Posted by Bible Probe on July 01, 2005 at 05:14:00:
Muslims cannot come to terms with a "begotten" Son. Begotten means "to come from", NOT made. We are speaking of He, the "I Am", the one who created not just you, but the IDEA of a you, and a place in time and space for you. Christians can come to terms with begotten much easier than Muslims, because we have a spirit of Truth within us. Muslims are endowed with the "spirit of confusion".
God needs to perform no biological act in order to be the father. That is a rule you have made. That is satan speaking. That's the same satan who promises 72-black eyed virgins right away --if only you kill some innocent people.
Those who have the most problem with an idea of God also have no concept of the mystical. Think of a magician and the things a magician seems to be able to do. God, can not only do those things. But God can REALLY do those things and far more.
Now get way outside the box. Think of an entity who could simply "SPEAK" the physical world into existence. You have no clear understanding of this speaking into existence, and neither do I.
Begin all your reasoning by thinking of God as spirit, and not flesh and blood. But because He is God, the "Prime Mover" He can surely enter this dimension in flesh and bones also.
BUT because God walks in and created all dimensions --including those we have NO knowledge of -- we will always be at a disadvantage when trying to get a real idea in our carnal minds about the I Am. It is lucky for us that at one time in world history, God showed us a part of Himself. And that part was Jesus, full of honesty, love and grace. Able to do anything He so desired.
In simplistic terms - the programmer can do anything He wants because the programmer creates out of nothing. The programmer writes all the rules. In humanistic terms - today we can clone sheep. We who have been created can copy something. So, why wouldn't the creator not only be able to copy something but do it in such a way that it is one with Himself?
Your thinking about God not being able to impregnate Mary simply because it is a physical thing shows that you have a "humanistic" view of God.
Think WAY, WAY outside the box. Nothing, and I mean nothing - especially something so simple as overshadowing a maiden, so that the maiden carries the seed of love, hope and forgiveness --which was Jesus --is in no way impossible with God. For an entity who can speak the world into existence --can likewise speak a pregnancy into existance.
We don't understand the concept of "overshadowing" because we humans cannot do it. But then again, we don't understand electricity -- but we know it is there.
For an example of the Christian understanding of Trinity, and the Son as the only mediator between the Father and us - - AND --One with the Father ---read this true Near Death Experience HERE
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