
the following statement by Thomas Paine:
“I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope
for happiness beyond this life. I believe the
equality of man, and I believe that religious
duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy,
and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures
happy.” |
Suraj survives Prison after renouncing Islam
- |
When I arrived at the jail,
one of the guards asked why I was there. When I
told him it was because I was a Christian, he
called the barber to shave my head. They kept me
5 days in solitary confinement, and I was not
allowed to call my family or friends to tell
them where I was. The guards beat me and said I
could go free if I would renounce my faith in
When I refused, the
officials transferred me to the prison for the
most dangerous criminals in the country. I was
never given a trial by a court of law.
I was put in a small room
in solitary confinement for the next 8 months.
Although it is a law that all prisoners should
have two blankets, when I asked for covers they
said, No. You are a Christian. You will not get
any covers. I slept on the rough cement floor,
no bed, no blankets and continued through the
winter without even the basic necessities other
prisoners were given. Despite the extreme cold,
I had an open window in my room and no heating.
I received one meal a day made of lentils.
The had of the prison told
me not to speak with anyone, as he was afraid
others would believe in Jesus Christ. When the
guard saw me speak with anyone, he would slap me
hard and push me. Once when I was speaking with
another prisoner who asked for a Bible, the head
of the prison beat me with a whip.
Many soldiers came to my
door and said, You are a very bad man. You are
an infidel. The door to my room was closed all
day except for a 5 minute break to go to the
rest room. The rest of the time I stayed alone
in my room.
Other prisoners were
allowed to leave their rooms freely from 9 in
the morning to 4 in the afternoon.
For a month and a half my
family did not know where I was. When they asked
for information, the police said they did not
know. I made the acquaintance of a prisoner who
was permitted to send letters out of the prison.
He sent messages to my family and friends,
telling them where I was. They came to the
prison but were told I was not there.
READ Suraj's
entire Story
Ali's Story |
As I opened it, I saw a verse
where it was written, "He who is in Christ is a
new creation, the old has gone and the new has
come." I thought to myself that all this time I
have been looking for a new life and here it is
being offered. I put my Bible down and went to
the bathroom. I washed my face. I looked in the
mirror and all of my disgusting life just felt
like "an old thing". I could feel God's Holy
Spirit. When I came back to my bedroom, the Holy
Spirit just brought me to my knees and that
morning at around 6 o'clock, I accepted Christ
as my Savior.
READ Ali's
entire Story
Joseph Abraham's Testimony |
It bothered me to realize
that I was considered a Muslim just because I
was born to Muslim parents and lived in a Muslim
nation. No choice was given me: no chance was
offered me to examine and find the truth. Worst
of all, many Muslims I knew (including my own
family) were Muslims simply by heritage. I
hardly saw any Muslim making a serious and
diligent attempt to investigate their religion
with hearts opened to the truth.
In 1968, while I was
reading a certain book, I ran into some verses
from the Bible which greatly attracted me. These
verses spoke with authority about a Man whose
name was Jesus Christ. This Man said to the
world, "I am the way, the truth, and the
life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me."
John 14:6
Dozens of questions jammed
my head: Then what about the prophet of Islam?
Why do Muslims never speak of Jesus Christ in
this manner? They always speak of the prophet of
Islam. Who is the "Father"? How can God be
called "Father"? Who is His wife? What about
Islam, which claims to be the ultimate truth?
After all how can I trust the Bible, which
Muslims claim is "corrupted"? And many more.
While reading more of the
same book I came to other statements by this
same Man, Jesus Christ, who said, "Come
unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 I had sought rest
for many years, and this Jesus claimed to be the
source of rest, and invited others to come to
In the past I had read and
memorized passages from the Quran. I learned
Islam for years, but God never spoke to me
through its teachings. In contrast, when I read
verses or heard messages from the Bible there
was a different voice speaking a different
message with a different authority.
Dear Muslim friend,
remember, you will stand some day before the
throne of God, just by yourself. Would you be
able to stand God's judgment?
Christians -- those who
believe Christ as their Savior -- are no longer
under God's judgment, because God already judged
them in the Person of Christ. He died for them.
Well, He died for you too.
Now, may I ask you, what
would stop you from telling God right now that
you are a sinner and that you want Christ to
save you? Trust Him as your Savior right now.
Then there would be joy in heaven for the
salvation of your precious soul.
