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Happy Rosh HaShanah:

"May your Name be Inscribed in the Book of Life," is the famous Jewish greeting on holiday cards during the Jewish fall holidays.  But most Jewish people do not understand the meaning of the Book of Life, and the reality of eternal life!

Ten days after Rosh HaShanah, on September 22 (2006), Jewish people around the world will fast for 24 hours and go to synagogue to pray - it is Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.  Synagogue services last many hours during which Jewish people will do soul searching and recite prayers to rid themselves of the sins they've committed over the past year.

This year many of the 14 million Jews around the world will attend these Yom Kippur synagogue services, and my heart cries out for them because they do not know Yeshua - the One whom the prophets speak about in their own Jewish Bible.  Because of this, God's 14 million Chosen People are on their way to an eternity of weeping and gnashing of teeth described by Yeshua in Luke 13:28.

My Meeting with Chaim

"Yes,on YomKippur I go to the synagogue and I say the 'al chets'. (Lightly pounding one one's chest while reciting prayers to God, one acknowledges sins committed over the past year).  I say the 'al chets' so that I can receive forgiveness for my sins,"  Chaim responded.

"Okay Chaim, but what happens the day after Yom Kippur when you sin again, how do you rid of your sins?  Do you think that a Jewish person can go to the synagogue once in a year on Yom Kippur, year after year, and simply do the 'al chets' to rid himself of his sins?"

"I guess that doesn't make much sense," Chaim replied.  "Tell me more about why Yeshua is the Messia.  I don't quite understand Zev, are you will Jewish or are you now a Christian?  I don't fully understand how you believe that Jesus, or as you call him Yeshua, can take away my sins.  And I also want to know more about what you were saying about the animal sacrifices performed at the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur - how does that relate to the prophecies about Yeshua?"

This was part of the conversation that I had with Chaim, a young Jewish man from Russia who I met in the park this past Sunday.  For one hour we spoke about the Messianic prophecies and Yeshua.  At the end of our conversation, Chaim said, "I never knew any of this stuff before.  Thanks for explaining Isaiah 7:14 about how Jesus' mother had to be a virgin and about the other prophecies you told me about."  Chaim contacted me a few days later, asking if we could meet again to talk about Yeshua.  Please keep Chaim in your prayers.  He is a precious yound man in his early 30's who is sincerely searching for the Lord.

THALIA:  A Jewish woman in her mid 30's from South Africa who teaches Yoga.  "After our first meeting about God, Thalia wanted to learn more so we spent three hours over lunch - the longest lunch I've ever had - because she could not stop asking questions about God and Yeshua," our outreach worker reported.  "This is completely new tome.  I must admit that even though I was raised Jewish, I've never heard about these prophecies before," Thalia said.

SHLOMO: A Jewish man in his 50's.  He is originally from Tunisia but lived in Israel most of his life.  "Shlomo and I sat in his apartment discussing everything from Messianic Judaism and Christianity to the Messianic prophecies and the Jewish holidays.  When we were discussing Yom Kippur and the animal/blood sacrifices for atoning of one's sins, Shlomo's response was, "I don't sin!"  When I asked him if he said the 'al chets' in sunagogue on YomKippur, he recognized that he does sin and Shlomo said he is open to learning about the Messianic prophecies."

LIOR: A Jewish man in his early 20's whose name means "my light" or "I have light."  Lior is a secular Jew from the Tel Aviv are who met with one of our outreach workers who relayed this story.  "Your name is great, you have the light of God," I said.  "I really don't know much about God, I have never really thought about it," Lior replied.  "Didn't you learn about God when you had to read the Tanakh (Bible) in public school?"  "Yes, but just as a history book," Lior replied.  I told him about the Messianic Prophecy Bible that we created and he looked at me with a big warm smile and responded in his thick Israeli accent, "Wow, that sounds really important, I would love to read one of these Bibles."

