near death experience in chinese

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bible in chinese


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divine revelation of hell in Chinese

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ex-Buddhist Monk comes back from the dead

read about his stay in Hell...

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read in English: here


Jesus in Beijing


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Video of 3 People who have gone to Hell and came back

see video at YouTube: here

this video is also: here


Angels discovered singing end-time song in China

In 1995, the whole province of Shandong, in eastern China (population: 57 million), was is in the midst of a sweeping revival.

At a 1995 meeting in Shandong, everyone was singing "in the Spirit" together (1 Corinthians 14:15), not in their own language, but "as the Spirit gave them utterance," all in harmony but all singing different words. Someone audio taped the meeting. Later, when they played back the cassette, they were shocked! What they heard was not what had happened there at all -- but the sound of angels singing in Mandarin -- a song they had never heard before, and with a musical accompaniment that had not been there!!! When the Pastor first heard the tape, before anyone told him what it was, he exclaimed, "Those are angels!!"

Actually, there was no other explanation. A Chinese Christian co-worker translated the tape. Below are the actual words sung by the angels in Mandarin! Note that the words express ideas with which these rural Chinese peasants were not familiar.




angel visit to China

"The End is Near: Rescue Souls"
The famine is becoming more and more critical.
There are more and more earthquakes.
The situation is becoming more and more sinister.
People are fighting against each other, nation against nation.
Disasters are more and more severe.
The whole environment is deteriorating.
Disasters are more and more severe.
People's hearts are wicked, and they do not worship the true God.
Disasters are more and more severe.
Floods and droughts are more and more frequent.
There is more and more homosexuality and incurable diseases.
Disasters are more and more severe.
The climates are becoming more and more abnormal.
The earth is more and more restless.
The skies have been broken. The atmosphere is distorted.
Disasters are more and more severe.
The end is near. The revelation of love has been manifested.
Rise up, rise up, rescue souls.
The end is near.
Rise up, rise up, rescue souls.



Read in Chinese: Download (.pdf)


Read in Chinese: Download (.doc)

Read in English: here


Read "Heaven is So Real" in Chinese:
Download .PDF

the final quest in chinese

Read "The Final Quest" in Chinese: Download .PDF





Click Picture below

via dolorosa video

Sandy Patty sings "Via Dolorosa" to scenes from the "Passion of the Christ"



Christian News in Chinese ·s»D,·s»D¤¤¤ß,°ò·þ,½×¾Â¡A®É¨Æ³ø¹D"

Read  in Chinese: HERE

Read in English: Here

Christian Testimonies in Chinese
¸£Òô¼ûÖ¤¼¯ Christian Testimonies

Read  in Chinese: HERE




A divine revelation of heaven


This is not a Near Death Experience!  It's an authorized visit to Heaven!

Smarten up folks!  Stop listening to those meatheads with degrees who claim evolution is how it happened.  This is a beautiful book that lets you peek over Mary's shoulder on her sneak peek of Heaven.  Better than a Near Death Experience (NDE); and all  according to Scripture; just as you knew heaven would be.  Mary K. Baxter takes us along with her from the time the Lord Jesus allows her to enter the "Pearly Gates" to her awesome awareness that she is standing and watching God the Father actually dispatching Angels to answer prayers from his people.  Mary carries the message that all "heartfelt" prayers and tears are heard and "captured". Why couldn't the Lord Jesus commission Mary to tell this story for the benefit of His Saints in these "end times".

Read in Chinese: here


A divine revelation of hell

divine revelation of hell

Satan wants you!  Even though you call Jesus your Lord, Satan wants you to doubt your salvation.  Satan wants to take away your peace the Lord gave you,  and to paralyze you with fear.

In her "authorized" visit to Hell, Mary K. Baxter describes the environment, demons and types of punishments people experience in Hell. It is uncomfortable to read, simply because the bottom line is Hell is terribly awful.

Read in Chinese: here


Burmese Buddhist Monk died & visited Hell

then Came Back from the dead

Buddhist Monk visit to hell

Read in Chinese: here


Christian Chinese Martyr

blind Chang

Read his amazing story: here


Gospels of Jesus in Chinese (.PDF files)

Gospel of John

Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Luke

Gospel of Matthew


News from China - January 2008
Keeping the faith in China

chinese church


At an underground church service in China, you pray as quickly as you can - and hope the police do not come running in.

At the end of an alleyway in the north of Beijing, 40 Chinese Christians gather in a small classroom. At the beginning of the service, they bow their heads and pray.

Their priest, Zhang Minxuan, stands in front of them. Twenty years ago he was a barber with no interest in religion. Then he got into trouble with the Communist Party and was jailed. After that he became a Christian.

Since then he has led an underground church and been detained a dozen times.

I need to spread Christianity and I need to print the bible and distribute it to fellow believers
Cai Zhuohua

"One day, God will bring our church out of the darkness and into the light," he tells his followers in the classroom. Their eyes shine back at him.

"I will pray for the government no matter how much they persecute me," Mr Zhang says.

"In the end I believe that God will convert them. I will never give up my relationship with God - no matter what happens."

Underground Christians make the Chinese Communist Party nervous.

There are millions of them in this country. They worship wherever they can - often in private homes.

They do not want to be controlled by Beijing, so they refuse to sign up to the state-sanctioned church.

Read entire story: here



Chinese Good Luck

亚伯拉罕的后裔,大卫的子孙,耶稣基督的家谱(注:“后裔”、“ 子孙”原文都作“儿