READ Joseph's
entire Story
I Bagher's Story |
"Come to me all you who labor
and are heavily burdened, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for
I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will
find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy
and My burden is light" (Injil - Matthew
READ Bagher's entire Story
Mansur Sang's Story
ex-Muslim Sufi dervish |
police chief pulled out one leaflet and asked
him what it was. Mansur Sang answered that it
was Christ's Sermon on the Mount. He asked what
it cost. Mansur Sang said that he gave it away
free to anyone who agreed to read it or have it
read to him.
The chief of police laughed. "This shows your
religion isn't worth anything. You have to give
your literature away."
then pointed to a shelf of Baha'i books and
said, "I paid hundreds of tomans for these. This
shows how much more valuable my religion is than
The Lord Jesus Christ said that when we are
persecuted for His sake, the Holy Spirit would
give us the ability to answer effectively.
Mansur Sang pointed to the electric light that
was burning in the office and asked, "Do you pay
money for this?"
The chief of police said, "Yes, we are happy to
pay for electricity and these fixtures."
Then Mansur Sang pointed to the sun that was
shining outside. He asked, "Do you pay money for
the sunshine?"
The chief answered, "No."
Then Mansur biang said, "Your books - like these
electric light fixtures - are man-made and give
a little light, but you have to pay for them.
This Scripture is the Word of Gd and has the
light of the sun. And just the way sunshine is
free, so this is free to those who will receive
READ Ali's
entire Story
Sara was
born in Iran in the 1950s. She was raised in an educated and wealthy
Shiite family |
Mom was not a very devout Muslim but when I told
her about my conversion, she and my brother
turned against me. She pretended that I was
really dead. This time I was not willing to give
up my faith to have my family back. God is my
father now, and He has surrounded my life with
many sisters and brothers. We all have a common
goal to live for Him, and glorify Him for ever.
He is the source of life for me. He made me new.
He gave me the desire to have children. He has
blessed me and has used me many times to give
back the love that was demonstrated me when I
did NOT know him. What changed my mind, you may
ask? God did. That is the answer. HE IS THE
READ Sara's
entire Story
Younathan's Testimony |
I want to share my testimony
and how I met my best friend (besides my wife).
I grew up in the Arabian
Gulf and was raised and loved by a Muslim
family. When I was a teenager, I met this guy
through some friends. Since he was from South
Asia, I started making fun of him because that
was the habit of the local Arabs. He hated me at
first, but then to stop my behavior, he
befriended me - that did stop me from teasing
him and we became best friends. (He was a wise
guy even then!) At that time he worked in a
little record store and whenever I wanted to
skip school, he was there working in the store
and listened to my concerns. He gave me advice
when I needed it, and he wasn't even a Christian
yet. Both of us had our bad habits, but he never
introduced me to his and vice versa. We really
loved each other as brothers.
Then I started searching
for God, wondering about Him and wanting to have
a relationship with Him. Growing up I studied
the Quran in school every day, and I had so many
questions about God. I wondered why God was so
harsh and far away in my most difficult times.
As a Muslim I believed (like other Muslims) that
I had one angel on each of my shoulders, one
that recorded my good deeds and one the bad
deeds. As I started thinking about my life and
the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the
prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain
sins they committed in their lifetime - Wow! I
knew that some of the biggest sins were
unforgivable by God (according to the Quran),
and unfortunately I was doing them. So I thought
to myself ... "Why is God so unfair? He created
me from the beginning to punish me - He knew I
was weak, but is going to punish me for my sins.
... He knows we have a sinful nature, but then
punishes us for that ..." The wall between God
and I became greater and greater. I decided I
might as well sin a lot and enjoy it since I was
going to Hell anyway. I started searching in the
wrong places for God, but always kept in touch
with my friend.
One day I went to his
house. He wasn't a Christian yet, but his
parents had become Christians and were holding
prayer meetings at their house. That day they
were showing a film about Jesus. I remember
making fun of the whole thing, asking questions
like "How could a prophet appear on TV? Who
painted Jesus' picture? Did they have Polaroid
cameras then? Ha, ha, ha ..." But no one there
seemed offended.
After that I went back to
my own Arab country to study at a university,
where God cut all of my bad relationships off.
(I don't know why, but he kept my best friend in
my life). Well, during that time, my friend
became a Christian and when I found out, I was
jealous... I wondered what the Christians
offered him that was better than our friendship;
he got very involved with a church in the
Arabian Gulf. I thought, "What is Christianity
anyway? 3 Gods? And then one of the Gods dies
and there are two left?
