Noun: Christ "Jesus" is His first name. His last name is not "Christ". The word Christ comes from the Greek christos, and means "Anointed One". Synonyms: Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth messiah Redeemer Savior Saviour Jewish: Yeshua, Mashiach ben David Hebrew name is "Yehoshua" - Aramaic: "Yeshua" The Greek equivalent is "Jesus" (Iesous) Some other translations around the world: "Yesuha", "Pra-Yesu", "Gesu", "Yel-Sul", "Iesus" His first name is "Jesus"; or in Aramaic "Yeshua". The word Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation. He was born supernaturally into a devote Jewish family in Bethlehem, Israel, in the first century, or on/about 4 B.C. Aramaic was spoken by Jesus and the Apostles; so "Yeshua" would be that name the Lord would have been called then. "B.C." is used after the year. This means; "Before Christ". Only in the 20th century many began using C.E., or Common Era instead. We refuse to change to using C.E. vice B.C. The use of C.E. is just another atheist sham. It dates to the time of Christ as its baseline, but refuses to give the Son of God acknowledgement (such as Before Christ). Unrelated: We also will not switch to metrics.