Chaim, Thalia, Shlomo, and Lior are just four real people who are part of the 14 million Jews around the world of which 99% do not know Yeshua simply because no one has ever taken the Gospel to them.  Only 1% of Jewish people know Yeshua.  The other 99% are on their way to an eternity separated from God!

But there is a solution! We need to give them a Messianic Prophecy Bible which explains: 1) how Yeshua is the One whom the prophets spoke about; 2) how Yeshua fulfilled the Jewish holidays; and 3) how Yeshua is the final atonement for all our sins.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Yom Kippur in the time of Yeshua

When the first and second Temples were standing in Jerusalem, the High Priest (Kohen Gadol) would remove his ordinary priestly robes and take a ritual bath.  Then he would put on special white clothes.  After offering the ordinary morning sacrifice, he would offer a young bullock to atone for his own sins, as he could not intercede for the people of Israel until his own sins were atoned for.  He would then carry incense into the Holy of Holies, and then return to the altar to get blood from the sacrifice, which he would sprinkle on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant (Mercy Seat) and seven times on the ground in front of the ark.  After this he would sacrifice a goat for the sins of the people, and sprinkle its blood on the ark and in front of it, as he had done with the blood of the bullock.  This made atonement for the Holy of Holies.  Next, he provided atonement for the tabernacle by sprinkling the blood of both animals on the horns of the altar once, and seven times on the ground around it.  This is where it begins to get exciting...

The Azazel (Scapegoat) - After this, the high priest would go out into the Temple court and lay his hands over the head of the scapegoat, confessing over it the sins of the people of Israel.  Then the goat would be taken outside the city and released into the wilderness.  This symbolized the removal (carrying away) of the sins from the people of Israel.  According to the Talmud, a scarlet cord was tied around the neck of the scapegoat.  The cord was reported to have turned white as the goat was led away from the city.

The Babylonian Talmud records that for the last forty years before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. - that would have been just about the time Yeshua was offered up as the final sacrifice - the scarlet cord around the neck of the scapegoat failed to turn white.

In Yeshua, all our sins are carried away "as far as east is from west" (Psalm 103:12).  Yeshua is not only our High Priest, but He is also the final sacrifice who takes away our sins.

Because of that, Your Name is Written in the Book of Life.

Imagine, if in all the synagogues around the world, the rabbis were discussing with their congregants the links between the scarlet cord, the scapegoat, and Yeshua.  And imagine if in all the synagogues during the fall holidays they were actually reading about how Yeshua fulfilled the Jewish festivals in our Messianic Prophecy Bible.

Yeshua commands us to be part of the Great Commission.  It is your responsibility to share the Gospel.

Please help Jewish people like Chaim, Lior, Thalia, Shlomo and the 14 million other Jewish people in Israel, the United States, Canada, and around the world get a Messianic Prophecy Bible.  Please give them the opportunity to have their names written in the Book of Life, too.

above written by "The Messianic Prophecy Bible Project", part of the Messianic Bible Society.

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September 2005

Shalom from Sefad, Israel!

Fall is coming, and there's an excitement in the air as we approach the Jewish Holidays. It would certainly be nice to be spending them with you as we celebrate Rosh HaShanna (the Jewish New Year) and remember Yeshua on Yom Kippur, as the final atonement for our sins.

In my last letter to you, I wrote about the 200,000 Lubavitchers (members of an ultra- Orthodox Jewish sect) of which many believe that their late Rabbi Schneerson is the Messiah of Israel. Instead of focusing on the Jewish Bible (Tanakh), Lubavitchers' base their theology and doctrine on a book called Tanya.

That's only 200,000 Jews, however millions of Jewish people believe in reincarnation, which is taught in Kabbalah based on a set of Jewish books called "the Zohar." All Chassidic Jews and the majority of Orthodox Jews believe that Kabbalah and the Zohar are valid Jewish teachings.

Kabbalah is a religious mystical system of Judaism claiming insight into the divine nature and secret knowledge of God, and the laws of nature and light in the universe.