When I went back to the
Arabian Gulf after finishing the semester, I had
a dream about Jesus. In the dream, Jesus told me
to come to Him and read the Bible and He would
show me the way, truth and the life. The next
morning I was excited and told my mom about it.
She said my dream about Jesus was a "victory" (a
lucky dream), and that surprised me. A few days
later I saw my friend and expected him to spend
a lot of time with me that day. He told me that
he was going to church (it was Sunday) and he
invited me. I had a great desire to see how the
Christians prayed and I wanted to go with him.
At church they had communion and I wondered
about what it was. Another acquaintance of ours
said I couldn't take communion unless I was a
believer in Christ. My friend listened and
answered my questions. During the next couple of
weeks I thought a lot about Christianity and
began reading the Bible. The more I read, the
more I wanted to read and know. I was hungry for
One morning an American
Christian that I had met invited me for
breakfast to discuss questions that I had. I
asked him if he wanted to become Muslim, and he
replied wisely. He said, "You know, if Islam
gave me what I have in Christianity, I would
become Muslim." And he told me that he had read
the Quran. I felt like he really respected me
and my Arab culture. A week after that I again
went to church with my friend and I'll never
forget what happened. The pastor of the church
gave communion at the front of the church. I
went forward and he said, "Younathan. this is
the blood of Jesus that was shed for you....." I
was so touched that he knew my name (it was and
is a big church). I gave my life to Christ, and
afterwards my friend and I called ourselves
"David and Jonathan" as a picture of the deep
friendship we shared.
Well, that's how we came
to be good friends, and those are some of the
details of my testimony. It's difficult to write
down all of the details and thoughts. I want to let you know about my life now.
... I'm married to a beautiful wife and have
three young sons. We have been in the USA for
almost 8 years during which time I have studied
education and worked as a teacher. We have been
waiting for the right time to go back to the
Arab world to teach and reach out to Muslims
there, and the time has come. We just recently
accepted positions. |
Leah's Testimony |
I became a Christian in July
21st 1996. Let me tell you how this came about.
I was a very devoted
Muslim but I began to feel that there was
something missing in my faith as a Muslim. I
started praying to God to show me if the Muslim
faith was the truth and soon after that I began
to have strange dreams. In one of these dreams I
saw some Christians standing in line to get into
Heaven. I tried to get into this line also, but
a very tall being blocked my path and I started
to cry because the side I was on was really
horrible but the side they were on was a
beautiful place, so beautiful, so blue.
I could not get this dream
out of my mind. I really haunted me. I confided
to my Muslim friends about this dream, except
that I didn't tell them it was Christians in the
line in my dreams because I was scared of what
they might think.
Well, they just said that
God was telling me to pray more, and I did. But
increasingly a great emptiness and depression
enveloped me, an emptiness like I had never
experienced before. I couldn't sleep and I even
started taking Ryhiphenol ("roofies") to get
away from that feeling. I became a totally
different person, a recluse, and started to seek
out psychics, ... but it only became worse. I
even wanted to commit suicide. I did not even
fear death anymore.
Then, the day I told my
best friend (who was an agnostic) that I was
going to take my life, she said she remembered
some Christian ladies who had come to see her a
few times, and thought they might be able to
help me.
That same day, I met with
them and they shared the gospel with me, and
they prayed for me, and that terrible emptiness
began to lift and this huge load on me was taken
off me. I started attending Church with them and
the second time I went, the pastor gave an
invitation to receive Christ. I was so torn up
inside. I fought the Holy Spirit and was
trembling. I did not accept his invitation but
as I was walking out of the service, the Lord
spoke to me: It is now or never.
I broke down crying on the
sidewalk and said to myself, I must go back to
the prayer room where the people were getting
prayed for to receive the Lord, and I did.
God removed my burden and
I started seeing everything in a new light. Soon
I began losing friends and all I loved and knew.
But God loves me and gave his son for me, and so
that I would never perish.
Incidentally, my best
friend got saved the same day in a different
church. The Lord showed me I was truly on the
right path.
I have never regretted
becoming a Christian. It has been hard at times
because I have been persecuted so much but I
have become even stronger in faith because of
it. Right now I have a son who is being brought
up as a Muslim and his father has denied me
rights to communicating with him. I have
surrendered my son to God because it has given
me sleepless nights thinking of my son who is
thousands of miles away from me and I have no
control of what is happening now but God is in
control. Please pray for me and a miracle from
God that I will one day be able to see my son
again as we are now even living on different
continents. I pray that this short testimony of
mine will touch those who read it. God Bless You
In Christ,
Feel free to write to me.