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The very Name of Jesus Christ will set you free!
St. Peter said, “your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
goeth about seeking whom he may devour.” 1 St.Peter 5,8 

Speaking of the Devil, St Teresa of Avila observed from
her own spiritual life experience that "the Lord, it seems,
gives the devil license so that the soul might be tried
and even made to think that it is rejected by God."
(St. Teresa OF Avila, Vol II; p. 364)

"He is extremely afraid of determined souls for he has
experienced the great harm they can do. I know this
well through experience." (Vol. II; pp. 126-127)
"Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, 'Lord even the demons are subject to us in Your name.' And He (Jesus) said to them, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.'" Luke 10:17-20.

"And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee Satan." Zecharia 3:2

"Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, 'The Lord rebuke you!'" Jude 8-9


Ouija Board

Do you want to become possessed fast? Use the Ouija board! The Ouija board is one of the easiest and quickest ways to become possessed. (NOTE: When the prayers of exorcism are said over the Ouija board it will not work again.). When the Ouija board is used, a supernatural question is expected--a question obviously not from God. Involvement in such practices indicates that an individual does not trust God for answers and thus is sinning against God. God gives us answers in many ways, through the Bible, signs, wonders, and by people we know and people we don't know.

Enter the Ouija Board

A Ouija board demonstrates the ease with which anyone can be caught up in the world of the occult. Scientific tests with a Ouija board have proved beyond dispute that an intelligence independent of the persons using the board is guiding the planchette. 

It was through a Ouija board that Carl Rogers (at the time a complete skeptic) became convinced he had contacted the spirit of his dead wife, Helen, and received a consoling message from her. Many channelers first made contact with their spirit guides through a Ouija board. The Ouija has been implicated by investigators in numerous cases of apparent demon possession. Nevertheless, it overtook Monopoly in 1967 to become America’s most popular parlor game.

The Ouija board first put Pearl Curran, a St. Louis housewife, in contact with a spirit entity which called itself Patience Worth. Patience claimed to have lived in Dorsetshire, England, in the seventeenth century. During a 20-year period Patience dictated through eighth-grade-educated Pearl Curran "more than one-and-a-half million words in poems and historical novels." One literary piece of 70,000 words was analyzed by Professor C.H.S. Schiller of London University, who found it to contain "not a single word [which] originated after 1600." He stated:

When we consider that the authorized version of the Bible has only 70% Anglo Saxon, and it is necessary to go back to Lyomen in 1205 to equal Patience’s percentage... we realize we are facing a philological miracle. 39

Miracle? That hardly sounds scientific. How much more rational to admit that Curran was indeed possessed by a spirit that had perfect knowledge of pre-1600 English and of events in early England. We are faced with a phenomenon which cannot be explained away and demonstrates the reality of occultism.

According to Dr. Raymond Moody, who has spent many years investigating alleged encounters of the living with the presumed spirits of deceased loved ones, "Science can’t distinguish...[whether] this is purely a phenomenon of consciousness or some entity beyond one’s consciousness." 40 It is beyond the capacity of science to deal with spirits. Nor do we need any help from science to face the evidence. New York City clinician Armand DiMele, though skeptical of most channelers, acknowledges that in some cases accurate information has come through a medium that could not be known by any normal means:

I have spoken to "spirit voices" who have... told me things about my childhood. Specifics, like things that hung in the house [that he hadn’t thought of for years so the medium wasn’t "reading his mind"]. There’s some undeniable evidence that something happens, something we don’t understand and can’t measure. 41

They Are "Teaching Us Something"

One of the most powerful evidences we have of the reality of these spirit entities and of their continued contact with mankind is found in the consistency of the messages which they provide through those who claim to be in touch with them. The same message comes independently through persons widely scattered around the world and who have never been in contact with one another. That fact has been noted by all of the investigators.

Parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo defines channeling as "bringing through some sort of intelligence, the nature undefined, whose purpose is to promote spiritual teachings and philosophical discussion."  Terence McKenna, who has replaced Timothy Leary as America’s drug guru, notes that one of the experiences common to psychedelic trips is contact with spirit beings who have a message: "Unless I’m completely crazy, they’re trying to teach us something." Their message is amazingly consistent and, as Rogo says, involves spiritual teachings.

Australia’s New Age News notes the "remarkable agreement, even unanimity, among the various channeled entities." That fact is emphasized repeatedly by Jon Klimo in his definitive book on this subject. The major theme, as Klimo points out, is our alleged oneness with God, our ignorance of this oneness, the necessity to realize this oneness through "enlightenment," and our return to earth through reincarnation many times in this long evolutionary process of attaining our true or higher self. It is the religious philosophy with which the serpent "enlightened" Eve.

It was shattering for atheist Helen Shucman when she began hearing a voice saying, "This is a course in miracles; take it down!" As well as teaching medical psychology at Columbia University, Shucman was Assistant Head of the Psychology Department at Presbyterian Hospital in New York. Far from diagnosing her as suffering from delusion, her equally atheistic colleagues told her to follow the instructions. When the dictation finally ended, the "Course" ran to an astonishing 1100 pages and has been acclaimed for its brilliant insights by psychologists and theologians alike.