Zohar is a Hebrew word that means "splendor" or "radiance." The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah, originally written in Aramaic.

At one point the Zohar was only to be studied by Jews who were well-versed in the Talmud, but today all Jews are encouraged to read and study all 23 volumes of the mystical Zohar.

Organizations like the "The Kabbalah Learning Center" have outlets in cities throughout the world with many Jews and even non-Jews attending classes. Famous singer/actress Madonna has given millions of dollars to promote Kabbalah and the Zohar, which has peaked the interest of Jewish youth to the lies and deceptions of the Zohar.

The Zohar, and commentaries on the Zohar, have become very popular books in the last decade teaching on all types of Jewish subjects such as: healing, life after death, redemption, etc., which is leading our Jewish people further away from the truth of Biblical Judaism and their need for a Messiah to take away their sins.

"Of course I believe in reincarnation," Sarah said. "Zev, it's a Jewish concept, from the Kabbalah!" Sarah, whom I have known for the past year was raised in a traditional Jewish home, and is studying the Zohar and other aspects of Kabbalah.

"Okay Sarah, so tell me who you were in your past life?" I asked. Sarah shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know!"

Like most Jews, Sarah does not read the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), but she is drawn to other Jewish books like the Zohar because of their mystical nature.

I then showed her in our Jewish Bible (2 Samuel 12:22-23), how reincarnation is not a Jewish concept. I had her read from the Prophet Samuel, where it says: After King David's first son died, David said: "Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me."

I also showed Sarah, (Job 7:9-10): "When a cloud vanishes, it is gone. So he who goes down to Sheol does not come up. He will not return again to his house, nor will his place know him anymore."

Sarah then said, "Okay, I guess our Jewish Bible does not believe in reincarnation. However Zev, Kabbalah and the Zohar are really, really interesting and through Kabbalah, I am able to reach my full potential as a Jew."

She is convinced that the Zohar is the most important Jewish book, that reincarnation is a Jewish concept, and that she has had past lives even though she doesn't remember anything about them.

Isn't it very sad that millions of Jewish people believe in reincarnation, and accept it as scriptural truth?

This is why it is so important for you to partner with our Bible Ministry.

Sarah and I have discussed the Messianic prophecies several times, and in our last conversation she said to me, "Jesus even taught Kabbalah. That is how he was able to walk on water and do miracles."

I have not given up on Sarah, and she has not given up on listening to me when I talk to her about Biblical truths. She has told me that when our Messianic Prophecy Bible is completed she would be willing to go through it with me and her rabbi.

It's obvious that Jewish people believe in reincarnation because it solves the problem of everlasting life for them. There is no longer a need to acknowledge your sins and the need for atonement. Reincarnation is a "feel good concept" because it gives you immortality.


Last Wednesday, I again went to visit my cousin Svi on our family Moshav, in the northern Galilee region of Israel. As I was passing by the city of Sefad, I decided to park my car and take a stroll down the main street. A man was standing outside a Kaballistic Center and he invited me in. "Shalom, my name is Uri," he said. "I feel a very good 'aura' around you, I can tell that you have a good soul," he said to me. "Do you read the Zohar?" he asked. I replied, "No, I don't read the Zohar because I read the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah (the Jewish Bible and the New Testament)."

"That's great," Uri replied. "Yeshua was a good man and one of the greatest Kaballists who ever lived! He was a master of the Zohar and therefore you should want to read it too because it will open the "divine spark" hidden within you.

"What's your name?" he asked me. "Zev," I replied.

"Zev, the more you bring the Zohar into your life, the stronger your connection with the Light becomes. The Zohar is both practical and powerful and each week there is a special reading where you can tap into the Creator's Light," explained Uri.

Uri and I spoke for about 45 minutes, going over the Zohar and how it contradicts the Messianic Prophecies and the teachings of the Jewish Bible. I was surprised at how many Israelis and Jewish tourists walked into the store to buy the Zohar and other books, during the short time we spoke.

