Re: Don't apologize for the Crusades! I won't...

[ Bible Probe ]

Posted by czar055 on November 04, 2005 at 12:07:30:

In Reply to: Don't apologize for the Crusades! I won't... posted by Bible Probe on October 16, 2005 at 11:17:54:

Well I am not a christian, but I had heard a story about Christ where he prevents a woman being stoned to death by saying that the person who has not sinned should cast the first stone.
The great christians, they went to a land they called "America" and what was the first thing they did?? They gave a cloth of a plague victim to the natives who thaught they were some god. The result was obvious. Villages of natives were wiped out.
Where are the natives of Australia?? Do you want to go into the details of the atrocities the church and I mean the CHURCH and not only the britishers did in India?? Well its a long list.
All you people mostly christians in Europe and America sitting in the luxury of your homes go on talking about morality. Do you really think that Your so called christian religion became so worldwide adopted because it was very good?
One thing is common in both Christianity and Islam. They both boast about having a great following. They achieved this goal by ways of 3 t's - terror, torture & taxation. Now they are using temptation. Read the following passage
God's Word ?

The Bible is endorsed in England as "God's Word" by Act of Parliament, it is believed by many that everything in it is historically and scientifically true. The creation of the world, the origins of the human species, God's plan for salvation and everything else is the Absolute Truth to millions of pious Christians. Wars were fought over it, Governments rose and fell through it, blood was shed in it's name, people were conquered and enslaved on its teachings, persecution was justified by its myths and personal prejudices and hatreds were keep inflamed by its quotes. Its supporters use its verses to denigrate and denounce other belief systems and certainly in the past to justify burning people alive.

Evangelicals use a highly critical method of examining the Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus in order to expose their flaws and contradictions and to refute them by appealing to logic, science and ethics. None of these methods are ever applied by them to their own Bible which is seen as so sacred and self evidently perfect that any attempt to censure it would be blasphemy warranting the wrath of God and the righteous indignation of pious Christians and punishment of eternal damnation.

Hindus are now the favoured target group for the Southern Baptist Evangelicals who are now pouring hundreds and thousands of dollars into the conversion of the Hindus in India. Hindus are seen as an easy target because of their openness, respect for other religions and deep sense of the spiritual —values which can easily be exploited in the conversion strategy.

Historically Evangelism goes hand in hand with imperialism, chauvinism and western supremacy. The missionaries of old were always followed by the soldiers and the merchants. The missionaries stole the spirituality of the natives, the soldiers stole their land and the merchants stole their resources. The English Imperialist agenda was justified by the pious desire to bring "The light" to the heathens of the third world! The real agenda was for material exploitation. The genocide practiced by the (Protestant) Founding Fathers of America, by the (Anglican) English in Tasmania, by the (Calvinist) Dutch in South Africa are all well documented historical facts.

The new converts, coddled in the niceties of modern day Christianity are never taught the true history of the church, about the wars of religion, the inquisition etc. and how much the Bible was used to justify the imperialist expansion of the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and the English. The entire edifice of Apartheid in South Africa was theologically justified by the Dutch Reformed Church, on the basis of Scripture. The Dutch Calvinists, like the American Protestants saw themselves as the "New Israel" entering into the land of Canaan (Africa and America respectively.) The pagans that they came across were the "New Canaanites" of the Old Testament. Therefore it made sense to them that the sociopolitical policies of Yahweh regarding the "Old Canaanites" viz. total annihilation, was still valid.

Jesus may be the saviour... But can he save you all after so many sins you have committed. Mabbe that is why he is in exile.

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