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Cursed from the Mother's Womb

Babies who are unwanted by their parents (for whatever reason) are in actuality, cursed by their parents while in the womb. It has been noted in many exorcism cases, that demons freely state they entered the child during gestation due to a curse placed on the child by a parent or relative. When prompted by the exorcist, the demon even goes as far as to give the exact month of gestation, time and reason for possessing this innocent victim.  See more here

Lack of Love

Many people come into this world through parents who did not desire to bring "that" particular child into this world. Unwanted, unloved children may look for "familiar" spirits. These evil spirits become their secret friends, a place where they can find refuge. They form a bond with these familiar spirits, a sort of surrogate family. These chains of slavery and dependence must be definitively renounced in order for the individual to be freed. This type of bond is similar to forming a "pact" with Satan, and subjugates the person to this tyrannical servitude. What has been years of enticement, a spiritual seduction, may take years to rid.  See more here

Sexual Molestation and Incest

When a sexual act is committed to an innocent victim, even though the victim is innocent, the one performing the act curses them. The innocent victim, at the time of the act, is filled with fear and terror. Through this fear and terror the demons can enter easily the victim. See more here

Satanic Cults and Witchcraft

The occult is any practice that involves ceremonies, rituals, chants, magic, or activities that are obviously not God centered. These activities or rituals can change the course of nature, the the lives of those who are involved in such practices, and of course, the innocent victims. See more here

Obsession, compulsion, oppression

They are very frequent, causing the impulse to masturbation, stealing, lying, hitting the relatives, homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, irrational compulsions, depressions… Here the person may have an irresistible impulse to perform something he well knows it is wrong or irrational, or an anxious and inescapable preoccupation with an idea or emotion that he realizes it is not right… in contrast with the demonic possession, here the person can exercise volition, he is capable of voluntary actions, and he realizes he is doing something bad or wrong.

About Exorcism

Exorcism is the act of driving out, or warding off, demons, or evil spirits, from persons, places, or things, which are believed to be possessed or infested by them, or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice.

    Technically, exorcism is not driving out a the Devil or demon, but it is placing the Devil or demon on oath. And, in some incidences there may be more than one demon possessing a person. "Exorcism" is derived from the Greek preposition "ek" with the verb "horkizo" which means "I cause [someone] to swear" and refers to "putting the spirit or demon on oath," or invoking a higher authority to bind the entity in order to control it and command it to act contrary to its own will.

     The rite is mainly thought to be practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, but some Orthodox and Protestant denominations such as the Pentecostals and other charismatic groups practice it as well. These groups refer to the practice as "deliverance ministry" where gifted people drive out devils and heal while they touch the persons with their hands, called laying on of hands, and pray over them. 


Visit "Exorcism"

Learn the facts about exorcism, possession and Satan's evil army. Information pertaining to this web page was supplied by an American Roman Catholic Priest located in the West Indies


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Mother Teresa's Exorcism

Mother Teresa Felt 'Too Small' for Attack by Devil
September 10, 2001 7:56 am EST

CALCUTTA, India (Reuters) - Mother Teresa, who underwent an exorcism before she died, told a priest she was not important enough to be attacked by the devil, her successor as head of the Missionaries of Charity said on Monday.

Just before Sister Teresa died in 1997 at the age of 87, a priest told the founder of the Missionaries of Charity that very holy people were often attacked by the devil during their last days, Sister Nirmala said in a statement faxed to Reuters.

"I am too small for that," Mother Teresa was quoted as replying by Sister Nirmala who now heads the worldwide order that tends to the poor and dying.

Last week, the Archbishop of Calcutta, Henry Sebastian D'Souza, said he ordered that an exorcism be performed on Mother Teresa a few months before she died because she was "restless" and unable to sleep while in hospital for heart problems.

He told Reuters he felt the devil might have been attacking Mother Teresa as "evil" tends to attack "holy people."

In July 1999, Pope John Paul waived the normal five-year period required between a person dying and the beatification process starting for Mother Teresa. Beatification is a major step toward canonization or sainthood.

In her statement, Sister Nirmala said she was unsure whether Mother Teresa was really being disturbed by the devil while in hospital or was feeling restless due to her physical and psychological condition as "she was so sick."

But "saintly people in their moments of sickness and weakness ...are often assailed by temptations, even disturbances by evil spirits," she added.

"They are harassments, and not possession by the devil. The devil cannot possess someone who is filled with God, and loves Him and all His children," she added.


Read an excellent study on God's Angels and Evil Spirits at

Satan is still trying to sustain that lie which he told Eve. He is still trying to prove there is no death. He appears in whatever form he chooses, shrewdly imitating the characteristics of the dead. Such lying wonders are well calculated to deceive and convince people that a lie is actually the truth.

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11. Here we are told that the truth alone will guard us from the signs and wonders of Satan's power. In 1 Timothy 4:1 we read of some in the last days who will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Finally, in Revelation 16:14 the prophet describes "spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world."

Read about Jesus's Appearance to a Muslim