Uri, a master Kaballist, explained to me why I should believe in Kabbalah and I explained to him the sin in mankind and in his own life.

However, Uri's response was that 'his sin' is dealt with in each life. "In each life, the soul is prepared to be a better person in the next life, until hopefully one day there is no more sin. You see our 'Karma' has certain layers of negativity around it which stops us from 'connecting to The Light.' When a person removes all the layers, then they connect with The Light and they don't have to come back anymore. This happens to righteous people, and then they go to what we call heaven or paradise," explained Uri.

I then opened up my Bible and showed him the main Messianic Prophecies and how Yeshua fulfilled all of them proving that He is the Jewish Messiah, and the sin atonement that Uri needs in order to have everlasting life.

Wouldn't it have been wonderful if the Messianic Prophecy Bible was completed and I could have left one with Uri and given them out to the people who walked into the Kaballistic Center?

A few hours later, I went to a gym/health spa to exercise - and on a sign it said, "Our indoor and outdoor spa integrates healing Kaballistic secrets to offer you the fountain of youth."

Kaballah is pervasive in both Israeli society and Jewish communities around the world. You will see flyers posted in libraries, restaurants, public hallways, and just about everywhere advertising Kaballistic classes and books to read.

The following day I was back in Jerusalem and I walked passed a store called Olam Katan (in Hebrew means "small world") - Spiritual Books and World Music. I was greeted by the owner, Reuven, who invited me in and told me about classes he holds on various subjects of Kabbalah.

Many of the books in the store were on Kabbalah and the Zohar. There were even more books based on Hinduism, Buddhism, and all types of eastern religious philosophies which is the basis of the New Age Movement.

Right away I told the store owner that I was a believer in Yeshua. "Really, well we have books on Jesus too," Reuven said, as he led me to another section of the store while he kept talking . . . "You know, Jesus was a great spiritualist and miracle healer, so I have many books about Jesus."

I must say that I was appalled! One of the books was called, "Jesus the Magician," another was called, "Was Jesus influenced by Buddhism," another "The Imitation of Christ," and the list went on and on.

The reality is that Kabbalah, the Zohar, and all these books are based on eastern religions and not on Biblical Judaism.

In the Messianic Prophecy Bible we will address issues such as reincarnation and refute the doctrines of Kabbalah and New Age teaching, as we prove that Yeshua fulfilled the Messianic Prophecies, and that He takes away the sins of the world.

There is overwhelming proof that the Jewish people are open to "spiritual things" because millions of them believe in Kabbalah and other Jewish books and teachings. The problem is that they are not hearing the Gospel Message because Christians who know the truth, are not taking it to them.

The Apostle Paul says in Romans 11, it is the responsibility of the Gentile Christians to make the Jewish people envious of their salvation in Yeshua (Jesus):

"Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!" Romans 11:11-12

I want you to know that many non-Jews who are also studying Kabbalah such as movie star Demi Moore and singers Mick Jagger, Britney Spears, and Madonna, are influencing Jewish people to study the Zohar. Madonna, who recently visited Israel to attend Kabbalah seminars, has already spent $6.5 million on a Kabbalah Center in London's Old Jewish area as well as $21.6 million on funding a Kabbalah Grammar School in New York. Madonna is influencing many Jewish people away from the truth of Messiah Yeshua.

However, with your financial support you can influence the Jewish people by spreading the truth through the Messianic Prophecy Bible and help bring Salvation (Yeshua) to the people of Israel. We simply need to get Messianic Prophecy Bibles printed and distributed to Jewish people throughout the world. Please make the best gift you can, and consider sponsoring a chapter of this urgently-needed Bible.

    With all my brotherly love in Messiah Yeshua, 

    Zev Isaacs


See the 365 Messianic Prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, here

God is Spirit and Light.  See Bible references showing Jesus as God also.  The same substance & light as the Father.